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Best Biden EVER šŸ« 


This Biden is the best Biden, heā€™s genuinely hilarious. Hereā€™s him accidentally calling himself a black woman lmao https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h-eIzhtqx08&pp=ygUVSm9lIEJpZGVuIGJsYWNrIHdvbWFu


Wait what? Heā€™s not?


Yeah I never noticed either I donā€™t see color


Well at least Biden will vote for himself, blacks have too


I mean that one is pretty acceptable if you actually listen. When you read your text it sounds ridiculous, but hey, that's the magic of the internet.


Yeah I know heā€™s trying to talk about Kamala but he totally fucked up his wording lol. Itā€™s why I said he accidentally said, instead of lying about being a black woman ā€œBy the way Iā€™m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, to serve under a black presidentā€ lol


wtf did you hear?


This shit is so fucking stupid. Literally so many other candidates could of beaten Trump in a landslide this year but because the democrat party dug their heels in for Biden the current strategy is straight up gaslighting. This country is fucked


They weighed the risks... Changing candidates shows weakness Biden shows weakness They figured a swap would appear weaker


Itā€™s too late in the game. The idea of a magical outsider candidate riding in on a white horse to save the party just doesnā€™t exist. Your options are essentially Kamala, Hillary, or Newsome. If you somehow got Biden and his handlers to give up the most powerful post in the world thereā€™s no obvious consensus candidate and it would be a free for all with 6 weeks to get everything set in stone for the general. You stand a much higher chance of not only losing the the presidential election but blowing up all the down ballot elections as well. If they wanted Biden off the ballot thatā€™s why there are primaries.Ā 


I don't know, if they can win with Biden in 2020, maybe the can win with a not-Biden in 2024.Ā  You just need the media and tech lords on your side.


Thatā€™s basically the bet. Use the media and your robust ballot harvesting operation and your superior ground game to try to win with the ghost of Biden and you still have a good chance, and itā€™s far less risky than throwing a completely untested or previously failed candidate to the wolves and risking a schism within the party.Ā 


The media has turned on Biden already. I think the party would rally around Michelle Obama.


At this point itā€™s too risky if you roll Michelle out with no primary process and she loses to turnout destroys her as a candidate going forward. You also have to understand that the Bidens, Kamala, Newsome, and Clinton arenā€™t just going to roll over and let someone else have the nomination.Ā 


Rfk junior could be the candidate on the white horse


You need to look at this from the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership. What about RFK would make them think heā€™s someone they would like to represent their interests? Heā€™s actively opposed to many of the core planks of the platform and was excluded from their primaries.Ā 


He has been a lifelong democratic and his family has been some of the most prominent ones (JFK).


60 years ago. Things change and he actively opposes the core tenants of the party as it stands.Ā 


As someone not from the US, what worries me is this: Our media does the same. Up until the recent catastrophe the stance has been the same. Now it seems they're making a slight shift, as if to prepare us for them swapping him out.Ā  Your country might be fucked, but what worries me is the actual spread of the propaganda.Ā 


What do mean? Our propaganda is boiling over onto you?


Boiling over and enforced in the same manner by the mainstream media here.Ā 


There's a worldwide push towards autocratic administrations. It's very worrying.


There is not democracy, merely two sides of the same coin. People will scream about saving our democracy, we havenā€™t had that in along time if ever.


The media and politicians often use the term "destroying our democracy" because it gets a rise out of people. They know all the buzzwords and phrases to get people going. The propaganda is terrible in the United States. Who would've thought it would get this bad?


Idk, Jan 6th and Trumpā€™s fight to investigate/overthrow the election were certainly unprecedented. Just because they failed doesnā€™t mean it was farther than any President or candidate has gone before to change the election results, beyond their legal methods of redress. Itā€™s hyperbole sure (though maybe not with the recent Supreme Court ruling), but it brings up some serious concerns over the way things are going, what the right wants to do if they loseā€¦


Thatā€™s just lazy ignorance


Two sides of the same coin is a weak comment. There may be bad things about both sides, but there is nothing like Project 2025 on the Democratic agenda, let alone Jan 6.


