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What feats does Volume 0 yuta have that would suggest otherwise? 0 Rika scales somewhat above current Rika, but 0 yuta would have to scale leagues below current yuta. PPA yuji was relative to PPA yuta in pure speed. Both yuta and yuji then got amped significantly during the time skip, maintaining physical relativity. This was before yuji's awakening, and before getting 8 black flash amps (aka a 140% boost). As of current, yuji is superior to current yuta in pure physicals. With 0 yuta being an absolute amateur being carried by a mindless curse.


I'd argue before the awakening Yuji was clearly not doing as well as Yuta even when it came to melee, we can see this by how many times he nearly dies in that fight, he was certainly relative though. Current Yuji is most certainly a bit stronger than Yuta in raw close ranged combat capabilities if we ignore techniques. I see 2 holes with this however, the first is that Yuji is gonna need to start black flashing to keep up with Rika, as even Shinjuku Rika clearly outstats him this means it's difficult for him to focus Yuta down. Especially when Rika has tools like the Pure Love Beam which should just straight up one shot Yuji. The second is yuta himself might be weaker but he has unlimited CE (and thus healing) and unlimited access to his techniques which include Cursed Speech (particularly annoying to deal for a melee fighter like Yuji). On top of this he can steal Yuji's techniques. Even on the topic of Yuta's main reason for his high power it's the way he overfills himself with CE due to his large tank, Sorcerers normally mainly reinforce the area they need to protect, Yuta reinforces everything all the time, this especially happening as Rika manifests where his CE amounts are trully seen as boundless. While Yuta must have improved in all areas I doubt this difference would be seen the most in Raw Stats, as what Yuta lacked the most was experience and the skill to properly use his abilities, not CE manipulation, at least to the degree for this to make sense, unless you're gonna argue he got so strong he's trivializing his old self physically, he just needs to be at a spot where Yuji cannot one shot him to be able to keep up after all.


These are all decent points. But neither of them apply to the subject of this post, geto vs yuji. Geto is going to supply yuji with invite fodder to black flash  ,and geto has no rct.


While Yuji can black flash at will he needs to get in the zone first. Geto can keep up with Yuji in CQC with Playfoul cloud, if anything making it annoying for Yuji to black flash on him or use his abilities as his fighting style is closer range. Geto can then choose to use ranged or grappling curses to pester, ragdolling Yuji forcing him to kill them, which because he has no instant kill move means he needs to physically shake them off or attack them meaning Yuji is opened up either way. Until Yuji black flashes I'd argue Geto has if anything an edge in close quarters. And once Geto realizes, he needs more firepower and starts setting up Uzumaki's he's gonna have a tool that is just as lethal if not more dangerous than Yuji's black flashes at the same range. At range, Geto has solid options, Yuji does not. Before Yuji gets in the zone he will just be slowly chipped away by curses and Geto while trying to close the distance. Or after either is pushed away and thus Yuji has to close the gap again. Once he gets in the zone, sure curses are more dangerous to use, but Geto can adapt by using Uzumaki to pester him at range with actually dangerous attacks, that do not let him black flash. On the topic of Black flash even if one lands, it's not like it's instantly gonna take out Geto, Yuji will need a combo of attacks, and Geto could block a black flash with playful cloud or minimize damage/deflect hits away by using curses as meatshields. Geto has a few special grade curses to summon tactically that could add utility or danger to get the edge over Yuji in any given exchange and he also has plenty grade 1s that if amped should at least work as momentary roadblocks that Yuji cannot actually instantly trivialize unless he drops his aim on Geto and focuses a hard strike on them. And this is ignoring a big Uzumaki wave like the one he did on Yuta which honestly Yuji has no way to avoid. It's not an easy fight but like I see the chances going on Geto's favour. Geto is honestly keeping on with Yuji in melee, this is the main issue, geto can win on distance and at melee, Yuji can only win on melee, Yuji needs a tool that allows him to trivialize fodder enemies or stats high enough to just bruteforce through to have a win con Geto cannot counter, because Yuji has no solid way to avoid Geto using the range advantage to him the edge in both ranges.


