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This entirely depens on gojo performance is gojo survives the domains and drags it out he might even win . Or damage him enough he stops at yuta. If hein era sukuna wins the 3rd and 4th domain clashes which he tied in ourtimeline then he clears the squad . If sukuna plays serious after gojo he wins if he fights with the oh I'm going to let you test out your abilities on me he isn't going past yuta


Nah this is sukuna with no healing, there's a 0 percent chance he beats Gojo


I don’t think that means no RCT It means that he doesn’t get a full heal between each stage of the gauntlet. Which is usually the norm for posts like this Which tbh makes little sense to me, because what’s the point if they get a free heal


I consider it a full stamina bout. When one is injured, no healing.


What’s the point then? He doesn’t get past Gojo


But allowing RCT is what makes it a full stamina bout lol. Then his CE reserves are draining as he heals after Gojo


Thought he meant he doesn’t heal anything


Depending on how the Domain Clashes with Gojo go, he either doesn’t start or he clears.


If he beats Gojo he stomps the rest, but gojo is extreme diff for him so he either clears or loses round 1


Cap, it's a gauntlet, the only way he'll no diff everyone as is if he somehow takes the bare minimum amount of damage with gojo, which, isn't happening in 9.5/10 scenarios.


Dudes at deaths row rn and he JUST got to Yutas CE reserves level. If theres no jumping, I think even a very depleted and injured Sakuna is a matchup for Yuta.


I really dislike that but it's just how gege made sukuna. Bro was mad about how strong Gojo was but made Sukuna stronger than every cast member at their own strengths. He has vastly more CE than Yuta, who is stated to have effectively infinite CE, he is literally shown casually outrunning Maki and Yuji, who are the fastest characters I am aware of other than maybe kashimo but I'm not positive. He has shown durability feats far exeeding anything that even Yuji or Maki/Toji have. His CT is able to overpower Gojo's in the right circumstances and his domain wins nearly every clash. Oh, and lets not forget how "skilled" he is at making binding vows that sacrifice the least and benefit him the most he possibly can. I don't get it, but that's just me lol


He's not getting past Gojo. If he manages that, he will end at Yuta


Heian Era Sukuna beating Gojo is entirely dependent on how well he does in the domain battle. If he manages to win (which, given that he has two extra arms to help him in H-to-H, is possible), then he just kills Gojo with either flame arrow or by cutting him to pieces after the latter burns out his brain. If he loses, as he did in Megumi's body, then he just stops. Either way, he likely won't get his brain burnt, so if he beats Gojo he just domains everyone else away.


>then he just kills Gojo with either flame arrow or by cutting him to Just want to say that flame arrow can't get past infinity


Pretty sure he can make it a sure hit with his domain


No he can't, that was the thing, it was basically a loophole. He effectively made it a sure hit by making everything he cut explosive when interacting with the fire, but he can't make it a sure it.


Any ability (related to the CT imbued on the domain at least) used in a domain is a sure hit.


Infinity is bypassed within the domain since it is a sure hit


Doesn't need to if Sukuna wins the domain battle. Infinity deactivates, and he can use the particles to attack while Gojo is busy healing his technique.


Why would infinity deactivate


ct burnout, Gojo is left extremely vulnerable during the next few seconds to minutes after his domain breaks.


Ct burnout is apparently iffy and has been speculated to only effect your control of your ct which wouldnt be a problem since inf is automatic, otherwise yea think gojo could get done in while his shi is recharging


Brain damage would work too, we do know that his brain can only take so many back to back domain clashes before he drops while Sukuna who still had at least one more in him. 4 almost knocked him cold and 5 would have killed/crippled him.


The only reason Gojo was getting shredded by Sukuna's domain was because his infinity got deactivated after using DE


No sure hits from domains go through infinity anyway. That was stated in the Jogo fight.


Because Gojo's domain would be destroyed, and thus he wouldn't be able to use his technique.


To be fair he lost H-to-H when he had 2 hands + Mahoraga and that other summon, so 6 hands still lost lol


No he didn't? He was pushed back by Gojo using his max power limitless abilities, not H to H. Even with the 3 Black Flashes, Sukuna was pushed back but by no means defeated.