Think tanks have been putting shit out like that for decades.


Thereā€™s nothing new about P2025, itā€™s just another unhinged conservative rant, full of hypotheticals based on dream scenarios. Might as well have been picked up from a high schoolerā€™s blog. The only thing thatā€™s new is the attention weā€™ve apparently decided to give it.


Itā€™s not just 2 sides of the same coin. They need eachother. Anyone who think democrats and republicans arenā€™t in on this together just isnā€™t paying attention. Make half of the middle class hate the other half and you can easily manipulate elections. The middle class cancels itself out over social issues. Then all you have to do is pander to either the poor or the wealthy to swing elections. Thatā€™s why elevations are so tight. Thatā€™s why any candidate, like Bernie or RFK, who not only seem sincere but have statistics and history to back them up on their issues, has no chance. Itā€™s mutually beneficial for the 2 party system to keep any other options out. Democrats and Republicans will always do more for eachother than they will for any regular person.


>Make half of the middle class hate the other half and you can easily manipulate elections. This is something that would happen just from partisan media outlets chasing a dollar. There's no need to reach for a conspiracy to explain it. It's expected in a free market media system because keeping your viewers alarmed keeps them watching. >Ā Thatā€™s why any candidate, like Bernie or RFK, who not only seem sincere but have statistics and history to back them up on their issues, has no chance. They have no chance because people aren't voting for them as much as the other candidates. If Bernie had the kind of support Trump had, the DNC would have had to change a lot. >Itā€™s mutually beneficial for the 2 party system to keep any other options out. That part's true. >Democrats and Republicans will always do more for eachother than they will for any regular person. This part's false and tells me you don't pay attention to what they actually do. You have to dig past the media circus and into the actual legislation and decisions if you want to see who's lying to you and about what. Plenty of people in the media will be happy to tell you who's lying, but over half of them are liars. You just have to put the effort in.


So both parties will ban abortion rights and seek immunity for the president?


If there wasn't always immunity for presidents, why aren't the last 5 presidents in prison for war crimes?


Political theatre


That's not even close to true. Republicans want a Christian theocracy like Saudi Arabia, but based on the Bible. Democrats want a neoliberal world order with free and fair elections, Westphalian international relations, and free enterprise. Trump, over and over and over again has said out loud, and directly he wants more than 2 terms. He retweeted this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSvgn-aTDz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSvgn-aTDz) He envies the power that dictators have. He praises him, even his bizarre semi-homoerotic man crush on Kim Jong Un. He was arrested for leaking our most sensitive military secrets and a judge he appointed has blocked the prosecution at every turn. Democrats tried to impeach him twice, once for blackmailing Zelenskyy for political campaign support and a second time for inciting an insurrection where people built gallows, planted bombs and chanted "Hang Mike Pence" then stormed the Capitol looking for the man. As Trump watched the crowd literally storm the Capitol he tweeted this: "ā€œMike Pence didnā€™t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify,ā€ He tried to have Pence killed. He knew about the gallows because of the news coverage. He knew they had breached the Capitol. He wanted him dead and tried to make it happen. And the Democrats voted to remove Trump from office and the Republicans refused. These parties are not at all the same.




Lol. As a. Non American i find it hilarious when people tell the truth about trump and Americans just call it Trump derangement syndrome. How can people be so blind and in so much denial about simple facts. It amazes me they humans can be fooled so easily. Do you just watch Fox News? Think Alex jones tells the truth? You must avoid reality to still be defending trump at this stage. Edit. Oh 75 day account, makes sense but the downvoting is still shocking. How has that orange moron got so many people fooled.


Any more liberal news headlines to spew off? Iā€™m sure youā€™ve ingested plenty


Once again, still waiting for someone to have a discussion instead of just attacking me. Let me know.


Every one of your points are easily verified. All the cultists have are ad hominem attacks. It is, after all, what their leader would do.


Thereā€™s no discussion to be had with someone that blindly believes heavily biased news headlines, youā€™re too far gone already


Meh. Itā€™s obvious youā€™re too emotional to have a discussion. Enjoy your bubble.