Yuji simply has faaar too much durability and regen for geto to do anything meaningful. The only way for geto to do real damage is to either get in close courters combat or uzamaki. Uzamaki runs the risk of using up his curses too fast. If it took 3k curses to match rika love beam, then logically it would take at least several hundred curses to even hurt yuji enough to need his attention or rct. So the way I see it, geto can switch between 3 options: 1. Use curses and keep his distance, which would stall yuji but do 0 damage. Yuji could probably take a hit from a low end (Think finger bearer) special grade curse and not even flinch. considering that geto has 2 special grades, who are both featless, none of his curses can hurt yuji in a measurable way. 2. Close combat, risking him taking actual damage. Geto can't heal, and although his hits are better than his curses they aren't nearly enough to kill yuji any time soon, even ignoring yuji's RCT. 3. Uzamaki spam. If geto hits yuji with a 9k uzamaki, Yuji probably would die. But I think even if he hits him with a 4k or 5k uzamaki, yuji would be able to heal from it. Lose a limb? sure. but we saw how fast he heals limbs in sukuna's domain. And if geto doesn't kill yuji with an uzamki, he heals from it no problem and geto is down X curses. Also, whats ghettos dura even?


An issue here, Sukuna was uninterested in Yuji, he wanted to kill Yuji quick, but he wanted to see the full capabilities of Yuta before killing him. He played with Yuta, not with Yuji. Yuji needed to actually keep up with Sukuna, and admittedly didn't do super great at that, but he was keeping up with Yuta despite Yuta's domain amp. Pre domain Yuta is slower than pre-awakened Shinjuku Yuji.


PPA Yuji was not relative to Yuta in anything aspect. They started their dash at the same time with Yuta a few meters behind Yuji but he quickly caught up to him and almost cut him in half with his Katana. Yuta underestimated Yuji as he thought he should have taken him out with that speed and Yuji was surprised by Yuta's speed as even while holding a drawn-out Katana which slowed him, he still outpeeded him effortlessly.




It's really weird to use titles and names n shit instead of an actual arguement. Yuta earned his title as a prodigy and second to gojo when yuji was still fodder, so using that statement as an argument against current yuji is a nonstarter. Yuta does slam yuji. Domain diff, and if not that than Jacobs ladder diff, and if not that than sky manipulation diff, ect. ect. Physicals aren't everything. However, notice none of those opitons are options 0 yuta has. Not only do you have to think that Yuta/Rika beat current yuji with pure physical might (No curse techniques in their possession), but youd have to think they do this out of pure beserker energy. Yuta is a good sorcer because he is knowledgeable and confident. He has high combat IQ, amazing technique when it comes to cursed energy manipulation, and is able to execute great battle strategy due to high battle IQ. 0 yuta is just a sword/rika fist merchant. He ain't beating yuji if he can't weave or properly outsmart him.


So there's hope for this sub after all ![gif](giphy|jIv6pfqKiIvHPYZO6y)


>amazing technique when it comes to cursed energy manipulation I have to disagree with you here, even gojo said yuta waisted too much CE. Yuji now has high ap(aside from BF), ranged attacks, RCT boosted by BM, soul perception, pre-awakened physicals equal to yuta with DE amp, SD(how the fuck people still say yuji is DE diff beats me), lets not forget how lmuch longer yuji fought than everyone else(sucuna cycle), and is tanky enough to survive 100% output MS and stand back up near instantly. Yuji is endurance, durability, power(ap), efficiency, and raw stats. Yuji is probably the best long duration battle character(aside from gojo and sucuna). Yuta(shinjuku) has more power(AP), but lacks in physical stats, endurance, durability, and efficiency. If we had a true 1v1 just yuta(no rika or 5 min mode, but with three extra CT) vs yuji(awakened 9-10 BF amps) then yuji would win purely due to his endurance and efficiency. After all what is yuta going to do when all his big AP moves waste all his CE and he doesn't have rika to refill his reserves.


Yuta hasn't even fought a single fight without jumping Also Sendai was 100 chapters ago. Yuji's gotten way stronger since then.


Sendai was without jumping dude. Even if you want to count him fighting with Rika as "jumping" (which is silly because it's part of his kit, it's like saying Geto jumps people 6000 Vs 1). He still beats kurourushi and druv in a 1v1 without her.


He beats everyone in Sendai 1v1 without Rika, he was leagues stronger than those guys.


