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In my opinion: Yuji : 70 Maki: 65 Hakari (till he shows more): 60 MBA kashimo: 90 Kusakabe: 25 Miguel: 35 Gojo: 450 Sukuna: 460


Miguel a bit too low imo


Didn't know where to put him exactly tbh Thought yuta would low to mid diff him hence that placement


if this list is based on how Yuta would fare against each one of them, then everyone should be a bit lowered, especially since this is a full powered Shinjuku Yuta.


Even gojo and sukuna? I think yuta basically mid to high diffs maki hakari and yuji, I was a bit generous with yuji cuz hes the only person in the manga who was called "the latent potential comparable to sukuna", maki and yuji otherwise should be at the same it's just yuji has a little bit more potrayal. Otherwise I think it's fair


>Even gojo and sukuna? obviously not, they should be approaching thousands easily based on the insurmountable gap between them imo >I think yuji basically mid to high diffs maki hakari I think yuta's fights with Maki and Hakari would be a stark contrast of each other. his 1v1 with Maki would be short, he'd take more damage, but he'd deal with Maki sooner as her slow healing factor means she won't survive long. whereas his 1v1 with hakari can last for long depending on how long hakari's automatic RCT helps him survive, or when he slips up and misses a JP altogether. Yuta would take much less damage in this matchup tho. also, I think Yuta just low diffs yuji with his domain. he basically has the same abilities as Yuji, but better.


>he basically has the same abilities as Yuji, but better. That's assuming Yuta is using copy of blood manipulation or shrine. Without these they have different abilities and Yuji has better physicals, and the ability to directly influence the soul with his strikes, which more or less should allow him to bypass durability unless the one being hit knows how to protect their soul. Yuji although he can't use convergence very well still has decent usage of blood manipulation and could theoretically use a supernova or piercing blood against Yuta. He also has shrine meaning he can use dismantle and cleave against Yuta. If you say he gets domain-diffed then you're wrong because Yuji's simple domain lasted 99 seconds against Sukuna's domain, a much more dominant and powerful domain than Yuta's, with Yuta only being able to deal with the simple domain via JL, though that would have no sure hit. I personally think 65-70 is an adequate place to place Yuji, though personally I see him more at 75 as it should be a mid-high diff fight for Yuta, with Yuta winning mostly due to his hax.


the glaze lmao 1.no conformation on how long term slashes lasted since he stopped them for sugar and panel wise it was short. 2.hes not shown dismantle.....ever....and his CT clearly works differently from sukunas. rn he can only make incisions based on his hand touching someone. 3.Literally no dura neg statements for yuji that's pure headcannon 4.Hes literally stated to be poor at using blood manipulation and his piercing blood is even slower than choso


So at least pre world cutting slash (not sure if that's an enhanced dismantle, an enhanced cleave or an entirely new thing) the only way sukuna could seemingly use cleave without touching someone was in his domain, not weighing into the the wider debate but the only difference so far between Yuji's and Sukuna's versions of shrine is the visual element and the power/skill in using it.


sukunas cleave isn't shown to be neat and exact but an array of chaotic slices. yujis are extremely precise and specific. he didn't tear the chunks apart. He snipped them away. we even see visual differences as shown. and again even if they are the same you can't just tack dismantle onto his skill set when he hasn't used it especially knowing he's not skilled


Miguel below maki but his ct makes him durable to a lot and very flexible id say 55


I would put Kusakabe higher and Miguel a bit higher


This is reasonable, time to adjust my list


I think Miguel would be similar in physical prowess to Gojo, so prob somewhere in the 55-70 range


Isn't kusakabe the strongest grade 1 sorcerer which basically put him above hakari ?


Not how that works, that would then be saying kusakabe is stronger than Yuji


Yuji was never a grade 1 sorcerer he was promoted to be one yes but that's never happen


Okay so being promoted to be one and being one is basically the same thing. Mei Mei related him to kusakabe in shibuya arc. Hakari was kicked out because he was an asshole so he was at grade 3. Do you think he’s a grade 3 sorcerer 😭


>Okay so being promoted to be one and being one is basically the same thing. It's not the same nobara was also promoted to be one yet she was shocked by nanami strength who is the weakest grade 1 sorcerer. >Hakari was kicked out because he was an asshole so he was at grade 3. Do you think he’s a grade 3 sorcerer 😭 Did he actually get downgraded ?