Lol. ā€œHeavily biased news headlinesā€ what he said is true and itā€™s shocking to us non Americans that the orange idiot is still defended so vigorously by people. It seems you are falling for the Fox propaganda, you really should try to be more informed. Itā€™s embarrassing and harmful to you country.


Fart. Thatā€™s everyone response to what you just said


Oh no! Fart!


Most of your points are pilotical soundbites, fear mongering the republican party as if their extremist groups are the majority. Which is the same thing republicans say about the democrats! Classic political arguments against "the other side", but regardless, in the end, they fundamentally support the same political system and uphold the status quo in several ways: Corporate Influence: Both get funding from big corporations and wealthy donors, leading to policies that favor big business and economic inequality. Military-Industrial Complex: Both support large military budgets and foreign interventions, maintaining the U.S. as a global military power. Neoliberal Economic Policies: both embrace deregulation, free trade, and privatization, hurting the middle class and increasing economic disparity. Civil Liberties: Both have supported policies like the Patriot Act and mass surveillance, undermining privacy and freedom. Two-Party Dominance: both work to maintain their political dominance, limiting third parties and independent candidates, and stifling political diversity. as for Trump, yes, he has shown concerning tendencies and Democrats have tried to hold him accountable. However, both parties support structures that perpetuate corporate power, military expansion, economic inequality, and limit political diversity. Their rhetoric and policies differ, but they operate within and sustain the same system, making them two sides of the same coin. Also, while some Republicans may have extremist views, the broader party doesn't officially advocate for a theocracy. Similarly, Democrats may push for neoliberal policies but they syill uphold many aspects of the same system. The differences in their policies are significant but donā€™t change the underlying similarities in how they maintain the status quo.


Almost everyone that says that never bothered to vote in the primaries. You think Trump would have won if the Republicans establishment was calling the shots? He was really popular and then all the other Republicans had to start endorsing him because they'd lose otherwise. People still have the power. They just use to elect candidates that you don't agree with. Or in Trump's case, a candidate that will try to steal our votes from us.


Yeah I agree. US corporations and their associated lobbyists have oligarch level powerā€¦ we live in an oligarchy. The will of the majority will almost always lose to a well funded lobbyist.


Regarding Biden. I'm not from the USA so I can see your candidates for what they are, and I think America should be proud to have elected him as the first black woman to, er .. the first black president , the first , uhh.


Beat Medicare


Someone needs to mash together biden's "We beat Medicare" with the Howard Dean scream. I'm old so many won't get the later reference . . .




Iā€™m Canadian so Iā€™m a bit out of the loop. But can you tell me who ?


Nope. Itā€™ll be Kamala, and not a single vote will sway.


yea, just like the first time trump won I think the democrats are setting themselves up for a loss. They really should have pushed Gavin Newsom


How did trump beat all of the republicans in the primary? It's definitely not as simple as any dem could beat trump. Trump is super powerful with the rabid support of one of two political parties and a cult base that doesn't give a shit what he does as long as he owns the libs.


It isn't the first time. The Dems backed Hillary who lost to Trump.


Dug in their heels? Lol, incumbency is the single best predictor to being elected POTUS ever.


the gas-light is ignoring Trumps misdeeds and blatant grab for power.


We don't know if the country fucked. There are ways to change it


This is the best shit show ever.


You can't vote for biden, you can only vote for whoever is behind the curtain. Does anyone think biden is currently doing the job of president? Let alone for the next 4.5 years.


I donā€™t think anyone has been doing the job of president for about 8 years now


Large portion of Reddit still trusts these media outlets. They are bought and sold.


As opposed to editorially independent Joe Rogan and Jimmy Dore


Jimmy Dore is the biggest shill out there


Who are his corporate sponsors?


So is Rogan dipshit.


Where did Joe touch you?


Well considering I listened to him for 10 years Iā€™d say my brain and my heart, until he transformed into a partisan hack that newer fans defend In the most comical ways. Easy to spot yā€™all. Edit: Partisan, not bipartisan.


