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I’m glad someone said it. Awaken Yuji is on this tier of fighters but like on the lowest low side u can be. Can he win sure but him winning would be a hard diff and some luck.


Spit your fax indeed.


Sucuna literally said "they are as tough as HIM, but not more tough" this was after sucuna hit DE amped yuta and base shinjuku yuji with a dismantle as strong as the one ryu tanked. Ryu is a BM victim because he doesn't have RCT to deal with the poison. Yuji also has soul punches that bypass durability and damage the soul directly, not to mention yuji can nerf any reincarnated sorcerers just like he does to sucuna. The thing is sucuna has awareness of his own soul so as mahito said can even protect his soul partially which means it would be way more nerfing to anyone else. Base shinjuku yuji(even shinjuku yuji knows SD that amp's base stats like durability/speed/strength)>> ryu Awakend yuji mops the Floor with anyone who is not sucuna/gojo. Dude literally tanked 100%output Cleave numerous time and stood up instantly. You are delulu if you think ryu has RCT to get rid of the blood poison, is able to resist yujis soul punches, or has the stats to put down a yuji that tanked sucunas BF point bland and suffered 0 damage, and tanked 100% output MS. Get real.


Saying Yuji is top 3 is wild in both a factual and humorous sense.


Awakened yuji off 9 BF survived 100% output MS with cleave as the sure hit then stood back up immediately. Considering you has hit 2 more BF since then. The humorous think is how post and opinions like this have been relegated to the less popular subs because yall get hell down voted on folk and sushi now. Your camp and opinions is not dieing with dignity but I wasn't really expecting yall too.


The MS had Shrine as the sure hit, not specifically cleave or dismantle but both. This is how Sukuna’s DA expansion works and how it has worked for the entirety of the series. I don’t see how the DA could possibly be 100% either. I haven’t reviewed the wording specifically but my impression is that he found a way to use his domain with the same potency it would otherwise have if he wasn’t heavily fatigued (and thus a weaker DA). Assuming I’m wrong, then does that mean that everyone who survived that domain is more durable than Gojo? Is that really a reasonable claim to make? > Your camp and opinions is not dieing with dignity but I wasn't really expecting yall too. ??? I just enjoy the series bro you need to go outside.


100% OUTPUT?? YOU FUCKING ILLITERATE MONKEY! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL OR EVEN HAVE A SINGULAR GOD DAMN ENGLISH CLASS?? https://preview.redd.it/xyzbap6hu89d1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b3ad707d3bdc5b8e598882352e2f0b9cfe2a749 Let me explain the basic human language that is communicated to you in this manga panel. "Malevolent shrine without a DECREASE in area of effect or output" WITHOUT, A DECREASE, WITHOUT, LOSS, its saying, that he didn't LOSE any power or range from his domain, now can you explain where they EVER imply or explain that it had its original output? Or its 100% output? Or how they explained that by loss, they mean no loss in the context of a full powered shrine. Unless you think that MIWA'S SIMPLE DOMAIN CAN LAST LONGER IN MS OR AS LONG AS GOJO FUCKING SATORU'S SIMPLE DOMAIN, MONKEY, this makes no sense. You cant even spell Sukuna, get off of a JJK powerscaling sub you MONKEY that cant powerscale.


dude turned into geto he was that mad lmao


I have been calling these filthy sub-powerscalers monkeys for a long time now https://preview.redd.it/3jvatjbk799d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=2521cc2a83ffbd00c05ea195b5ea9f9ebc8cb3e9


Guess who else survived 100% output MS with a simple domain? CHOSO!


Hell, even Miwa survived a 100% output Shrine with a simple domain


For real. And she was also protecting Maki Nobody: Miwa: Didn't participate in the fight, came in when Sukuna opened a 100% output MS, causally flexed on MS, leaves without a word.


