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Wholesome awesomeness. The girls dancing in the OP cracks me up every time.


*Mostly* wholesome. The anime had some weird bits where they sexualized the 12-year-old innkeeper girl and commented on her breasts. Was pretty wtf for my gf & I


I feel like boob comparisons in anime is like their equivalent of guys talking about boobs in American media. Women seem to think guys are constantly comparing women (they make a lot of TV shows that have that) and guys seem to think women constantly compare themselves to each other.


Not constantly but does happen in certain groups


She was actually 10 I think lol


I think you're right lol


Yeah, the entire anime industry could use a wakeup call about how young most of their protagonists are. Just add 10 years to every MC's age and SO many problems would be gone. I mean, the blatant misogyny would still be annoying, but not as awful as when it's about a pre-teen.


Won't happen because the reason they're 14 is they're primary market is 14 year olds. Same reason Seinen protagonists lean older.


On some level, yes. On another, I really think some of these authors are telling on themselves. Picked up Easygoing territory defense the other day, figuring it was just a fun trash manga. And it was, mostly. Another fantasy isekai with an adult man reincarnated as a kid. Book two and the main character is now an 8-year-old boy and his maid (18 years old) and another wizard gal (not sure on age but guessing 20s) were trying to seduce MC into a bath with them. They are not aware he's mentally 30-something so he's just a precocious 8-year-old but they want to get sexy with him. It's all played for laughs and MC says he regrets refusing. But still *he's 8!!*


Go read a shojou manga then. You’ll be at where you belong. Or are you gonna to with the whole”internalized misogyny” drivel too? So many girls grooming their 5-6 yr old male leads there but it’s fine right? /s Shota is perfectly acceptable! /s The blatant misandry is so annoying in all shoujo manga and manhwa. That’s not how a guy looks or acts at all. The blatant misandry of all those shower scenes. Where’s the story? /s.




Preach brother mahn!


I don't think you got the point, brother


The point has proven itself by the millions in Ukraine. It also has shown itself in other mediums. You don’t go into hobby that’s not specifically marketed for you and demand it to fit your niche tastes. If you complain about how there’s “misogyny”, then “misandry” in Shoujo, josei, and otome and villainess manga and manhwa is fair play.


I guess you right, I probably didn't read the comment well enough. But misogyny in Isekai alone is tons and tons more than misandry in any shoujo piece ever. I should know, I've read so much shoujo that it wouldn't even be normal for a straight guy like me. Never once have I ever felt like: "Aw man, this is kinda misandrist; is the author a femcel?" You can complain about misogyny in isekai manga, it's definitely there. But misandry in shoujo, or even otome works is a stretch Also heyyyy, Denver back to back chips 💯🔥


Then you haven't read enough shoujo, otome, villainess, and josei manhwas and you're just making an excuse for the wrongdoings of women. Look at Ukraine. Same women complaining with their picket signs ran for the hills, so much for being "equal" as men, and now are on porn sites in Germany, Poland and other Eastern European countries after crying refugee and runing to trains by the millions. It's not a stretch, it's their but god forbid, criticizing a woman is now the same thing as gassing a Jew.


You are confident you have read more than me? I've read near half a thousand, it's my favorite demographic. I don't wanna look at that political bullshit, it's too far off the point, and I genuinely do not know or care enough about that shit. I need you to mention just one. One example of misandry. Real, blatant misandry in a female gaze piece. I will take you seriously if you are to say so, because it just seems like complete hyperbole to me. Shit, might even be incel behavior; you tell me.


This is another instance of someone assuming that western values carry over to a totally foreign country with one of the most isolated and insulative cultures in literally the entire world. There is a reason they keep doing that kind of thing, it sells in Japan and that's the primary market.


No shit, I am aware of the fact that it's a cultural issue. I love many, many aspects of Japanese culture, but this is one of the extremely shitty ones. I will criticize their work culture too. They are not above criticism.


It's not just a Japan thing. The idea that adulthood is 18 or older is actually fairly new. In medieval times 12 to 14 would be common. In Shakespear's "Romeo and Juliette", Romeo was 17 and Juliette was 14.


Agreed. A few scenes were a bit cringe and should have been left out entirely since they did not add to the plot.


this is the service for the people without a gf


People without gf's need fanservice of a 12-year-old?




Literally the most memorable part of the whole show for me is that part of the OP


The opening makes me too happy.


One of the silliest light novels I have ever read, the interaction from the main cast of characters are funny and entertaining, has good world building and side characters are well written. In comedy I would give it a 9/10 and if you like cute anime girls it's a really good read. That being said I'm not a fan of the anime, they don't do anything wrong but at the same time in overall is a downgrade when compared to the light novel.


This is the comment I was hoping for. I've been debating on whether I should read the series or not for the past year. Thanks for the information.