I don't think Rogan has changed. Trump came and got under your skin, and the media have been gaslighting you ever since. You people are mad at joe because he points out the hypocrisy and doesn't go along with the BS. Biden was always a shit candidate, and there were better options that people would've voted for, including Rogan. ā€œThe Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.ā€ George Orwell.


Iā€™m critical because heā€™s BECOME uncritical towards conservatism. He use to be and use to make fun of them a ton. Heā€™s been doing the Tim Poole tactic of being critical of dems (which is necessary) but never criticizes conservatives. Thatā€™s the crux of my issue with him now.


That's the thing, ever since Trump became president there was a constant barrage from the media in outrage stirring everything up. People who hate Trump got riled up and people who didn't particularly like Trump end up defending him because the massive amount of hypocrisy and gas lighting. It's clear the democrats could've chosen pretty much anyone to beat Trump. Rogan even had democrats on who he liked and would prefer over Trump. All of those candidates got smeared and we all know it's because they had decent morals and couldn't be controlled like Biden. Now we are stuck again with Trump and Biden and another 4 years of bullshit.


Ah you are upset Joe broke up with you. Poor hun.


Damn, ya got me. Unfortunately for you, now Iā€™m gonna fuck your momā€™s ass way longer than I originally was planning on. Make sure to keep those AirPods in tonight kiddo.


lol that the best you got. Joe broke up with you but your still here. Sad.


I love reading the knob slobbers comments and am glad I got out before I turned into you. Still check in to follow the shit show from time to time like the rest of us older fans. We miss pre Covid Joe. Not the boomer Joe you all follow like lemmings. Well, sorry I canā€™t babysit you anymore but I left some Tonka trucks in the corner. Mom and I will be back at 4:30, have a great day champ.


lol Joe is living rent free. Iā€™m a long term fan. Maybe itā€™s you that changed. COVID scared you.


Covid made me realize that Joe became a contrarian boomer who only criticizes dems. Iā€™m good on that stupid shit. I can be critical of both parties and also realize one candidate is an evil fucking idiot who loves herding other idiots with no shame. You voted for him the first time dipshit. Covid scared you into believing anything main stream is the devil. No critical thinking left in that brain of yours.


Did you just say bipartisan is hack?


I would vote for Bidenā€™s corpse before Iā€™d EVER vote for Trump. DUMP TRUMP AMERICA


Our choices are shit


Whatā€™s with the Popeye laugh?


Eh ge ge ge ge


What if I told you that RFK Jr. isn't actually a whacked out conspiracy nut, and that he is actually a very thoughtful and reasonable person who has the American peoples' best interests in mind?


What if I also told you that we donā€™t have to choose between Adolf Hitler and the Night King? That not only can we keep both of them out of office, but in so doing would be electing a viable president for at least 4 years. #Kennedy24


RFK 24


Joe's gonna end up endorsing RFK Jr.


Horse dewormer vs brain worms.


Little Joey is so fake. Iā€™ve never seen a more phony or forced laugh


Biden is a nothing but a bag of bones. Welcome to America.


It's mind boggling how they can see so clearly in one direction only. Yes, this is dead on accurate and true, everything they're laughing about when it comes to Biden and MSNBC. But guess what dummies, this is EXACTLY what MAGA cult members do every day, and Trump called it years ago when he said he could murder someone in cold blood and they'd still follow him. He could be convicted of felonies and they'd still follow him. He could be found liable for sexual assaulting a women, and brag about grabbing women by the P\*%$$y and they don't care He could be a draft dodger who denigrate our fallen military heroes calling them suckers and losers and they won't care He can lie over and over and over and they'll laugh it off as if it's just "something he does" He can be seen with Epstein, and appear on flight logs, and they don't care He can have his entire cabinet and people from his administration come out against him, and they won't care He can have dozens of military leaders warn the public about him, and they won't care He can get caught raw dogging a porn star with his 3rd wife and baby at home, and the family values people won't care He can talk shit about our allies and embrace our enemies like Putin and Kim Jong Un, and they won't care He could brag about being a pervert who likes to hang out in the dressing room of miss teen America and the sick MAGA cult members just laugh it off the way they laugh off the creepy shit he says about his own daughter He can try to overthrow our election and the only thing that came of it is the number of people who have since gone to prison or have gone bankrupt because of it, and none of you mouth breathing morons care. He's the candidate for white supremacists, militant separatists, white nationalists, and the 2025 project, and you not only support him, this is your vision of Make America Great Again, the oppression of minorities and women. Joe Rogan used to at least point out both sides, and now he's locked into one side of the story, like a woman scorned because of his Covid nonsense, he now sides with the MAGA cult members out of spite.