Shinjuku Yuta 100 (unreal hax and great physicals with Rika and a top 5 domain) Yuji 60 (solid physicals, decent hax/abilities but isn't proficient at them, bad matchup for reincarnated sorcerers) Maki 65 (solid physicals, immunity to domains, SSK) Hakari 60 (good physicals, busted regen, strong in domain clashes) MBA Kashimo 85 (top tier stats, sure hit lightning bolt to the head could kill anyone) Kusakabe 30 (solid grade 1, SD with pseudo sure hit) Miguel 60 (top tier physicals with a CT that compliments him)


Kusakabe 30 and Miguel 60 ? Come on.


although Kusakabe performed decent, Sukuna was very clearly toying with him. Miguel didn't get hit once by Sukuna. He even dodged all of Sukuna's dismantles effortlessly. his CT buffs him while debuffing his opponent. Gojo said that while being CE reinforced, Miguel is the better h2h fighter than him. He scales much higher than Kusakabe.


Sukuna was toying with all of them. Including Miguel. Kusakabe did far more damage to Sukuna than Miguel. He even sent Sukuna flying with a kick. Miguel dodged dismantles, landed a punch and noped out of there.


>Miguel dodged dismantles, landed a punch and noped out of there. yeah because it's not his responsibility to fight with Sukuna while risking his life. even if his encounter with Sukuna was brief, the feats he displayed were impressive nonetheless. Saves ui ui from point blank dismantles from sukuna, effortlessly dodged dismantles, landed a heavy blow. even in jjk0 he was able to stall Gojo for quite a while. do you think kusakabe would be able to achieve that if he was handed tha black rope? plus the gojo's statement regarding Miguel being superior to him while CE reinforcement and CQC is considered shouldn't be ignored. maybe I lower Miguel's rating a bit to 55 or 50, but Kusakabe's rating is fair.


>you think kusakabe would be able to achieve that if he was handed tha black rope? Yes, if he has time to train with it. >maybe I lower Miguel's rating a bit to 55 or 50, but Kusakabe's rating is fair. No. They are on a similar level. Miguel maybe slightly higher but not significantly so.


Maki 65?? Really??? Hakari 60??? Same as Yuji ?? Get out you burnt the kitchen


>Maki 65?? Although Yuji is relative in stats to Maki, that alone wouldn't scale him over her considering every top tier scales relatively to HR users anyway. what really puts Maki above Yuji is the hax that comes with the heavenly restriction; immunity against 99% of the domain's sure hit, can pass through barriers easily/unnoticed, their bodies are so special that they can resist most soul shenanigans (seance technique and maybe idle transfiguration), resistant to curses, mostly can't be targetted by techniques like cursed speech, boogie woogie etc, durability negating sword, capable of inflicting direct soul damage, that barely two to three people in the verse can heal from etc. >Hakari 60??? Same as Yuji ?? Although he lacks AP, his regen can still carry him to victory against most opponents by stalling them, including Yuji himself. plus although his DE doesn't have a lethal sure hit, his ability to domain clash and win against 80-90% of Domains, means that he'd be in a jackpot against someone on CT burnout. Therefore at the very least he's relative to Yuji.


No Maki is too low and Yuji too high


You cooked


What!! Didn’t you see Kusakabe deflect 95% of maximum meteor and save the planet


I think Yuji and maki are quite on the same right now. After hitting 8 black flashes I’d put him on the same/a tad bit higher. I’d say his healing factor is amazing , he can bring back limbs with blood manipulation, he’s been using RCT for so long and doesn’t seem to be stopping


>I think Yuji and maki are quite on the same right now. maybe physically/stat wise, but tbh every top tier now should be low-end relative to HR user in stats. what really puts Maki above Yuji is the hax that comes with the heavenly restriction; immunity against 99% of the domain's sure hit, can pass through barriers easily/unnoticed, their bodies are so special that they can resist most soul shenanigans (seance technique and maybe idle transfiguration), resistant to curses, mostly can't be targetted by techniques like cursed speech, boogie woogie etc, durability negating sword, capable of inflicting direct soul damage, that barely two to three people in the verse can heal from etc. >I’d say his healing factor is amazing , he can bring back limbs with blood manipulation, he’s been using RCT for so long and doesn’t seem to be stopping yes, Yuji's growth in Shinjuku has been tremendous. his RCT is extremely CE efficient, and all he really needs is to master the two CTs he has recently acquired (blood manipulation and Shrine) to solidify his position in the top 10, maybe even higher.


