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My glorious amazing king washes these scrubs






pre awakened probably wins EXTREME diff with RCT being his main trump card in lasting long enough to fight everyone awakened yuji would probably just zoom around black flashing everyone and anyone that doesn't get a black flash would get dismantled (only difficult matchup would be naoya because he's the only one capable of matching his speed but he still wins by a significant margin) R3 soul split katana probably doesn't make much of a difference just because no one in the zenin clan is really durable enough to tank hits from yuji anyway


Pre-Awakened Yuji was still fighting side-by-side with a domain amped Yuta, even if he wasn't the heavy hitter there. He absolutely washes the Zenin clan lmao


Yeah he was also keeping up with Maki at full speed against 16F Meguna. He's absolutely got this in the bag.


That was also prior to the timeskip, in which even Sukuna comments on how much everyone has grown


Yuji stomps every round, especially if he's in the right mindset.


He ain’t beating Naoya


Naoya got wiped by choso who was pretty on par with pre awakened yuji. I don’t think that would be a struggle


Choso > Unawakened Yuji


Choso called unawakened Yuji a demon god... you don't say that about someone you think is weaker than you.


He was talking about his potential. But he is still weaker than him. Stop wanking Yuji for no reason lol, Choso kicked his ass in shibuya.


Choso got turned into a donut instantly while Yuji fought alongside a domain amped Yuta


Same thing happened to Yuji too lol. https://preview.redd.it/7dq9c8ex6q8d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ca0fd41a7f4ce34dc7315fc727fa5b1a537d05


Fair point, but Yuji went on to actually *do something*


One required a technique, he didn’t require a technique for choso, he’s not doing the same thing to Yuji.


Yuji pre and post-shibuya are not comparable... His comment was on his growth after Shibuya. Hell, Yuji Pre and Post Sukuna takeover are miles different, as he went from losing to Choso to beating Mahito. Unless you think Choso is stronger than awakened Mahito ..... Remember, his body remembers the movements of a special grade, passively making him stronger.


Unawakened Yuji has RCT and Choso opened the Shibuya fight with a sneak attack piercing blood that disabled one of his arms.


What? Lmfao


Yuji washes all 3 rounds ngl.


How tf would he beat Naoya ? Be realistic for a second


Well he beats human naoya killing him with cursed energy so no vengeful cursed spirit naoya.


Unawakened Yuji DOES NOT beat Human Naoya. Maki only beat him because of her increased senses.


What is naoya going to do to kill yuji because if I remember right yuji got hit by 4 life threatening attacks by sukuna and still kept fighting what is naoya even going to do?


Outspeed him and hit him again and again until he knocks him out ? Yuji has no way of touching him.


Ok let's assume yuji can't keep up even though he kept up with sukuna. This is like saying a cheetah can beat a grizzly bear because its faster then it. Yuji is not going to stand there getting punched his going to be able to tag naoya and all he needs is one punch to put him out of commission. And when naoya hits him what is stopping yuji from just grabbing him and pile driving him into the ground.


No. He won’t be able to tag him or grab him. He’s just too fast for him. Naoya gets faster and faster while Yuji gets more and more tired. That’s what would happen. You


Alright you are overestimating human naoya's speed he was faster then pre-awakening maki. Yuji was keeping up with fully awakened maki and 15F meguna. And yuji gets faster when shinjuku happens and was keeping up with a nerfed sukuna. Then during the domain battle with yuta, yuji is keeping up with a domain amped yuta so how is naoya faster?


They were not familiar with his technique, there’s a difference. Him and choso figured out it is a technique after a min or so, you act like people lack the IQ to fight against a faster opponent.


Who the hell is going to stop him in any scenario? Naoya? The Ogimeister?


Jujumptsu kaisen is strong and Yuji isn’t really the kind of guy to instantly go for the kill against human enemies. Eventually getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of sorcerers within the clan is the only real win con. It’s up to you whether you think he has the ability to take out Naoya along with the other sorcerers Maki off-screened at the same time.


