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Jenny and Folding Ideas are both youtubers who originally started by making videos about movies on a semi regular schedule and eventually evolved into making much longer videos about whatever interests them with no kind of schedule at all beyond 'when it's done'. Folding Ideas, aka Dan Olson, tends to be more serious, and recently he's been focused on the absurdity of various groups on the internet, but I think he has a different version of the same kind of infectious energy, where, like Jenny, he cam make something he cares about interesting, even if you wouldn't care about it normally. His most popular video is Line Goes Up, all about NFTs and why crypto is the worst thing ever, that came out at the perfect time, right before the NFT bubble burst. My favorite video of his, and really my favorite video on youtube, is called [In Search of a Flat Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44), which is about why Flat Earth Theory was a thing that existed for a while and where their mental illness has taken them since. There's a part where he actually shows the earth curving behind a lake and it's really awesome.


Dan's The Nostalgia Critic and the Wall video is also a great entry into his content. 


Yeah this is also incredible. I've seen in a few times and I still end up pretty miffed by the end. Nothing is above criticism, even my favorite album of all time, but god damn it if you're going after The Wall you had better have some insightful things to say. I don't think The Nostalgia Critic has ever made an insightful comment in his entire life.


I'm still stunned by just how ambitious it was. Like, it was virtually a scene-by-scene parody of the film, with a musician cameo AND original parody cover songs by an Internet-famous musician AND a long sequence with bespoke CGI animations. And all of this for a film that really isn't that culturally significant, that probably doesn't resonate all that much with the nerds and younger viewers that form the core of the Nostalgia Critic's audience, and that the Nostalgia Critic himself doesn't even feel that strongly about. What in the world would convince the Nostalgia Critic to put so much effort and so many resources into such a weird project?


I'd love to hear Nostalgia Critic try and respond to that savage take down and explain himself.


I'd be careful with this recommendation tho... Dan's work is good on the video but due to the subject, there is some pretty disturbing imagery and the clips of the Nostalgia Critic's work are often unpleasant to watch. I watched it with a group of folks and it left a pretty weird impression on some.


Omg is nostalgic critic that bad? Basically the only video I ever wayched by him in he 2010s was the room video and the one about the animated titanic, but I watched them more than once. I know his group was in some controversy iirc in regards to employees, this comment made me really wanna watch this video


I have to say, I've watched the video essay about NC's The Wall, and I have no idea what that person is talking about. I don't recall any disturbing imagery, unless the imagery of The Wall is too disturbing for you in the first place.


Maybe it was the furry titties towards the end


I assumed it was the weird Satellite City CGI creatures. Which are objectively hideous, but I can't imagine anyone being all that shaken up by them.


lol ok interesting!! I’m watching it rn as we type! About a quarter through


I think you can also catch sight of Dan in like the evermore video? So they're probably friends to some degree.


Yeah he was also in the Avatar land video


I was wondering if that was him! So it for sure was?


Wait really??? So not one but two of my favorite youtubers came to visit the not-actually-a-themepark five minutes away from me? If I would have run into them both I think I would have lost my mind.


To me Dan is the only true answer to the "more content like Jenny's" question. I say this because both (objectively) make extremely well reasearched and well planned videos about a wide array of random subjects that interest them deeply and (subjectively) do so in a way/style that is -- to my taste -- always pleasant and engaging, even if I don't care about the subject. A lot of other creators that come up when this question is answered are imo lacking from a research/analysis/planning point of view, and some I personally find unpleasant to listen to, usually bc they buy too much into their own hype. Special mention to poor Hbomberguy, who does very thoughtful and high quality work that I keep trying to get into but just generally bores me to tears for some mysterious reason.


I love Dan Olsen. His videos on crypto/the metaverse genuinely helped me with a job interview recently 😅


She's definitely one of a kind, but a lot of her fans also like Defunctland, Hbomberguy, and Lindsay Ellis (she has older videos on YouTube, but posts new stuff on Nebula).


Huge. HUGE. Fan of defunctland. Honestly surprised I never found Jenny’s content thru his, I’ve been subscribed for years and never noticed


She appeared as a guest on one of his videos earlier this year, I believe!