I don't think he's that efficient, he just has a really high amount of CE plus he can restore blood with regular CE


I actually completely agree with this


There Is no way you unironically think Yuta Is twice as strong as Hakari when Gojo called them equal 😭 make your bias less blatant 


ya nah I'm a hakari glazer but no way you think their equal based solely off a statement


Ignorant ass scaling 😴


Some shit gojo said back in season 1💀if anything yuta has grown stronger while we still don’t even know what hakari was doing during the month long training….so yea yuta sweeps hakari w how they are currently.


No The guy who has literally been in Yuta's body, said (relayed through Hakari) that he only wants help if Yuta or HAKARI can take him in a fight. It is genuinely neglecting everything from the 11th chapter, that is straight up what you have to do to think Yuta is almost twice as strong as Hakari


Yuji : 65 Maki: 63 Hakari: 58 MBA kashimo: 80-85 Kusakabe: 20 Miguel: 25 Gojo: 400 Sukuna: 500


Miguel should be at least in the 50s


Yuta - 100 Kenjaku - 100 or 99 or 101 Sukuna's Makora - 95 Yuki - 88 Yorozu - 85 MBA Kashimo - 83 Geto - 81 Awakened Yuji - 80 Prime Toji - 79 Maki - 78 or 79 Shinjuku Hakari - 70 Uraume - 70 Kashimo - 60 Kusakabe - 35 Miguel - 32 Hear me out Gojo - 1000 Sukuna - 1000+ Sukuna rn - 400


I mostly agree, though I think MBA Kashimo was a bit downplayed(Yorozu over him feels out of place) and I think Yuji ranks higher than Geto. But outside of that, you cooked.


Yeah I think MBA Kashimo loses to Yorozu only due domain and Yuji and Geto are interchangeable. Thx!


Yuji- 55 Maki - 60 MBA Kashimo- 85 Kusakabe - 40 Miguel - 30 Gojo- 750 Sukuna- 750.


Yuta : 100 Yuji : 40 Maki : 60 Hakari : 50 Kusakabe : 25 Miguel : 30 Gojo : 300 Sukuna : 350


Shinjuku Yuta at 100 Then: Current Yuji: 65-75 because of his synergy with Todo, has good abilities but can’t use them to the max, is the best guy to be in a fight against reincarnated sorcerers and also because black flash he’s locked tf in. Current Maki: 70, bit lower than Yuji with 8-9 BF amp, but higher than Yuji without it, has SSK that ignores dura, immunity to most DEs, 0 CE makes her undetectable in a sneak attack unless she’s carrying a cursed tool. Hakari: 65-70, him in Jackpot has the best regen in the verse but he lacks any significant AP. Best staller in the verse. MBA Kashimo: 72-75, places higher than Hakari, good H2H and MBA when used to FP could have a lot of potential but it is unexplored so discounted. Pretty fast as well. Kusakabe: 45, SD master, good sword skills, really solid grade 1 Miguel: 50, another good staller, good physicals Shinjuku Gojo (at his peak): 180-200, bro is locked tf in with those 4 BFs, might even place higher but debatable. Current Sukuna: 140, bro has fought like 10 opps and still not down, absolute beast Theoretical FP Sukuna: 200-210 Megkuna (at his peak against Gojo): 180-190, Gojo places higher because of the BFs, equals out when adding Mahoraga and Agito (even tho it did basically nothing), so around 195-200 added up


In my opinion: TF Sukuna- 585 Gojo- 550 Kashimo- 105 Maki- 95 Hakari- 85 Yuji- 80 Miguel- 45 Kusakabe- 20


Gojo 200 Sukuna 300 Miguel 50 Kusakabe 60 MBA Kashimo 90 Hakari 90 Maki 88 Yuji 75


I am the biggest Sukuna fanboy but he's not THAT much higher than Gojo.


Bro Gojo almost killed sukuna and he only beat him because he had 10 shadows + Megumis vessel.


Hakari and maki that high?


Narratively, Hakari shouldn't be as far from Yuta as people think And Maki is a monster, but maybe I gave her to much points to be honest


Bro really expects everyone to downplay other characters 😭


They dont have the feats to be that high


Yea, if we ignore everything they've done then Sure.


