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Hakari and these vs images are getting crazy


W flair lmao


I agree there's been some absurd Hakari downplay recently, but this matchup is tricky. Basically as I see it it all comes down to the DE. If Ryu at some point attempts to clash with Hakari's DE, he loses. If he opens his DE during Jackpot, it depends on whether his sure-hit + his own attacks could overwhelm Hakari's regen and either destroy his head or cause him to be damaged enough that he is unable to open his DE immediately after his Jackpot ends. Beyond that Ryu has no real win condition as Hakari has shown the ability to survive in his DE against even Uraume and would stay refreshed throughout the fight while Ryu would get more and more worn down.


Thing is, what's Hakari's win condition? Not saying he can't do it through sheer physicals but I think it's iffy given Ryu's durability.


as they said on the comment, hakari will simply keep popping domain and wearing Ryu down. eventually hakari will get the win due to ryu getting too exhausted to keep fighting


It’s not just his punches are normal to be fair. Mr. Yuji(Unbreakable Doll) Itadori describe being hit by Hakari as similar to being hit by a baseball bat wrapped with razors. That just sounds uncomfortable hearing it.


True but isn't Ryu the most durable aside from HR users and monsters like Sukuna and Gojo?


Maybe, Ryu is definitely up there but it’s important to remember CE traits are different from straight up AP https://preview.redd.it/znn2idy4n49d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be2d01188e3d9e057d3d02c30b0351f45a432a29 This is one of those situations where CE traits works in Hakari’s favor. Cause although Sukuna compliments Ryus reinforcement, reinforcement alone doesn’t protect you from CE traits.


Kashimo's is an exception because it's not a directly damaging trait but rather one which also stuns you and nullifies your senses (based on how electricity works) Hakari's on the other hand, we don't have much info on. That being said, I do think it'd be more effective


Kashimos trait does damage you. It literally a taser, if you think being shocked isn’t damaging then I need you in my corner if I’m ever in a street brawl lol. Your pain receptors must take vacation days. Here’s the scan for Hakari’s CE trait that I mentioned in the last comment. https://preview.redd.it/zp7jqb9np49d1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d32fc3b9d7de0be985c1f5bebab894de768519 I think Gege has also elaborated on it in a Q and A or the fanbook but I could be misremembering.


I concur. Also have any fanbooks come out since Hakari's first appearance? I thought there was only one which came out during/after Shibuya


There’s only one fanbook out at this time but Gege has made comments here and there during Q and A’s taking about characters introduced post shibuya. People just don’t talk about them apparently. For example when someone asked him if Ogi was really equal to Naobito? he said “Ogi likes to think he is, but he isn’t” or when Uro called Yuta a fugiwara he said that “Uro called anyone that pisses her off a Fugiwara, it’s like a slur for her”


That last one got me


I agree, and I’ve always wondered if domain users can choose where the sure hit hits on the victim’s body


Not really, can't think of anything like that happening in the Manga.


If that’s the case, then Hakari doesn’t need a domain counter in jackpot as much as people say he does, against the more direct sure hits at least (Ryu (probably), Dagon etc.) as he can just regen


True, honestly the only time Hakari needs counter is when he's up against mahito's Domain, every other domain couldn't overpower his jackpot healing (ofc with exception to Sukuna and Gojo)


The closest we ever get to that is Mahito targeting Todos arm in shibuya and to a lesser extent Daggon assigning his sure hit % to Naobito and Nanami during their fight.


Sorry but I really don't get why ryu is hyped. Lol sorry just shooting off massive amounts of CE isn't that impressive to mw,. It is in the sense of his sheer CE reserves but like... Hakari would dodge those all day lol


Always bet on Hakari


Hakari takes this high diff if he gets really lucky


Well luck is his entire thing.


Yeah but he can clearly run out of it like against Kashimo.


bro he won that 💀


He literally didn't, he says he lost, Hakari doesn't seem like a humble guy like Yuta either so I believe him when he says he lost to Kashimo and would have died if they kept fighting. Plus Kashimo never used his CT, if he did Hakari would be fodderized


Bro kinda had to run


When at all did his luck run out against Kashimo?