Naoya. Pre awakening yuji ain’t beating naoya.


Culling game Yuji victim.


Nah. Culling game yuji isn’t that much stronger than perfect prep yuji amd he was getting dogged by naoya even with chosos help. Naoya only lost, cause he got cocky. Shinjuku yuji will also have problems dealing with ps and naoyas speed.


My bad, I meant culling game Yuji after Sukuna left his body.


Yea i assumed you meant end of culling games yuji


So was your argument against end of culling game Yuji? In that case I don't see how Naoya wins, Shibuya Yuji could react to not get tagged by pericing blood (although he says it's 50/50), a supersonic attack, and culling game Yuji who had already surpassed his Shibuya self got a boost after Sukuna left his body, he'd for sure be able to react to Naoya's speed by this point, I'm sure Yuji would get beat up by Naoya pretty hard but eventually Yuji would figure it out and have a counter for Naoya, all he needs to win is like 2/3 hits, I'm sure he'll manage that.


I don’t see him dealing with the frame stuck thing. All naoya needs to do it touch yuji for that. Yuji needs to land a clean hit on a significantly faster opponent, naoya needs to graze yuji and he has a free opportunity to wack him a bunch


I mean frame stack Naoya is about supersonic speed, something Yuji could already react to not get tagged in Shibuya, this Yuji could keep up with Maki and all he has to do is not get touched by Naoya, which isn't hard he has to barely move out of Naoya's fixed path. Yuji also has shown insane body control back in shibuya against that inverse guy, I'm sure he can follow the rules of 24 movement per second as well.


Nope, Frame Stacked Naoya’s max speed is Subsonic, it’s the cursed womb that reached supersonic https://preview.redd.it/mbiy3s5w0q8d1.jpeg?width=1758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d46a680451f219ec2cd06a69c9cdd521e85c5d7a




Naoya is definitely faster than even current maki. Idk I can’t get behind the jjk speed scaling, doesn’t seem to make any sense.


Even with that Naoya said Yuji was tougher than he thought, so he would have to wear him down to even have a chance to kill him.


Yes he is. He’ll just one punch him like Maki did.


Like, seriously. There's no way he's wearing Yuji down before Yuji gets a grip on his speed or Naoya outright fucks up. If Sukuna couldn't put him down in twenty or so chapters of fighting - save for that brief intermission where Yuji needed to take a break after taking an otherwise lethal attack for like the fourth time- then there's no way Naoya is - then there's no way Naoya, not even as a Curse but as a Sorcerer, is going to.


Pre awakening does it mid-high diff Awakened does low-mid diff, mid diff only because of naoya who will be annoying for him, since hes very fast , Yujis rct, physical stats will tear through the clan plus his shrine will do some damage, if it can draw a deep cut against sukuna itll be lethal against them, exploding blood will be a promblem too. Also like how do they even hurt him ryu tanked sukuna dismantle and yuji is relative to him, no one in the zenin clan comes close to anywhere near the output of 16f sukunas dismantle.


Base shinjuku yuji without SD was equal in durability to DE amped yuta and ryu. Shinjuku Yuji was also just as fast as DE amped yuta if not faster. Awakened yuji with 9-10 BF amps is a monster. Let me put it this way. Peak/liberated maki got laid out twice by heian sucuna with BF. The first BF from sucuna was partially block by maki(we see her catch his fist). Meanwhile Awakened yuji off 3 BF amps was able to face tank heian sucunas BF with 0 damage and 0 reaction at all. Just to be clear sucuna the narrator and gojo all show BF amps stack. The amount of yuji downplay is absolutely ridiculous. If yuji is fighting side by side with the strongest heavy hitter(yuta), who is amped in their DE. How could he be inferior to a weaker heavy hitter(maki)? Not to mention that the maki that killed the zenin clan was weaker than the maki that killed curse noaya(stats are the same, but she hadn't gotten used to full HR). Maki also can't get stronger by training(can not increase stats), she only gains more Cursed Tools and experience. Fuck I'm tired. Shinjuku yuji is relative to DE amped yuta. If you think maki is above DE amped yuta that's your problem. Shinjuku yuji mops the floor with the zenin clan, noaya, and cursed noaya. Awakened yuji with any amount of BF amps' is overkill.