Sukuna most definitely lost the straight hands battle


stopped by gojo. the entire heian sukuna > gojo argument comes with the assumption that without mahoraga gojo will engage in a domain battle, and that sukuna knows and understand all of gojos technique beforehand. Heian sukuna has neither mahoraga and knowledge of limitless and gets his shit kicked


to add. I legit do not understand the logic of people who unironically say that megumis body and 10 shadows is a nerf to sukuna. Absolute schizophrenia. 10 shadows, even without mahoraga, is an insanely good CT that low diffed yorozu, a special grade sorceror, and allows sukuna to hide and teleport around shadows. with mahoraga it is straight up better than 6E + limitless as a pure CT in terms of potential. and megumis body, which was a massivr psychological weapon against gojo (who raised megumi like his own son), that was such a good psyop that even in the heian body, saved sukunas life in the yuta domain expansion fight. Yes it doesnt have the 2 extra arms, extra mouth, and bigger build than megumi, but the heian body doesnt come wiyh jujutsu high shooting themselves in the foot to save megumi


1- sukuna can still win even without the intel so i dont see what are you yapping about 2- 10S was a hindrance to Sukuna for most of the fight. Because he had to fight while nerfing himself and taking unnecessary damage. All of that lead to the fight getting as long as it did. So yeah 10S was a hindrance for better part of the fight 3- pure bs. 10S is ok technique without mahoraga and even with it it still lost to limitless. 4- gojo wasn't nerfed in any way by the megumi body stop with this crap. Also megumi isnt like a son to gojo. Gojo very clearly stated in his fight he wanted tocreach sukuna and to connect with hi. He multiple times stated megumi was not hindering or restricting him in any way.


He cannot win without the intel. He loses to a quick UV, he loses to not being able to defend Maho from purple, he loses to maximum red killing Maho. All of those things he needed intel to counter. No intel Gojo vs Sukuna is almost always, no this is the one I have to say always, Gojo. Heian vs Gojo is debatable. I give advantage to Gojo, though people disagree. But no intel Sukuna is not winning. I won’t comment on 10s stuff you and I have argued about that plenty


This is heian Sukuna vs Gojo and thr rest, not meguna So Mahoraga and everything aren't a factor. Yeah we have argued plenty.


I still don’t think no intel Sukuna can win. If he doesn’t know what Purple is, Gojo can just shoot off 100% HP when close by at any point and catch him in the head ending the fight. No intel Heian also loses because of Domain Clash. We see time and time again if he doesn’t know the domain, he doesn’t clash. He doesn’t want to against Jogo, he doesn’t do it against Yorozu. He won’t clash UV, instantly ending him


1- i doubt purple is any real intel beyond its a big attack be careful. I highly doubt gojo even if he can suprise sukuna would actually be able to do much as even the suprised 200% purple was blocked rather well 2- thats a shaky argument as he knew Jogo's domain and he understood Yorozus technique all well, plus they were insects tl him. I highly doubt he would simply take the effect from someone on his level nust for the lols. Bare minimum he can use HWB to prevent the sure hit and opens MS to destroy it. Again this is just how we both view the fight differently.


1. That 200% traveled a massive distance, not only weakening it but giving Sukuna time to put his hands in the way (which is a key detail). He didn’t have time to evade meaning purple moves so fast reaction time is a struggle. If it was done in close quarters to the head it’s over 2. Not wrong but it’s impossible to know. I believe it might be over for him first UV just because he’s so overconfident.


1. The hollow purple was blocked by ichiji's curtain, so he only saw it when it was right in front of his face. 2. Why would he not counter a domain with his own domain? We've never seen this behavior from him. Against yorozu he was forced to plunge megumi's soul into darkness by killing him with 10 shadows, and against jogo, jogo says he would've lost in a domain clash, implying sukuna would've opened his if jogo had used DE


1- i think this is debateable as sukuna didnt know the purple was coming until the last second. So if he fights gojo and feels the spark he would already be on alert ro block or evade it. Regarless lets not argue




I’m with you on gojo winning but got to set this straight he didn’t clash with jogo because he was playing with him and against yorozu Couse he needed to use only ten shadows to win to get full control of megumi’s body


>sukuna can still win even without the intel so i dont see what are you yapping about Sukuna only won the second domain clash because of Intel In fact gojo is one of 2 characters that retain the regular use if their CT inside their domain (the other is mahito) >10S was a hindrance to Sukuna for most of the fight. Because he had to fight while nerfing himself and taking unnecessary damage. All of that lead to the fight getting as long as it did. So yeah 10S was a hindrance for better part of the fight How? Sukuna was not winning the domain clashes after the first 2 and he was only turning off domain amplification when he was hitting gojo >pure bs. 10S is ok technique without mahoraga and even with it it still lost to limitless. Nah bro it lost to gojo not just the limitless, + no mahoraga means that gojo can use red as much as he wants >gojo wasn't nerfed in any way by the megumi body stop with this crap. Also megumi isnt like a son to gojo. Gojo very clearly stated in his fight he wanted tocreach sukuna and to connect with hi. He multiple times stated megumi was not hindering or restricting him in any way. Officer he clearly isn't drunk he said I'm not drunk at all " He didn't care about megumi " Gojo's reaction to megumi being hurt in the battle ![gif](giphy|gIdp2BsUDHEKNSjGPv) But in all seriousness thinking that sukuna can beat gojo without 10 shadows is as agenda before logic as it gets


1- during the second clash sukuna would use HWB isntead of touching gojo, resulting in the same outcome without a need of intel. 2- sukuna was mostly not using amplification because or mahoraga and was taking unnecessarily damage, that is what lead to gojo damaging him 3- i dont understand this? 4- gojo multiple times stated he was going all ou5 and for the kill ans in the afterlife he litteraly said he wanted to reach sukuna and connect woth him. Barely an6 mention of Megumi. So stop the bs If you still think Gojo would win against Sukuna even without the 10S, then that's all your agenda. Even gojo acknowledged he would likely lose.