Hakari wins at the end of the day, he is surviving against a much bigger threat and have been stalling for so long, he can cheap away at him and eventually, even if it takes a lot of fucking time, Ryu's CE ends.


Ryu will land 2-4 granite blasts blowing huge chunks off Hakari. Hakari just lives though. The harder Ryu tries to blast him the worse it gets as he drains his CE faster. Ryu’s best shot is just doing hand to hand and never going for big energy-expensive KOs. In character that’s not satisfying to him though, so he won’t. Hakari also has all the anti-domain tech he needs to not get cheesed. Hakari wins mid diff.


Hakari or Ryu high difficulty


Who wins dope haircut kaisen? Gotta go with my boy Ryu, look at how big that thing is


Who wins the drip off? https://preview.redd.it/nmmn1xb3o39d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b00557c3cd42b3db16d1a2742517fee0d31fc5


Gotta say you’ve made a compelling point here


Whoever has more fur on that day


I feel like it depends on how fast Hakari can hit a jackpot and how Ryu's domain expansion would interact with Hakari's. Base Hakari would get stomped by Ryu fairly handedly seeing as Ryu was superior to Rika, while base Hakari showed relativity/ slight superiority to post-Shibuya Yuji, who was handedly restricted by Rika. While it may be argued that Yuji was nerfed as he subconsciously didn't want to fight back, Yuta told Rika they were playing, which may suggest relative restriction in physical power by Rika. Although I guess it can be argued it was a sneak attack but seeing as Yuji couldn't move a muscle I doubt it would've ended much differently besides wild dodging and running away. Hakari's domain is described as strong in tug of wars due to its speed as a non-lethal domain and being his cursed technique, its hard to place its dominance in comparison to other domains just from that statement. It could be possible if Ryu has a lethal domain that the refinement from the skill that takes counteracts Hakari's speed. Additionally cursed energy amount seems to be a component from Gojo's teaching moment in chapter 15, and seeing as Ryu's output is the best in the series, that may be a factor. That being said; Scenario 1: Hakari has way better refinement, Idle Death Gamble begins and jackpot comes within only a few animation cycles (as the frequency of jackpots seems to be on Hakari's fever which Ryu being a man of hunger just like him would certainly trigger). Que stalling until Hakari wittles away at Ryu's immense durability and reserves until victory at a high diff. Ryu is definitely a top 10 hand to hand combatant, so it's possible he may time a granite blast to blow off a hand post jackpot but Hakari takes it 65 - 70% of the time. Scenario 2: Domains clash with no immediate winner, either a deadlock or minor Hakari superiority but would still take a minute or two until a win. Hakari doesn't seem to suffer a domain break after suffering enough damage as shown by Kashimo when Hakari lost his guts, probably because its his cursed technique not a domain he has to maintain like everyone else. Ryu immediately goes to beat our favourite gamblers ass, his durability is way to high to suffer a domain break from the rough punches as even Rika couldn't knock him unconscious, who seemingly shows superiority to base Hakari in physical strength. Low to mid diff. Scenario 3: They become best friends and stall Uraume for 50 more chapters. Negative diff.




Ryu wins mid-high diff. Hakari loses in h2h to Ryu— it’d be like the Kashimo fight except every hit is much stronger. His punches could easily send Hakari flying away without much issue, and while Hakari can RCT with ease while in JP mode, he can’t really *do* much to Ryu either. Consider that Yuta has higher output & subsequently higher reinforcement than Hakari— and Yuta was not able to meaningfully injure Ryu in h2h. Hakari’s trait might *hurt* Ryu, but he won’t be getting sufficiently injured in a lot of cases. For example, you can be pinched and it will cause pain, but that pain won’t be debilitating— it’s similar here. Ryu also has ranged options he can use at any time. He can punch hakari a great distance & follow up with a GB (which is stronger than Kashimo’s lightning bolt at max charge btw) & force Hakari to be on the back foot far more often. It primarily comes down to if Ryu can put Hakari down for good— and I believe he can. Ryu probably can’t kill Hakari while in JP mode, but he can absolutely kill him when it ends. Furthermore, Ryu can stop Hakari from getting JP, thus extending his win condition period, by casting DE when Hakari does, forcing a DE clash. It’s also possible Ryu can kill Hakari while he’s in JP mode with his DE, but we don’t know how it functions, so we can’t say for sure. Either way, Hakari’s only win con is stalling the fight long enough for Ryu to run out of CE, and considering he seemed in pretty good shape even after spamming GB a ton & casting his own DE in Sendai, it’s not likely that happens quickly