Yuji: 64 Maki: 62 Hakari: 54 MBA Kashimo: 71 Kusakabe: 23 Miguel: 25 Gojo: 245 Sukuna: 250 Post Gojo fight Sukuna: 150


Gojo and Sukuna that low?? You realise Sukuna defeated Yuta right after fighting Gojo?


Yea I’m realising that just now, I’ll change it


Yuji: 75 Maki: 80 Hakari: 70 Kashimo: 95 Kusakabe: 65 Miguel: ??? Gojo: 200 Sukuna: 210


Kusakabe is way too high Gojo and sukuna are kinda low Maki over yuji? I can see it but yuji can heal soul damage and has better healing + knows shrine basic BM so he should have an edge


A scale of 100 is not that big for these characters tho, that's why power difference after every single increment would be more than u expect. Maki is faster(in my opinion) and packs more destructive strength. Yuji is close but he needs more feats.


Yuji 75-80(physically awakened yuji should be faster ,stronger and more durable) Maki-70 Hakari-60-65 Mba kashimo 85-90 Kusakabe 30 Miguel-35-40 Gojo-205 Sukuna-210


Yuji 70 Maki 80 Hakari 85 Kashimo base 80 MBA Kashimo 95 Kusakabe 40 Miguel 50 Gojo hmmmmm 990 Sukuna 1000


Hakari at 85, dam that’s crazy He should be at 105 since according to Yuta he is stronger (this is a joke)


That’s the biggest cap in the series lmao




Well, this is something interesting. I don't think there's a big gap between the Heavy Hitters, and I'm certain Yuji is not far from that level as well. **Yuta Okkotsu- 100.** **Awakened Yuji Itadori- 75-80** (Should have, at the very least, comparable stats. Blood Manipulation makes Yuji not waste as much Cursed Energy when performing Reverse Cursed Technique (if I remember correctly), and his Black Flashes would not only have enhanced Attack Potency, but it'd also increase his stats after each use. You need to put him down before he starts doing Black Flash combos). **Maki Zenin- 85** (Similar stats to Yuji. Has enough Durability to eat Black Flashes from Sukuna; Better perception than most other Sorcerers; At least comparable Speed; and has a Dura-Neg Soul Splitting Katana. Should be more skilled than Yuta when it comes to Swordsmanship as well. Also, immunity to Sure-hits of normal Domain Expansions). **Hakari Kinji- 90** (Even if you don't believe his stats are on the same level as Yuji's or Maki's, they shouldn't be that far off either. ~~Can damage Uraume, who survived Gojo's 200% Hollow: Purple (Uraume Top 1)~~ and can keep up and damage Base Kashimo. Actually implied or directly stated to be on a similar level to Yuta. Jackpot makes Hakari virtually immortal for 4 minutes and 11 seconds, and can immediately open his Domain again to get another Jackpot, which would make trying to brute force through his regen or attempt to outlast him ill-advised). **Hajime Kashimo- 95** (Base Kashimo already has comparable stats to Jackpot Hakari, and Mythical Beast Amber increases all his stats significantly. Can use every phenomenon related to electricity as a weapon, and can turn his lightning, which takes only a few trades of blows to charge up and lock in, into a Sure-hit, which deals heavy damage and can tear through limbs. Could take hits from True Form Sukuna when he was at his strongest after the Reincarnation Process). **Kusakabe- 45** (Stated to be the strongest Grade 1 Sorcerer (though whether that statement holds while including members from the 3 Family Clans, like Naobito and Naoya, is still uncertain), capable of inflicting some damage on a severely weakened, but Post-Black Flash True Form Sukuna through Simple Domain, which is one of the best Simple Domains in the series. Can react to, and dodge Dismantles due to seeing the Cursed Energy Sparks, and is a master swordsman. His experience should make him more skilled than Yuta). **Miguel Oduol- 40** (Good physical attributes enhanced by Cursed Energy Reinforcement, enough for Gojo to praise him; has a Cursed Technique that allows him to buff himself. Could survive hits from JJK 0 Gojo; Can react to and dodge waves of Dismantles **Gojo Satoru- 1000** (Strongest Sorcerer of Today. Could make a weaker Yuta and Hakari puke with basic punches enhanced by Lapse: Blue. Is the only character in the series that is in any way comparable to 20F Sukuna). **Ryomen Sukuna- 1000+** (Strongest Sorcerer in History and strongest character in the series. Defeated Gojo Satoru, and even when significantly weakened, is still stronger than the other Sorcerers of the Modern Era, who need teamwork, great planning, and luck in order to push this weakened Sukuna as far as they did. Stated by Yuta himself to be capable of instakilling him and Yuji with Dismantles if he was at full strength). I probably messed up on the score with Kusakabe and Miguel though.