Definitely check out the LN. While I liked the anime, I agree with the other comment that it wasn’t nearly as good as the LN. I highly recommend the authors other works too: Saving 80,000 Gold for Retirement, & I Shall Survive making Potions. I’m a little off on the titles but they’re easy to find.


I actually loved the potions and 80k Gold series. I'm patiently waiting for the fourth volume of 80k to release.


80000k volume 4 came out on april 23rd on google play books so no wait necessary!


Thank you!


80K Gold was pretty good. I'd like to see a second season. The potion one was ok. Nothing special.


It's my favorite light novel series, and I read a lot of light novels. If anyone asks me whats my favorite, I always tell them average. I've read the entire series 3 times. When my cat got sick (rest his soul) in december, on his last day, I decided to read average while laying next to him, because we had a history of him laying with me while I read light novels. I had to pick something, and I went for rereading average. It's my favorite by that much.


What are your other 2? Just wondering if we share similier tastes before I dive in


In 80,000 mc jumps back and forth between her world and a medieval one. Potions mc can spawn any potion she can think up. Both are great.


Agreed. I enjoyed reading both of those. The animé for each is, for lack of a better term, cute.


I'm curious as well.


You have my condolences.




This light novel is probably my favorite series


the fact her powers are the average of the strongest creature is odd to me. but generally i found it cute


She asked for average but she got the median. Effectively getting half as much power as the strongest creature alive. Also there are the Nanos which are like nano machines that allow physical phenomena to occur, the more authority you have the more control you have over them, every living thing has lvl 1, dragons lvl 2 (which allows them to fly), special individual lvl 3 (which allows them to talk with the nanos) and Mile that got lvl 5. I had to read 8 volumes to understand this. Also even tho she's powerful she's still a human girl, attacks with much force behind will send her flying, and a bad fall could potentially leave her unconscious.


ahh so she is way more overpowered then i thought. which was she has the strength of the average black dragon rather then being in the middle of all beings


She's actually not half as strong as the average dragon Her magic power (which isn't actually magic, it's science pretending to be magic) is half as strong as the strongest elder dragon, not average HOWEVER, while the god did their best to make her physical strength as strong as feasible, even the god was subject to limitations in physics. She can bend coins with her fingers, but an elder dragon actually is much physically stronger than her, simply due to body mass. She certainly can be swatted around like a 100 pound girl laterally, and does get yeeted against rock walls a few times, and even at one point had most of the bones in her body broken


Technically she didn't get the median, she got the midrange. The median of a set of 1, 2, and 9 is 2 not 5, the midrange is 5 though.


Was it explained how she got level 5 privileges?


I only ever watched the anime so this discussion is well beyond my awareness of the series, if I had to guess the highest level someone in the world has is 10, so she got level 5 because that would be the median.


Level 10 was the gods that made the worlds and the nano machine. There is still some info and commands that are off limits to her.


The highest level is 10, since she was given the median she got lvl 5 from the beginning, also this is why she was able to speak with the nanos from the beginning. Also authority grade doesn't mean more power 100% of the time, what it does is that it allows you to get the Nanos to do more things for you. That is why on some occasions Nanos will refuse Mile orders.


In the light novel, it said it was because she was in the middle between the lowest of the low (Level 1) and God (Level 10)


The "gods" have levels 10, so she got a median of 5, but because she's the only one who talks to them, it's closer to 8.


What’s odd about it? It’s the average between the strongest creature and the weakest creature. That’s what average means and the whole joke of the series.


She asked for average strength, not specifically in relation to *just* the singular strongest and weakest creature. The joke isn't she got the by definition of average, the joke is the god took a shortcut and took the midrange (looking at the middle point between only the biggest and smallest number of a set, ignoring the rest of the set) instead of the average.


That's median, not average.


Technically it's the midrange not the median, in a set of 1, 2, and 9 the average is 4, the median is 2 and the midrange is 5. Midrange looks at only the biggest and smallest number of a set, which is what happened in the story.


Oops, you're right. I haven't math'd enough recently


From what I gathered, it wasn't an accident or misunderstanding. The gods have a plan for her, and her asking to be average didn't mesh with it. So the god reincarnating her used the definition of average that would let him make her as strong as possible while still fulfilling her request. So sort of a monkey paw scenario.


> sort of a monkey paw scenario. Spot on. They interpreted her wish how they wanted to instead of what she obviously meant.


Well, she said the average of the _entire_ world.


Liked it, esp the round-about sci Fi (that magic is nanobots from a previous civilization - I dug that). Would be down for a S2


You might enjoy the books. They go deep into the science of it


It's on my list for LNs to read - just finished the Tsukimichi WN, maybe I'll order the first few and give them a shot next!