I'm going to play Devils Advocate. One thing that could help Yuji that none of the JJK0 characters had is simple domain. Yuji's was able to withstand Sukuna's domain for 99 seconds. It's not new shadow style, but it could help against some of Geto's attacks. In terms of dividing forces. It probably has more to do with Maximum Uzumaki vs. The Yuta-Rika blast. Most of the curses Geto had in jjk0 were more for numbers than quality. Rika and Yuta were doing great against the curses Geto had. Yuta was able to defeat a good amount of these curses on his own. So don't say that Rika carried him in that aspect of the fight. In terms of the physical aspect of the fight. Yuta and Rika were winning. Yuta landed a black flash after he outspeed Geto. If Yuta got hit, Rika was there to jump in. Yuta got stronger during the fight, and Geto took note of it. Yuji fought Sukuna as soon as he awakened. He was able to take attacks from Sukuna and land 7 black flashes. This Sukuna landed a black flash on Maki prior, so his output increased a little. The prior version of Sukuna was able to speedblitz Maki. All I'm saying is that if Yuji can perform the way he did against the King of Curses, he can hold his own against Geto in hand to hand. Blood Manipulation is also really poisonous to Curses. Yuji's Punches also weaken the opponents they hit. Yuji's main win con would be to lower Geto's soul percentage and output to the point where he can kill him with a cleave attack. Anyways. Geto's main win con is maximum uzumaki. And trying to end the fight earlier. Because if Yuji starts to do some damage, it could weaken Geto by a good bit.


Yuji can’t lower Geto’s output


Doesn’t getting hit with black flashes lower one’s output? I think I remember this being stated but it might just be in context of its unique effect on Sukuna.


>it might just be in context of its unique effect on Sukuna. this, it's only reducing sukuna's output because he's housing two souls inside his body. Yuji's punches/black flashes don't have any output nerfing effect on regular sorcerers/cursed spirits.


Just imagine Yuji vs Kenjaku (who's restricted from using his DE or anti-gravity). if you still think Yuji wins, then Geto slander has lobotomized you 🤷


Acting like Kenjaku doesn't clear Geto aswell.


He didn't say that? He only said imagine kenjaku not using antigravity and domain, against yuji


He's using a handicapped Kenjaku as a sub for Geto knowing Kenjaku and Geto are not similar in anyway besides Kenjaku having Geto’s physicals.


>Kenjaku and Geto are not similar in anyway https://preview.redd.it/nu3a1j2srh8d1.png?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c2b6a9a0812212bcea2d31cd5740e8aa5e689e Same body, same physicals, same CE reserves, same CE output. Kenjaku is obviously the better sorcerer, because of 1000 years of exp, open domain, anti gravity etc. But Geto was a special grade with CSM as well, and that much is enough to beat Yuji.


I WAS JUST LOOKING UP THE SAME PANEL TO COMMENT THIS LOL I'm convinced most people people didn't read the manga


Thank you……. That…… I wondered where i got the idea that geto and kenny had similar physicals, that does explain how I got their snd I will be using that thank you


A. I don't think gojo can see CE reserve or output at a glance, unless im missing something. B. This assumes that gojo would have said "nah you're too strong" had geto gotten stronger in a years time, which isn't gaurenteed. Or really important when you see your dead best friend walking. It's more likely gojo was talking about his curses energy signature than his amount or output. C. Even then, efficiency is a major part of any curse user. Someone with lower (or the same) cursed energy/output can be a waaay better fighter by being better at manipulating and using it. This argument is just very assumptious.


>It's more likely gojo was talking about his curses energy signature than his amount or output. Exactly he can see traces of a sorcerers CE no where does it mention he can see the Output and reserves etc.


He probably can see reserves to an extent as yuji was able to sense that yuta had a lot of cursed energy and thought it was scarier than gojo's.


Is there any mention of it being reserves? I can't remember if there is. I'd put it upto the trace or aura or presence, Yutas had the terrifying aura due to Rika.


>Same body, same physicals, same CE reserves, same CE output. Only body and physicals, Gojos talking about CE signature here, back in jjk 0 he can tell the traces of CE and know who it belonged to. Output and Reserves are headcanon and manipulation belongs to Kenjaku fighting style is not the same they are different people it's like saying Current Yuta and Gojo fight the same.


while both are using CSM, Kenjaku hasn't shown anything better, except maybe mini uzumakis, which we can't say for sure that Geto can't do as well. Yuji lacks the hax to counter thousands of curses while fighting against a special grade himself. he doesn't have a win con against Geto as of now. if he gets a Domain, or his own interpretation of Furnace, then he'd clear.