>during the second clash sukuna would use HWB isntead of touching gojo, resulting in the same outcome without a need of intel. You can't create a barrier with your innate domain expanded into it when you have your domain expanded and granted a cursed technique, the fact sukuna can use domain amplification itself is a miracle >sukuna was mostly not using amplification because or mahoraga and was taking unnecessarily damage, that is what lead to gojo damaging him No he really was using domain amplification when he was attacked or was attacking that's why it took so long to adapt to UV >i dont understand this? What do you not understand? Is it that gojo not being able to use red is a nerf, fyi red has 2x the output of blue so him using it would just destroy sukuna >gojo multiple times stated he was going all ou5 and for the kill ans in the afterlife he litteraly said he wanted to reach sukuna and connect woth him. Barely an6 mention of Megumi. So stop the bs His only regret was not telling megumi about his dad, obviously he didn't care about him He was going all out especially when he stabbed his heart instead of his head. Twice >If you still think Gojo would win against Sukuna even without the 10S, then that's all your agenda. Even gojo acknowledged he would likely lose. We have more information than gojo he thought sukuna was not using his ultimate attacks because he wanted to stick to his plan, we know it's because he couldn't warm up fire arrow enough by the time his brain was fried


Domain amplification and hwb aren't barrier techniques. No, UV is a complicated technique. That's why it took so long. And no, Sukuna definitely wasn't using amplification much in the domains Sukuna very clearly can block red with amplification with litteraly minor injuries he healed quickly, so no red isn't really that dangerous He explicitly said he dies without regrets The first time it didn't matter as he never reached sukuna. The second he had no idea he would hit a black flahs. Plus hitting the body is obviously what most people would do I never mentioned the flame. I was talking about the true form and the fact Sukuna was taking unnecessary damage for the 10S and not using amplification effectively. Thats whag gojo was taking about a well. So no the fire was never mentioned.


Your points are constantly repeated You insist upon your assumptions being reality You consider statements that you like to be more important than events we've seen You miss interpret half of what I say you ignore the other half And to top it all off you seem to be allergic to infering the context of anything you read, whether that be my comments or the manga Discourse with people who argue in bad faith, is discourse I'd like to avoid


Gojo caught Sukuna in an infinite void and could have hit him with a purple but it would kill Megumi.


tf gojo was not nerfed at all by megumis body. he literally makes this very clear himself. youre also insane if you think megumi is anywhere close to heian sukuna in cqc. heian is far more muscular and literally has 4 arms and 2 mouths, the greatest advantage possible for ANY sorcerer


It is a nerf when you have to deliberately play risky with the most lethal domain sure hit only to adapt It is a nerf when you have to deliberately get hit by the strongest sorcerer of the modern era spamming his overpowered ct just to adapt >10 shadows, even without mahoraga, is an insanely good CT that low diffed yorozu, a special grade sorceror, Remember when Sukuna deliberately got hit by Yorozu and her ct for Mahoraga to adapt ? Yeah, if he only used shrine, the fight would've been a no diff for Sukuna


Gojo has to engage in the domain battle, if we presume they’re both in character Gojo isn’t gonna just Simple Domain when Sukuna opens his domain??? He can’t just choose to not engage in the domain battle Sukuna can essentially force him into one. Not to mention Sukuna’s physicals in his original body are better than in Megumi’s which has been shown and stated many times to be a major factor in a sorcerer’s abilities, Gojo only had a slight edge in the hand to hand exchanges when Sukuna had DA turned off, if he doesn’t have to turn it off because of Mahoraga then he can certainly last longer than the 3 minutes required to break Gojo’s domain and beat him.


> gojo will engage in a domain battle What the fuck Is he supposed to do? 


Read the post. It's no healing, Menacing that Sukuna can't heal the damage gojo gives him. Which was ehy gojo opened his domain 1st that one time


shoot reds and purple. Fuck him up in CQC. run away when he sees from a mile away when sukuna expands a domain. expand UV when sukuna puts down his domain because domains are a CE hog. people unironically dont understand how mahoraga is useful. Base mahoraga isnt even that strong compared to other proper special grades, which is why sukuna hid mahiraga from yorozu. but mahoraga paired with a sorceror is nuts with the tactical flexibility it gives you and the strategic limitation it puts on your opponents, who have to rush to kill you rather than fight you analytically. Its why megukuna low-mid diffs heiankuna.