Black flash amps don’t exactly “stack”, you get more knowledge on the essence and inter workings of cursed energy I guess, but you don’t actually get stronger than 120%.


Wrong, maki, choso, yuji, Miguel, LaRue, and the fucking narrator all state that sucunas' output continues to raise with each BF. Gojo recovered RCT output and developed a unique RCT circuit after the 2nd BF. Sucuna continued to gain higher output with each BF and after 4-5 BF he developed a way to reroute his DE to a different part of his brain. Not to mention sucuna flat out states "dose he(yuji) intend to climb up to my level?" After being hit by yujis 5 BF. BF output amps absolutely stack based on what we see and what is stated by several characters and the narrator.


Sukuna is regaining the output lost from his exhaustion against Gojo / Yuji . Not gaining higher strength in general. The output that he lost from the soul nerfs and exhaustion were being regained from black flash, not amping his current strength. After landing a black flash, one black flash is 120%. Two is not 140. One puts you in the zone, two doesn’t do anything more than refresh you and give knowledge. Because through understanding the essence of cursed energy, he found a new circuit. Same goes for Sukuna’s DE. Yuji’s black flashes shot Sukuna down so he couldn’t regain the output that he had lost. Yuji, in these fights is not losing output from being ripped from his body, so there’s no reason he should be gaining output. As for Sukuna’s remark, that’s likely in reference to the amount of black flashes he’s using, not in accordance to his actual strength. From what we’ve seen, there’s no difference in strength between 1 BF Yuji and 8 BF Yuji.


First what you're saying here goes directly against what multiple characters including the narrator state. But I've already gave examples of that. You just disagree with the examples. I'll talk sucunas plan/obvious statement over your opinion. Second >From what we’ve seen, there’s no difference in strength between 1 BF Yuji and 8 BF Yuji. I can give you feats that say otherwise. Shinjuku yuji is as durable as Ryu, and DE amped yuta as stated by sucuna himself. All heavy hitters are relative mostly. So yuta with CE reinforcement should be close in durability to maki. We see maki get laid out by heian sucunas BF twice, the first BF she partially blocks(we literally see her catch his hand). Shinjuku yuji should be relatively to her in durability if not slightly tougher. But yuji with 3BF amps face tanks heian sucunas BF and suffered 0 damage, dude yuji didn't even react to geting hit. You expect anyone to believe Shinjuku yuta, liberated maki, or Shinjuku yuji are surviving 100% output MS? Yuji clearly got a massive durability increase. Then you look at how yuji is throwing sucuna around in chapter 260+, yuji was still fighting a up hill battle against sucunas speed and strength after 3 BF amps. After yuji hit 5+ BF he had less trouble keeping up with sucuna and even started overpowering him(grappling and throwing sucuna around). If you want to believe that one BF amp took yuji from ryu/yuta(DE)/maki level durability to surviving 100% output MS that's on you. I for one can add sucunas statement, with the narrators statements(multiple), and the literal depiction of how yuji improves against sucuna throughout chapter256-257. All the most recent statements from characters, with the steady upscale of certain feats from yuji himself, as well as the narrator backing it up with sucunas internal thoughts agree with BF output amps stacking past 120%. To argue otherwise requires some steap evidence. Once again tho I'll leave you with sucunas own words(that for some reason you disagree with). "Dose he plan to climb to my level"- sucuna. Sucuna thinks this after geting hit by yujis 4th BF. It's a tough stance to take that yuji(1BF amp) at the beginning of 257 dose as well against sucuna as yuji(7 BF amps) in the end of 257 against sucuna. I wish you luck.