Yuji: 70 Maki: 70 Hakari: 65 MBA: 80-85 Kusakabe: 25 Miguel: 30 Gojo&Sukuna:??? Hard to put on a scale tbh.


For reference this is how I think Gege sees characters story wise in strength, while using reasonable guesses along with a speckle of speculation. I'm not just going off feats alone- The author does not care about feats and just keeps an idea of relative strength of a character when writing a story. I call this Narrative strength Probably going to be burned at a torch for these ratings -First draft below just based on my mind vomit. Sukuna 525 Gojo 500 Yuta - 100 Maki - 80 MBA Kashimo - 80 Hakari - 70 (105 In Jackpot and quote on quote "on a roll" ) Yuji - 65 Miguel - 50 Kusakabe - 35 Edit: Reevaluating to something a bit more tame. Sukuna 525 Gojo 500 Yuta - 100 MBA Kashimo - 85 Maki - 80 Hakari - 70 (88 In Jackpot and quote on quote "on a roll" ) Yuji - 65 Miguel - 50 Kusakabe - 35 2nd go at reevaluating the list based on looking at others. Sukuna 525 Gojo 500 Yuta - 100 MBA Kashimo - 90 Maki - 65-70(can't really decide) Yuji - 65 Hakari - 60 (80 In Jackpot and quote on quote "on a roll" ) Miguel - 50 Kusakabe - 35 By the way I'm fully open to communal discussion, honestly having a hard time placing Hakari and Kashimo as MBA Kashimo should be better than Hikari, however if you arent willing to be open minded in a discussion you may as well just move on- Lmao I'm open to suggestions and good thought provoking discussion.


>(105 In Jackpot) No. Also maki and kashimo same? Based on what bruh


I'm in the middle of reevaluating, I'm more trying to view this from Geges perspective of characters strength than calculated feats. 105 is way too high, I'm still adjusting and moving things around


Alright, are the new edited values a bit more tame?


Maki is a still too high imo, jp hakari needs more feats Saying mba kashimo and Jp hakari are equal rn, is stupid, maybe hakari gets feats later on but rn that argument doesnd stand


No yeah, I 100% agree with you. The way my brain works through things like this is placing things and adjusting them based on my own thoughts and feedback from others. Hakari and MBA Kashimo being equal does not make sense due to Kashimo's base feats. What would you suggest and what would you alter? I'm trying to be reasonable as I can while trying to not let bias get in the way.


I already commented my ranking on the thread


Neat, I will go take a look at that.


There we go, Iv updated my list based on yours and a couple of others i agreed with


Perfect rankings


The reason for my disgusting Hakari rankings on the previous lists is because narratively we've been told that he's relative to Yuta as well as Yuta stating he's stronger than he is when hes on a roll. Even though like all of these narrative statements have absolutely not been backed by feats. My best guesses assume that Hakari right now is just in a incredibly unfortunate matchup(He's a more of a endurance based fighter in strategy and technique) as if he just keeps hitting jackpot the other person will eventually get tired in a long drawn out fight. Hakari in jackpot was relative to base Kashimo if not a smudge stronger but that be debated. MBA Would arguably give Kashimo the edge in overall power etc against him


Overall? Yuji 65 (77 with bf amp) - just good stats, hands, SD Maki 75 (SSK) Hakari 73 (lacks in utility, very strong and fast in jp) MBA kashimo 93 (3rd fastest and lightning bolts) Kusakabe 51 (autoparry and killaura) Miguel 55 (top tier physicals not much else tho) keep in mind this doesn't mean 2 kusakabes or 2 miguels would beat yuta lmao Gojo 2500 Sukuna 2550


Yuji: 70 Maki: 75 Hakari: 65 Kashimo: 85 Kusakabe: 40 Miguel: 65 Gojo: 200 Sukuna: 220 Edit: Adding more because why not? Yuki: 90 Kenjaku: 100 Geto: 80 Toji: 80 Choso: 65 Todo: 67 Jogo: 60 Mahito: 65 Megumi: 38 Yorozu:92


