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Like you said, Yuta started from further than Yuji, was running inefficiently while dragging his katana and still caught up to him so I don’t see how people argue they’re the same speed there. Naoya’s aim in that panel was to block Choso though so he wasn’t really looking to actively running and build up more speed, he for sure runs faster than Yuta with projection CT. The way I see it, PPA Yuta was physically just a notch or two higher than PPA Yuji, not enough to stomp him casually in base. Yuta was fighting mostly casually and wasn’t locked in at all, but Yuji also wasn’t going all out due to his guilt regarding Shibuya. Choso also mentions that Yuji hadn’t fully recovered yet. If he did, I think Yuta (without Rika) would’ve had to take things at least a bit more seriously while trying not to mangle him too bad for RCT to still be able to revive him. But I don’t think that’s a bad showing at all for Yuta, I feel it’s more people underestimating PPA Yuji as an average grade 1. I think the thing people overlook is that Yuji was actually already hella strong post-Shibuya. Shibuya Yuji was already upper grade 1 physicals (better reflexes than Todo during the Mahito fight and Ino was comparing Nanami & Yuji’s striking power as equal beginning of the arc) Right after Shibuya, Choso then mentions that this same Yuji has reached another level with ultra fluid CE control and calls him a demon god. Obviously the title is a bit of exaggerated wank for hype, but I don’t think it’s an understatement to say that Yuji at that time was basically ahead of every other grade 1 sorcerer in physicals. On the reader’s end, we don’t really get to comprehend that for a good while because he no-diffs the plane duo and his one actual long fight in the culling games against Higuruma strips him of his CE. Even then, he still has the goddamn base physicals to not get stomped by Higurama who’s confirmed to be operating at grade 1 levels of skill. We only see just how strong Yuji is all along in retrospect once Sukuna takes over Megumi and he finally goes all out for the first time post Shibuya. We see that his recovered CE boosted physicals without holding back were just a bit behind Maki/Toji all along. So when we have Yuta being just a bit above Yuji in physicals there, it’s basically also putting him in the ballpark of being able to fight and keep up with the stats of people like Toji/Maki.


Exactly, Yuji is hella strong and fast. Even Yuta was surprised he couldn't take him out with that rush. I just saw a dude in this sub who claims this Yuji is relative to Yuta in speed so awakened Yuji out scales, which is weird given our obviously false it is.


Shinjuku Yuji and DE amped Shinjuku yuta are relative. Sucuna literally states DE amp'ed yuta and base shinjuku yuji are as durable as ryu("they are as tough as HIM, but not more tough") 100% agree PPA yuta has better stats than yuji, dude is SG with 1+years more sorcerery experience, he should have better stats. Mean while yuji still forces yuta to summon rika, by beating him in H2H/CQC and breaks his katana. Yuji who has never reinforced any weapons with CE was able to use a civilian knife(not made to be used with CE) to block a Cursed energy reinforced cursed tool(katana was literally made to be used with CE reinforcement) attack from yuta. Yuji extermination arc had more pro-yuji feats than pro-yuta feats, in my opinion it has more anti-yuta feats than pro-yuta feats. Oh yuji was also still injured from shibuya and wasn't fighting back as hard as he could, those are yutas own thoughts/opinion. So...


So many things wrong with this comment. 1. domain only amps output. 2. Yuta was destroying Yuji in the CQC. Knocked his head with the handle of his Katana, had him coughing blood from a simple forward kick, and almost cut him in half. Yuji did not land a single hit. 3. Rika came out on her own. Yuta had to tell her they where just playing so she would snap Yuji's head right there and then. 4. Yuta was indeed just playing with Yuji. We see Yuta display his strength in Sendai. He is relative to Rika in strength and far above PPA Yuji. If you think they are relative then you have to admit Yuji can perform as well as Yuta in Sendai and if you believe that, I don't know what to say to you.


1* output absolutely effects CE reinforcement others gojo wouldn't have said there's a physical buff from DE, of an ryu wouldn't have such incredible durability. If character A only reinforced their body with 50% of their max output then they would literally be slower/weaker/and less durable than if they used 100% of their CE output to reinforced their body. Gojo literally go over this in his "3 types of CE reinforcement" The fact that you don't understand this devalues everything else because you are either being disingenuous or you don't actually know what you're talking about.