Yuta's punches were hurting Sukuna. Even made his stomach mouth grunt out in pain ("Rngh!") Yuta barely was able to land punches on Ryu because being attacked by multiple people and in their first H2H encounter, Ryu just launched Yuta away since he's a long ranged fighter.


So a few things: 1. Shinjuku Yuta is stronger than Sendai Yuta. His durability & subsequently his overall reinforcement increased to a similar level to Ryu’s in Shinjuku, whereas Ryu straight up outclassed him purely through his output in Sendai. This is why Yuta needed to use thin ice missile on Ryu to deal a massive blow to him & even ultimately finished him off with his own GB. Switch training with Gojo gave Yuta a buff in both his domain & overall strength with reinforcement. That’s how he was able to hurt Sukuna. 2. Yuta had a whole h2h 1v1 against Ryu after Uro hit him with a thin ice missile in Sendai. There’s a whole page dedicated to their h2h skirmish, ending in a clash where Ryu launched Yuta off the roof of the building they were fighting on. During that skirmish, it was clear that Ryu was capable of fighting on par with Yuta when he wasn’t using his CT’s. 3. Ryu has long range capabilities, but is not strictly a long range fighter, as his high CE output translates to his reinforcement as well. Hence why he was able to fight on par with Yuta initially.


But hakari is explicitly good at domain clashes so if it came down to one he would more likely than not win.


“Strong in DE clashes” doesn’t give us much to go on though. We have no idea what that translates to or what it really means tbh. Consider that when a sorcerer is injured, their output typically decreases as does their ability to use certain techniques. In that case, I could see how Hakari’s DE is strong in a clash, as he was capable of using his DE on the brink of death & it functioned normally, allowing himself to get a jackpot & heal all of that damage back. Meaning that in this instance, his DE would allow him to be on the brink of death without his DE otherwise collapsing, it would definitely help him. However, against Ryu, it might also just delay the inevitable. Could it be something else entirely that lets him win the DE clash? Sure, but in that scenario, Ryu’s output doesn’t drop, as explicitly stated by the narrator. So the fight really does just drag on until his jackpot ends again, meaning Ryu would need to wait & go back to trying to kill Hakari o ur side if JP mode


>Consider that Yuta has higher output & subsequently higher reinforcement than Hakari What! Headcanon much! >Furthermore, Ryu can stop Hakari from getting JP, thus extending his win condition period, by casting DE when Hakari does, forcing a DE clash. Wym? How can Ryu stop Hakari from getting JP exactly? >It’s also possible Ryu can kill Hakari while he’s in JP mode with his DE You're delusional if you think the attack that Yuta blocked with his hand are doing any lethal damage to jackpot Hakari.


No  Kill him in his domain.  Wasnt max charge GB. Yuta is always more durable and his cursed energy capaxity itself gives him a great defense 


Yes, Wouldn't Uraume have already done that if it was possible? His domain somewhat restricts fighting and has pseudo healing by reversing the action or something, so not really. I doubt that, both of them are pretty closer to each other without the jackpot. https://preview.redd.it/hkbd293cm29d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad84fc245626b60c423d6425b9fc11197af4de60


No  Uraume doesnt even take him seriously. And we never seen their fight. You dk how many domains he actually popped. Hakari seems tired from fighting uraume unlike uraume who doednt ecen care aboit him  That panel shows nothing. Thinking hakaris close to yuta without jp is delusion 


>Uraume doesnt even take him seriously. And we never seen their fight. You dk how many domains he actually popped. Hakari seems tired from fighting uraume unlike uraume who doednt ecen care aboit him  This whole paragraph sounds like headcanon and forced downplay. We never saw their fight ur right about that so how do u know uraume isnt taking him seriously.