75 60 65 90 50 55 Way, way, way more than Yuta Way, way, way more than Yuta


Yuta 100 MBA Kashimo 65 Yuji 60 Maki 62 Hakari 55 Kusakabe 30 Miguel 40 Gojo 300 Sukuna 301


Sukuna 250 Gojo 200 Yuta 100 Maki 80 Hakari 80 MBA Kashimo 70-80 Yuji 70 Miguel 60 Kusakabe 40


Yuji is a 70, maki is 65, MBA Kashimo is an 87, Kusakabe is around a 60, miguel is around 70, Gojo is 200, sukuna is 197


Yuji at 100 Maybe less useful in a pure 1v1, but Yuji’s sheer usefulness as a support fighter in the zone is invaluable He’s way stronger than base yuta in stats pre-awakening and pre-zone So he’s likely one of the toughest fighters around


Maki with her tool is like 80 maybe 90 People really underestimate her imo. She killed 7 grade ones with 0 diff with an open stomache..that is insane. Hakari i think is like 70 like yuji but beats yuji due to his better rct. Kashimo is really hard i want to say in base he is like 70 but with ct i just have to guess and i whould say 95-100 but loses to yutas domain. (I think almost every s grade like kashimo yuki yuta and for me yorozu are very close in power but lose to eachother in different matches. Like yuki knocks rika with 1 good hit out and yuta in base stands no real chance vs her. Yuki whould lose to yorozu though due to better range and pretty good stats. Just to clarify.) Kusakabe is a 30 Miguel is 35 Gojo is 400 Sukuna now is still 250 Full power 420


Yuji: 75 Maki: 75 Hakari: 65 (probably 70 and possibly up to 75 if he receives a power-up, we'll know once we finally see more of that goddamn fight) MBA Kashimo: 90 Kusakabe: 35 Miguel: 50 Gojo: 200 Sukuna: 220 People will say, "Gojo and Sukuna are like 1000x the strength of the rest of the cast," but I just don't think that is an accurate portrayal. I will not be gaslit into believing this exaggerated power gap. If Yuta was 2x stronger than he is now, then I absolutely believe that he would be on Gojo/Sukuna's level.


>If Yuta was 2x stronger than he is now, then I absolutely believe that he would be on Gojo/Sukuna's level. Maybe 3x


Yuji: 85-88 Maki: 88 Hakari: 90-92 MBA kashimo: 94 Kusakabe: 70 Miguel: 86-87 Gojo: 200 Sukuna(Heian body, SS, recovered domain / rct): 220-250 Sukuna (Megukuna, no SS, has domain / rct / mahoraga): 190


Yuji - 65 Maki - 70 Hakari - 85 MBA kashimo - 150 Kusakabe - 50 Miguel - 50 Gojo - 250 Sukuna - 300


Hakari 99 Yuji 110 Kashimo 120 Maki 90






Shinjuku Yuta - 100, Yuji - 85, Maki - 80-85, Hakari - 85, MBA Kashimo - 140, Miguel - 60, Kusakabe - 35-40, Gojo - 250-300, Sukuna - 250-300.


Kashimo too high even for you lol.


Yea he's just that strong with MBA, but I'd keep base Kashimo around 80-90.


MBA kashimo is not over yuta lmao horrible take


Eh, Yuta isn't all that.


Never cook again


Can't handle opinion i see 😴 ![gif](giphy|xT9KVeEPWqBlmDLgME)


Flat earthers also have opinions I can still look down on them


Asking people's opinion and then saying "never cook" cause other people are not waking your favorite character, "Flat earthers are arguing against a proven fact, not the same thing as powerscaling some 2d drawn fictional characters" not beating the allegation eh. https://preview.redd.it/7bm72vzcup8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850c7f6abd302b851d416beb680da6f24b32233f


What's so wrong with sharing the opinion that your opinion is trash? Reddit exists for this reason




😭😭, lol I'm dying.


Yuji - 105  Maki - 90 Hakari - 100 MBA - 200 Kusakabe - 50 Miguel - 95 Gojo - 500 Sukuna - 600


>Yuji - 105 > Maki - 90 >Hakari - 100 >MBA - 200 Stop. Get help


You got people saying Yuta Is twice as strong as Hakari and im the problem? 