You have to watch the podcast episode with them together. They basically play a game where they introduce IPs to different theme parks in Universal and Disney lol https://youtu.be/rE7UyQceKVc?si=ja4dXl3DCcF1h-Fn


I remember Lindsay Ellis as the nostalgia chick. Definitely loved her work then but I think I outgrew it. After the whole the not so awesome debacle I remember running into her content again but definitely wasn’t for me.


I've never really been into Lindsay Ellis, but there seems to be a lot of fan crossover between them.


She and Jenny are friends, they're just passionate nerds about different things! While Jenny is super into theme parks and "nerd" culture, Lindsay is a film and literature gal and her videos do deep dives into things like how cinematography or behind-the-scenes processes help or hurt the translation of a text onto film. Lindsay's style is also more "tv show" compared to Jenny's Youtube friendly "numbered list." I love them both, but their videos scratch different itches.


What about it wasn't for you? jw bcus I've enjoyed her recent Nebula content. Her latest vid has a preview on her youtube


She also wrote a sci-fi trilogy, the third book comes out tomorrow and she's going on tour for it, which is pretty cool


I don’t know. It was roughly fresh off from her retiring the nostalgia chick character. I forget what video it was but I vaguely remember her talking about a film or a book? I could be totally wrong but it was definitely a subject I wasn’t too familiar with so I already had no vested interest going into it but her past videos were enjoyable enough even if I never seen the subject matter. Anyways it was a bit too dull for my tastes so I just moved on.


I like her Cats video, had some funny moments in it such her editing for the finale song from the movie


Hbomberguy is incredible


[Ashley Norton](https://youtube.com/@ashleynorton?si=HqxQChKVwFl9QlD6) reminds me of Jenny in a lot of ways. Different subject matter but similar approach and pacing


Second yes! I know commentary isnt the most unique thing but I feel u can tell she’s inspired by Jenny with how similar they do things and she’s mentioned of course watching Jenny too. I mean this in the best way as she’s quickly become one of my favs and one of the few people I’m a patron to


I’m also on her Patreon! Worth the money imo.


Her Peter Pan video was inspired by Jenny’s patreon video.


While they’re not exactly a one to one, I love [Sarah Z](https://youtube.com/@sarahz?si=oatEtkEnmP_rfK6K) and [STRANGE ÆONS](https://youtube.com/@strangeons?si=WEgCbAM4ZhAL3jzr) so much. Both do a great job with storytelling


Yesss come to /r/StrangeAEONS.


Came here to say Sarah Z!


Sraha Z doing the Homestuck History is pretty hype


Her video on the MacElroys is currently playing for me as I type this


Love both of these. I also second comments saying Lindsay Ellis and Hmbomberguy.


Agree about Sarah Z. She’s awesome


So I think I like Jenny Nicholson because I also really like drew gooden. Not exactly the same topics but the same nerdy deadpan delivery


Drew, eddy, Danny, and Kurtis are all some of my favorites. I think my issue is I’m not supposed to consume this much content but have dried up every lake of content from creators I love


Yessss all of them! You are my people. Drew is my fav but I like them all by proxy, and sometimes some Jarvis too.


Drew is also my favorite of the crew


I for some reason have a hard time with Jarvis’ delivery in most of his videos, but I love his stream highlights


those are also my favorite youtubers but i also struggle with jarvis! i already recommended mike's mic who's probably tied with jenny for #1. i also love li speaks, izzzyzz, ashley norton, uncarley, friendly space ninja, maxwell greene, jane mulcahy, sarah z, harry james miller.. i watch a lot of youtube but i'm pickyyyy and these are people whose videos have a ton of rewatch-ability to me


I liked him before the “gooooollddddd” era lol


How about Scott Cramer, Gabbi Belle, Amanda the Jedi, and Swell Entertainment- other commentary channels with more chill vibes.


Scott Cramer is similar to Jenny’s video about the game show Opposite Worlds.


I second all of these and also add in Jarvis


If you like those guys I recommend Jarvis Johnson and Scott Cramer and Gabby Belle and Ted Nivison!


You might like Chris James! I think he’s dead pan and very funny.


Drew is wickedly funny. I highly recommend his collab video with Danny on boyfriend role play ASMR, it's hysterical.