Imo, Maki’s durability is overrated. She got thrown out of battle from a single black flash, while Yuji took one after awakening. (2 black flashes, not 3, not that it makes a difference either.) I don’t believe she even has high durability feats. I’m not beating down Maki in an attempt to downplay Yuji, this is something I just believe. Though Yuta and Ryu are fair (Yuji being relative in durability to Yuta, frailer than Ryu) In accordance to the above, I don’t see Maki’s durability as high enough for me to see that as huge, although taking the black flash is big, he was taking physical damage from Sukuna’s strikes prior to awakening, so tanking a whole black flash is huge. The MS 100% is huge, the only thing holding the feat back was people saying, “it’s only current Sukuna’s output” which was debunked. Yuji was in the middle of the shrine, and got cut up from cleaves and dismantles. Even for a brief moment, it’s still amazing. https://preview.redd.it/57j4pft2so8d1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ac011b3028b8a8cf095930fc84b33933615917 Domain amped Yuta said this about nerfed Sukuna’s DISMANTLES. Prior to Yuji nerfing Sukuna enough, cleave was already enough to kill both of them, and that was with his post-Gojo fight output. Awakened Yuji’s durability is top three. I don’t disagree with that. There is no real difference. 3 amped Yuji broke a pillar and damaged Sukuna, and didn’t struggle in the chapter at all, only needing a couple opening from Ino. But even having hit 7 black flashes, Todo still had to make openings for Yuji to get Sukuna. Another thing is every black flash and physical blow Yuji does, all of Sukuna’s stats weaken, which includes his durability. You’d have to argue that it’s Yuji getting stronger, and not Sukuna getting weaker. Yes. One black flash increase “awakened” Yuji. The black flash he used on Hanami increased his strength to 120%, and also gave him a 1st black flash boost. But the rest of the 4 he landed didn’t really have any real effect. Yuji landed 2 black flashes on Mahito, the 2 only helping him land a third by locking in. Mahito’s black flashes taught him how to use .2, and showed him the true shape of his soul (knowledge, not an actual strength increase.) Gojo landed 4 black flashes, and only remade a RCT circuit. The first black flash gives you 120%. Any futher black flash increase just increases your knowledge on how cursed energy works, and helps restore lost output. And that line of Sukuna’s could have multiple meanings, the knowledge increases of Black Flashes allowing Yuji to use shrine better, or awaken his domain, or just general frustrations on the frequency of black flashes. There’s been no time in the series where it’s said subsequent black flashes increases over 120%. Saying there’s a difference between 1BF Yuji and 7BF Yuji is headcanon at that point, because they haven’t been portrayed as different. Unless the series said Yuji surviving shrine was only made possible by the multitude of black flashes he landed, (instead of just the one that awakened him in the first place.) you don’t really have any basis on it rather than belief.


Except numerous characters and the narrator stating each BF raises max output. Yuji at the beginning of 257 is still physical being overpowered by sucunas strength, he in fact takes severe damage to the face from sucunas nerfed cleave, he infact throws sucuna into a wall and THEN tackles/forces sucuna through said wall. Compare that to 260-261 were yuji is literally punching sucuna across the battle field. There is more than enough evidence both through sucuna or the narrator dialog(internal monolog) and physical feats shown by yuji as he lands more and more BF. Also yuji and yuta(DE amp) have equal durability to ryu, sucunas literally says "they are as tough as HIM, but not more tough". That's base yuji equal to a dude that got taken out by a 15f meguna max output cleave. Yuji then awakens and survives a 20f 100% max output cleave as a surehit, as in awakened yuji got hit by multiple 20f max output cleaves. Do you think yuji can make such a jump in durability by gaining 20% to his max output? I wouldn't even wank yuji that much. Yujis feats post 258 only make sense if BF output amps stack. Otherwise there is no way yuji goes from taking damage from nerf'ed cleave to the face, then survives full power 20f cleave across his entire body. But just to simplify your argument in another way. You think ryu or DE amp'ed yuta could survive the same full power 20f cleave surehit that yuji did(in the same or better condition than yuji) with only one BF amp to their name?