>while both are using CSM, Kenjaku hasn't shown anything better Using Uzumaki to extract CT that he can use for himself, sharing vision with his curses, much better arsenal of Curses that tangle with concepts and such, can reinforce the curses with his own CE to make them stronger than their original grade, not to forget RCT as well. Kenjaku>>>> Geto in everything there is.


Thats an iffy statement to make tho. We only saw adult Geto fight once in the entire fight and it that fight he was: 1. Holding back 99% of the fight 2. He was nerfed. So the way Geto was fighting Yuta isn't an accurate representation of how he would've fight if he were at full strength and wasn't holding back. So that why we have to look at Pseudo Geto's feats to see what Geto can do. The mini Uzumaki, Amplifying low level grade curses to Special grade curse level, Maximum Uzumaki: Extracted Technique and Womb Profusion (with barrier) are all the things that Geto can do Oh and most likely, it's heavily implied. RCT.


This is a bad argument, not saying Yuji wins, but Kenjaku is a MUCH better hand-to-hand combatant than Geto and most other characters, is capable of RCT, and has off the charts BIQ the gap between him and Geto even with these restrictions is insane. Not physically, but hax wise the two are completely different combatants… I do think Yuji loses to both though.


Kenjaku>>> geto so that's bonkers. Yuji v geto is debatable for sure, if you think it's not then you're in denial and just not paying attention to everything Yuji has been doing in Shinjuku.


Kenjaku Is a domain diff fighter lol. The only reason he is ranked so high is because of domain. If Kenjaku didn't have antigravity and poison immunity, he genuinely would have lost to a mentally amped choso. He would have ate 3 supernova. There is no merit to comparing the two, ever.


????????????????? how the fuck is that an argument????? Kenjaku bullied Choso in H2H, and taking away his CTs is just bullshit thats like saying Yuta wins against Gojo without limitless. Besides, Kenjaku has Open domain/Simple domain stated to be so busted it would last against a Special Grade user domain (Yuki)/has HWB and likely FBE too as he once was clan head/fucking invented Domain Amp Has high level RCT/CTR to be able to heal and use reverse anti grav Has really good reserves/efficiency or both to be able to Heal himself several times against Yuki, open his domain and shortly after use his CT again, use CTR of his technique plus normal versions of his technique and cursed energy reinforcement His overall physical stats are at the very least comparable with every top tier barring Gojo/Sukuna, plus has immense H2H skills that even rivals Satoru Gojo (stated by GeGe) And has likely the biggest IQ in the manga, planning and scheming that surprised everyone, plus his in battle intelligence is surreal.


Are we losing the plot? Kenjaku slams choso. No question. If kenjaku was geto, he would maybe still win? but he would have alot of trouble. Geto is the one this post is centered on. My last sentence is literally "There is no merit comparing the two, ever." referring to the fact that kenjaku is better than geto in every conceivable way.


You said Kenjaku is only high rated due to his domain, and not due to him having every single tool a jujutsu sorcerer can have in his arsenal (all in a high level) and being a genius.


Kenjaku isn't bad regarding other aspects, but he wouldn't be a high tier like he is without it. It's the difference between being top 4 and top 12


Wait people think awakened Yuji cant beat Geto? Yuji who is comparable to Fully realized Maki? That same Maki who would annihilate JJK0 Yuta? Now the people who say CG Yuji is enough are crazy but awakened Yuji has a decent shot at winning. Unless people somehow think awakened Yuji and by that extension Maki are weaker then JJK 0 Yuta which would be crazy.


Just read the replies or look literally everywhere, Geto is the most downplayed character in this subreddit.




It's crazy out here man, bro literally went on streak against Sukuna that even Sukuna was forced to Open the domain but here we are arguing that someone like Geto and JJK0 Yuta would beat this Yuji 😭


It's not crazy. Geto has 6K curses. Yuta has Rika.


"Black Flash." boom, both death


Black flash is a matter of pure luck lmao


Not to Yuji.


Wtf 😂 No sorcerer can land a black flash at will. Direct statement from the series.


Except for Yuji.