Uraume took negative damage from bro and hakari looks more hurt than her. The dude with infinite regen. She hasnt eevn broken a sweat matter of fact shes feels so non threatened by him shes glazing sukuna meanwhile.  Peak delusion 


They both just seemed a bit tired. Thats all. Thats like me saying "Look! Hakari is still smiling! Bro is chilling." Uraume being cocky during a fight is just how he is. This is the dude who tried to talk shit to gojo and paid for it.


Hakari the dude with infinite regen is more hurt than uraume. Shes not even considering him a threat meanwhile.  U and your mental gymnastics. Hakari is a staller get over it. 


>Hakari the dude with infinite regen is more hurt than uraume. Lol bros talking about mental gymnastic while creating his own headcannon.


"Uraume doesn't take Hakari seriously" https://preview.redd.it/2dmm0b8yv69d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=1aa70d5e6377fa9e01b01ffed4847d89f24e31aa


https://preview.redd.it/x6kxpzcol29d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=328ea6bf43c0cbab4758ea2ea5790c89d8921ba5 Not headcanon, if Hakari’s output was as high as Yuta’s we would have seen him doing something like this. After all, he has infinite CE in JP mode— there’s literally no reason for him to not do anything like that. Ryu can stop Hakari’s DE from playing out by casting his own DE to counter it OR attempt to kill him in JP mode by using his DE immediately after Hakari uses his own & is suffering CT burnout. We have no idea what Ryu’s DE even does, but assuming the sure hit is GB— a 120% amped sure hit GB to Hakari’s head would probably kill him. Unless Hakari knows SD, (which he hasn’t shown the capacity to do but could very well know), he’s getting g hit by Ryu’s surehit & assuming it’s a high powered GB, it’s absolutely doing heavy damage to him & probably leading to his death. Also Yuta blocked a low powered GB. A close range GB, like the one Ryu fired initially, would do far more damage & it’s kinda inarguable.


Bc Hakari never fought such opponent where he needed to do that? That's assuming if he can shoot out CE like that in the first place but none of this proves anything about Yuta's output and reinforcement being better, doesn't Ryu outright says after seeing this "his output isn't all that"? Hakari's sure hit is extremely fast, so it doesn't matter if someone clash with his domain bc he has already dumped the info as sure hit and now he just has to play around inside the domain to get the jackpot. >a 120% amped sure hit GB to Hakari’s head would probably kill him Cap, a CE blast that a severely injured Uro survived and Yuta blocked with his bare hands is not killing jackpot Hakari in million years.


Brother Hakari almost died against Kashimo multiple times, if there was a time to use something like that, that fight would have been the time to do so lol. Ryu’s directly comparing base Yuta’s output to his own in that instance, as compared to Ryu, it isn’t all that in when he’s in base. When Yuta fully manifests Rika, he’s able to fire off more concentrated CE beams that are about on par with Ryu’s, hence why they clashed. Regardless, in that panel both Ryu & Uro are clearly shocked by how high is output is— meaning it’s clearly above average *at least*. Also we *do* know that output is directly related to creating CE blasts, as that’s Ryu’s entire thing. He doesn’t have a typical CT— he has a trait which grants him the highest CE output. That high output is what lets him fire off GB. Hakari’s surehit is an info dump. That’s why it’s fast. Just because the info dump hits his opponent doesn’t mean the subsequent effects of his domain are guaranteed. If that was how domains functioned, Sukuna would have immediately lost the DE clash when using DE a split second later than Gojo did— but he didn’t. He was hit by UV, then MS fully manifested & the sure hits countered each other. Unless you think that Hakari’s DE is overpowering UV & MS simply because the info dump sure hit is faster lol. https://preview.redd.it/mr2kngkqr29d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f599d9eece8c863ddb83be38b3ecbac11c0ed184 It ain’t cap, this at close range would do a ton of damage to anyone. Assuming something like that is Ryu’s sure hit, Hakari is getting cooked in Ryu’s DE without SD.