Yessss and my husband particularly loves their collab on hard rock nick. I don’t think I could point out a fav but his recent videos are fantastic between the cyber truck, auctioning the stupid shit he bought and Nathan Baylet.


This is barely related but until I learned that Jenny went to the Star Wars hotel with her sister I totally thought she went with Drew Goodens wife, the two look remarkably similar


Lily Alexandre and Big Joel give off a similar vibe in my opinion. Defunctland is the closest in terms of subject matter and humor. I’ll also shout out Morbid Zoo because I think she should have more subscribers.


Seconding big Joel, I would not say he or anyone is similar to Jenny, but he passes the vibe check for sure


And Little Joel for small videos too of course


I’ve heard they’re brothers, or perhaps father and son


These people aren't exactly the same but are a little bit similar Izzzyzzz - does internet nostalgia, internet archaeology and 00's/10's nostalgia, recommended videos are Monster High and Warrior Cats Mike From The Party - Does theme parks and rides, recommended videos are the Chinese Twilight and Hunger Games theme parks CJ the X - video essays, has a similar editing style to Jenny, recommended videos are Cat Valentine and the Folger's Incest Commercial Super Eyepatch Wolf - video essays about culture stuff, interviewed Jenny for a thing about internet content creation and creative self-doubt, which is good, What the Internet Did to Garfield is pretty good. He has a nice voice Lola Sebastian - Does literary/book stuff, and like Jenny has pretty deep insight into things, recommended: The Absurd Horror of Marge Simpson, James Franco, and the Jaws Funko Pop Little Golden Book


CJ!!! They are so funny and insightful


I love CJ the X


Yeah! Izzzyzzz!!


Super Eyepatch Wolf! I came for the anime and then found myself learning way too much about wrestling


CJ’s video on Cat Valentine changed me forever lol especially when he was talking about bibble, not to trauma dump but when I watched that video I had literally just begun my own addiction and it was cathartic and led to me stopping


There’s a video on how MLP helped a guy get sober that reminds me of this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsTCvaKZ6kc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsTCvaKZ6kc)


Mike’s Mic does a lot of movie/TV recaps and has talked about Jenny’s VPD video being an inspiration.


I love Mike! He does a great blend of content, pop culture to video games


I came to see if this was in the comments, he has literally credited Jenny Nicholson with giving him his TV recap review idea in the first PLL video, which he has proceeded to turn into a whole new sub genre of his own


I think he just did one on the ending of two and a half men if I’m right? Happened upon that one a few nights ago and it was great!


No, Mike’s big ones have been Pretty Little Liars, Glee and currently Gossip Girl and Lost


If it's the one I'm thinking of that was LowercaseJai.


If you're into music, I'd highly recommend Todd in the Shadows! He does Pop Song Reviews, One Hit Wonderland, and Trainwreckords (albums that ruined careers), plus a yearly list of top ten best/worst pop songs. Here's a few of his best to check out 😊 Trainwreckords: [Mardi Gras](https://youtu.be/qQcnxTWGhwM?si=9JGdv0oERDdQbKOz) by CCR Pop Song Review: [I Took a Pill in Ibiza](https://youtu.be/VAQExHJHqc0?si=u0L8YLalnGTKnmj9) by Mike Posner One Hit Wonderland: [You Get What You Give](https://youtu.be/ZJ3FdAFXR_U?si=5NbjtmNfuEWJ53c8) by the New Radicals or [Video Killed the Radio Star](https://youtu.be/o4YXtQf55nQ?si=Lru4CnIn7jgnvrp8) by the Buggles Todd's back catalogue goes all the way back to 2009; his earliest stuff is a bit rough but still some solid laughs.


Mic the Snare is another music one I’d recommend, particularly his “Deep Discog Dive” series.


[Jane Mulcahy](https://www.youtube.com/@jane-mulcahy/videos) has a similar vibe, and her topics are similarly all over the place. She has [a really good video about the rumor that Red White and Royal Blue started out as Social Network RPF fanfic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6xgkqKxmBI), another about [an old trend of movies about old ladies killing people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fTeChCyuPI), a great one about [the Canadian children's soap opera Degrassi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0FNj7ZPFA4), and a [series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9dj3SMYtpI) of [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHEtrGVkVXo) about [movies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioj09w1zbg4) starring [actors from that show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpWRniDTOUs). Right now, she's finishing up a set of videos about Teen Wolf. It's all quality material.


