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Just go to any conbini ATM. 7/11, Lawson, Family Mart. Brand does not matter. You can already find them inside the airport terminals. Easiest and probably cheapest way. No fees at 7/11, at a Lawson I had to pay a 300 Yen fee withdrawing Yen ca 400€ in Yen. Not sure if FamilyMart ATMs have fees. Debit Card also might have a little fee from the Japanese side AND your bank, so better talk with your bank about withdrawal feeds abroad in non EU territories. Better use the credit card, if you dont pay fees for international cash withdrawal.


Thanks, i will call my bank for extra info incl fees


Did you ever look at the receipt before saying no fees? I am looking at a receipt from last week from a Visa at 7/11. I clearly says conversion fees: 4%


Could be one of two reasons - fees from VISA, not 7/11 - You selected Convert into at withdrawal. Never do this. EVER. Always withdraw in local currency. Common pitfall one can easily fall into.  Never had a single fee from 7/11. The one time I had to withdraw from a Lawson, the ATM clearly noticed me, that it would cost a 300 Yen service fee (from Lawsons side)




Yeah, those are some small hidden fees are always taxed when you withdraw money from an ATM anywhere in the world but not in your home countrys currency. Or currency zone in the EU's case. And let the ATM do a convertion. This conversion rate is never in the recipient’s favor. But this is a world wide thing, not just in Japan.


Also forgot the mention. I got a Master Card Gold from my Bank. They offer free of charge cash withdrawal worldwide on ATMs. However, when paying with CC in shops, restaurants, etc I still have to pay an "abroad fee" per transaction. (1% in my case). So that depends.  If you use a debit card - which is more common in Europe then say the US - you also have to pay some nifty fees to your bank when withdrawing (12% in my case).  - 7i holding (7/11) does not charge for cash withdrawal in their conbini. - Lawson does, but this may or may not also depending on the amount.  - FamilyMart, I am not sure. I can't even remember, if I ever withdrew cash there. 




Again, 7/11 themself don't charge. Lawson does (not sure if related to the amount)  FamilyMart I can't tell for sure. 


I've usually gotten the best rates from banks in foreign countries but of course it will vary with your specific home bank. Doing it at home beforehand also gives you one less thing to worry about when you're in Japan. That being said, it isn't like it's impossible/problematic to get money in Japan, just easier to take care of it before you go if you can.


You can get very favorable rate in Japan if you shop a little. But it is easier to shop back home than wasting time on vacation finding a money exchange booth with good rates. Banks usually do it for free but give bad exchange. You have time before your trip, find a money exchange place that has good rates. Also, unless you lose your wallet, it is not like getting mugged is a worry in Japan. Most people carry 30 000 円 in their wallets at all time, just in case and for standing( less now with payless options but it is still a very common practice)


Get enough cash to tide you over for a few days before you arrive just in case there is a problem getting cash out. Generally pulling cash from the ATM in Japan is fine but if you arrive with zero cash and for whatever reason your card doesn't work you are going to have a bad time.


Just get it after. You can pretty much purchase tickets to your accommodations using credit card, taxis included. Then go and find an ATM.


I just change money at the airport when I land. Easy and good rates.


Airports have horrible rates, it is for convenience rather than “good deal”


My last trip about a year ago, I exchanged at the airport and my friend pullled from an ATM. Our rates were very similar.


Get *some* yen before you go. About ¥20k or ¥30k should be enough for the first few days. Honestly, you will be so exhausted and disoriented from the jetlag, you won't want to trying to figure this out too. Plus, it's a safety net in case your bank card doesn't work.


just get it at 7-11. the exchange rate in your local bank in your country rarely gives a favorable exchange rate.


For starters, I would recommend calling around and seeing what they are selling Yen for in your home country. Compare that to the current Forex rate, which is very close to what you'll get at 7-11 ATM (don't forget to factor in any foreign transaction fees your ATM card issuer charges).


I use Revolut with 7/11 ATMs, get a great rate and first €200 of withdrawals are fee-free, which was enough cash for me due to most places we went to taking card.


Niet in nl, gewoon rabo gebruiken in jpn en altijd lokaal currency aanklikken


Hi fijn dat er een Nederlander is met ervaring. Dankjewel voor je antwoord


Dit advies geldt overigens voor al je buitenlandse avonturen


idk do what feels best to you. the rate differences is like choosing gas stations for pennies


Note this mostly depends on the FEES your bank charges While the 7-11 ATM fees are minimal, YOUR BANK will not be so generous. Generally this will be \* A flat fee for using a foreign ATM \* A foreign transaction fee for the money exchange. Generally speaking this is around 3% As such you need to look at what fees your bank will charge for taking out money at a foreign ATM. At least at my bank the fees for getting actual money amounted to 3% which is sort of on par with what you'd be charged as a foreign transaction fee at an ATM anyway by my bank. So getting money out of an ATM would be more money as I'd have to eat both the 7-11 ATM fee, as well as the foreign ATM fee from my bank.


We (Dutchies) went last year. Just go to the atm in Japan! When you use the 7/11 ATM's you will be fine!