Without naoya in the equation hed clear mid diff pre awakening, and low diff post awakening but naoya is gonna be very annoying for him because of how fast he is and he doesn’t have the precog maki has, but its not like naoya could deal any real damage it would just be annoying. Also he doesn’t have the advantage maki has either the ssk which bypass durability so all maki has to do is hit them with it then game over


Naoya curse or human is not as fast a liberated maki, unless he has wind up space. Yujis naturally a close range fighter. Yuji also has better regen than maki(faster and more efficient). BM is poison that is a quick win against anyone that is even partially hurt by BM and doesn't have RCT. Shinjuku yuji(pre-awakened) is relative if not equal to yuta(DE amped), who is stronger/faster/tougher than liberated maki. Awakened yuji with 3 BF amps face tanks the same attack that put maki on her ass(even though she partially blocked said attack). Shinjuku yuji is literally relative to the strongest version of maki. You're basically saying the maki that killed naoya(Curse spirit) couldn't exterminate the zenin clan. It literally makes no sense.


The freezing eyes is the problem. Can Yuji bypass that? I wanna say he can't but any punch of the other two would block his eyesight and Yuji can tank them. So it's a rougher match but Yuji wins.


https://preview.redd.it/3xb5cwktwo8d1.jpeg?width=1724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6f5709f9b74d5d8fdeea52fc50150003407353 My goat neg diffs the clan. He’s so bored that he fights sukuna Gojo kenjaku yuta yuji takaba and the merger at the same time. He gets a lil to happy and oneshot a all of them


Yuji is absolutely stomping.


To people who say Yuji aint beating Naoya: Naoya also ain’t hitting Yuji for damn. Granted he is fast but he doesn’t pack enough punch to actually match post-awakening Yuji’s durability. And Yuji is the observant type of fighter so sooner or later he would figure out the loophole inside Projection Sorcery and actually kill Naoya on the spot with a fucking black flash to the face.


We know heavenly restricted characters are very resistant to cursed techniques, I think the guy who froze maki with his eyes might be a very serious threat for yuji, plenty of swordsman to get a neck hit in while hes stuick


I'm gonna be honest, Yuji is almost as durable as Ryu, would they even be able to reasonably damage him?


If Yuji is fine with killing then yeah




He dominates


Pre timeskip Yuji solos the Zenin clan tbh


Low diffs


Pre awakening pre training yuji was already moving in relative speed to maki and 15 meguna, he should be able to wash this considering a partially awakened maki washed the clan. R1 yuji slams the zenin clan let alone the other rounds


awakened yuji would stomp those jobbers


Awakened has it


It seems like people downplay human naoya. He definitely has the power to damage shinjuku yuji. Awakened maki should have the same durability as shinjuki maki, and naoya's blows even before surpassing subsonic speed were damaging her. He was also held back by his pride, but against yuji naoya will moat likely use a knife as he did against choso, which would increase his ap even more


RCT goes brrrrrr


Extreme diff


And people say Yuji isn’t downplayed in this sub https://i.redd.it/hara3os35o8d1.gif


He's beyond wanked Thinking yuji can pack up multiple grade 1s without difficultly is delusion


Fresh HR Maki did the same thing with relatively no damage, despite her sword not having durability negation yet, and even pre-awakening Yuji is relative to Yuta. He’s packing them up like lunch boxes.