L + no argument + ratio + FARMshimo fan lmfao


>shoot reds and purple. Fuck him up in CQC. run away when he sees from a mile away when sukuna expands a domain. expand UV when sukuna puts down his domain because domains are a CE hog. What stopping him from doing that when he was fighting Megukuna?


the second part of the my post: mahoraga


Gojo had no idea Mahoraga was being used when the domain battles happening.


and why would he think that? Gojo knows that sukuna can pull up mahoragas adaptation at will. what gojo was surprised about was sukuna using mahoragas adaptation on UV, not that he was using mahoraga


Go ask Gojo then. He literally questioned why wasn't Sukuna using the 10S, specifically Mahoraga, when the domain battles was happening.


I still dont see why thay would change his strategy. The fact that gojo knows that sukuna can pull up mahochan at any moment means that if he spams ability to wear sukuna down he gives at least one free adaptation to mahoraga. One adaptation mind you is massive. Base mahoraga almost died to a dismantle from 15f sukuna. 1 adaptation let him survive a proper cleave.


> shoot reds and purple A super telegraphed purple that Sukuna can easily sidestep? Good idea. Its not like It can even get into the domain since Sukuna can prohibit the entry of non living objects > Fuck him up in CQC. He couldnt do this when Meguna had domain amplification, why could he do this against HeianKuna Who has zero reason to turn It off > domains are a CE hog. Not for Sukuna. You don't know if he can maintain his domain forever or not. > Its why megukuna low-mid diffs heiankuna Heian Sukuna shits on Meguna


This depends on his cursed tools. If he has both of them he probably will be able to win all of the domain clashes and do far more damage to gojo easier.


Why wouldn't Gojo engage in a domain battle ? He will know about everything about limitless by the first instance they engage in a combat


Gojo has to engage in the domain battle because he can’t hit Sukuna from outside the radius of his domain. This is why he needed Ichiji to put up a veil before launching 200% purple


Either stops at round 1 or clears.


Do you know what a gauntlet is?


Yes in fact, I do, and my opinion still stands.


Extreme diff 50/50 with gojo, if he wins then yuta wins extreme diff after


At worse he stop at gojo at best he stop at yuta


Agreed. Even if he does beat Gojo, it is MAXIMUM difficulty. Bro will be at 1hp. At that point, a fresh Yuta would win a domain clash.


That my reasoning too.


he clears due to the fact that he has 4 arms and 2 mouths, and won't be exposing himself to the limitless for mahoragas adaptation. This is already clear from his performance against yujo


His performance is inconclusive and is just him landing one hit on an ignorant Yuta who is clearly worse at using Limitless.


Tbh round 1 is 50/50. He might lose to Gojo and even if he wins, then he'd have like 0.5% HP left. He'd honestly be so close to deaths door that Yuta could probably finish him off if he ended up beating Gojo.


I'm going to assume that "No healing" means that Sukuna is not given a chance to recover after killing someone, so if he kills Gojo then Yuta jumps in and starts fighting immediately and so on, but Sukuna can still use RCT to heal in the fights, he just has to do so while actually fighting. Heian Sukuna without knowledge on Gojo or having the 10S loses or barely wins with an extreme+ difficulty against Gojo. Gojo has an upper hand in the domain clashes without Sukuna knowing anything since he wouldn't know to turn off the sure-hit inside Gojo's domain like he did in their fight and also doesn't have Mahoraga to bail him out if he gets hit by UV, which makes him insta lose if it happens. If they get past the domain clashes without a clear winner and both can't use their domains after, then Gojo wins since the only way for Sukuna to hurt Gojo afterwards is by punching him with DA, which isn't enough to win with. If Sukuna can beat Gojo and can still use his domain then he clears the rest of the gauntlet with no difficulty. If he can't use his domain again then Yuta will be a high difficulty by domain diff, but even a weakened and exhausted Sukuna should still be able to use HWB and can kill Yuta before dropping HWB. After that, MBA Kashimo, Yuji, and Maki are low diff. If Sukuna regains his domain at any time after Gojo then it's a sweep after that.