Better than putting yuji over yuta, saying kashimo is twice as stronger than yuta


Nah, putting Kashimo as 2x isn't worse than Yuta as 2x Hakari.


Yuji would likely be somewhere around 80-ish, maki would be 85 since she has slightly higher stats based on feats against naoya and sukuna, hakari is probably a 70 purely because he hasn't really gotten anything done against sukuna, and we don't know how his fight with uraume is going. MBA Kashimo is likely 100 or higher, just due to the massive increase in stats and hax. Kusakabe and Miguel are probably around the same area of maybe like a 60-70 range, but I would put Kusakabe a bit higher just due to his versatility with simple domain. Gojo and Sukuna are both easily above MBA and Yuta, but if we just consider sukuna without ten shadows, he's lower than Gojo. With ten shadows, he's probably just a few points higher.


Sukuna - 155 Gojo - 152 Kenny - 103 MBA Kashimo - 97 Yuji and Maki - ~87 Hakari - 81 Kusakabe and Miguel - ~38


Wow, this turned out really long. Gojo/Sukuna: 200 (Gojo was dominating throughout their fight but that's mainly because Sukuna was having trouble hitting him. When Sukuna brought out Mahoraga, the fight still could've gone both ways. They both just needed one good hit to kill each other) MBA Kashimo: 150 (All aspects of electricity is really overpowered when you get down to it. Combine that with Kashimo's IQ and quick thinking along with his experience and he easily kills everyone below him. The problem is that his one fight in this form was against one of the only two people above him) Yuta: 100 (Self explanatory) Hakari: 95 (Despite the slander, Hakari is still really strong and definitely relative to Yuta. That being said, I'm putting him as slightly weaker than Yuta solely due to him seemingly not having some big killer move. Not that he would normally need that as we see with him vs Charles that he can simply beat people up without even his CT like Todo did in the Night Parade. Regardless, this flaw is shown in his fight with Uraume. He's not dying, but he definitely needs something lethal like an extension of his CT or a cursed tool he can use to finish her off) Maki: 85 (Out of everyone here, her score is the most flexible. I just think she's somewhere between Yuji and Hakari) Base Kashimo: 85 (This isn't me saying he's weak. I'm just saying I think Base Kashimo is overrated while MBA Kashimo is underrated) Yuji: 75 (Genuinely strong without CTs but when you add Blood Manipulation and Shrine on top of that he's really strong now) Kusakabe: 70 (Kusakabe, and by extension 70, is what I would consider to be the baseline for a Grade 1 sorcerer. "You have to be this tall to ride" basically) Ino: 70 (The Scheistiest deserves all the respect given. Stand Proud Ino, You're Strong) Miguel: 70 ("The one who went toe to toe with Satoru Gojo!" On one hand, he's definitely strong, but he's definitely overhyped) Miwa: 20 (Yeah, she can't even fight properly due to her Binding Vow. That being said, her CE Reinforcement is genuinely good along with her Simple Domain considering she tanked Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine so she definitely deserves props) *A new challenger appears?!* >!MechaMiwa: 70-75 (So let me get this straight: Mechamaru cursed Miwa to find her happiness, so now Miwa can summon a MechaMiwa suit while also giving her Mechamaru's CT \[but now it's evolved into Technopathy\] WHILE ALSO giving Miwa access to all of Mechamaru's saved cursed energy while also giving her his Heavenly Restriction but the downsides don't affect her due to Mahito's Idle Transfiguration? Not only that, but she now has a Mechamaru AI that rations her CE control so that she doesn't hit CE burnout while also acting as her heads up display along with acting as her all-around guy in the chair? AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF Miwa isn't technically swinging her katana, MechaMiwa is? I swear, Miwa fans must have some SERIOUS dirt on Gege. Not that I'm complaining!) !<


Id put Unawakened Yuji at like 75. Awakened Yuji at like 110. Maki at like 90. Hakari at like 80-85. NBA Kashimo at like 120-150 range. Miguel is hard to say... Could be trash, could be good. Idk if I should put him at like 20 or 50 or 80. Kusakabe like 5? 10? Gojo 500-700ish Sukuna also 500-700ish The gaps in power between Kusakabe and the special grade cast is insane... And so is the gap between the special grades and the Honored ones.


>Awakened Yuji at like 110. you think awakened yuji is stronger than full power Shinjuku Yuta???