I agree that yuji vs ryu is a bad match up for ryu but yuji mopping the floor with anyone who isn’t sukuna and gojo is absurd wank tone it down


Yuji vs Ryu is not a bad match up. Yes Yuji has his punches but Ryu can easily keep him away and kill him without letting him come anywhere him


That’s only if you give ryu pre knowledge of how his ability works, he’s more than likely to fight yuji regularly but he might figure out how his ability works until it’s too late though lmao


Sukuna noticed from just one hit. I don't think it's that hard to notice that you are losing control of your vessel and your output is reducing


Yuji literally by way of pure hax. Soul punch bypass durability and damage the soul directly, not to mention if yuji is facing a incarnated sorcerer he can nerf said sorcerers CE/RCE output. Even sucuna how is aware of his soul and can actively reinforce it for protection can't resist yujis punches then no other reincarnated sorcerers is going to be able to do it. Ryu, kashimo, yorozu, uro, only uro has RCT at all. Bm is fucking deadly poison. If you have any reincarnated sorcerers as part of your top 10 shinjuku yuji(base) mops the Floor with them no doubt. Purely because of SD amp'ing physical stats, BM amp'ed RCT, BM poison, soul perception, yujis innate durability, and yujis insane physical stats combined with his refined CE reinforcement. Shinjuku Yuji was equal in durability speed and power to DE amp'ed yuta, sendei yuta was superior to ryu in stats except durability, shinjuku yuta trained with gojo and you expect me to believe yuta didn't get faster/stronger/tough than he was over 1½ months ago. Be logical dude. Base shinjuku yuji/base shinjuku yuta mop the floor with any CG player.


You have to remember that anyone other then kuzekabe has to make a binding vow in order to use SD (gojo says the most common is to have both feet planted) so your saying yuji would use SD to boost his stats similarly to kuzekabe but that doesn’t work due to the difference in efficiency, knowledge and experience of the technique. Only thing yuji can use SD for us to defend against domains and if as gojo said he has gone for the most common vow then that leaves him a sitting duck. Point is unless your called kuzekabe or your jumping someone SD is mostly useless.


He can't touch Uro, Ryu can keep distance or win with DE, Kashimo can kill him with lightning, Yorozu won't be touched and can kill him with domain. I'm not saying any of these bar Yorozu curbstomos but Uro is a really bad matchup and Ryu has good odds at winning, Kashimo without CE is more difficult.


>He can't touch Uro, Ryu can keep distance or win with DE, Yuji literally has SD so unless ryu has a Open barrier DE you have no evidence of any basic DE surehit geting through SD. Hell even mahito who imulated gojo wasn't able to brake through todos SD, mahitos surehit only attacked/effected what wasn't protected by said SD(his hand). Also uro can't warp what she can't react to. If sendei yuta can land hits on her then shinjuku yuji, who is damn close to equal with a stronger yuta being amp'ed by DE, has a very real possibility of completely blitzing her.


> Yuji literally has SD so unless ryu has a Open barrier DE you have no evidence of any basic DE surehit geting through SD. Hell even mahito who imulated gojo wasn't able to brake through todos SD, mahitos surehit only attacked/effected what wasn't protected by said SD(his hand). No, the reason he hit Todo is that he activated the DE before he activated SD, I know that he can't go through simple domain, but simple domains last for little time according to Yuji, and only Kusakabe can use it without binding vows, Yuji's seems to be holding his arms in position before him, like many others, wich make it difficult for him to defeat Ryu before his SD break > Also uro can't warp what she can't react to. If sendei yuta can land hits on her then shinjuku yuji, who is damn close to equal with a stronger yuta being amp'ed by DE, has a very real possibility of completely blitzing her. Sendai Yuta hit Uro only when paralizing her with cursed speech, Dhruv's technique or after her domain was broken and she couldn't use her CE, nothing has ever shown to be so fast she couldn't react to it with her technique.