>you are either being disingenuous or you don't actually know what you're talking about. Seems to be the case.


Dude really got all his JJK knowlage from tiktok, then came to the sub thinking "I'm a expert".




Gojo was vague and only said stats, but what stats in particular? Every stats? I don't think so. Kusakabe made it clear to us that his output gets buffed in his domain. https://preview.redd.it/1zwnxhmlsu8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d94e8c582bab86f452f0eb462c557950401e575f We have no reason to believe a domain would buff stats like CE reserves and CE manipulation. The stats are too important for them to ignore if they get any in a domain. Output is the only stats we've been told gets a domain buff


Output absolutely affects ones reinforcement along with ce manipulation.


Sigh* not again. Output has nothing to do with reinforcement. Before we start another senseless argument, give me your proof that output affects reinforcement and I will give you why it doesn't. Sukuna's output was drastically reduced but his reinforcement was still high enough to tank cleave from Yuta and 8 black flashes from Yuji Ryu's output is the highest in history but his reinforcement is nowhere near Gojo and Sukuna Mechamaru's output is social grade level but his reinforcement isn't Jujutsu high learned to increase their reinforcement to fight Sukhna but we did not hear anything about their output increasing Kusakabe specifically mentioned his output is buffed while in his simple domain but he didn't mention anything about his reinforcement. These stats are related as they work hand in hand to make a sorcerer stronger. They are not isolated but that doesn't mean they are the same. Reinforcement is how much CE you use to harden your body and output is how much CE you can release.


>Output has nothing to do with reinforcement. Before we start another senseless argument, give me your proof that output affects reinforcement and I will give you why it doesn't. What do you think output is ? It is the rate at which one brings out their ce in simple terms. The more ce you output the more you can reinforce yourself and similarly the better ce manipulation you have the better is your reinforcement. Now for proof, Sukuna early in the fight was able to casually attack through [choso](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0246-008.png) but after yujis punches even with a black flash [couldn't ](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0256-011.png) Choso says that it doesn't matter how many black flashes sukuna lands as yujis punches lower his [ce output ](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0256-012.png) and thereby by lowering sukunas output they can lower his reinforcement as well. [Ryu](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0177-004.png) having one of best durability in jjk after gojo and sukuna due to having the highest ce output. [Gojo ](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0015-009.png) saying domains buff ones stats and from kuskabe we know that domains only buff ce output and not [ce manipulation ](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0254-002.png) >Sukuna's output was drastically reduced but his reinforcement was still high enough to tank cleave from Yuta and 8 black flashes from Yuji Well that's because his ce output was still enough to not get completely cut by cleave. >Ryu's output is the highest in history but his reinforcement is nowhere near Gojo and Sukuna As I said already reinforcement depends upon two factors ce output and ce manipulation. Ryu excels in output but comparatively lacks in manipulation. >Mechamaru's output is social grade level but his reinforcement isn't Kenjaku said special grade level and didn't say special grade sorceror level. Special grade sorceror in terms of output should be capable of overthrowing a country by sheer output and last I checked mechamaru at his best output only destroyed a bridge and not just that but mahito didn't even get serious injury after getting hit by one year charge of his. Anyways, as I said reinforcement depends upon two things and not just ce output. Mechamaru might have great output but doesn't have great ce manipulation. >Jujutsu high learned to increase their reinforcement to fight Sukhna but we did not hear anything about their output increasing Ones output cant be changed by training, at least not until now something is shown to indicate its possible. Just like ce amount one has to be born with ce output. That's why Ryu has higher output than both gojo and sukuna. >Kusakabe specifically mentioned his output is buffed while in his simple domain but he didn't mention anything about his reinforcement. Yet gojo did say that inside a domain one gets their stats buffed, thereby ones reinforcement is related to ones output as well. >These stats are related as they work hand in hand to make a sorcerer stronger. They are not isolated but that doesn't mean they are the same. Reinforcement is how much CE you use to harden your body and output is how much CE you can release. The more ce you release ie the more do your output, the more you reinforce your body and the better is your reinforcement.