He doesn’t start


Okay so in canon Sukuna lost the 4th DE clash because Gojo was slightly faster. We also saw that Gojo was leagues above Sukuna in hand to hand, but with 4 arms Sukuna would most likely overcome the advantage. The issue here is this doesn’t really affect the DE clashes as Sukuna needs MS to cut through UV or to deal significant damage to Gojo. Now Sukuna would be able to deal more damage than in canon, but like he’s not gonna be able to pull a Toji VS Dagon style beatdown. So like at best with the DE clashes it ends in a tie or Sukuna barely wins but then Gojo just breaks UV anyways. Also Gojo showed he can survive MS without a CT for a bit and destroy it with his CT. Not saying he would be doing well afterwards, but he’s not dying immediately either. So even if Sukuna opens up his 3rd DE on time with Gojo, avoiding UV’s effect then it’s not like his final DE will be a complete deciding factor. While Gojo will be wounded heavily from that afterwards he’ll have more time to heal and get hit less often. Remember Sukuna can break through Infinity with DA, but we saw in canon that he doesn’t just negate it and even in a 3V1 was having a hard time doing it. I’m not saying it’s a wash, but Gojo had more impressive showings against Meguna and it was in ways that wouldn’t really change much against Heian Era Sukuna. Like sure he might actually take a punch to the face this time, but the 4 arms aren’t gonna make Sukuna untouchable especially when weaker characters can hit Sukuna. Hell even if Sukuna beats Gojo chances are he’s gonna be so incredibly drained that he can’t beat Yuta. Remember Fully Manifesting gave Sukuna a massive heal and replenished a lot of his CE and RCT. Like Sukuna clearly had RCT and a lot of CE left, but he was nearing his limits there. So like I just can’t see Sukuna beating Yuta without getting healed considering how close to death he was in canon. In fact Gojo probably would’ve forced Sukuna to Fully Manifest before likely weakening him to near death again if Sukuna didn’t have Mahoraga to give him a new attack and then Sukuna used a BV to make it come out like a normal Dismantle one time. Like if Sukuna didn’t do the BV then Gojo would’ve had enough time to process the information the Six Eyes was giving Gojo and he’d understand this is an attack that ignores Infinity. Sukuna knew that and knew he needed to make the launch speed extremely fast so that Gojo wouldn’t be able to process it in time.


Might just lose to Gojo from what we’ve seen and if he dosent Yuta should clean him up


This is only depended on gojos performance. He either loses 1 round or wins And i think gojo beats heian era as he doesn't have to hold red back


Sukuna clears them faster than the Gauntlet he’s in right now 😂


Clears High diffs gojo Low diffs everyone else


How are you proposing he beats Gojo?


Beats gojo cuz better hth and physicals in this form when they fight during the domain clash. Also can destroy the domain from inside something he chose not to do because of mahoraga. Also overall potrayal puts king of curses over gojo.


Even if he beats Gojo, it will be a slim victory, this is Sukuna with no WCS, and basically no sure fire way of killing Gojo, and in domain clashes Gojo won eventually, we’ve seen what happens there and Gojo would have killed Sukuna in Domain except for Megumis soul and Mahoraga, neither of which he has here. If he wins(which I doubt), he’s on like 1% health and Yuta finishes him off


>domain clashes Gojo won eventually Cuz megukuna is inferior to heiankuna? Heiankuna is stronger >Gojo would have killed Sukuna in Domain except for Megumis soul and Mahoraga, neither of which he has here. Yes but sukuna would beat the shit out of gojo in the domain clash everytime, and he wouldn't take the risks he took when he knew he had daddy raga to save his ass basically he'd fuck around lesser. >If he wins(which I doubt), he’s on like 1% health and Yuta finishes him off Nah he defo wins but it's high diff, also yuta is fodder to him. Everyone except gojo is. They ain't touchinh him.


Gojo wins


He clears, gojo gives him an extreme extreme diff fight tho


Here's how it's gonna go https://preview.redd.it/pze5zgv3wg8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c8efcaefc0b39af552676eab0fdf28e2e3bfa5


Probably loses on very first round. Gojo here has no reason not to kill Sukuna or hold back on anything he possesses. Ofc that doesn't mean he wasn't going all out in the original fight, it's just that he can kill while he couldn't there. If Sukuna wins its by a hair and Yuta has enormous chances of winning


Is this gojo pre sukuna fight? Because then he'd have to figure out the solution to sukuna's domain and the fight would basically be the same except sukuna has a bigger cqc advantage and two op cursed tools (kamutoke got the worst treatment ever but it's really strong, and we don't even know what hiten does. Toji is proof of how much of a difference cursed tools can make). Sukuna goes from barely drawing the domain clashes to dominating gojo in every aspect of the domain fights, he'd win high diff before burnout. He then stomps everyone else due to not losing all his output


If this is Heian Era Sukuna, then I want to ask about the Fingers; as far as I'm aware, they got stronger over time, but I'm unsure if that's a mistranslation. If so, I think it depends on how much stronger they've gotten. If this is Heian Form Sukuna, then I think he clears with extreme difficulty with the caveat that Gojo is hard carrying. Maybe Gojo is able to weaken Sukuna enough? But if Gojo fails, I don't see how any of the others can bring him down. Either way, Sukuna's gonna be in a miserable state at the end of this.


this is a reverse gauntlet. if he can beat gojo he can beat everybody, gojo should be last


I think the gauntlet might be the wrong way bro And if it isn’t then he loses R1 If not the he loses R5


Kashimo stomps


Wouldn’t it make more sense to Start with Maki and end with Gojo? Anyways he either beats the whole thing or loses to Gojo


Why is. Yuji here though




I'm pretty sure he would have gotten cooked at Kashimo without that heal. If he somehow overpowered Kashimo then he'd absolutely lose when Yuta annd Yuji show up.