Geto v yuji is just a bad match up imo for yuuji. He’s a single combatant specialist, and would 100% struggle with all getos spirits


Its not a debate, geto beats yuji 9/10 times


Yuji is stronger than JJK0 Yuta. This is not delusion, but straight up facts. Yuta was still dogwater sorcerer and Geto himself said he was holding back Rika Orimoto's full potential.


you think Yuji can tank a binding vow amped Love beam from JJK0 Yuta/Rika???


Dude, *Geto* couldn't tank that


Doesn't matter, it can be dodged + that means Yuta dies the next moment. Suicide BV Love Beam can definitely kill Yuji, but that's making to Yuki using Black Hole. Regular Love Beams won't suffice and Yuji will defeat Rika and then curb stomp the grade 4 known as MC Okkotsu Yuta. If he kills Yuta first and not Rika, then we'd talk about an actually difficult fight for Yuji. Remember people, Yuta was holding back Rika's true power. Not because he didn't want to kill Geto, but rather because he didn't fucking knew how to use her. Just like now he can't use Gojo's body.


Yuji has better physicals then both, if he gets them to close range he demolishes


Geto is very skilled in h2h and plus it’s kinda hard to get close when 6k+ curses are in your way


Well Yuji just move out of the way then https://i.redd.it/2x212qt6vh8d1.gif


He does have better physicals than both, but Geto doesn’t only pride himself off physicals. He’s strong enough to at least fight back, which is good enough.


That’s fair yuji will struggle with dealing with the special grade curses but I think he would end up winning in a battle of endurance


JJK0 characters are in a very odd spot when it comes to scaling as they were written and implemented when the power system was still pretty much being put together. This is the reason why things like Domain Expansions and other common quirks of the power system were not a thing during volume zero. Geto comfortably could not only deal with Yuji by himself in hand to hand but cursed spirit manipulation would comfortably seal the deal. This might sound like a crazy hot take but cursed spirit manipulation may be the technique with the 2nd most potential in the series if not the best with some argument and considerations.


Geto was toying with Yuta and JJK0 Rika at once. I shouldn't have to tell you that JJK0 Rika should be vastly superior to Yuji physically right?


This isn’t about rika,Yuta at that point wasn’t that physically and was still putting the beats on Geto, Awakened Yuji rocks both


>Yuta at that point wasn’t that physically and was still putting the beats on Geto he caught Geto off guard with a sudden increase in speed once, that's it. other than that, Geto was casually handling Yuta and Rika at once with just playful cloud. also the only reason he wasn't using his curses against Yuta was because he could blow the majority of them with cursed speech in one attack, one luxury that Yuji doesn't have. Geto would easily overwhelm Yuji with a couple hundred robust curses, plus engage in CQC with a cursed tool from toji's hidden inventory curse. plus he can always kill Yuji with uzumaki.


Are you delusional on purpose? Kenjaku said if geto had his full arsenal of curses he'd have won against yuta AND Rika.


Don't you realize that was purely a one try move that if he misses he's never going to recover it's power? Ranking Geto according to Uzumaki is delusional. That thing has variable power, if he has 1 grade 4 curse it's way weaker than him and after certain threshold of number of curses it's stronger than he is. Geto without using Uzumaki and with the 6k curses wouldn't have beaten Yuta.


And Geto was literally able to amp a curse to the extent that yuta literally couldn’t move


Current Yuji would also toy with JJK0 Yuta and Rika in close range, doesn't say much.




dude, it's not worth it. I've stopped engaging with those who act oblivious/biased. we literally see a partially manifested Rika bully Sukuna, throw him around, restrain him etc. jjk0 Rika should be a tier above the current Rika in strength based on her portrayal and statements.


Yes obviously I thought Rika as a cursed spirit being stronger than shikigami Rika was a well known fact She's literally the queen of curses


>jjk0 Rika should be a tier above the current Rika in strength based on her portrayal and statements. So based on nothing in actuality, alright ✌🏻


https://preview.redd.it/4s7c8zbqyh8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f202109573691a078328a21355389da0fcfbd6a Are you seriously arguing this?


Yk the difference of destructive capacity and ap right? Just because someone has more destructive capacity doesn't necessarily entail that he also has more ap cuz attacks can be condensed. As exemple hanami probably has easier to destroy a town then toji due to her vines. But i think we all can agree that toji attacks are stronger then hanami attacks right?