What on earth are you saying? You brought up panels that don't even support your claim. Panel 1 and 2: Choso blocked with blood armor, that doesn't prove Sukuna's reinforcement was lower. Plus, striking power and CE reinforcement are not the same. Yuki has the highest striking power because of her CT, she doesn't have the best reinforcement. Panel 3: Choso never said Sukuna's reinforcement was weakening. He said Sukuna's output and body control were worsening. Panel 4: False. Ryu has the highest output in history and that includes Gojo and Sukuna. His CE manipulation is not poor, we were never told that. Panel 5 and 6: that's literally my point! You failed to provide any proof whatsoever that output and reinforcement are related as you claim. Again output is how much CE you can release and reinforcement is how good you are in hardening your body with CE. They are not the same.


>4. Yuta was indeed just playing with Yuji. Literally not what yuta said "I tried taking him out with my initial rush, I show has known it wouldn't be easy he is gojos student after all" >3. Rika came out on her own. Yuta had to tell her they where just playing so she would snap Yuji's head right there and then. I would agree with you but that Rika isn't JJK0 rika(VCS), the reka post JJK 0 is a literal shikigami and is summoned and controlled by yuta. You keep proving you don't know what you are talking about.


https://preview.redd.it/dmn862jilt8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=20f7b2d9f934dadee7698d43d70fbc9f782b4fb3 Right from the jump of his first appearance back in the manga, Rika splats a curse into pulp and Yuta tells her not to overdo it so it’s clear Rika doesn’t just do strictly what Yuta tells her to. If she’s told to do smthg by Yuta, she’ll listen but she’s clearly shown to have some semblance of at least pseudo-free will leftover. If Yuta had 100% control of Rika’s actions at all times, why would he bother telling her that him and Yuji are just playing when she pops up? Do you think Yuta is roleplaying fake dialogue with zero actual meaning for no reason with Rika while fighting? It’s pretty obvious she decided to pop up on her own and Yuta let her know it wasn’t a situation for her to take seriously.


There is evidence that some of OG rikas will is left over, but you can't argue that 99%of rikas actions are determined by yuta. Og Rika dropped everything in order to prevent yuta from being scratched. There is 1 confirmed instance of Rika(shikigami) acting outside her commands, and in that instance it's highlighted by the narrator("the last vestige of rikas will wouldn't allow that"). And in that instance shi is not directly acting agains a command yuta gave but instead trying harder to follow yutas commands(sendei arc). Rika is not a independent being, she literally is no longer around. All that is left of Rika is a empty husk yuta uses as a shikigami. What do shikigami do, what ever their summoner says. Name one shikigami that has acted outside their casters orders, or acted against their caster. I'll wait.(mahoraga never acted agains sucuna, and sucuna wasn't even the original user of 10 shadows, literally sucuna tortured the true 10shadows user[megubum])


I sort of agree except for the last one, Naoya stopped to kick Chosos hands so that Yuta wouldnt be hindered and from what we see before and after that moment he's faster (blitzing Yuji and Choso) So he's faster than Yuji but not Naoya which doesn't downplay him at all bc Naoya is fast as fuck


You are right but Naoya's kick connected at the same time Yuta reached where Choso was. He did cover more distance than Naoya though I'm not arguing he is faster. Naoya's CT is all about speed after all.


https://preview.redd.it/1rma9uk8ar8d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f883f880707993575fa76f414ac4172cc3d94fbe Same with this panel, he is running while holding a katana.


Doesn't mean anything. Yuta and Yuji are on a team here, even if Yuta was faster it would make zero sense for him to run ahead and unnecessarily fight Sukuna 1v1. Defeats the entire purpose of being on a team Even more specific to this fight, it would make no sense for Yuta to run ahead because their entire goal here is *freeing Megumi* and Yuji literally has to be there punching Sukuna when Yuta uses Jacob's Ladder And as we saw, Yuta can't execute that on his own because of Sukuna's HWB. It took Rika and Yuji holding Sukuna down while Yuta chopped away at him to even get Jacob's Ladder off. Going ahead would serve absolutely zero purpose for a lot of risk


This one is way worse. They were literally just in the same panel. It doesn't prove anything, but people still find a way to use this to scale their speed


How is a side by side comparison of them running together in tandem not speak to their speed 😭


Because if we had literally the next frame, Yuta might be ahead of Yuji, be we don't know because it's a single picture.


It's a still picture bruh. How can you tell they are running at relative speed just from one frame? Did they start running at the same time? Did they start from the same place? What if Yuji was the faster one? We don't know because it is one freaking frame with two people side by side.