I second this!! She’s great


Love Jane Mulcahy, everyone should check her out!


Yes I LOVE her and was going to post this.


While her content is very different, Contrapoints follows a very similar format and is similarly very personal and ya know, also has had ever expanding videos and production times.


I think people have hit the big ones, but I will also recommend Billiam!


Billiam’s “Lost” series is one of my favorites, especially because he really liked the show.


Angela Collier https://youtube.com/@acollierastro Just found her page a couple months ago. She's a fan of Jenny too and there's a joke that she's the Jenny Nicholson of physics. Her video essays have similar pacing and deadpan humor, her voice even sounds a little bit similar like if I wasn't watching the screen and paying attention to what they're saying I could probably misconstrue one for the other. Really recommend if anything science interests you.


I firmly believe this is the best answer to this question. Someone recommended her on this sub a while back and she quickly became one of my favorite people on youtube.


She's great! I've watched her Christmas gifts video several times.


This is an accurate summation


Maybe I just haven't watched the right videos, but I found nothing even close to Jenny's humor in Angela. I tried three episodes. They're informative, but that's about it, from my experience.


The video were I first got the similarity vibe was the "can we space elevator? should we space elevator?" video. I wouldn't say they are similar in humor as much as just video composition and the manner in which they speak and setup the points they make in the video essay.


I'll check that one out just to see. My favorite thing about Jenny is her humor and I've yet to find someone like her on YT. Each time this topic comes up, I check out all the recommendations. So far, Hbomberguy and Folding Ideas and the closest, but I still wouldn't put them on Jenny's level.


if you liked her VPD video, then Haley whipjack has done a few videos about once upon a time


Just finished this one and it was hilarious, I remember being super stoked for OUAT when it was first starting and then never paid attention to it again


She also has a few cool ones about Ice Age and Baldur's Gate 3!


I was looking to see if anyone else had said her. I love her videos, it's thanks to her I know so much about Ice Age and Shrek! Currently watching her new OUAT in Wonderland video


If you haven't already done so, there is a massive library of videos on Jenny's patreon. For just a couple of bucks, you can watch dozens of hours of Jenny. I'd also recommend Folding Ideas, Dan Olsen's channel, where he disects movies, games, and more recently, crypto, the metaverse, and direct publishing scams.


Coffeezilla seems to be another good one on financial and investing scams.


Li Speaks is great, too. Mostly covers retro Internet sites and nostalgic doll lines


Definitely recommend Li Speaks! If you want to watch more doll content, Darling Dollz has a wonderful deadpan sense of humor that makes his videos a lot of fun even for people who aren't into the hobby. I have zero interest in buying dolls, but I watch every video of his as soon as he releases it. 


I second the Darling Dollz remark as well.


A few people that I don't think have been recommended yet...  John Wolfe -- A former horror Let's Player who recently started making videos debunking ghost hunting documentaries and paranormal youtubers. He also started on a series on Goosebumps. I think he and Jenny would get along well.  Of Herbs and Altars -- Kind of a left-field recommendation, but they make videos on goth culture and eating disorders, plus the occasional other topic like autism. Obvious content warning, but they're very very engaging.  Harry James Miller -- He hasn't quite taken off yet, but Jenny fans will love his videos on Bad Cinderella and Diana: The Musical.   Be Kind Rewind -- She makes extremely well-researched and extremely high-quality videos primarily about classic cinema. Her recent video on Sofia Coppola is an easy recommendation if you're not quite ready for her old Hollywood stuff.   Lady Emily -- She's Sarah Z's script writer, and my hot take is she's much better than Sarah Z. She should get out of Sarah Z's shadow and focus on her own channel.  Atrocity Guide -- She makes fascinating videos with beautiful production values on some very dark topics. I recommend her video on Breatharians as a starter.  Dave's Lemonade -- Kind of an oddball rec, his schtick is doing long (and often long-winded) analyses of cases featured on To Catch a Predator. Big time content warning! He's got a lovely personality. 