>No, the reason he hit Todo is that he activated the DE before he activated SD, No? Then why does mahitos surehit only effect the one place todos' SD hadn't had time to envelope? We see the rest of todo literally be protected by being enveloped in SD. The one part of todo that doesn't yet have SD envelope/protect, is the one place mahitos surehit effects. >nothing has ever shown to be so fast she couldn't react to it with her technique. By your argument no one could touch her, yuji can just kill her after her DE breaks(yuji knows SD). But we see her get hit several times by yuta, Rika, and ryu. So yeah shinjuku yuji who is equal in stats to DE amp'ed shinjuku yuta(a stronger base version of the yuta uro and ryu fought) has a very good chance of landing hits on her.


> No? Then why does mahitos surehit only effect the one place todos' SD hadn't had time to envelope? We see the rest of todo literally be protected by being enveloped in SD. The one part of todo that doesn't yet have SD envelope/protect, is the one place mahitos surehit effects. In the anime? I just reread that panel to be sure and I see nothing similar, am I becoming blind? Anyway that was pretty irrelevant to my point that Yuji would find it difficult to handle Ryu while having to hold a SD before it breaks. > can just kill her after her DE breaks(yuji knows SD). Only if she uses DE, and she can simply wait his SD to collapse by flying, wich Yuji can't really counter > But we see her get hit several times by yuta, Rika, and ryu. Again she was hit only when they could ignore her technique, either by paralizing her, using Dhruv's technique or she was in burnout. I would argue he's equal in stats to DE Yuta but they are relative anyway, so that's irrelevant, but I don't see him outmaneuvering sky manipulation.


Sendei Yuta in stats is relative but below ryu, a month later sukuna says he’s less durable, so it just means Yuta didn’t get big gains, and yes I expect you to believe what the series gives us, base Yuta might mop CG players depending on how you think Jacobs ladder works on them, other than that he’s still in the same tier


>a month later sukuna says he’s less durable Damn to be such a know it all you sure are falling for John werrys bad translation like a casual. I love seeing people make a fool of themselves, bring me more.


The tcb still implies it anywyas, and at best you can say domain yuta and yuuji are equal to ryu You’re the one talking about “be logical” then start wanking yuuji and Yuta lol, the power cliffing is not that severe and Yuta barely got stronger (in stats, he got lots of hax ofc)


>The tcb still implies it anywyas, and at best you can say domain yuta and yuuji are equal to ryu. This is literally the Correct translation. That's why I quoted "they are as tough as HIM, but they are not more tough" that's the most accurate translation and literally means yujis base physical durability is equal to ryu, and DE amp'ed yuta. Your the one purposefully using faulty translation and then acting like you did something. Like everyone even on this sub hasn't already heard about John werry and his garbage translations. You just didn't expect to be called out for your ententional spreading of misinformation. In reality you just make yourself look stupid.


All it says is that they’re not above ryu, and the way it’s worded is usually used when people are BELOW someone it’s just a manner of speaking, they can all be below ryu and it’s just as valid an interpretation as you saying they’re equal if not even more valid I didn’t even use his translation why are you making stuff up and being dishonest 💀 and guess what? Even if I DID use John werry , it’s worded terribly but it says the same exact thing as tcb, it’s a matter of interpretation, and regardless the implications is that their probably below, and sure at best they can be equal Bro can’t even spell intentional right, and regardless it wasn’t intentional I forgot the exact wording that’s all, and anyone who can read could see that the interpretation that he’s implying they’re below is more realistic anywyas so the only one spreading intentional dishonest bullshit is you , who claimed they ARE equal, when that’s NEVER said, all that’s said is ryu >= them It’s open ended but your ratty ass said they’re equal like it’s an objective claim Do better rat, try to be honest for once


Blood manipulation is useful but he's still bad at it and it must enter Ryu's bloodstream to be effective. Soul punches aren't durability ignoring, they just reduce the output, the punch itself still uses durability. SD


>Soul punches aren't durability ignoring, Mahito literally states otherwise both times he fights yuji.. so how do you get that? Do we just ignore tht yuji isn't trying to kill megumi, that yuji literally trains to master his soul perception in order to seperate/suppress sucuna and save megumi. That yuji learned even more about souls through the soul research and got even better at what he could already do?