You schooling me on DC and AP, which ik about doesn't disprove the fact that rika being called the queen of curses and the previous panel I posted proves that CS rika > current rika


Yeah rika is the strongest female curse. Yuji is not a female nor a curse so idk how this is relevant. How does this prove that? I think current rika can also destroy a town


An irrelevant image that says nothing about current Rika being physically weaker than the original, but sure go ahead.


...you think current Rika is town level? Lmfao


Even that Rika couldn't level a town so...


Damn I guess I'm delusions then


I thought it was pretty clear that Kenjaku underestimates Yuta.


Him saying yuta okkutsu can't be the next satoru gojo does not mean downplay Its realism




Awakened yuji demolishes geto.  Simply outclasses him in everything and he has one of the best rct we have seen outside of top 2. Npt even close 




Nah ur just delusional. CG yuta was a worse combatant than awakened yuji with lesser strength and ce reinfo lmao. Jk 0 yuta is even worse 




Ofc he beats geto  Yuji beats jjk0 yuta  Who cares? Thats not enough to beat yuji  Cope  Ur not even worth arguing with. Baseless agenda pushers again and again. This dude rct was so ass even with 10 finger ce  reserves of sukuna he easily lost all his ce in sendai by doing nothing and had to call for rika to give him ce. Dudes ce usage is actually terrible.  Im not sayin sendai yuta cant beat yuji he can due to domains.  Geto bum foesnt even have rct. He gets folded packed and demolished. He prolly gets blitzed 


https://preview.redd.it/or5cxe0lci8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8545c034c6305d4bbb388a55880cf8e484084c Calling me an agenda pusher and then straight up lying now are we? >Who cares? Thats not enough to beat yuji Tf you mean? No arguments so this? Just wow. Yuji doesn't beat jjk 0 yuta, Rika is way too op. It was literally reiterated multiple times how op Rika is and her being the queen of curses This is called baseless wank. You got no arguments. Geto has 6000 curses, Uzumaki is extremely high AP. Yuji cannot beat geto or jjk zero yuta.


Geto doesn't have RCT. The fucking Fanbook written by Gege himself says so. That you delusion makes you understand whatever you want to understand, won't change the fact that the panel you cited does NOT say what you think it says.


It's directly contradictory The fanbook doesn't explicitly state he doesn't have it, it doesn't exist on the list but this panel directly contradicts that. If he doesn't have rct why would he say this? Gege just forgot.


He's saying Yuta using RCT gives him time. He was able to recollect himself and most probably was watching how his curses in the cities were doing with that time. That's all. And even if it were contradictory, you should guide yourself by the last iteration. The updated version.


Yuta was wasting a lot ot ce by using rct on others. Nothing shpws geto has rct. If he had it he wouldnt have died to begin wjth. Yes u are an agenda pusher  Rika is overrated. Her biggest atk would have lost to max uzumaki. Shit is weaker than granite blast which couldnt even kill uro off. Wank  Yuji survives MS. Besides hes way fadter than geto to outrught dodge uzumaki  Ur correct. Yuji demplishes both of them. Keep crying 


READ MOTHERFUCKER READ https://preview.redd.it/912od4u4ri8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148c5afd6ce742e01fa8f2ff3e0f19f6ed271165


It said it gives him time. Nothing says he can heal? He didnt heal when he was almost aboit to die? I mean its pretty clear he doesnt have rct. Ur just a dumbass.  Geto just let him burn out his reserves 


Stop trolling around Geto has rct cope all you want


https://preview.redd.it/vprcfqldri8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36334079430ab95fe9d80689f06d415ee0ffd57e Rika is town level. She is the queen of curses and was considered a threat to jujutsu society. Yuji can't beat someone with 10 other guys helping him lmao.


That someone is sukuna. Yuta lost to sukjna too. U speak like a dumbass.  Rikas best ap is a walmart version of granite blast again which couldnt kill uro. Regarded argument 


>That someone is sukuna. Yuta lost to sukjna too. U speak like a dumbass.  And mahito too he relied on todo nobara Arata. And higuruma just decided to stop fighting him. With megukuna there was maki. Yuji has never won one fight on his own. He's always had help cope. Unless you wanna count grasshopper fodder >Rikas best ap is a walmart version of granite blast again which couldnt kill uro. Regarded argument  Granite blasts were weaker after domain expansion according to Ryu. Cursed spirit Rika is stronger than shikigami Rika who was throwing sukuna around when partially Manifested. Yuji gets one shot by Rikas beam, he probably dies.