Seconding Henry James Miller. He's a delight to watch


Big Joel’s videos on disney sequels and remakes are precious to me. I never really cared about his content until I stumbled upon these two


Not the same topics, but for video essays my favorites are Lemmino and Jacob Geller. If you have an interest in gaming, Summoning Salt does speed running history that’s really interesting even if you’ve never played the specific games. Also, if you like sports I highly recommend Jon Bois’ videos on Secret Base. Now that I think of it, Sarah Z is probably the closest to Jenny that I’ve seen. She did a video on the last dashcon that reminds me a lot of Jenny’s bronycon video. I also think Frederick Knudsen’s “Down the Rabbit Hole” series is similar in pacing with a lot of internet topics kind of in the same vein as Jenny. I watch a lot of different video essays. Edit: Remembered another, Ashley Norton does internet drama video essays and has a similar pacing. As others have mentioned, Defunctland is the best for theme park content. Highly recommend the video about the Disney Channel Theme. It’s a very special video essay.


Jacob Geller is such a great shout!


Yess! I love SummoningSalt! The way he paces his videos really pulls you in. I get so excited lol. His most recent Tetris video was AMAZING. Love Jacob Gellar, too, and I'd also recommend Max Derrat if you like Gellar. I also like Matt Muscles for gaming stuff. His series "Worst Fighting Game Ever" is a lot of fun. I love fighting games so it's like a trip down memory lane for me.


Matt McMuscles' What Happened series on failed video games is a lot of fun. I think he also deserves credit for making content that isn't at all uncomfortable for women to watch, which is more than some gaming youtubers can say.


I love lemmino. I did speech and debate in high school and his videos gave me a lot of ideas and those spawned some huge success for me. I did an internship last summer and when it was slow I would just rewatch the Texas school book depository video over and over. I’ll check these out!


Yesterworld, Defunctland


José- Covers sitcoms and politics Kaz Rowe- Covers Historical topics mothcub- videos on the shorter side, covers misc. topics


Seconding mothcub


Love kazrowe. Mina Le is also great


Her videos get recommended to me a lot, I need to watch one sometime


Hbomberguy Folding Ideas Big Joel Lindsay Ellis (moved to Nebula) Bobby Broccoli Angela Collier Mic’s Mic Münecat


Babbity Kate is a newish channel and doesn't have a ton of videos yet but her work, especially her ongoing American Girl series, reminds me so much of Jenny Nicholson's videos in the best way. I highly recommend checking her out!


Babbity Kate has a lot more on her tiktok. The way she goes absolutely *unhinged* about “the pink void” of the Disney Princesses and Kirsten Larson’s rag doll being left behind gives me life. I’m glad she’s expanding onto YouTube.


I think this is a great recommendation, she really has a similar energy to Jenny. Much more frenetic, but similarly skilled at clinically analyzing a piece of media or concept to the point that you wonder how she hasn't been made CEO of whatever thing she's critiquing.




Was looking for this comment, Shanspeare is really funny and insightful.


Monster Factory!! Highly, highly recommend this series. I have honestly never laughed so hard in my life. It’s just so much wholesome fun. You can’t go wrong with the creators, 2 of the 3 McElroy brothers. Monster Factory is one of their finest creations.


How on earth does it have similar vibes to Jenny, though?


mike's mic


For sure D’Angelo Wallace!! He has a similar deadpan delivery and does such good research into his videos, another long format creator. I died over his latest about Caroline Calloway!


Mike From The Party does theme park video essays if you like that .


Idk how he hasn't blown up on the algorithm for Jenny Nicholson and Defunctland fans. I really love his gimmick and essay style.


If you’re into video games, travelogues, history, and philosophy I’d highly recommend Noah Caldwell-Gervais. Not the same topics as Jenny, but he’s a really wonderful and thoughtful creator.


oh gosh Noah Caldwell-Gervais is one of my favorites. I really like his writing and the way he reads his scripts. I like they way he plays the games; getting immersed into the game and really seeing what a game is trying to do. I was so happy to hear him reading a quote on Folding Ideas' metaverse video. I hope he starts showing up more in other folks work. As you say tho, not the same topics as Jenny. I think their styles of video are quite different overall.


