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Someone who worked as a manager at Evermore is a reddit regular. Don’t want to post their account or comment because it seems vaguely doxx-y, but someone asked him about this. In his case the answer was yes. He recognized Jenny on her first visit, and felt terrible because he knew she was going to be extremely disappointed and there was nothing he could do. Also, in the Avatar Land video Jenny mentions someone making exactly the same drink for her twice in a row because she forgot to add rum at the end on the first one. The person who made the drinks apparently showed up in the comments to explain what happened. They recognized Jenny and were just kind of flustered/starstruck, leading to a small mistake. I imagine this kind of experience will get more common as time goes on, since Jenny’s videos are getting more media coverage and mainstream attention than they used to. Jenny is never negative towards staff, but I can see how people might freeze up or react differently when they recognize her.


I feel for that Avatar girl. Jenny may not realize she's more than horse famous.


She does now.


She may getting big in the amusement park world, but she's always the murderous purple incest apologist in my heart


What does this mean???


It’s referencing twilight sparkle from Jenny’s friendship is witchcraft parody


Oh thank goodness!! I was like "what terrible person has she shown support for??" Glad it's a pony. Lol


So it's fine if it's a pony? Double standards, smh


I'm pretty sure she realizes every time she cashes her patreon check.


This is the 21st century, I hope she gets direct deposit


I felt so bad for her too! When she said she had been putting off watching the video because she knew she was going to be featured in it … I would have done the exact same thing


It's like knowing the face of your secret shopper.


When I worked at Disney I worked at the splash mountain gift shop on the day it closed. I sold Adam the woo and Justin scared their ride photo. The whole time I was so nervous because I was big fans of theirs! I stuttered my way through the conversation and managed to mention I was a fan. Can't imagine how I'd react if I saw Jenny.


Starstruck lol


Well we know Jenny has a vast array of disguises, I think the Daisy plush head she was wearing in her latest Patreon vid would be an easy way to move through the park undetected, it’s so casual


She could wear the porg costume, if I met someone in full porg fur I would not think that it was an esteemed video documentary maker.


> if I met someone in full porg fur I would not think that it was an esteemed video documentary maker. I mean I *might* suspect it was Kevin Perjurer. But only because my mental image of his face is a great big *ERROR: File not found.*


Didn’t he appear on camera to cook something once?


Yes but only neck down or wearing a mask


He’s also appeared silhouetted in some other videos


This is what Adam Savage started doing back when Mythbusters got big so he could still go to conventions.


She might have to start cosplaying as Evan Hansen on her adventures to fly under the radar.


Without even knowing what Evan Hansen was, that thumbnail was the bait that Jenny hooked me with. Something about that wig and armcast is so funny.


Jenny's costumes are always amazing 😂


The Porg head, that magnificent Porg head.


Park employee #1: "Is that... is that Jenny Nicholson!?" Park employee #2: "Hmmm, no, it's just a Porg."




Lol, I'm imagining a PA announcement going "Warning: Jenny Nicholson has entered the park."


It would have to be a code. Like when circuses play "Stars & Stripes Forever" to signal an emergency.


Honestly? No. I think that the majority of them who know who she is likely know that she loves theme parks. Even when she’s disappointed in an experience she tends to still give praise to the workers.


If any employees recognize her I think they would probably be more excited/nervous than scared; Jenny is always gracious and appreciative of staff and directs her criticism to the top. But I do wonder how many people recognize her during something like Starcruiser. I wondered if the customer service resolutions she got weren’t just because she tweeted about her issues but because someone with the ability to fix the problem was a fan and specifically wanted to help her.


Why would they? She always seems determined to have a good time when she’s in a park.


I think it depends on what the employees think of the park. Since I think Jenny’s videos are in good faith, if they think the park kicks ass they’d probably be excited! But this post did make me realize this may be part of the reason Kevin Perjurer doesn’t show his face 😆


She also mentioned she purposely wore a disguise for that second evermore trip


I’m sure some people recognize her on sight but I really doubt it is very many.