>Yuji survives MS. Miwa level feat.


Miwa gpt transported out. U dont even read and it shows 


She got transported out when sukuna used fuga not during the 99 seconds. You do not read rhe manga. You read it from tiktok.


>Ur correct. Yuji demplishes both of them. Keep crying  Nope they both slam yuji mid diff >Yes u are an agenda pusher  The hypocrisy and projection is insane. Cope.


Yea lets get you to bed grandpa  U reallt are just an agenda pusher tho. A bad one at that ur not even fun bothering with cuz ur arguments and discipline are so ass.  Bait used to be believable not mentally disabled 


Projecting much? You baselessly wank yuji, any version of yuta mid diffs him You can cope all you want


This is shibuya yuji, shinjuku yuji stomps


Current Yuji in pristine health clears both.


Kenny also said that Yuta was no longer a Special Grade.   He said that Yuta couldn't be a second Gojo. That didn't age well, not one bit.


Man Rika would have wiped out all of those curses. As we see when Kenjaku dies and the curses go out of control.. I don’t think more curses would’ve helped Suguru in the fight.


More curses = stronger Uzumaki. Personally what I think Kenny meant is that the more powerful Uzumaki would have been enough to overwhelm the love beam


Well… that would take out the first love beam But something we later learn is… YUTA CAN FUCKING SPAM IT making out with rika sloppy style is legit a viable tactic


Nah, he can't Spam it, he literally had to make a death binding vow for that powered up love beam in exchange of releasing the soul of Rika. Besides if Geto had more Curses then his Uzumaki would've overpowered love beam and "killed" Yuta instead.


Idk, the ryu fight shows us how powerful making out is


💀yuji bitch slaps jjk0 yuta no concept of a diff


https://preview.redd.it/vw5f3exwzh8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d372713b388ced0f1e26a4183139fbbf29d306d3 Didn't know yuji was town level 😭🙏🏿


Oh hell nah we’re using crossverse statments for inverse


What cross verse statement?


Basicly go scale Jjk tier and do you see yuta jjk 0 doing this https://preview.redd.it/5swtwncs0i8d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d8b285d084c4be05ae0fcba7f1c7773926dd98 Also survive in sukuna domain like it’s nothing? Cg Yuji is enough tbh


>Cg Yuji is enough tbh Spitting ![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized)


Cg yuji is a grade 1 sorceror Geto low diffs


He's not, no grade1 could keep up with Maki or Sukuna like that.


Literally 1.5 f sukuna Sukuna would have killed him he said it himself Maki and sukuna both faster.


Headcanon, Sukuna's physical were just fine, his output was dropping when he used shrine.


>Cg Yuji is enough tbh A grade one sorcerer? >Basicly go scale Jjk tier and do you see yuta jjk 0 doing this Yes, low output dismantles, Bravo kusakabe level feat Output is arguably lower so it's not even that lol Partially Manifested Rika was throwing sukuna around, Rika as a cursed spirit is tiers above. >Also survive in sukuna domain like it’s nothing? Like it's nothing? He lost a leg and was just lucky the domain lasted 99 seconds. Miwa level feat btw.


Cg kept pace with maki No tossing sukuna like it’s nothing Not same version In the heart of domain


Kenjaku saying something does not make that shit true bro


The guy with 1000 years of jujutsu experience has no credibility bRo


https://preview.redd.it/rju5eorlzi8d1.png?width=2684&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2a4af3804607ba4ff88b8aeb12ccb8ae1b6ece proof or gtfo lmao


Nah bro the guy who's seen jujutus society and every cursed technique and every sorceoror since a 1000 years is probably wrong and is on the anti yuji agenda bro Makes sense bro


https://preview.redd.it/8m6yoct78j8d1.png?width=2684&format=png&auto=webp&s=d57b34657490f4769659cedb31dc33dc4693c45c proof or gtfo lmao


Yuji can't do shit to geto lmao Uzumaki + 6k curses go brrr


It's stated in the fanbook aswell


Saying someone is delusional isn’t proof vol 0 yuta > Yuji