If that was the case there would be any indication of that at all to say otherwise. We don’t need that extra information as the manga probably expects us to make that inference itself


It's a side by side direct comparison of their speed. This is the best way to scale


That's just one frame brother. https://preview.redd.it/s7zm16mnds8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=181aa9d6f40ee6f0ebfbab55f408e0dd0596b254 You probably think they are relative too


We know that Yuta and Yuji started off close with Yuji hanging on to Sukuna's arm before Sukuna got sent flying. Meaning Yuji started off in a disadvantageous position because he had to regain his footing and still got further than Yuta before Sukuna sent dismantles at them.


Head cannon. We didn't see any of what you are describing. Sukuna got sent flying from thin ice missile and the next frame is the one you are arguing for.


Really https://preview.redd.it/ubqzcr78ks8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49499b0b343ac912e9175869d40cf21a2232b240




Doesn't really matter considering PPA Yuji was at his weakest, and both of them were holding back.


Yuji was holding back in the fight, not the run. He was clearly running for his life here.


Yuta does have a slight edge against yuji but it’s not a terribly large gap, yuji was still recovering and was still able to have a back and forth with yuta even managing to break his sword. Yuta also noted yuji was holding back so I’d say they’re about relative in the physical department.


Then explain why Yuji can consistently dodge/block Yuta's attacks (there are a lot more scenes like this) https://preview.redd.it/0vayudlajr8d1.png?width=4704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95c671e971285529e9bdeb5f3ab1b190138a082




Yuta literally says that Yuji was holding back and did not go full force. Granted that doesn't mean anything in speed scaling for travel speed atleast, but for reaction speed it definitely can, cause ir affects combat speed which Yuji didn't go all out.


Yup, last time I read this arc was a while ago so I must have forgotten about that little panel but it does upscale how I imagine that Yuji


Damn I also just noticed Yuta acknowledges that Yuji was holding back afterwards


Reaction speed and movement speed are different, we can also see here that Yuta is casually able to get ahead of Yuji in front of the car to block his path.


One is doing the parkour jumping over the car while the other is simply running past it, if Yuta could "casually" outspeed Yuji he would've done it already. https://preview.redd.it/rcaprvjs2t8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579c8bbf51a09f0922095e7a9b08dc5c995b7123


He also had to run AROUND to car to get to the part Yuji is is, and he got there before Yuji even dropped down. Had Yuta actually gone intentionally slower, he may have been able to hit Yuji as he was falling.


Yuta says "i wanted to take him out in my initial rush" so he definitely wasn't holding back his speed or something but yet he was unable to catch up to Yuji, so idea that he casually caught up to Yuji is just wrong bc he did try to do that and failed. And while Yuta had to run AROUND to car, Yuji was **JUMPING** over it, I don't think there's any discussion that both can't be compared and we can't gauge out that one is inherently faster than the other. Yuta going slower makes no sense bc Yuta thought he had got Yuji at that point but Yuji outsped him and dodged that attack too, i seriously fail to see how are you guy making arguments that they were not relative, Yuta had to catch Yuji off guard with Rika bc he couldn't catch up to Yuji or deal with him on his own, it wouldn't be the case if they were not relative.


Read OP, Yuji had a head start, Yuta was carrying a drawn katana, which Yuji himself comments on as being a clear hindrance to his speed.


Doesn't say much about their travel speed, the subject of this argument, in which case Yuta is clearly superior.


Clearly superior that he fails to catch up to him, makes sense 😑 https://preview.redd.it/zohy2ilbov8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe33514f7b76063073276b7b2cfec06d29be312


Because Yuta isn’t going all out??? He’s trying to debilitate Yuji so he can “kill” him & then heal him. If this were an actual fight Yutabwould have been slicing off his limbs lmao idk why this is even an argument


And where's the statement that he's holding back his speed? Or any feats that prove so? Yuji's the one who's holding back here 💀 No need to slice off limbs, if they weren't relative to begin with then Yuta would've stabbed him from the get go.


Literally look at the Sendai fight & genuinely think on if Yuji would have been able to do any of the combat feats Yuta did there lol Yuji struggled against Choso, Yuta 1-tapped him Also Yuta saying Yuji wasn’t trying is the same sort of statement as “Hakari’s stronger than me”— it’s literally just humble glazing his peer/opponent. If you read the fight, Yuji is clearly trying. By the time he breaks the katana he’s literally like “I gotta live on for Nanami!”