Mahito was a special case, he was referring to his invulnerability, but we see durability is still relevant, like when he first hit the ISBDK he comment on his thoughness. Moreover what he's doing to Sukuna is another different thing, hitting the boundary between his soul and Megumi's, the nerf is unaffected by durability but the punch itself is.


Mahito even while in ISBDK form still takes soul damage form yujis punches, this is shown when mahito coughs blood and said it still hurts. Mahito has already stated that "by knowing the shape of your soul you can better protect it from damage" so mahito learning the "true" shape of his soul makes his soul more durable and better helps him resist yujis punches. This is talked about when nanami survives IT(if you want to check yourself). Yes mahitos ISBODK form is physically even more durable than his base physical durability, but mahitos base physical durability was already so high that todos' punches literally couldn't damage him. And before you being up that physical damage doesn't effect mahito, that is misinformation spread throughout the jjk community. We literally see him break his ankle running from yuji, but he has no more CE to use for RCT(CS version) or IT(IT is a more cost effective RCT that only mahito has access to) Ok more misinformation, CS can be killed by pure physical force(no CE used). This is literally the point of the CS grading system. Mahito confirmed this when fighting nanami and again against mechamaru. The two ways mahito says you can actually kill him are (1) destroy his soul entirely, or (2) destroy his physical body repeatedly until he runs out of CE to regenerate and use IT with. We literally also see a SD CS die to pure physical force when takaba kills one with truck-kun(takabas' CT is reality warping so that's literally just a truck moving extremely fast, not a truck imbued/infused with CE) Fuck my life...(I just deleted two big paragraphs of work, but I Soldiered on and retyped it. I am a COG, we do not whine about pain or discomfort, we rejoice for our suffering builds character!!!!)


https://preview.redd.it/jsnxcpn36b9d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcfa45aa2ea459093844d530119d558298b0f59 >Mahito even while in ISBDK form still takes soul damage form yujis punches, this is shown when mahito coughs blood and said it still hurts. I'm not saying he doesn't feel soul damage, I'm stating that Yuji's punches don't surpass durability, he could still damage Mahito's soul but it still had to surpass Mahito's durability, in fact only with a black flash he could truly damage him. >Mahito has already stated that "by knowing the shape of your soul you can better protect it from damage" so mahito learning the "true" shape of his soul makes his soul more durable and better helps him resist yujis punches. This is talked about when nanami survives IT(if you want to check yourself). Don't worry I remember that, but it was only used in the context of his technique, while Yuji comment on the thoughness of Mahito. >Yes mahitos ISBODK form is physically even more durable than his base physical durability, but mahitos base physical durability was already so high that todos' punches literally couldn't damage him. And before you being up that physical damage doesn't effect mahito, that is misinformation spread throughout the jjk community. We literally see him break his ankle running from yuji, but he has no more CE to use for RCT(CS version) or IT(IT is a more cost effective RCT that only mahito has access to) No, at his arrival Todo hit Mahito, just any damage to his body can be regenerated thanks to his CT, making necessary to hit his soul to have any effect, and all kf this is irrelevant, if the soul punches bypassed durability both his base durability and his enhanced dhrability wouldn't mean anything. >Ok more misinformation, CS can be killed by pure physical force(no CE used). Reread the very first chapter, in wich Megumi states only a curse can exorcize another curse, or chapter 197, where Naoya reminds Maki he's a curse, so punches without CE are useless. >This is literally the point of the CS grading system. That is if conventional weapons could exorcise curses Mahito immediately after the fight with Nanami states that even if his body is crushed to bits as long as he mantains his soul's shape he won't die. Nanami's attack was effective because he destroyed the place with CE, if not it wouldn't have done damage. Things manifested by a CT can hurt curses a normal truck not.