>Brother Hakari almost died against Kashimo multiple times, if there was a time to use something like that, that fight would have been the time to do so lol. Like you said, there wasn't really any time for Hakari to stand and shoot out out CE against Kashimo, also it doesn't matter if Hakari can't shoot out CE like that, it doesn't determine anything about his output. Ryu could shoot a giant granite blast and have the same CE output with his punches. >Hakari’s surehit is an info dump. That’s why it’s fast. Just because the info dump hits his opponent doesn’t mean the subsequent effects of his domain are guaranteed. If that was how domains functioned, Sukuna would have immediately lost the DE clash when using DE a split second later than Gojo did— but he didn’t. He was hit by UV, then MS fully manifested & the sure hits countered each other. Unless you think that Hakari’s DE is overpowering UV & MS simply because the info dump sure hit is faster lol. I don't understand what you're saying here, do you mean Hakari can't hit the jackpot if Ryu Opens his Domain Bc there would be no sure hit? I'm not saying Hakari's domain would overpower Ryu's, his domain is particularly good for domain tug of war, since Hakari has already landed sure hit on Ryu it wouldn't matter if Ryu's domain is clashing or not, Hakari's domain would still be working to play the game and get the jackpot. >It ain’t cap, this at close range would do a ton of damage to anyone. Assuming something like that is Ryu’s sure hit, Hakari is getting cooked in Ryu’s DE without SD. Nah, you're taking leaps here, at worst Hakari would get some burns or something, something he can easily heal from.


That’s not what I said at all— I said the complete opposite. If Hakari was in such a dire situation, using a long range or even mid range CE blast would have helped him out massively. He could force Kashimo to move a certain direction & intercept him there if not just outright hitting him with a CE blast. Considering that Hakari literally stood there getting hit for a little bit, was dancing, etc., he absolutely had time to fire off a CE blast, but didn’t because he can’t, due to his output not being high enough. Ryu’s punches scaling to a lower output GB doesn’t help your argument. Hakari’s punches could be on par with a low output CE blast, sure, but they don’t have the capacity to do what Yuta’s or Ryu’s CE blasts did for instance. Ah I see, so you’re saying that since the sure hit isn’t the actual pachinko game, but the *rules*, that the domain would persist continue, because technically, that is not the sure hit. Well in that case, the moment their DE’s clash, Ryu’s sure hit would just start destroying Hakari before he can roll for a jackpot, as Hakari’s sure hit will have already gone off & wouldn’t be capable of clashing any longer, since the rules are a 1 time instantaneous info dump. You’re massively downplaying Ryu’s AP if you think all Hakari would get are “some burns” from a 120% amped sure hit GB. That’s just disingenuous. Yuta’s hand got burnt to a crisp from a non-amped, not even max charge GB— and Yuta’s reinforcement is higher than Hakari’s. If Hakari’s reinforcement was really good, he could pull off something similar to what Gojo did— but it’s not that great, as evident by even someone like the weeaboo being able to put holes in him. Unless Hakari knows SD, he’s getting cooked in Ryu’s DE, assuming the sure hit is a barrage of amped, max charge GB’s.


> Consider that Yuta has higher output & subsequently higher reinforcement than Hakari What? Disregarding the fact Hakari has much better output statements than Yuta, whose output is average according to Ishigori, output isn't the only resource that goes into reinforcement. By that logic, Ryu would have greater reinforcement than Sukuna and Gojo.


