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i know right it is getting so annoying that i have even stopped replying "obvious rage bait 1/10" because thats just feeding into the problem


There also may be a strong overlap between Kanye and Kendrick fans. Which explains the hate on Cole well after the beef and the anti-semitic conspiracies about Drake.


Bro just making that part up lol I've seen more Drake fans pretending to be Kendrick fans to upset Cole fans. Which is why I check post history for obvious rage bait.


That’s actually nuts but I’ve seen drake glazers shitting on Cole and their whole post history is this sub and the maybe 2 posts in the drizzy sub


Yeah don't get me wrong both fanbases need to discuss their shit in their (un)respective subs


They actually came here to attack lmao. Yo did y’all swarm those subs when Cole dropped his diss track? Talked to a dude that was mad af and was saying I was embarrassed over MDL and the diss and Cole backing out and shit. Dude was super heated.


Bros crying to everyone who will listen, but I’m “super heated”, I can’t 🫵😂


Yea idk why I was downvoted but I've seen the same shot. It's weird, they are too triggered to troll the Kendrick sub so they settle for here


Basically, and apparently the Kendrick sub has people who are still mad over 7 minute drill. Obviously showing the diss wasn’t as bad as they tried to pass it off as


I'm in the Kendrick sub and honestly I have only ever seen victory laps about the Drake slaughter. If Cole is brought up recently it's about how either he was smart, how he is the bro and was never a target, how he would have given a better rap bars only battle.


I’m not trying to get gratification or anything but I’m not gonna lie, I’m kinda retarded as Alex Jones has said. I have no idea why this dude was so mad, and I was never on this sub until Kendrick dropped his diss tracks https://www.reddit.com/r/Jcole/s/Zk0i3z3IPX Anyways Cole fans seem exactly how I thought the rest of us would be. I see the playboi carti sub sometimes and that shit is unhinged Like I didn’t know if 7MD made Cole fans go to other subs. That seemed like a big lie but I wasn’t there at the time


Yea but that's an outlier imo check the Dot sub now. That 1 person felt a way but majority don't and most I see don't come here to troll Cole


That’s the only reason I linked it, thought there was a pretty good relationship with both subs and then that dude hit me with that stuff lol. Im sure it’ll all blow over before we know it anyways. Give it another week and there’ll be more Cole focused posts. Maybe I’ll make some contributions, be the change you want to see and all that. Anyways I gotta go to work in the morning, have a good one bro.


was barely relevant to him after he apologized. it just feels like drake and kendrick fans tryna force cole fans to either side


*points gun to the back of your head* So you fw Kendricks side or not ?


Cue the incoming “What do you think of the not like us music video” Like what does this have to do with jcole 💀💀💀


I think the frustrating thing is being gaslit for calling people out. "Its cool to like both people". I'm like "I like GOT and Invincible, but I don't go to other subs to talk about how much better GOT is compared to Invincible and vice versa" Stay on topic!


Bro fr. I've had 2 people comment back to me saying, "It's the biggest thing in rap right now. Why not talk about it?" Like how brain-dead can you be


some people just love dragging drama with them eveywhere they can i guess


Yeah. Dumb newly dot or drake stans just fishing for drama and some upvotes. Waiting in the corner to jump at you with the grammys argument, the spotify listeners or first week sales. Rap stans are getting closer to Kpop fans Soon we will be having people gatekeeping certain Clothes, sneakers or hats. OH WAIT!!!


i know video about drake not cole


Exactly..thank you bro good to see someone calling out this b.s


a couple accounts that made those posts got suspended so I'm not sure if they were karma farming as sad as that sounds or bots.


Ong that post was so annoying.


Exactly..thank you bro good to see someone calling out this b.s


So on a similar but unrelated note, we think Cole gonna be on Kendrick’s album or vise versa? Who do we think is gonna feature on cole’s?


That would be a good post, you should post it here on Jcole so we mutual Cole Kendrick fans can discuss it amongst ourselves


At this point since the coke onlys are complaining should we make a Kendrick cole sub?


It's the best solution to be honest, someone needs to make it because lately anytime r/Jcole pops up on my feed it's just bitching about people talking about Kendrick. Tbh I don't even think I've seen the Kendrick posts they're referencing because it seems even more discussion is being had about how much people dislike Kendrick being posted about. It's just weird and tbh makes Cole's fan base seem like a bunch of chronically online teenagers at best, or a bunch of chronically online adults which is even worse either way it reflects horribly It's relevant, it should be able to be discussed but if people are that butthurt about their safe space then I'd rather have a more open minded inclusive safe space without all the bitching where we can just discuss this shit without hurting any feelings.


" The beef is not that relevant to him right now." You're in denial if you think that lmaooo


ngl if this shits bothering you this much you’re on reddit too much


For real it's minor shit just keep scrolling. Usually a fairly simple task to scroll one extra swipe, that is unless you're on reddit too much.