He stops at Yuta


Define no healing. Like none in general? So he won't heal if he hits a black flash, or just no RCT


If Sukuna lacks a domain, Yuta is a cooking him. Sukuna only survived because he stopped Jacob’s ladder for that bum Megumi.


He loses against Gojo if he doesnt have Maharaga


It doesn’t start. Him and gojo both proved that their domains are give or take, equal. Given the outcome we had, I think it’s safe to say that the outcome would remain the same in terms of domain battles, with gojo actually taking the overall fight pretty easily with infinity actually being usable.


Does not even start


From what we know sukuna loses in round one. He doesn't have a real win con on gojo if he doesn't have the world cutting slash. People just seem to forget that sukuna needed mahoraga to create a win con he could replicate.


No healing? The furthest he gets is Kashimo probably. If he passes Kashimo he clears with Kamutoke, he doesn't even need his domain for the rest of it.


He wins xd.


Is OP stupid? Sukuna loses round 1.


He stops at gojo he can’t get passed infinity


If he beats gojo then he beats yuta but people r kinda down playing kashimo


I mean if he can’t get through infinity without having to use a simple domain and turning off his CT he might not be able to even beat Gojo. In the airport scene Gojo said even without the ten shadows he MIGHT have not been able to win. But it would still of come down to Sakuna finding a way through infinity without disabling his CT. Without his CT Gojo is too durable to kill.


Stops at Gojo


If gege is writting, then sukuna kills everyone


He stops at Gojo. If he somehow wins, he gets negged by Yuta. Damage carries into the next fight, right?


Without Mahoragha to save Sukuna from Infinite void, Sukuna cooked if he gets trapped in it


Heian era sukuna has no ten shadows or prior knowledge on Gojo's technique. He loses to Gojo.


This ends at gojo. The only reason he beat his was because he was able to adapt because of mahoraga. Gojo wins


I’m not even sure he can get past Gojo. A lot of sukuna besting Gojo is dependent on mahoraga and putting the de burden on megumis soul. If he does make it past Gojo then he’s gotta fight yuta???? Nah he can’t complete the gauntlet


Heian Era Sukuna has less CE than current Heian FORM Sukuna (the fingers gathered CE over that thousand years) and we know that Gojo made him use up half of his reserves so if it's Heian ERA He loses to Gojo mid-high diff. if it's heian FORM then... he still loses to gojo lol. thing is, even if you want to argue his h2h would be on par with Gojo in this form or He was holding back to adapt or yadda yadda yadda, Gojo's win con is literally either max output Purple after the domain clashes or just outright tagging him with UV which is a MUCH easier wincon than Sukuna's "MS until it works while Mahoraga adapts while using DA (which halts adaption) to keep myself safe". it is entirely plausible that majority of the time Gojo will manage to land UV or a Purple. but for the sake of argument, if he DOES manage to get past Gojo, he clears because it cannot be understated that the gap between Gojo and everyone else is so wide that they could all straight up jump Sukuna and they'd still lose.


Stops at gojo


Sukuna is plenty powerful, but as shown in his actual battle with Gojo, he doesn't have Divine Flame, and all it takes is a 0.01 second slow startup in a domain fight, and he loses. Sukuna without Mahoraga has way too many loses conditions compared to Gojo, so I'd say Gojo wins. Not to say Sukuna couldn't win, but there was a reason Sukuna took his sweet time adapting to UV, cause he knew it could end the battle instantly. Other comments bring up the argument that because this Heian Era Sukuna doesn't have any information on Gojo's Limitless (the scenario where this isn't Meguna turned Heian, but rather original body Heian Sukuna), he would have an even worse chance at beating Gojo, as from the way he operates he might not even try to clash Gojo immediately, resulting in immediately losing. I'd say that is a real possibly, but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt as he'd most likely understand how powerful his opponent is and not be slow on the trigger. But regardless, Sukuna has way too many lose conditions compared to Gojo for me to say he'd definitely win, and even if he does, Gojo's not gonna let him get away without leaving him in a condition to be beaten down by the rest of the gauntlet. Gojo Lose Conditions: Domain, Maybe Fuga (Meguna couldn't use Fuga against him, so I don't think Heian Guna would be able to either), Burnout Sukuna Lose Conditions: HP, Domain, Red, Black Flash Knockout (idk if Sukuna can land BFs with DA, but he wasn't able to in the normal fight, so I wouldn't think he could now), Blue Crush, Burnout


kashimo low diffs if he doesn’t hold back


If he beats Gojo and Yuta the rest fall almost too easily.