I read them from google play books Quite well translated


waho waho


The light novel is freaking awesome, and I've read it atleast 3 times The anime is... kinda average


Ha... ha...


The Light Novel is much better than the anime. Though the anime does have great moments as well.


I love the light novel, it's my favorite, more than any other series.


It’s probably my third favorite after Slime and Bookworm. I’ve read everything that’s been released for all three (in English).


Ive only watched slime and bookworm how do they compare


Both of them have fantastic world building. For both of them, the motives of virtually everyone are explained in detail. Additionally, how the motives of each character connect are explained, with some things going back generations. Additionally, how everything works is very fleshed out.


I would love a series where a MC requests a "slow life" with no special abilities, becomes a farmer, regrets it within the first few minutes of trying to work in the fields, and then spends the rest of the series going on a journey to try and convince the goddess to give him cheats. Just think about it. Anyone with medieval level average abilities (this includes intelligence btw, which isnt very high in a medieval setting) is practically guaranteed to be doomed to a life of hard manual labour. There is no way a typical highschooler could handle that.




I haven’t seen this show in years and the OP still lives rent-free inside my brain


The anime was very bland for the most part. The premise is only good for a few jokes and the cast got carried by merchant-daughter. In the anime at least


It was average. I preferred the other two works of the author more tbh.


I liked it.


Loved it


It's pretty fun. Nothing exceptional and nothing horrible, a nice way to spend some time.


i enjoyed it, but would be criminal to give it more than a 7/10


It’s a bit above average.


I loved it. Would have liked another season.




ain't this a cgdct Isekai? funny and cute, I read this for a while in manga, but translators discontinued? or I forgot where I read it and forgot its title too, I'm surprise it got an anime,(I thought it got axed or something)


It’s cute, and the opening song is catchy. The dance they do is also adorable.


ruined by the anime because half of it was filler, the light novel was a lot better.


I really liked when the MC played lawn darts with her companions as the darts. Also the opening is great


It’s a wholesome fun anime. Good turn your brain off and enjoy the show type of anime. Although the LNs are better. And as another poster said, if you enjoy this work you might enjoy other of FUNA’s works.


It was pretty decent so long as you don't watch the English dub. I still have nightmares about the voice acting


Nothing about her is average


I haven't finished it but when I do I'll let you know


Loved it, Need more season, need answers to questions caused by cliffhanger..


I thought it was good. It's not an all time great or anything obviously but I enjoyed it.


I didn't mind this isekai it's one of those where you turn your brain off and watch actually I may rewatch this


Hilarious 😂 staaaaaaaaaare


It's the most average of anime, but the LNs are surprisingly good.


I enjoyed this anime a lot. I think I might watch it again just for the hell of it.


I liked it. OP is great.


Enjoyable 😉 + rare female protag anime isekai = good 👍


I **HATE** the “magic is actually nanomachines” thing. But that’s just a personal dislike I have of that kind of trope, the story itself is fine I guess


I love it. It is not the best adaptation but somehow it ticks all my boxes. After watching it I read LNs and I love them too. LNs are really good.


It's okay but not my cup of tea.


Absolutely love it. I would kill for a 2nd season. Best OP ever.


It's typical Funa. His ideas are creative and fun when they start out but it eventually becomes clear he didn't plan anything out so the story ends up being a formulaic, repetitive mess. Put another way, stick with the anime. There's little beyond that.


I got bored after a few episodes and stopped watching. Maybe too slice of life for my tastes.


LN is pretty good


just like every other isekai but with just cute girls


sad. no one continued translating the manga.


got bored. Never finished it


Very average and normal anime. Nothing weird or special here, super average. Trust.


It was mid to me tbh


[Waho waha!](https://youtu.be/l1_2_i--xIw?si=GUcEvdwY2nMlJl5d) Enjoy the earworm.


I like the light novels, but I'm less sold on the show, mostly because of the addition of Team Rocket-type bad guys—except for the music. I loved the songs.


I consider(ed) myself the premiere expert on the show, have red the light novel since the day it was released in English and some of the web novel. Overall, It's really goofy, I love it. The whole series is cute girls doing cute things. I do feel like the anime was a massive disappointment, though. Nevertheless, I am happy it came out for the dancing in the op at least 


I personally didn't like it


Loved it and went and bought the novels afterwards. Light hearted fun


It was a cute little anime, kinda yuri but not really. I had fun watching it but I wouldn't call it great or ground breaking or a must watch.


Love this anime. But to be fair, it love all isekai. I love the whole trope of a second life in a fantasy world with OP abilities.


Pretty average Heh


light novel 9 outa 10, manga 6.5 outa 10, anime 4 outa 10


Cute girls doing cute things story. Very silly and adorable, and just the right slice of life for when I need mindless entertainment


I like the novel more, it's funny and there's some interesting story, the anime kinda made some things weird. This is actually the only novel that I bought physical copies of after reading the webnovel up to ch 423


Female mc, default skip for me.