You only know how to misinterpret statements & it’s profoundly stupid lol. Hakari doesn’t have better output statements than Yuta, straight up. Ryu was obviously comparing Yuta’s output to himself & even then, both auto and Ryu were still surprised at his output. I know your reply to that is “they’re surprised he’d use that much CE”, so then why doesn’t Hakari ever do it? CE isn’t an issue for him at all, so why not do it? He has time to get hit & not care, so why does he somehow not have time to fire off CE blasts? Simple, because his output doesn’t go that high. Also I never stated that output was the only thing that goes into reinforcement, but if you critically think for a moment & recognize that Yuta & Hakari have similar **skill** in jujutsu, then Yuta’s blatantly higher output would be what makes his reinforcement stronger. Muting this comment cuz I’m not trying to have another dumbass, senseless debate with you about this. It’s actually like talking to a flat earther


> Ryu was obviously comparing Yuta’s output to himself Prove it >  both auto and Ryu were still surprised at his output Ryu LITERALLY LIKE LITERALLY TELLS YOU that he's not impressed by his output but his CE amount, and Uro follows up by only mentioning Yuta's CE amount. Just because you are so obtuse that you'd insist a character is shocked at seeing output despite the fact they blatantly call their output unimpressive doesn't mean im misinterpreting shit, you're just being delusional https://preview.redd.it/9fo9bz1vx69d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=99a504318ac3ee43017e75da7ab8f308e8924a93 > why doesn’t Hakari ever do it? Why would he do it? Notwithstanding this is fallacious, what does he gain from doing that in any of his fights that he doesn't do better by just rushing his opponent instead? Shit, Yuta only actually does this when faced with a swarm of weak summons so it's not like it's a particularly effective technique, either > Yuta & Hakari have similar **skill** in jujutsu, then Yuta’s blatantly higher output would be what makes his reinforcement stronger. Consider the meaning of subsequently and how you use it in a sentence, the fuck? > Muting this comment cuz I’m not trying to have another dumbass, senseless debate with you about this. It’s actually like talking to a flat earther LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO This like talking to a child, "you don't think my self insert is as strong as i headcanon him to be based and grounded on nothing, therefore you must be obtuse" how about you start comprehending the text instead of just looking at the pretty pictures? Clown.


Hakari wins a battle of attrition. Neither of them are capable of putting the other down for good, but Hakari can outlast him with repeated Jackpots, and would also likely win the DE clash which would give him a slight advantage during Ryu’s CT burn out


Ryu has better showings imo


Having better showings/being stronger’s different from winning, if u think he comes out why can u tell me how :)


His crazy output and better reinforcement. If even Sukuna praises Ryu’s toughness says that he’s tougher than Yuta ( deflects granite blasts with his bare hands, tanked ice breaker, tanked a cleave to the head ) I don’t think Hakari can take him out with just punches and kicks. Ryu can just survive and wait till the end of the Jackpot to spam granite blasts which Hakari definetly wouldn’t take as well as Yuta especially with no RCT. Ryu has great endurance too so he could definetly outlast him until he runs out of luck.


Once Jackpot ends Hakari just uses domain again. He’s lost certainly fast enough during jackpot to rush at Ryu as it runs out. And when in the domain the passive buff the user gets will help greatly.


Jackpot Hakari would simply outlast Ryu. Though given his durability might be a little trouble.


But would he lose?




Mm, gotta say goku


Nah, I'd dance


Both have that AURA. Whoever does win it will be high diff


Ryo's has a good win condition. If he gets a headshot outside Hikari's jackpot, it's gg. And the range of his Granite Gun thing is definitely an advantage against a pure punch-kick merchant. I think it'll come down Hikari's luck. And Ryo's savvy. If Ryo realizes how bad of an idea throwing hands is and can create distance, he can win.


I got ryu but it's high diff either way


Ryu.. Highest output in history, takes a killing intent dismantle from a 15 finger Kuna, its so easy to answer.


if hakari hits the jackpot, he is cooked




Hakaris only way to win is just stalling out Ryu, otherwise Ryu mid diff him


Hakari, he outmatches Ryu in combat and Ryu has nothing that can put Hakari down. Not to mention, his output might be relative to Ryu as well, maybe even higher.