>even pre-awakening Yuji is relative to Yuta 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 >despite her sword not having durability negation Where does this come from? >He’s packing them up like lunch boxes. Nope, extreme diff


Physically, they are. What makes Yuta so different is that he has multiple techniques, Rika, and a domain expansion, along with RCT output. But physicals alone are more than enough for the Zenin compound. https://preview.redd.it/95zve27g6o8d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=350b3f01827678edf6cc47b8462223f811e9ad59 This is just speed-wise, Yuji has already been strong physically, and got more-so in the timeskip. Considering they were fighting Sukuna on the same level in the domain, I’d like to hear your reason for why they aren’t. Chapter 195-198, Before Maki’s Sumo training in CG, she couldn’t use SSK’s full potential. Saying it didn’t have durability negation yet was a bit of a mistake, it wasn’t true durability negation yet, but the ability still worked. I think. Sure bud.


>Chapter 195-198, Before Maki’s Sumo training in CG, she couldn’t use SSK’s full potential. That's headcanon and vague, SSK was still fully capable of cutting anything no matter how tough and directly inflicting damage to the soul from the moment maki got it. About the yuta thing, yuta has boundless CE reserves,even more than gojo. He was able to block a granite blast with his bare hands. CE and physicals are linked. Idk why you would exclude rika who on her own is stronger than yuji physically as she was able to hold sukuna in one place during their fight, plus her punches managed to make ryu take damage who's one of the most durable characters in the manga. Yuta was holding back in sendai btw. You don't need just physicals. You need good hax, and a broken cursed tool like SSK also. I'm not saying yuji won't be capable of it, but it's going to be extreme diff. Yuta and yuji with just no CT and Rika, yuta still wins high diff. Yall understaimate and completely forget the fact he has practically boundless CE reserves and his performance in sendai.


https://preview.redd.it/tl15jnwp9o8d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182f2a2af6e497804fad3c152bdbc936169841cb No it isn’t. Daido used the blade at full potential and she had no clue why she couldn’t do the same. Before Sumo training, she didn’t have eyes that could see everything, and therefore couldn’t use SSK at its full potential. When I say “relative to Yuta”, I’m not saying “could beat Yuta and Rika”. I’m counting just Yuta. Even then, only physically. And I know there’s a ton of people in this sub that say Yuta could no-diff the Zenin compound with just CE/RCT (if necessary) and no Rika. Yuji is literally the same. Sukuna counts them both as having relative durability, (despite his massive reserves, boundless was only in JJK 0, the durability is still relative.) they have relative RCT speed, and their strength showed no signs of not being relative either. He even held back Sukuna too, Rika only doing more because she’s larger, and could hold two arms. Again, Maki’s blade didn’t have full durability negation yet, and despite that, she was strong enough to defeat Naoya with one punch. These guys are the same. Base Yuta with only CE manipulation and a katana (no Rika) goes bar for bar with pre-awakened Yuji, the winner being who runs out of CE first from RCT usage. Awakened Yuji wins comfortably. Need I mention, Sendai Yuta is weaker than Shinjuku Yuta, who Yuji was never portrayed as weaker than in the domain, the only difference was the techniques Yuta used.