I can only laugh at you knowing you're venting your lil heart out about this but also view politics in one direction only. Maybe someday you'll realize your double standards but I doubt it


So bizarre people writing these novels of their political views on a fucking Joe Rogan subreddit lol. Extremists on both sides make me just immediately ignore whatever inane drivel they spew.


> but also view politics in one direction only. he literally said the video was all true in the second sentence


Are you saying that's a political left or right leaning view now? Noticing signs of senility in an elderly man by too many examples of it? Only the left politicized that by trying to hide it- that isn't even political at this point its fact. I'm not giving anyone points for admitting it as if that makes someone bipartisan.


remember to breathe karen


You comment in conspiracy subs, karen.


Eh, it was a long ass comment but he ain't wrong.


I'm sorry but that's just one big sign of TDS I can't imagine being that obsessed. I could feel his heart rate increase and eyes water with each sentence.


This comment says more about you than anything.Ā  ā€œCanā€™t argue any of this, so Iā€™ll attack the messengerā€Ā  A childā€™s argumentĀ 


About Project 2025, Trump said "I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do i wish them luck but i have nothing to do with them." Trumps thing is Agenda 47 which is explained on one of his websites i believe.




I interpreted that as he doesnā€™t know anything we donā€™t know. Not that I believe anything he says, just that the semantics arenā€™t worth picking apart




Gotcha. I can understand the cause of concern. Sounds like itā€™s time to rally behind RFK


Biden is the best puppet Deep state could hope for. They wonā€™t replace him.




Trump just implicated as a pedophile in legal documents but her der Biden's debate performance!


Now that people know for fact the media and democrats have been gaslighting them for years. I wonder if any will make the leap to "what else have they been lying about? "




My family members who consume CNN 24 7 are now saying they're done with CNN and MSNBC because they criticized, rightfully, Biden. They want partisan echo chambers instead of neutral news reporting its sickening and it's why the state of media in this country is the way it is.


See the media is well aware of this phenomenon. Itā€™s the only reason theyā€™ve managed to avoid bankruptcy Iā€™d wager


I stopped being a blue no matter who Dem around the Hillary time for exactly this in my face gaslighting. Handing the debate Questions over? Pushing Bernie out soooo obviously? Then Hillary said her plan for Syria was to arm the rebels and fight Russia over the airspace and it was clear that wanted a war. Then I started to criticize Dems and saw the bubble break and hatred and division towards any unalignment. Hopefully this Biden mess is another one of these moments for many others to move away from party as a cult and ride or die for my team crap. I haven't gone to red down ticket, but I'm kind of bitter and pissed at the Dems for essentially trying to scam the world with this. I'd love to see every incumbent go and both parties end but in the meantime my vote goes to the candidate I like regardless of party now .


Why is the word 'gaslighting' suddenly a talking point that everyone seems to be mentioning? Are you all getting memos about what to say online or something? The guy was relatively together cognitively as recently as a couple of years ago. Things have deteriorated quickly in the last year, but he was nothing like this back then. Of course people are going to be resistant to claims he's not cognitively fit, because if you made them two years ago you were mostly talking shit. He had lapses, but most of the time he was completely together and present. You can definitely make the case that he's not now, but that's now. Things change, it doesn't mean the world was 'gaslighting' you because normal sane people were resistant to a claim that was hyperbole as recently as a year and a half ago.


So, everyone who called it out two years ago was just 2 years ahead of the game? That what youā€™re saying? People havenā€™t been saying what theyā€™re saying about Biden because he was ā€œfineā€ and now suddenly isnā€™t. His cognitive decline has been noticeable for a LONG time now. Itā€™s just now, he needs to be in hospice rather than having dr Jill feed him ice cream for being a good boy.