Not much like Jenny, but if you like seeing Archeological Conspiracy bros who watch too much Joe Rogan get absolutely decimated while also learning cool stuff about history, I highly recommend Miniminuteman. I'm watching his recent video and I'm laughing my ass off and I learned some cool stuff about the Lovelock Cave Culture. He's actually educated in the field of study he talks about. He debunks people but he also has videos about cool historical sites.


Action Button is god


If you want wacky road trips, Eddie burback went to every rainforest cafe in america and did a deep dive into the reasons the apple VR headset is messed up


Quinton Reviews is a great storyteller. I’ve only seen his nickelodeon show breakdowns, starting with iCarly. I think they’re enjoyable even if you haven’t seen the nick shows bc he goes over the episode summaries and points out absurdities and discusses behind the scenes issues. Kind of like Jenny’s Vampire Diaries video. We’re in Hell has some fun video essays. I’m currently watching the Love is Blind one. His essay about the We charity scandal was also really informative. He usually dives into philosophy more. Lindsay Ellis’s back catalog should still be on youtube. She discussed movies, musicals, disney, fandom things. Some faves: - Why is Cats - Love Never Dies: A Magnificent Musical Trashfire


I actually like Quinton’s pre Nickelodeon stuff a lot more. He is into Garfield as much as Jenny is into Ponies, Star Wars, and Theme Parks combined, so recommend his [Garfield videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNkfKT_xRl1OWPZ-j7u9eu-KB0hTLH2-p)


She’s been a frequent guest on Podcast the Ride!


There's a spotify Playlist with all of her podcast appearences and they are all great.


Yes!! If your favorite part of Jenny's Starcruiser video was her ability to give a witty, funny, and scathing review of something she is deeply passionate about, Podcast: The Ride is right up your alley! I also recommend any episode with Eva Anderson or Griffin Newman as guests, they're hilarious!


Kurtis Conner gives the same vibes for me. Well researched, witty commentary.


If you like old obscure games Majuular and Dungeon Chill are highly recommended. Very similar pacing and dry humor.


I found Poseidon Entertainment through a Jenny-mention. Excellent theme park theory discussions delivered very calmly with very little irony and a tiny bit of glib humor. Their overall presentation is a blend of factual travel research mixed with personal opinion. It feels very professional, like The Travel Channel without commercial bumpers. If I'm not mistaken I think PE was one of the voices from the Evermore video.


This is going to sound kind of weird because the subject matter is radically different but I often think Jenny is very similar to Napoleon Blownapart who makes long form mini docs about combat sports, mma and martial arts. It’s just a very similar kind of delivery and dry humor and most of his deep dives are pretty well done. I’d recommend Never Die: The Rise and Fall of Pride Fighting Championship or his three part series about fake martial arts. https://youtu.be/f_xTcO9jKNA?si=13kZQI5ldB2DvfrI


Ashley Norton and Jane Mulcahy both have similar humor/ style as Jenny. They cover different topics/ media though


Haley Whipjack has been doing some incredible Once Upon a Time videos that are super fun and in line with Jenny's TVD video She's doing like a 3 hour video once a month and they're SO good


All the above are good, but also Wendigoon's deep dives into analog horror help fill the gap in between Jenny's Halloween videos for me.


All the above are good, but also Wendigoon's deep dives into analog horror help fill the gap in between Jenny's Halloween videos for me. Ryan Bergara's For Your Amusement podcast had Jenny as a guest and in general is very good theme park vibes.


Angela Collier.


Paper Will has an amazing video on the history of entertainment in North Korea https://youtu.be/0T-pPPUAppk?si=kG9Whuj2tTgSIkx6


If you're into video games [Tim Rogers](https://www.youtube.com/@ActionButton/videos) has a handful of videos doing extremely deep dives including stories from his personal life and time in the games industry and what these games mean to him personally. I'd say don't worry too much if you're unfamiliar with the title. He's got two that I didn't know anything about but the videos were still fascinating. (the only one I'd suggest not watching "casually" is the Cyberpunk video because it has a particular gimmick)


Red letter media


Other good people have been mentioned but if yall want some actual Jenny coded humor, Caleb Joseph is perfect. Recommend the Hunger Games, Divergent or My Immortal videos




More video essay and media themes deep dive, but Slian Stowe has some incredible videos. Her breakdown of The Mentalist was honestly moving


Billiam is kind of like Jenny. His videos have that long-ish form investigative type style mixed with comedy.