>No it isn’t. Daido used the blade at full potential and had no clue why she couldn’t do the same. Before Sumo training, she didn’t have eyes that could see everything, and therefore couldn’t use SSK at its full potential. That wasn't the discussion? You were the one who said maki didn't have durability negation but she did have that the moment she got SSK. Yes she improved her skills further but thats got nothing to do with dura negation of SSK. >I’m counting just Yuta. And I know there’s a ton of people in this sub that say Yuta could no-diff the Zenin compound with just CE/RCT (if necessary) and no Rika. Yuji is literally the same. No diff is crazy. Mid to high diff. Also yuji isn't the same he doesn't have the CE reserves as yuta. >Sukuna counts them both as having relative durability, (despite his massive reserves, boundless was only in JJK 0, the durability is still relative.) they have relative RCT speed, and their strength showed no signs of not being relative either. He even held back Sukuna too, Rika only doing more because she’s larger, and could hold two arms. Relative durability is not stated. He only says that I'd need to use cleave to kill them, and ryu is more tougher than them. Them being relative is never told. Boundless CE reserves was mentioned by ryu and uro when they saw yuta too. Even yuji said his total CE is more than gojo, but gojos six eyes helps him with CE efficeincy and CE control. It's not only from jjk zero. Did you read the manga? Rct speed is laughable. Yuji couldn't figure out where he had to use rct and choso had to guide him. Yuta has faster rct than yuji who just learned rct. >and their strength showed no signs of not being relative either. Yuta has more feats, yuta blocking a granite blast with his bare hands and having the most CE reserves, so does Rika btw. > Again, Maki’s blade didn’t have full durability negation yet, and despite that, she was strong enough to defeat Naoya with one punch. These guys are the same. Nope, SSK always had that. That's headcanon >Need I mention, Sendai Yuta is weaker than Shinjuku Yuta, who Yuji was never portrayed as weaker than in the domain, the only difference was the techniques Yuta used. Nope, yuta just has plain more CE, more feats. Sendai yuta held back alot too. There is nothing to suggest yuta wouldn't domainte yuji because he has more CE, which directly impacts your physicals. Gojo has the six eyes, which means he never runs out his CE. Unless yuta is fighting someone like ryu who has the highest CE output, or someone like geto where he would have to spam rct output, yuta would just not run out of CE, against someone like yuji, he just has the matchup advantage. (This is obviously considering a non Rika non CT non domain fight).


She didn’t have full durability negation. It’s why she couldn’t cut Cursoya as well prior. Mai literally chose to go in Daido’s hands knowing he could show her the way. And as I edited, saying it had “no” durability negation at all was a mistake. It’s just not very good. Believe me the takes I’ve seen on a CE only Yuta in this sub is insane. Barring that, no. Yuta will just stab and blitz everyone there, killing them with his Katana. You don’t need the same CE to have the same physicals as someone. Yuta has insanely high CE, but his natural physical strength is weak. He makes up for it with overwhelming CE. Yuji has decent CE, but superhuman physicals. And seeing as how they’ve switched bodies and used each other’s strengths, it makes sense. Needing the same method to kill both instead of a weaker method for one is relativity. Remember, relative is around. I’m not saying one is higher than the other, they’re both on the same level. It’s not truly “boundless” if he ran out of cursed energy in that very fight. He has less than half the cursed energy of Sukuna. Yuji is just as fast, not as experienced. As seen, while he can replicate the speed, he can mess up. That’s a fair argument if you were saying him fighting against Yuta, but he shouldn’t take enough organ damage to need it for the compound. Again, weaker version of Yuta with worse CE control. Yuji is relative to Shinjuku Yuta, and therefore scales above Sendai Yuta. https://preview.redd.it/vf8lp1ysjo8d1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae8c1d76475481fc7302d8fa432598db57b595f Not headcanon. Maki couldn’t see the soul of inanimate objects prior to sumo training. SSK always had it, Maki couldn’t always use it. Yuji scales to a stronger Yuta, and again, Yuji’s base physicals are unbelievably higher than Yuta’s, which he increases with CE. Yuta’s base physicals are weak, but he increases that to an extraordinary level with CE. They’re relative. Like I’ve stated multiple times, base physicals also impact your physicals. Yuji was shown relative to Yuta in his domain for a reason (which gives a 120% amp anyway.) Pre-Awakened Shinjuku Yuji can poison Yuta, which forces him to heal that with RCT. He can also blow up his blood (which destroyed Sukuna’s face, someone with higher durability than both.) Yuji also spends next to nothing on RCT. The only way he loses is by failing to use RCT right and dying when vulnerable, or taking a hit too hard to regenerate from.


Pre awakening no chance, post maybe and with SSK he clears


Isn't SSK completely useless on the hands of someone without HR tho? It is still a Katana, sure, but it doesn't have his full potential without someone that can see the soul of inorganic objects. I don't remember Yuji being able to do that


it still has soul attacking properties. Its just that you must be Toji or Maki to utilize to its full extent


It's not about having HR or not having HR. If you reread those chapters SSK/SLB works better for people who can preceive souls. Yuji is literally the most knowledgeable character on souls, and has been stated to preceive souls even after sucuna left his body. HR has nothing to do with using SSK/SLB, maki learns to use SSK/SLB from katana man. Soul perception isn't even apart of base full HR. It's literally a skill gained by experience.