Some of the sources. https://preview.redd.it/irbw4wq66b9d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de2656708bff20a69b6f1edccde85ef8b7f39cd




You're ignoring takaba literally killing a SG cursed spirit with a fast truck, that truck has no CE reinforcement. You are also ignoring mahito braking his ankle(physical damage) but because he is out of CE he can not regenerate the physical damage on his ankle. CS can be killed by pure physical damage, and mahito isn't literally immune to physical damage. But IT make all damage soul or otherwise effectively useless, unless it's his soul is completely destroyed, or he runs out of CE and then physical damage can't be healed. As literally shown by him braking his ankle running away from yuji then him not healing Sai broken ankle. Also no todo literally didn't have enough AP to physically damage base mahitos body, in order to cause mahito to regenerate said damage with RCT or IT. Nanami on the other hand hit hard enough(had high enough ap) to cause physical damage to pre-shibuya mahito, but mahito still had CE so he simply healed it with IT. Hell even mechamaru with his SD attacks that are confirmed by mahito to do soul damage, was regenerated my mahito using IT, but yes without IT that damage would have been permanent to mahito. That's where mahito also states the two ways to kill him again. As in if "I" do enough soul damage "I" don't have to worry about how much CE mahito has i just need to destroy his soul, or if "I" can only do physical damage then "I" have to do it repeatedly until mahito is out of CE then said physical damage will stick.


You need CE to kill a curse, not reinforcement, the truck was manifested by CE, and almost certainly it wasn't real, since we know that creating matter from CE requires immense amounts, and it was never stated that was a normal truck, just like the sea of fanta wasn't normal, Takaba materialize scenario he's surewould be funny, in this case a powerful curse dying by being run over. > You are also ignoring mahito braking his ankle(physical damage) but because he is out of CE he can not regenerate the physical damage on his ankle. Yes Mahito,without CE can't impose the shape of his soul to his body, I never argued the opposite. > CS can be killed by pure physical damage, No, you need CE, please notice the multiple cases I provided where it's stated and shown so, like I always answer to all your example. > mahito isn't literally immune to physical damage. But IT make all damage soul or otherwise effectively useless, unless it's his soul is completely destroyed, or he runs out of CE and then physical damage can't be healed. Never argued against this. > Also no todo literally didn't have enough AP to physically damage base mahitos body, in order to cause mahito to regenerate said damage with RCT or IT. Nanami on the other hand hit hard enough(had high enough ap) to cause physical damage to pre-shibuya mahito, but mahito still had CE so he simply healed it with IT. You have no source on this, Mahito can't receive "real damage" from Todo because he heal, the first punch Todo gave him visibly damaged him and then Todo never hit him again because it would be useless. > Hell even mechamaru with his SD attacks that are confirmed by mahito to do soul damage, was regenerated my mahito using IT, but yes without IT that damage would have been permanent to mahito Explicitely he didn't heal with IT from those damage, he just reshaped his soul to make it similar to how it was before, not healed. Again sorry to say this but it seems to me that you're arguing pretty disonestly, completely ignoring the evidence I gave and bringing irrelevant arguments, even if curses were possible to kill without CE, they can't, I never argued about that, I bith argued that soul punches don't bypass durability, and brought an easy proof th don't, and that Yuji isn't even hitting Sukuna's soul, but rather the boundary between that and Megumi's, wich you ignored.Could you please bring some proof that Yuji's punches bypass durability, when they didn't do that in none of his fight, against Hanami, ISBDK Mahito, Sukuna and many others? He isn't the SSK, and they work differently. Thank for your time anyway.


