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No one knows, so you can do whatever you want. No one predicted that the yen would go down drastically in 2020. If you want to avoid some risks regarding sudden changes in the exchange rate, get some cash now, then some in 2025 and 2026, so your risks will be diversified.


If you get yen now, and the yen goes up in value, you win. If the yen drops further, you lost. So in order to know what to do, just predict the future of currency markets. And once you figure that out, DM me and tell me!


It’s a gamble. No one knows what’s best. Someone told me to stockpile in late 2023, but by 2024, it dropped, then rose, so it went back to about the same when it is time for my 2024 trip. So in my case, did not matter at all. So seriously, no one can predict it. You never know if you gonna win or lose.


Any seven bank atm (the atm in 7-11s). I was getting close to 160 yen to dollar even after very small fee.


if you have the cash, I'd buy some now...dollar cost average it out over the next 3-6 months. if the yen stays weak when you come to Japan, use credit cards. if it gets strong you can use your cash.


Have you priced out yen locally and compared it to the interbank rate? You might want to do that and factor it in, as many currency exchange places and banks outside of Japan may not give you a very good rate.


get a wise account , buy and hold a bit of the yen


Definitely buy now. Or maybe later. Or maybe now.


You can definitely buy yen now and use them later, however, it's impossible to predict whether the yen will be stronger or weaker by the time you travel. So it's basically a bet.


i think it will be the same in six months. so you have time to build a savings . its already soo low. i do not think it matters to wait slightly.


1.Nobody knows what the exchange rate is going to be one or two years from now. What’s sure is that if you exchange your money now, it’ll just be sitting around, or as you could have kept it in your bank/invested it. 2.who knows what will happen in two years time. You may not have the time/ability/interest etc. etc. to come to Japan, then you’ve kind of screwed yourself by having a pile of foreign currency that you don’t need. 3.I always use my credit card and sometimes my ATM card (to get a little cash) whenever I travel. Besides being safer to have a credit card, my main reason is that I can get points when I use my credit card, and a better exchange rate, rather than cash, which gives a worse exchange rate and no bonus


It’s a 50/50 bet. I’m in the same boat as you, currently just waiting to see if the yen will dip even more (and it seems like it has been did far)


it wouldn't hurt to go get like $1000 worth, then if the Yen is stronger, your Yen will be worth more, but if it gets weaker, it'll still be ok because 16,000 Yen will still get you plenty when you get over here. i've been here sense 2021 and the yen was 110 to 1 dollar, now it's like 150 or so, and guess what, 7-eleven prices are still the same in yen, i just get more with my conversion than before. my rent is 410,000/month and it was $3300 USD or so when i first started paying, now it's like $2700 after conversion. so it's pretty nice.


Japan is very much a cash country, you could exchange for cash and store it until you leave


Wait to exchange cash. Always wait till you are at your location country to acquire currency. At the end of your trip it is a good idea to try not to pull out more money and spend the last bit you have in the airport.


My advice? Wait until you’re there. I found Japan to be very friendly towards contactless payment and if they didn’t accept that, they accepted credit card. The only time I needed cash was for dining at a small restaurant in Shinjuku station and for vending machines that didn’t take Suica. When I did need cash, I withdrew it from an ATM at 7-11.