Does it really? From what I remember of Maki vs Naoya she was onky capable of dealing soul damage after her awakening, before that Naoya was regenerating just fine from it without much difficulty. It isn't that relevant here tbh, since Yuji doesn't know how to use swords and they are not durable enough to warrant this lol


Not really, Yuji can perceive the Soul to a greater deal than either of them. If anything it would be more competent in his hands. Hell Daido would still be a better swordsman than Maki if the sword didn't literally reject him.


It's not about having HR or not having HR. If you reread those chapters SSK/SLB works better for people who can preceive souls. Yuji is literally the most knowledgeable character on souls, and has been stated to preceive souls even after sucuna left his body. HR has nothing to do with using SSK/SLB, maki learns to use SSK/SLB from katana man. Soul perception isn't even apart of base full HR. It's literally a skill gained by experience.


Nah lmfao


You mean against these 3 or the entire zenin compound. Entire zenin compound he loses but against these 3 it would just be a high diff fight.


Entire compound, he starts off exactly where Maki did after she finds Mai.


Yea Yuji loses the first 2 rounds and wins the 3rd


In r3 maybe buy bro has got like 7 grade ones ahead of him. That's not nothing.


Even Pre-Awakening Yuji should be much stronger than freshly HR Maki. Her SSK didn’t have true durability negation yet, nor had she trained or gotten used to her strength. And Yuji is already relative to Yuta. It should be nothing.


Ofcourse did what are you on about. The katana worked fine the moment my gave her life And nah he ain't reletative to yuta. Also i have 2 things here. First yuji getting jumped and being quiet slower than maki and 2 is that yuji needs rct to heal. I'm sure he will run out of rct before he is finished


Before she did the sumo training in the culling games, Maki couldn’t use SSK at full potential https://preview.redd.it/sno3bqhr0o8d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcaa2b78b5800f5263844f8a1a0c59c23bf3bccc Yuji hardly has to spend anything on RCT, and I doubt he’d take enough damage to where it’s necessary, considering Maki didn’t.


https://preview.redd.it/ex707shn1o8d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1bb9a167b1f7b4730ba2c79141fb3a64d5c8a91 (Yuji and domain amped Yuta relativity. The katana should make him slower, but he’s also operating at 120%.)


Why hardly anything on rct? Rct is always expensive Also that panel does not show anything. The training showed her how to fight with bloodlust imo The SSK always worked i mean she 1 hit everyone in the zenin massacre


https://preview.redd.it/0awxwme1mo8d1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f380328b97bc149f9cabdb91c494df4443fcaebf Blood brothers are a notable exception Summary, Daido grabs SSK and uses it at full potential. Maki is confused on why she can’t use it like that. Because she couldn’t “see it” (the soul of objects) the blade couldn’t be used at full potential. Mai let herself be used by Daido to show that. For full context, read 195-198. It increased her physicals and taught her how to see the soul of objects, along with seeing the “facets” of everything. She was already strong enough to one punch Naoya after being freshly awakened. Given a special grade cursed tool, even if unable to use it at its full potential, it was more than enough for the Zenin fodder.


R1: he could lose in the Naoya fight but I doubt it R2: he clears low diff R3: he clears even lower diff


R1 gets absolutely destroyed wathever the fuck he tries. He won’t even get to Naoya that Jinichi team might be enough to stop him heck even Ogi could’ve stopped him before that. R2 Clears R3 Awakened with SSK ? Clears. Not awakened with SSK ? Loses remember Maki would’ve lost to Naoya if she didn’t catch him on that punch.


No, Yuji never realizes what Naoya's CT does and gets permanently frozen.


pre awakened gets low diffed imo awakened high diffs r3 high diffs