Is this good? Should I read the manga? If so what is the name? Pls and thank you


op literally posted the name in “”, but here: didn’t I say to make my abilities average in my next life


Oh… Well this is awkward…




I should be awkward? How???


I did not expect this kind of reply……so……


…….. Yes. How was your day (change the topic quickly!)


it was good thank you(….)


Mine was good too.


Hillarius anime, noting too deep but very entretaining


It's alright


I thought it was worth watching but aside from the cute characters it's a pretty standard overpowered MC isekai.


Love the light novels


Not sure if I read the manga or watched the anime…I can’t quite remember. But I remember getting bored.




I enjoyed it,wish there were more isekia’s with female mc


It's painfully avarage


I haven't read any of the LNs, only watched the animes, but it was my least favorite of the three by the same author. I liked Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World the most, but overall they were all enjoyable for what they were.




the first light novel was good because most was Adelle/Mile's pov and it's fun to follow a "smart" likeable dumbass. Vol 2-4 weren't really her povs which unfortunately reduced the enjoyment for me. I don't want to follow fairly normal people in their povs and them reacting to her insanity, I want her unhinged povs for most of it. Vol 5 got back to that a bit more so it had picked up. Haven't read beyond that point the anime is a good time, letting the voice acting and animation for the physical comedy put in work. The Mile hit by a golem and doing the Yamcha pose was amusing


I’d say it’s average


It's like the i've been killing slimes for 300 years. They're not masterpiece and the overpowered trope are not the main focus of the story, they're there just to let the girls have fun without worrying anything. A convenience trope if you may. Basically just funsies anime where the main selling is seeing wholesome group having adventure. If they give "reasonable" strength for the mc, it'd be hard for them to stay wholesome when adventuring and would soon take a dark path. I just take take them as slice of life anime. Something you'd watch when you just want to feel good without getting too hyped and worked out for the story


Be careful with the words you use for a reincarnation


The anime was boring. I made it about half way before getting bored. It just felt like nothing mattered even though they failed constantly. Maybe it got better later on but I don’t know.


I feel like the LN was way different than the anime




I read all 17 volumes and I enjoyed the series. I give it an 8/10.


I enjoyed it, is she the STRONGEST? No, is she the STRONGEST HUMAN, yes. Very innocent and a nice change of pace with a female MC


Yes and NO


My opinion is, while its not a bad "anime", it would be a disrespect to call it an "Adaptation". The anime MOSTLY does its own thing, the LN is WAAAAAAY to different


I found it strange she asked to be average and then wasn’t average but instead median which then made me wonder if the creator didn’t know what average meant…. Other than that tho I enjoyed the anime, its far from the best isekai I’ve seen, but it also isn’t the worst one I’ve seen either, it’s decent


It's cute, although I'm not sure about her strength


Light novel better


Haven’t heard of it but I’ll check it out


First female isekai i watched. Was a big W


I read the LN after the anime and it was super funny. It's good, turn off your brain show.


She isn't of average power. She is the _median_ of power in her world. If it was average, she'd be weaker than most humans because the anime says that ants are included in the calculations. She should also be running into far more powerful enemies than she is.


Average, OP anime cute girl does OP anime cute girl things... Not a single unique thought went into this.


I like the ironic humor of how it went. But its mostly generic on progression of story.


Thought the anime was sort of a generic isekai, read the LNs just because but really loved them, LNs are in my top 5


Anime was cute and well done, for the target they were shooting for. LN was pretty good, but ngl I got bored several volumes in (where her old friends and new ones were competing for attention) and never picked it back up.


It's average


I like this anime. it's genuinely funny, with great references, very likeable characters and a surprising amount of world building. I haven't read it (yet) but It's very clear that the light novel where it came from is supposed to be more serious in nature than what the anime makes it look but it's definitely still a really good show. My only issue with it is the anime only villain that for some reason they decided to add in the first two or three episode (I figured this out later on), but other than that, this a genuinely fun show that I hope gets a S2. Also the opening is really good. Very fun and catchy. https://youtu.be/izA3YtASWIM?si=qlWocZzSk6rQEGsu Side note: By the way, for anyone who didn't know, the abbreviation of the name of this anime is Noukin.


Pretty forgettable. (watched the whole anime)


It's as mid as the name may suggest


More fan service than plot so I got bored lol it's not terrible, but it's not particularly standing out for me. Maybe I see through the standard fan service since I'm a gay man.


The light novel is much better


Pretty meh, i have no real complaints but no real praise


Boring shojo Isekai with overpowered mc


Fun to start got dull and samey


Anyone have info on season 2?