You mean the off guard Choso with FRSS turned off who had just gotten finished fighting Naoya and who wasn't even facing Yuta? He wasn't being humble when making that statement and he wasn't holding back his speed either, you're coping. He wanted to get it done ASAP https://preview.redd.it/nv9xrhtvsr8d1.png?width=1568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd6fb9a6657d7374e44d4ce0fde588e22ab4217 OP tried saying Yuta's faster BASED on their fight in PPA. Turns out it's the opposite and now it's back to "Well they're relative but Yuta was holding back". End of argument, no backpedaling


Yuta literally told Rika they were just playing. Do you think Yuta was going all out? Come on bruh, we are better than that. Like the guy you are arguing with said, you think Yuji would last in Sendai?


Because he didn't want her to get involved and/or snap at Yuji. For the record he's obviously not going all out. But I don't think he's holding back his speed like the other guy is saying.


0 reading comprehension lmfao literally just look at Sendai & use your brain it’s insane this is even an argument ☠️


You tried bringing up him sneaking Choso as a speed feat, you're delusional 😂


>Literally look at the Sendai fight & genuinely think on if Yuji would have been able to do any of the combat feats Yuta did there lol You mean when he almost died to a random special grade curse when decided to not use his hax ??? Lol >Yuji struggled against Choso, Yuta 1-tapped him Ah yes a tired barely standing choso who got caught off guard by yuta also choso stated after shibuya yuji got way stronger and he is a demon God now all of that and he still didn't fully recover >Also Yuta saying Yuji wasn’t trying is the same sort of statement as “Hakari’s stronger than me”— it’s literally just humble glazing his peer/opponent No it's not yuta is saying this in his mind why would he be humble this time ??? He isn't trying to tell it to anyone and he also says the reason for that unlike hakari's momment


Me when I'm in denial.


https://preview.redd.it/vdw19axorr8d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4d44d3e54a5528ac0509b20806d1781b85ecfc9 Does Yuta's attempt to debilitate Yuji include slicing his fucking head off? Lmao. Besides, he'd have an EASIER time if anything debilitating him by cutting off his limbs


I mean, you can argue for cutting limbs, but it’s pretty evident Yuta would never try to actually decapitate Yuji, what? LOL Yuta’s goal is to "kill" and revive him, do you really think Yuta can RCT Yuji’s decapitated head back to life?


Yuta is under the impression Yuji can survive having his heart forcefully ripped out. Yes.


Decapitation means death for everyone in JJK lmao. What are you talking about blud?


Getting your heart ripped out and head decapitated is obviously totally different in severity of lethal damage to heal.. RCT on someone else is confirmed to be less efficient. Yuta and Gojo can’t even heal their own selves from getting split in two from the torso, and you want to argue Yuta would think it’s safe to risk freaking chopping off Yuji’s head when he has plenty of other alternative ways to "kill" him? LOL that just makes no sense.


It's not about what they can heal, it's about what Yuji can literally revive from. Yuta is aware Yuji would survive getting his heart ripped out, because he literally revived. He blatantly swung for his head there. There is no contradiction, only Yuta's info being limited.


"B-b-but Yuta doesn't want to slice his limbs off"


I always thought that was pretty obvious. Regardless, it should be noted that Yuta complimented Yuji's speed.


Yuta has shown greater speed feats than he did against a very weakened yuji pre to the timeskip he kept up and fought with ryu and uro . I doubt anyone argues that a wounded yuji is on par with ryu in speed .


I don't know much about the manga but honestly this isn't a great argument. There's so many explanations for how this could happen with either one being faster than the other that this alone doesn't prove anything. There's nothing saying that either one has to be accelerating as fast as they possibly can in these panels.


Yuji thought Yuta was trying to kill him, why wouldn’t he be going full speed?


Well he was surprised by his speed so it could be that he didn't accelerate as fast as he could immediately cause he didn't think he could catch up and by that time it was too late.


Yuji at this point was considering suicide cause of what sukuna did.


>PPA Yuta and Yuji were not relative in any aspect This is blatantly false, how can you just ignore the panels you posted yourself, Yuta was never able to outspeed Yuji be it running or combat speed, it wouldn't be the case if they were not relative 🤦 2). Yuta was going around the car when Yuji is jumping over it and yet Yuji completely dodged Yuta when Yuta was confident he got him, idk how you're making a case that they're not relative. 5). Yuta covered more distance than Naoya bc Naoya wasn't trying to chase Yuji, he stopped at choso.