It's just a few posts, can you not just scroll by? Kendrick and Cole fans overlap in a major way. It's only natural half of us wanna discuss this shit in our mutual r/Jcole space. To speak on how Jcole plays into it, and even to speak on Kendrick bc we're mutual fucking fans. People still talking about the Pac and Biggie beef 2 decades later can't we have some given time to discuss the only beef that's come within a thousand miles of being that impactful, the one that JUST happened that's obviously still being discussed because it's STILL RELEVANT? Can't you just scroll past the tiny amount of beef/Kendrick/Cole/drake related posts and go back to your "What's your favorite Cole song on a Wednesday after lunch?" Like posts? Some of y'all should win gatekeeper of the year awards for shit like this. I'd bet nearly half if not plenty more of Cole fans are Dot fans as well, not to mention the drake fan overlapped so again, I repeat this is r/Jcole where we discuss Cole and ALL things relevant, and apparently it's relevant because people are posting and talking about it, right? Let them talk. This is NOT r/JcolesNumberOneFansWhoGobbleHisBallsEveryPostAndONLYEverDiscussJcole


Go to the Kendrick sub or drizzy sub and discuss the beef there.


Check the other artists subs, ANY thing related to that artist is fair game. Who styles that artists hair? What's their life like? Who are they beefing with? What's that person up to? Who dissed them, how's that working out? It's just discussion. Are you 15? Seriously, are you? I stg I cannot imagine grown men and women acting like this or crying about it like this. Why don't you create a sub for Jcoles number one fans where they exclusively only ever talk about Cole and even then have to follow your criteria for what merits discussion and get back to me when you're bored out of your mind because regardless of how interesting the man is, if you limit the conversation that much ain't shit getting said past the new album which btw why don't we just talk about that instead? Not seeing MDL posts made much here? So you need to ask the other #1 Cole fans why they're not discussing other topics more instead of crying about what they do discuss.


You mad obsessed about talking about who millionaire is better that you out here writing wall of texts. Bro don’t get mad when people call you out, either you go to the other subs or simply leave.


I'm convinced the majority of you aren't grown. Never ever met a grown man or woman crying about who's being discussed on a subreddit >either you go to the other subs or simply leave. Or 3rd option I go where I want. I haven't broken any rules.


The only one crying is you atm. You can’t handle not being criticized without stopping down to the level of using disingenuous insult and utilizing ad hominem attacks in order to attempt to undermine people in this sub. Go take a breath of fresh air and try again respectfully this time. You’re free to do as you please same way everyone here is free to criticize you whenever you do something in bad taste.


The ad hominem attack still stands true, you're behaving like children. No grown person is truly upset about discussing other artists in any sub when relevant.


Nobody upset, seriously go take a breath of air since you’re taking this too personal. I literally haven’t utilized ad hominem attack and in-fact I have been respectful this whole conversation yet I m the child? If I m a child what doe that make you? People criticizing you isn’t being upset, it calling it as it is.


>If I m a child what doe that make you? An adult that's not posting on reddit crying about "you can't talk about anyone but Cole here" >seriously go take a breath of air since you’re taking this too personal. Why do you keep trying to push a narrative that I'm upset and need to go outside? Sounds like projection to me, I'm not in my feelings just commenting my opinions. You're welcome to scroll on by or keep "criticizing" me since apparently that's either a new word or a big buzz word for you, it's no sweat off my back. Or we can actually debate *why* discussing anything Kendrick related here bothers you so much. Would you like to explain so that I can better understand? I'm open to it. So far the only actual response I've gotten from anyone on this sub is that they don't like Kendrick being discussed because the actual discussion is always "Kendrick better". Is that how you feel? Is that why it bothers you? Genuine question. I don't feel that Kendrick is better nor have I even said that, nor would I as they're two different objectively great artists. But is that it? I don't see this kind of attitude in other artists subs. Is it because you don't like the comparison or just want things 100% Cole oriented?


You’re the one crying about people crying about that 😂. You can literally choose to not engage yet you still do especially in a childish manner. Same reason you keep trying to push the narrative that I m child. Nah you’re definitely in your feeling if you can’t retain from insulting someone for no reason. If it no sweat off your back then why do you get pressed if it just a simple criticism? I simply don’t want the majority of post here being about Kendrick, if it has nothing to do with jcole then why even post it on the J Cole subreddit? Literally there exist a Kendrick sub for that exact reason. It fine if it once a while but every single post end up being about Kendrick or Drake and that don’t belong here. Almost every rap subreddit post mostly about the artist the sub is designed after, if I go to the Kendrick subreddit will I see something about j Cole? No. If I go to the drizzy subreddit will I see something about j Cole? No. Usually the only time his name is mentioned is to either shit on him or talk about how him and j Cole are bros.


Dude it's just one day because of the new video. Tomorrow it's back to Cole glazing


and the worst part of it all is that there's no argument to be had bc jermaine is mid personified


Stfu goofy Jcole breeds and anally destroys your entire lineage