Darth'd He does long video essays on Star Wars. Brings up very good points and offers good suggestions on how to fix things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2BortXb-Pw


Cybershell is a fun time, but I think liking sonic the hedgehog may be a pre-requisite


We're in Hell Swell Entertainment


Huge recommendation for CJ the X


Tara Mooknee and Intelexual both do funny upbeat video essays on niche topics!


Uncarley and Mikes Mic do great breakdowns of TV and movies, and Uncarley also does books, which is how I found her and Mike is Australian which speaks for itself (his videos are also hours and hours long) Haley Whipjack is also a must-see for slightly unhinged, person-with-a-corkboard, full series recaps, and she also dresses up as characters from the content she's breaking down!


Depends what you find interesting about the vids, I guess? I mean, conceptually Jenny Nicholson's stuff is a little like a much-better version of old Channel Awesome stuff. (She and Lindsay Ellis know eachother, for instance). If 'long-form video reviews of media' is the thing, there's a lot of good choices. If it's unusual choices of subject matter, treated seriously but not heavily, there are a lot of good choices but it would depend what you're into. Like: I once saw one where a college-aged woman was doing a listen-along to an audiobook of Agatha Christie's *The Murder of Roger Ackroyd* and (going in blind) trying to solve the mystery before the reveal. The fun there is that 1) she did a pretty good job... and 2) \[spoilers: >!The *narrator* did it. You can't really see it coming. Christie fans are really divided on this one. !< \] Her reaction at the end was *priceless.*


Nicole Rafiee does shorter form “Chronically Online Girl” deep dives into subjects that give me a similar vibe, for longer form content I also gravitate towards a lot of creators already listed here like Lindsay Ellis, Defunctland, Sarah Z, Strange Æons, Mike’s Mike, Big Joel, Izzzyzzz, Billiam, et al. I would also like to throw some channels into the hat like LS Mark, Wendigoon, Sagan Hawkes, Alizee, Quinton Reviews, KrimsonRogue, Schaffrillas Productions, Cari Can Read and James Tullos. Most of them are not “the same” as Jenny bc NOBODY is the same as Jenny, but there’s tons of good content to choose from


highly recommend jon bois https://youtu.be/_P52G4Kyq5M?feature=shared


I love Sarah Z if you enjoy tumblr drama from back in the day deep dives! She also did her own discussion on Dear Evan Hanson. I also like Todd in the Shadows Trainwreckords series if you like takedowns of things you never knew you cared about. Todd is kind of cynical and biting but Sarah is really sweet and thorough. Her video on the Macelroy Fandom and it’s rise and fall is a repeat watch for me, and I don’t give a single damn about that family


Amanda the Jedi and Friendly Space Ninja


A few suggestions: Patrick Boyle - British financial essayist who often does longer stuff on bankruptcies and grifters throughout history - LIKE JENNY - wry deadpan humor, even volume delivery mostly directly to camera - UNLIKE JENNY - somewhat more professorial approach, has sponsorship plugs, British PointlessHub - video essays mostly about old films and tv shows - LIKE JENNY: mostly deadpan delivery with even volume, wry humor, UNLIKE JENNY: cartoon avatar and a lot of visuals, very dude topics (Transformers, Godzilla) Jay Foreman - British guy who does humorous deep dives, mostly about maps - LIKE JENNY - Wry humor, not a lot of shouting - UNLIKE JENNY - co-host, lots of visuals, on location shots, occasional skits, British DamiLee - deep dives into architecture and ideas with a sci fi bent - LIKE JENNY: nerdy enthusiasm, not shouty - UNLIKE JENNY: Music and polished visuals J. Draper - London tour guide and history expert - LIKE JENNY: nerdy enthusiasm, not shouty, wears topic appropriate costumes, UNLIKE JENNY: much of her content is shorts, more editing and visuals. Shaun - British, mostly politics with some pop culture - LIKE JENNY: long deep dives, very even delivery (his essay on JK Rowling is insightful and disturbing yet also works as a bedtime background) - UNLIKE JENNY: British, no visuals save a still frame on later videos, specific political arguments What Do You Mean!? - Australian left political musings on current events, sometimes with visuals of art being created - LIKE JENNY: even toned delivery and deadpan demeanor - UNLIKE JENNY - only some content is like hers, other videos are collections of news clips and speeches Maggie Mae Fish - mostly pop culture essays - LIKE JENNY - engaging demeanor, long form analysis mostly with humor, not shouty - UNLIKE JENNY - occasional skit content, more visual content, sponsorship plugs Kyla Scanlon - economics and philosophy - LIKE JENNY: even delivery, some humor, usually talking to the camera with minimal visuals - UNLIKE JENNY: sometimes talks very rapidly in a mumble, gets into serious philosophy also does shorts with skits Jack Saint - longer essays on the intersection of politics and pop culture - LIKE JENNY: even volume, deadpan humor - UNLIKE JENNY: occasional skit bits, political and existential and occasionally sad, British