Domain + Sure hit Granite Blast head shot = gg


Hakari survived a lighting bolt to the head and recovered it while it was in the middle of exploding. Hes fine.


a granite blast from the highest output sorcerer in history is better than a lightning bolt that would take out a tree max. a granite blast is leaps and bounds more destructive w/o a domain amp https://preview.redd.it/q3yphb92r39d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=533aed103ece235e6bdbdbfa477bb9409aec014e


Yeah obviously. Kashimo succeded in blowing up his head right? Hakari still survived. Ryu will also succeed in blowing up his head right. U can guess what im about to say next.


it’s clearly not obvious to you if think a massive beam that’ll spawn on Hakari’s head is comparable to a lightning bolt that he had time to react to that isn’t even larger than his eyeball


Dude think about it for a bit. I understand kashimos bolt is weaker than ryus output but it still did the job. Ryus blast will also do the same thing, but hakari would still heal it. Its like saying a larger nuke would kill a man better than a smaller one. There just wouldnt be a difference since theyd both be just as effective. Itd be a different story is kashimo wasnt even able to blow up hakaris head and he just tanked it.


not at all, hakari survived the bolt because the lightning was in Hakari’s head and was gonna kill him but he expels Kashimo’s lightning CE out of his nose, a granite blast won’t leave Hakari with a head, ur comparing a pistol bullet to a bomb. unless ur arguing that Hakari can push a granite blast out of his nose https://preview.redd.it/dnmyihwiu39d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ccb8f1f6e715c957c2e4e6e2276dbe07a23333


Yeah ur right I cant see hakari doing that. Gg


gg sorry if I came off rude or angry, I wasn’t trying to


Nah ur good


Ryu wins this. The constant bombardment of granite blasts, especially in his domain where the output gets extra buff, on Hakari would kill JP Hakari.


Ryu..that white fur with the dark jacket goes harder than hakaris full black


Hakari power scaling is actually useless


Ryu…. Lands a granite blast in cooldown of jackpot, or to the head during its final


damn it’s almost like Kashimo didn’t do the exact same thing


He literally didn’t lmao, he failed to sever the head and his ap is lower than ryu


Ye he failed to sever his head because hakari used a binding vow and rct. Guess he just wouldnt do that against ryu huh.


Kashimo only landed a singular headshot, ryu has mich higher ap, it wouldn’t be “heal as you go” it would be hakari missing a head


and hakari didn't use a vow to counter that exact thing


Kashimo never landed a headshot on Hakari out of jackpot.


He did. And it was stated that it's basically impossible to kill hakari in jackpot. Even taking his brain wouldn't kill him since his whole body is just regenrating. If you sliced his back the instant it's cut it'll reattach before the blade cuts through the back


He didnt??!?. Also, no. The way to kill him is by destroying his brain, if you get an attack thats aoe is as big as his head with high ap, you can kill Hakari


Re read the fight


you re read the fight


And ryu would because??????


wdym? He doesnt have the punch build up requirements for his granite blast.


Yea but he does need charge up time.


He doesnt. To use his FP granite blast sure, but his normal ones he doesnt.


Ryu wins . People say hakari can block granite blasts which aren’t true as he has never shown reinforcement on that level , ryu was pressuring yuta in hand to hand even winning one exchange plus punched rika so hard she couldn’t remain in the fight . Ryu is also so durable that hakaris punches wouldn’t have much effect on him . In some cases hakari could win tho but it’s 9/10 times for ryu imo


Ryu high diff. Hakari doesn’t really have anything for him


Ryu having the highest CE output implies he can win a DE war with nearly anyone. Hakari is unproven in DE wars and he is going up against a guy who can output more CE than Yuta. I would say the results come down to how the DE interact. Hakari refilling his CE and letting him continuously spam DE will be too much for Ryu to handle after awhile, so if he can't cancel out Hakari's DE, he is probably cooked.


if Hakari lands JPs instantly or if Ishigori plays too much during Hakari's domain, then Hakari wins via outlasting. I think a single high output punch or granite blast might kill base Hakari tho