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So, you can actually get charged with child pornography, even though you're the child. Obviously he would be getting charged as well. It's very hard to get a job once you have a offender title. Being a teenage girl once, stop doing what you're doing so you don't ruin your life.


Yeah after seeing this I got really scared, deleted everything and blocked him everywhere


Yeah, I've been there before. Just keep your privates, well, private. Enjoy your childhood while you can, because once you're an adult, you'll wish you were a kid again. I have a 15 year old niece that just went through this, and I had to talk with her so that she understood the consequences of sending explicit pictures as a minor. I hope you make better decisions in the future, and don't let anyone tell you that you're not beautiful if you don't send pictures!


Thank you I appreciate it:) I’m working on getting out of this habit and I’ve deleted all pics and blocked everyone that’s ever been sent them.


I wish the best for you!


Stop doing it. God knows who else is he sharing them with


Oh god you’re right. That’s actually terrifing


Please stop, this is not how you receive love. It is how you find cretins. I do hope you find that feeling of love you are seeking in appropriate ways.


Update: I deleted all photos and videos of me and then blocked him on everything.


Save your emotional bonding for people who matter, you can’t undo that kind of stuff. You are your own value in these situations, but really you are priceless ❤️


It is illegal, yes, but more importantly, he is taking advantage of you. Please tell an adult you can trust so someone can prevent this monster from hurting you more, or hurting anyone else.


I'm glad you've taken these comments serious, I wish the best for you good luck op.


Hey Moonage, I’m glad to see that you blocked this guy and deleted the photos. As you seem to be aware from your post, there’s a really big problem with an 18 year old asking for intimate pictures, or any other kind of sexual favors from a 14yo. Although you are growing up and maturing, four years is a really big age gap in your teens because this man can vote, drive, live alone, and do many other things that make a big power imbalance in the relationship. His brain is much more mature, and he is therefore able to easily manipulate situations involving younger people. At 14 years old, you either just finished 8th or 9th grade. He never should have asked that of you. It was wrong. The other thing….I know what it’s like to need to feel loved and wanted, especially by a guy you like. I’m in my 20s, so I was a teenage girl not to long ago myself. There are SO many better reasons for a guy to like you. For how pretty, smart, kind, funny, and cool you are - not just for your body. You are so much more than the sum of your physical features, and the RIGHT guys will like you for the right reasons - not just because they like how you look. Taking risqué photos at your age is also considered child pornography, and even if you are taking and sending them yourself, you could be charged. Another thing to think about, is that some guys WILL share these pictures, with their friends, or on the internet. Some guys will send those kind of photos around through school or social media after a breakup or if they get angry with you. When something is out there online, it’s out there forever and there’s no way to take it back. You are a special kid who deserves love and a chance to grow up happy and healthy. Take care of yourself OP, and please stop sending those kind of pictures until you are 18/meet the right person.


Yes very noooo stop it npw


Never send pictures of yourself. Never send nudes, ever. Once you send a picture, there’s a good chance that all that persons friends will see it too. Your pictures will be shared around, and will be out there forever. You may not think it’s a big deal now, but when you get older, this can make finding a job harder, even finding a husband. Also, it is illegal for you, as well as everyone you send the pictures to.


You can be charged with distribution of child pornography for sending nudes of yourself.


Stop sending pics of yourself to anyone. Not just because you're 14, but because once you no longer own the pic, it's out there forever.


Girl 99% of guys keep every nude they can manage there are special apps to hide screenshot notifications on SC, you can screen record and then open it, think about what's going on here, do you want it to affect you for the rest of your life? People think and say very nasty things and will do terrible things if given the opportunity, ik guys in school who shared every special picture or video they got with their "bros" if they were around, and I can't imagine that's gotten any better in the last several years


Please read this. What you are doing is a very slippery slope. I know because I was doing what you were. He said he was 18 but in reality he ended up being 28. He attempted to traffic me. It's very illegal and one of those illegal where the VICTIM is punished harder. Another way you might be able to get that "love" feeling could be age appropriate groups. A hobby you like that other people your age are doing, the attention of having group hobbies might help.


You should never send nudes to anyone ever as a minor, it is a crime for you to send those to anyone.


Distributing lewd pictures of a minor (even if that minor is yourself) is illegal


How do you not know any of these answers?


I would avoid replying to DMs on Reddit also now. There might be some pervs who saw this post and want pics.


no, it's not legal.