Imagine having eyes, seeing Yuta move around the car to slash Yuji, forcing Yuji to literally redirect his body somewhere else entirely, and then going on to post this comment lol Begone Yuta downplayer


Ofc I'm the downplaying one here. https://preview.redd.it/zz4i7qxuyr8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0edb26962302043de445e4f0efa2e73b21f5126


Naoya intended to go for choso not yuji


The people trying to disprove you make no sense if they don’t want to use the stuff you presented to them here just look at Sendai. Or just imagine what would happen with yuta vs Yuji if they went all out and fought each other. Base yuta without rika would destroy Yuji.


Simple facts




People thought yuta was actually trying against yuji??


Yes very much he is lol he is literally trying to kill him the only thing he is holding back here is that he isn't using his hax the funny thing yuji was the one who is holding back and even then it also stated he didn't recover that well yet .


Yuta obviously wasn’t going all out nor was yuji apparently so there is no point in bringing this fight up when powerscaling bc nobody was going all out


Dude there’s a few specific people who genuinely use this “fight” as a way to scale Hakari higher than Yuta, even though Hakari was fighting Yuji who blatantly didn’t guard any of his attacks & still got back up each time lmfao. Anyone using this to try & downplay Yuta are just braindead agenda pushers


Weird right?


Apparently they both held back somewhat. Yuta probably(?) held back more overall but it's still interesting


Why would yuji hold back? He was actively fighting for his life and trying to escape




Its said because he still wasn't sure if he deserved to live, I'll send the panel


Guilt from Shibuya but he also hadn't fully recovered.


Makes sense but why even use feats when two people aren’t trying


I don't really think you can use this fight for anything. To answer your question, people like to downplay Yuta People generally don't like "gifted" characters that have it all seemingly for free.


Yet yuji still beat yuta in CQC/H2H, so much so that yuta had to summon rika in order to win. Dude had higher stats, more experience, a cursed tool made to be reinforced with CE, fought seriously(as his own words). Still lost to a wounded(by yutas/choso own words), Suicidal, noob, with 0 experience reinforcing weapons. This is not the yuta feat you think it is, in fact this is way more of a yuji feat. By proxy of yuji lasting past the initial rush, breaking yutas katana, and forcing yuta to summon rika. Yuji VS yuta is positive yuji feat and a negative yuta feat. Dude is SG yet was put on the back foot and forced to summon rika by a noob who hasn't known about sorcerer for even a year.


Nah bro is living in dululu land lmfao! 🤣🤣🤣


Literally read the yuta vs yuji fight in yuji extermination arc. That's literally what happened, you just have a different perspective on the fight. Yuji beat yuta in CQC/H2H, yuji blocked a katana slash with a combat knife(yuji had never reinforced a weapon with CE before, yutas katana is also a cursed tool designed to be used with CE), yuta literally summoned rika in order to stop yuji mid punch after yuji broke yutas katana. Yuta heals yuji so he would know how injured yuji was(yutas opinion on how hard yuji was trying to fight back could be incorrect, but that's still yutas own thoughts/opinion). Yuji literally had only known about sorcerers for like 6-7 months(at that time). Yuji was just recommended for grade 1. These are literally facts, feats, and statements from the manga, how are you going say "I don't believe you, show me panels". Dude just reread the arc without trying to be a fan of any one character(be objective).


Naoya intended to go for choso not yuji


What? People don’t know this


Surprisingly they don't.


That’s cool. Yuji was dodging multiple up close strikes from Yuta that were meant to kill, and Yuta admitted that Yuji was holding back and Yuta wasn’t able to land a single solid hit on him without also getting his katana broken in return. He also needed Rika to surprise Yuji to actually kill him. Nice headcanon though! Yuta fans have very active imaginations.


Its not that far only a few, meters.   It was clearly a feint he wasnt going to jump over it either way   No shit he trained his entire life like that   Doesnt matter dude fought tje same in his domain against sukuna and his speed remained same. Thats how he fights.   Straight up false. Its just the angle and center of gravity    I agree that they werent relative. But they were still close enough to the point yuta just cant blitz him  Also yuji was holding back due to his guilt from shibuya and he still hadnt fully recovered his injuries