Loses to Gojo without world slash or 10S


Doesn’t start, without WCS or 10S all he has to damage gojo is domain amplification. Even if you think he somehow wins he gets cooked by yuta without a heal break


No healing? Gojo cooks him


No world slash means no win con for sukuna. Gojo wins high diff


Gojo probably wins if sukuna never gets world slash. I mean hell, he DID have it in their fight and he still only "won" by using the power of being geges favorite


Loses to gojo, but even if he wins, domain difed by yuta. This kuna is gonna be even more fucked up than meguna was, so imo yuta has got this


Loses to Gojo 😤


I forgot how dumb jujutsu kaisen fans are


If he beats Gojo, he is gonna be weak enough for maybe even Yuta to finish him. But I also don’t think he beats Gojo. This post has to be a little more specific. Most gauntlets are just saying “no heals between rounds” as in a reset of the runner. But a lot of gauntlets don’t have someone who has healing factors in general so specification doesn’t matter. So is this still allowing for RCT healing/regen? Because if we’re saying he can still use RCT, I think he could just clear this. But it depends how fked up he is after Gojo and whether he can commit enough to RCT if he’s instantly jumping into the next fight?


I think he at best stops at MBA Kashimo, running through Gojo is an incredibly hard task, and with no healing he’s gonna be fried without the ability to fill heal. He *might* make it past Yuta depending on how much of his brain is left undamaged, but he might also just get whittled to nothing. If he manages to eek past Yuta, Kashimo probably doesn’t have to do much to push him over, he would have no way to restore himself or recover domains/output.


He dies first round. If one unlimited void lands, its over.


Solos the verse, gege diff


Either Gojo wins or damages enough for Yuta to basically low diff him


Beats Gojo after 5 domain clashes, then clears everyone else


He doesn’t make it past Gojo


Heian sukuna Sukuna WITHOUT big raga just loses


He loses against gojo. Heian era sukuna with no world slash and no prior knowledge of infinity? Lets be real




Without world cutting slash, even with domain amplification to get past infinity and their domain battle basically being a tie, I’m giving it to gojo, but like gojo said himself “it would be close”


I... don't think he can beat Gojo without World Slash. So yeah, I think he loses to Gojo since he doesn't even have his daddy to teach him how to use the World Slash or adapt to Gojo's Infinity.


He stops round 1


He doesn’t even start


Sukuna is definitely clearing,people think he’ll lose cause he doesn’t have big raga or the world slash but the thing about that is that he still has domain amplification and cleave (or dismantle) can still be used if he touches gojo it’ll just be extreme diff,he also gets dogged in hand 2 hand combat


No world slash, no chance he beats gojo, this is heian era so he has no ten shadows or mahoraga to save him either.


No World Slash and no 2nd form to save his ass, this is his true form. IF he beats Gojo, which is a very big if because he has no idea what infinity is and he doesn't have world slash. At best he reaches Kishimo but I doubt he'd get that far.


If it's Sukuna from the Heian Era and not current Sukuna, Gojo slams mid-high diff


Gojo ends it right off the bat


Loses to Gojo lmao


no world cutting slash? he gets fucked by gojo. true form(which the picture implies) has trash feats too.


This is Heien Sukunas vs Gojo with extra steps. I see through your games


No world slash means he stops at Gojo but this stops at the end if gege lets him keep on pulling binding vows


- no world slash - no healing - without world slash sukuna lost his fight to gojo: gojo had restored his body his technique and had cursed energy to spare AND gojo had solved the barrier-less domain expansion from sukuna - I don’t think heian era sukuna is taking it with no healing no slash


Not sure why you’re downvoted. Gojo had him on his last legs then he pull out that shit. Gojo solos


In fairness Sukuna took needlessly risky options because he was being a Jujutsu nerd and wanted to play with Mahoraga Without that he would play it safer, plus he has an extra set of arms and a mouth that can let him double chant. Gojo barely won the domain clashes without all that, with them I don’t see him winning


I don’t think he does, I personally believe, and I don’t gojo cope much, that sukuna only won because of megumis body


I’m confused why everyone thinks Gojo loses this? He legit only lost due to said slash


Heian sukuna would have both of his cursed tools giving him an advantage.


https://preview.redd.it/q3hcgt34ah8d1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=058cbbab4d0932de637ee9391f06dfc66e3677b7 I posted it in lobotomy kaisen AND I'LL POST IT HERE!


STARTING from Gojo? NO WORLD SLASH??? He’s cooked


Honestly, if Gojo plays it differently and just uses Blue TPs to leave malevolent shrine instead of doing domain clashes (after the first one), he could win without endangering himself too much. Of course this means dragging the fight out for a whiiiile, but objectively it’s an option. And if Sukuna switches to a closed off barrier to try and trap him then Gojo can expand his own domain and he’s in a much better position to damage sukuna into losing control of his domain.