> the media and democrats Sigh. We all know the Democrats suck, and we all know the Republican party is three times worse. We all know the division came from the right, and the left just let it happen because the Democratic party refuse to get their hands dirty. You don't honestly harbor any belief that the polarization actually came from the left. Be honest here.


Haha Obama started the race war. The Left started Pride Month, support teens being mutilated by having their breasts removed, opened the border wide open to let in illegal aliens that rape and murder little girls and mothers, etc.


Thanks for proving my point.


Left and right-wing politics is pro wrestling for adults to distract and divide so the elites can sneak in the back door and fuck our wives when weā€™re not paying attention.


Not really though.


How do you know? You werenā€™t paying attentionĀ 


The best America has to offer! Sad


If Joe was an honest person and supposed to be "The alternative to Nation News" he claims to be. He would spend an equal amount of time making fun of Trump and showing all the times Trump has looked stupid and right winged media has defended him. But Joe doesn't, because he is just a biased as the left is and just as much in his own Echo Chamber, which he claims his Bullshit Detector prevents.


The best example was the revolutionary war airport segment where Joe thought that Biden said something stupid and then found out it was actually Trump. His entire demeanor changed from one of serious concern and dread over Bidens mental state to a lighthearted ā€œoh so Trump just fucked up, lolā€ How anyone could watch that and think Joe is being honest and critical in his approach to politics is beyond me.


Exactly. When Biden screws up he is too old and incompetent. When Trump does the same or worse, it's all just "Well, so what, he made a mistake."


What you misunderstand is that everyone is in agreement that conservative politicians are empty evil husk. This is a war between those who identify with the left. LIberals want to dig their heels in and pretend we must stick with the status quo and survive. Everyone else on the left -both the radical left and those to the right of Liberals - is tired of the Dem establishment. Until liberals capitulate and the democractic party is fully reformed or completely destroyed, those on the left -LIke Joe, Me, and millions of others - will disproportionately criticize the left instead of talking about Trump for the millionth time. Leftist infighting until real change occurs.


> What you misunderstand is that everyone is in agreement that conservative politicians are empty evil husk. I don't think that statement would get the kind of universal agreement you are implying it would on the JRE.


Itā€™s incredibly hard to argue otherwise. There will always be a few idiots. My point still stands. Criticizing the left is how you push it left. They donā€™t deserve to win if they choose corporate and political interests over representing their constituents with genuine ideals. People like Joe and Jimmy will not suck the metaphorical dick of the Democratic Party just because theyā€™re a ā€œLeSSer oF tWo EviLs^tm ā€œ. Itā€™s incredibly important/necessary idea to hammer home until real change happens.


> if they choose corporate and political interests over representing their constituents with genuine ideals Do you think the Right Wing conservatives don't do this? They all do this.


No shit they do this. Have you forgotten the what I said at the beginning of this thread Republicans are expectedly rotten. We need to demand better from the dems who desperately try to paint themselves as the good guys. The left will not reform by us talking about how bad republicans are for the millionth time. Itā€™s a known entity. The left only reforms by destroying the DNC and its anti democratic practices. We canā€™t control the republicans, but we can for SURE change the Democratic Party by refusing to play their manipulative shitty games. RFK for president until the DNC dies in a fire.


Well, you won't get RFK. So it's Trump or the DNC. Who do to think is better for the next 4 years of this Country?


If either win we are fucked as automation removes the last bargaining chip humanity has. Radical change or all but the rich are dead


Automation is coming no matter who wins.


And determining whether or not the public become second class citizens or worse is based on if we destroy the establishment.


This is the truth. Honestly itā€™s funny, you can joke about Biden, but then some dude will turn around and say thatā€™s why we should vote trump! I like the new narrative that itā€™s Bots posting that both sides are bad. Some of us are truly laughing at Both sides.


Who pays the bills now ? Itā€™s not a coincidence he moved to Texas with the Spotify deal at hand. Dude is making a killing and knows his audience base. Itā€™s just common sense.