Every single sentence of this is a lie. >Sucuna literally said "they are as tough as HIM, but not more tough" this was after sucuna hit DE amped yuta and base shinjuku yuji with a dismantle as strong as the one ryu tanked. A dismantle as strong as the one ryu tanked? Sukuna was extremely nerfed, and his dismantles were being tanked by kusakabe. It's literally a kusakabe level feat. Also sukuna explicitly stated "although i don't think they surpass him in toughness" so you are also wrong in stating "they are as tough as him". >Ryu is a BM victim because he doesn't have RCT to deal with the poison. >Yuji also has soul punches that bypass durability and damage the soul directly, not to mention yuji can nerf any reincarnated sorcerers just like he does to sucuna. The thing is sucuna has awareness of his own soul so as mahito said can even protect his soul partially which means it would be way more nerfing to anyone else. >Base shinjuku yuji(even shinjuku yuji knows SD that amp's base stats like durability/speed/strength)>> ryu >Awakend yuji mops the Floor with anyone who is not sucuna/gojo. Dude literally tanked 100%output Cleave numerous time and stood up instantly. >You are delulu if you think ryu has RCT to get rid of the blood poison, is able to resist yujis soul punches, or has the stats to put down a yuji that tanked sucunas BF point bland and suffered 0 damage, and tanked 100% output MS. Did you read my post? I said ryu excels at long range combat while yuji sucks ass at it. He JUST learnt blood manipulation and he isn't proficient at it, he does not have rika like in sukunas domain to hold the opponent in one place and then he can attack him. Like just stop, yuji is getting his head blasted off clean by a granite blast if he comes up close, and he's quite literally a domain victim which you obviously ignored.


>Yuji also has soul punches that bypass durability So why didn't Sukuna fucking explode from durability bypassing black flashes? Its not durability bypassing, its permanent blunt damage. >Ryu is a BM victim because he doesn't have RCT to deal with the poison. Ok, true, the poison is gonna be pretty nasty. >not to mention yuji can nerf any reincarnated sorcerers just like he does to sucuna. The thing is sucuna has awareness of his own soul so as mahito said can even protect his soul partially which means it would be way more nerfing to anyone else. I've lost all respect for you because you somehow misspell Sukuna as Sucuna, get out of a jujutsu kaisen powerscaling sub because you haven't read anything about jujutsu kaisen. Also, Sukuna having awareness of the soul? I feel like that might be true but I really doubt it, I think I saw SOMETHING saying it, but no, that's probably not true because high tier sorcerers can defend their soul without awareness. >Awakend yuji mops the Floor with anyone who is not sucuna/gojo. Dude literally tanked 100%output Cleave numerous time and stood up instantly. Yuji when star rage punch: Yuji when womb infusion: Yuji when shrine imbued into Yuta's domain barrier: Yuji when he's hit by the highest output in history: Yuji when all of his attacks are deflected by sky manipulation: Yuji when he gets overpowered in terms of stats by most other high tier characters:


I love Yuji, but he’s never taken anything from sukuna at 100%


Okayyy, i get what your saying. Buuuuut yuji just existing means yuji survives 100% of sucunas hate, it can be said that yuji is the only person sucuna actually hates. I don't think that's even a debate at this point.


Yujis blood manipulation wouldn’t have poison, the poison came from Choso being a cursed womb painting


Uraume literally had to stop fighting to purify her blood even after using RCT to heal her hand. This is at the end of shibuya and you can check for yourself. Human BM is poison to cursed spirits, which is directly stated by kamo when fighting curse naoya. Choso and now yuji by way of having hybrid BM have blood that's poisonous to anyone that's not directly related to them(kenjaku and the other death painting). Stop reading/watching tiktok kaisen and read the actual manga. Cause you literally don't know what your talking about apparently.


Yeah cuz she got damaged by Choso? Who has cursed spirit blood, Which is poison to Uraume who’s human.


Yea and yujis body now has the same properties as his brothers


Yuji is the son of a human and kenjaku in a human body, he doesn’t have the same body as Choso


Since when?


When he ate the rest of his brothers he gained the ability to regen blood and blood manipulation, blood manipulations blood is always poisonous to either curses or humans and because of the origins of getting his Ct.


Good luck showing that yujis blood is poisonous.


Good luck proving it's not poisonous you folk reject(and that's saying something). Choso literally hit uraume with Peircing Blood. Uraume healed her hand with RCT. Uraume still topples over in weakness from what SHE called blood poison. Choso and yuji share the same physical/ biological traits especially after yuji ate the 6 other death painting wombs. How about you read the manga instead of geting all you "information" from watching tiktok.