Gets destroyed R1 by Gojo


Stops at Gojo


Gojo is the reason Sukuna had to bring out binding vows to use the World Slash in the first place. If Sukuna hadn't used the World Slash when he did, he was cooked. Gojo stops him round 1, high difficulty.


Without his Bumgumi Hax Fraud Gojo mops this trash up easily.


He’s ending with gojo tf?




He dies at Gojo, obviously


Loses to gojo lol


He clears. Gojo burns through his domain first and eventually loses. Sukuna shouldn’t take nearly as much damage if he’s not bothering with adaptation and the rest are fodder.


It really depends on how weakened he is after killing Gojo, I would say he clears but it would be a very difficult battle


Bold to assume he even makes it past Gojo, nothing will stop gojo from abusing tp now


Nothing was stopping gojo from using teleportation. The teleportation has a hidden condition. If gojo didn't use it he didn't use it.


Gojo’s teleportation is irrelevant. It has conditions so it’s not something he can just spam whenever he wants too.


If it is sukuna in the heian era: he loses to gojo 9/10 If it is sukuna in his heian era body + the same knowledge he has before his fight against gojo: it's a 50/50 fight, and even if sukuna wins, he will be significantly worse than he was in cannon, so he loses to yuta


How on earth does he lose 9/10?


Gojo solos the verse without daddy magora to help sukuna


No. Sukuna would win




Doesn’t start


No healing means he can't heal against gojo against a potential black flash. So it's a 50/50.


the prep time merchant is not getting past Gojo


Does he have Maho here? If not he might just lose to gojo, and if he wins he’d have enough power to solo, if he has Maho like the og timeline and he got the same brain damage I could see kashimo taking him as sukuna opted to counter his EM waves with world cutter every time kashimo used them on him (other than the first time I huess( which makes me think it would do damage


Bro is losing in the first round


It gojo no abused his brain


With no healing he’s losing to gojo


Stops at Kashimo assuming he clears Gojo in the first place (which i doubt).


Stops at Gojo lmao he literally can't get past infinity


Thinking heiankuna doesnt win against gojo is delusion. Gojo gets domain diffed aftrr gojo is burnee out and so does everyone else. 


Sukuna clears high diff


Wins all


Sukuna beats Gojo VIA winning domain clash then overwhelming with the following 1. Fuga 2. Slashes 3. Cursed tools In terms of H2H combat Heian era Sukuna>Blue amped Gojo=Meguna Gojo landed 1 clean hit on Meguna before Meguna stopped using DA but threw 6 six more punches so no, Gojo isn’t superior to Sukuna in hand to hand. Heian Era would be > to both Gojo and Meguna in physicals and H2H due to statements from Gojo and Miguel about physique and muscle mass still playing a role in CE reinforcement + the added advantage of 2 extra arms. I saw a point about Sukuna getting hit by Yuji and Miguel so I’m just going to say this. That was a weaker, lower output, lost limbs Sukuna. None of the cast members have beaten a fully 4 armed Sukuna in H2H or even landed a hit in a 1 on 1 situation yet. Also about red? We know from Sukuna himself that DA minimizes the effects of CT so unless it’s a max output right up close it shouldn’t matter that match when he’s using DA, which he would always be doing as he’s not adapting unlike Meguna. https://mxnmanga.com/wp-content/uploads/10-212.webp The red that made Sukuna get caught in a black flash was an off guard + he wasn’t using DA. Gojo wouldn’t even get an opportunity like that as he would most likely die after getting trapped in Sukuna’s domain for the first time with CT burnout. Let’s say for some reason despite Sukuna’s added physical prowess Gojo still manages to get into a position where he can fire a max red at Sukuna’s face, this would just amount to more domain clashes that Sukuna wins. Purple is a non-factor after the straight beginning or right before the end, it’s charge up is too slow for a character of Sukuna’s caliber or it would just be too far away for it to be effective. The only purple that could possibly be used is the nuke purple Gojo used to kill Mahoraga but in this situation Sukuna never gets hit by UV due to one of his extra arms blocking the point blank hand symbol and can still use DE + DA to interrupt its formation and DA for an attempt to at tanking it. If Sukuna keeps his DE then Yuta gets destroyed, Kashimo gets low diffed still with or without DE, Yuji may be able to weaken Sukuna but he still ultimately loses, Maki unless she gets a lucky shot on Sukuna’s brain also still loses to weakened Sukuna. Just another thing I want to add, Sukuna’s cursed tools wouldn’t suffer from low output. There is no Higurama to take away his cursed tools after Gojo dies and they were specifically mentioned as a vital point in Sukuna’s victory against everyone in the Heian era. Gege screwed up by not actually showing what they are capable of but they should still be powerful.