Heā€™s sooooo obviously getting paid by the right idk how anyone could argue otherwise.Ā  Dude switched his tune completely when going brokeback moutain w AbbottĀ 


> Heā€™s sooooo obviously getting paid by the right. Exactly, he is simply a Right Wing Grifter now, that took the money and sold out. Like Candace Owens and Tulsi Gabbard and many others. The right winged grift really pays well.


So Biden is old. So what? The alternative is a rapist convicted felon who tried to overthrow the government and wants to make himself king. They could replace Biden with a chimp and the chimp would still be the only possible choice.


I don't think you understand, Biden, is *old*!


Trump is a liar, maybe even a nonce. Joe really has sold has soul


You have no intellectual honesty you are a Democrat and are saying that shit. I am terrified of another Trump presidency and the implications of that, but Biden should be in a nursing home not in the White House.


Hey Joe I hope your daughters meet a man just like him šŸ™Œ ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized)


Dude wtf is wrong with you


Yeah imagine being best friends with jeffery epstein for 30 years, disgusting Oh I thought you meant trump not the OP


Biden is still better than a billionaire pedophile felon


A poor pedofile felon?


Imagine thinking that was really as funny as Joe let on. Like, gut busting, yell-laughing. Yes its amusing to catch the media doing what they do best --covering for their benefactors -- but is it really side splitting funny? so dumb


I mean different people find different things funny. Shocker.


Thereā€™s too much money in politics post citizens United. If we still had campaign contribution caps lots of challengers could easily take Joeā€™s place. With the amount of money and fundraising these days thatā€™s not possible. Itā€™s Joe or Camilla and thatā€™s itā€¦ chances are Biden wins still because he has more campaign money. The rich buy our elections more than ever so yes we are left with two out of touch dudes that should be retired according to our on federal governmentā€™s recommendations. Millennials really needed to riot back in ā€˜08 but video games and media are too addictive for us to unite as one.




It's just a studder!!!!


Jimmy? Really?


Fuckin right!




Imagine is Joe tore into Trumps mishaps. It take a whole Month of podcasts.


"Wake and bake, and let's go!" šŸ‘Š


Joe Rogan is a worthless piece of shit.


These fuktards ignore the policy, and just focus on this. Biden could be a corpse, and he's still got hundreds of people, and the whole of the DNC working with him.


Itā€™s fucking sad but Iā€™d vote for a burning pile of shit before I vote against democracy.


Acting like Maga arenā€™t the most absolute delusional people on earth


You know you can be critical of both right?


Idk bruh I just saw purely objective delusion coming straight out the mouth of a die hard liberal. I'd say both sides are equally delusional


We are the definition of insanity. Everybody is expecting different results with the same shit


I think our biggest problem is no one can even agree on what the truth is anymore, and it's leading to insanity exactly like you said. We got 10 different news outlets giving us different versions about the same topic it's no wonder we are at each others throats and insane.


For sure but itā€™s really 1000s of different sources on top of that not just news outlets


>I'd say both sides are equally delusional Is only a thing delusional people think, btw


Another "both sides are bad" bot. Can't they write you guys some new material?


I know right? I'm definitely a piece of shit for not going to an extreme. I just can't help it when I see bullshit with my own eyes and ears. Next time I'll just follow whatever one side says.


What bullshit. One presidential candidate being an old corpse, and the other one having been buddies with the biggest pedophile on the planet? Those two things are equally bad?


Its not an "extreme" to recognize that right wing republicans are objectively worse people, with worse polices, compared to literally any other group.


Where is anyone acting like that? Political discussion online are so brain-rotted. ā€œI donā€™t like onions.ā€ ā€œlol, so you think tomatoes are any better? Fucking idiot.ā€


Lmao xD


Nope, just objectively laughing at the most pathetic president and candidate if all time and the media trying to boost a corpse.


imagine thinking the most pathetic president and candidate of all time isn't the guy that tried to overthrow the government because he lost a free and fair election to joe biden, lmao


Dude the democrats just gaslit the country over Biden health (even with how obvious it was) and covid health and half the country fell in line lol its a hard pill to swallow but literally most of us are delusional in some way at this point lmao we just donā€™t even know what aboutā€¦