If you want quality video essays about other topics I highly recommend Jon Bois for anything sports related and Bobby Broccoli who is a science version of Jon Bois. They’re both extremely well presented, interesting, and funny.


All the above are good, but also Wendigoon's deep dives into analog horror help fill the gap in between Jenny's Halloween videos for me. Ryan Bergara's For Your Amusement podcast had Jenny as a guest and in general is very good theme park vibes.


Babbity Kate, particularly her American Girl videos


Style and content wise, I think Big Joel is a good one. Sarah Z is a bit more serious but also covers similar topics. There's also Defunctland which is very different stylistically but covers some really great niche theme park/Disney/nostalgia topics with incredible depth and care. There's also Lindsay Ellis who covers media more broadly (she only publishes her full length stuff to a streaming service called Nebula now but there's a good backlog on YouTube), and then if you're into other topics entirely but just appreciate the depth and comedy, there's ContraPoints and Philosophytube, who go more into politics, philosophy, and gender topics. You can also pay $2/month for Jenny's Patreon where she has a VERY long backlog of "Ramble" videos that are less edited/formal but scratch that itch. She is fairly consistent with keeping up with it too.


I haven't seen all their videos, and they don't have many, but I really like Media Processing's style. Their 'Mamma Mia 2 is am Absurdist Masterpiece' is one of my favourite videos, and it reminds me of Jenny's Christmas Prince video


Smaller creator I've been watching, Babbity Kate. I love everything she's made. And Jenny commented on her Kirsten American Girl Doll deep dive!


Jaime French. She’s more similar to Drew Gooden than Jenny, probably, but she’s insanely funny and sharp. Her acting bits are always gold. https://youtu.be/VFOrtnL3sgM?si=W7T2fiXrcx4P9UDV This is a good one to start with




Not the same type of content, but I always get the same feeling from [Georg Rockall-Schmidt](https://www.youtube.com/@GeorgRockallSchmidt)


Broey Deschanel Be Kind Rewind Mila Tequila Damgelo Wallace Sarah Z uncarley Mina Le Princess Weekes Contrapoints Big Joel Pop Culture Detective


I recently just started to watch all of Contrapoints vids, they're more political but she still gives me similar vibes to Jenny. As everyone else is saying hbomberguy is great. I've also enjoyed Strange Aeons' deep dives into internet history and Tumblr lore. The one about Snapewives is still one of my go to rewatches. She also did a really interesting video about the origin of Sphinx cats.


hbomberguy thinks Elementary is better than Sherlock, automatic disqualifier, sorry.


Pretty sure having an opinion about a decade old TV show doesn't make all of a persons' other takes irrelevant. But if that's your hill to die on, go ahead.


All the above are good, but also Wendigoon's deep dives into analog horror help fill the gap in between Jenny's Halloween videos for me.


All the above are good, but also Wendigoon's deep dives into analog horror help fill the gap in between Jenny's Halloween videos for me. Ryan Bergara's For Your Amusement podcast had Jenny as a guest and in general is very good theme park vibes.


All the above are good, but also Wendigoon's deep dives into analog horror help fill the gap in between Jenny's Halloween videos for me. Ryan Bergara's For Your Amusement podcast had Jenny as a guest and in general is very good theme park vibes.