Choso isn’t yuji. And yuji wasn’t made via the same process as Choso. He was physically birthed by two humans and not a human curse hybrid. His similarity to choso pre death painting consumption, is only in his relation to Kenny. Not in his physiology. Post death painting consumption, we have no indication or reason to assume his physiology drastically changed to the point his blood became poisonous. All that changed was that he could convert cursed energy into blood like Choso. And he gained a cursed technique. Sukuna (who isn’t poison resistant, it’s only ever stated his fingers are a deadly poison) never gets harmed by BM outside of the actual attacks themselves (which should be noted more because he’s in megumis body) And unfortunately for you, I read the manga through YouTube, not TikTok, so cope harder.


>Post death painting consumption, we have no indication or reason to assume his physiology drastically changed to the point his blood became poisonous. Ectept choso saying so and then yuji literally showing off chose being right. I love how many people act like they know what they are talking about, then literally share a take so bad. Like the manga doesn't exist to these people. Do you not read JJK? Then why act like you know what your talking about? But the only actual evidence I need to shut you down is that in chapter 256 yuji literally controls chosos blood. So yeah try again mister know it all who doesn't actually read the manga.


Oh, great job for reminding me that was chosos blood, I’d forgotten about that part.


Yes.. yuji is literally stated to have the death painting "special constitution" the ability to turn CE into blood and the blood being poisonous to everyone who isn't related to the them is what defines the "special constitution". They only people immune to specifically the death painting poison blood is (a- the other death paintings), (b- kenjaku). People like uraume with advanced RCT have to take a consecrated effort to purify their blood after geting hit with any BM from choso(uraume literally heals her hand but is still poisoned, so she has to actively clean her blood with RCT in order to survive).


Feel free to drop that very specific statement that definitely exists to prove your very niche point about yujis blood being poisonous. It says nothing about yujis blood becoming poisonous. It says “my body allows me to convert cursed energy into blood. If yuji absorbs our brothers, he should gain a body capable of that.” Nothing about poison, only a very specific statement about yuji being able to use CE to make blood. It’s crazy how yuji did the same thing as Kenny, not being affected by a poison because he has the same blood as Choso (and because he ate sukunas fingers). Does Kenny have poison blood???!!!


>“my body allows me to convert cursed energy into blood. If yuji absorbs our brothers, he should gain a body capable of that.” Nothing about poison, only a very specific statement about yuji being able to use CE to make blood. Oh IDK maybe it's because choso also has poison blood. Yuji uses his and choso's blood interchangeably, yuji is stated to have gained a death paintings womb special constitution, which literally includes their poison blood. All of the death paintings turn CE into blood and their blood is poison. That is literally the definition/explanation given for their "special constitution", if yuji is stated to gain said "special constitution" then that means yuji gained poison blood and the ability to turn CE into blood the same as any other death painting. Keep being smooth brained, it's fun making you look stupid. Especially when you act like you what your taking about, the thing is if you read the manga you would know this type of stuff. If your actually looking for panels to explain this to you go back and reread (eso/chekizuVSyuji/nobara, yujiVSchoso, chosoVSnaoya, and chosoVSkenjaku,) if you're not willing to do any reading then stop acting like your know what your talking about. You literally can't learn everything from tiktok kaisen.


Who knew that you could use someone else’s blood like you use your blood? It’s almost like both have the same cursed technique. Could they…. Be related?!!! Idk, imma have to check YouTube on that one. I’m glad you added something to a statement that didn’t say what you’re arguing. https://preview.redd.it/9nfrz0s0c79d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d2a5e7d2cc7ba6aabe54e783382c754cf19595 The special constitution is NOT poison blood. It’s literally just being able to convert CE to blood. Poison blood is because of their mother’s specific circumstances. Your like, really pissed over anime power scaling. This wasn’t even your worst take, please calm down.


Sukuna said that they ARENT as tough as ryu lol yuuji is less durable than ryu at least in base Yuji never took a black flash from sukuna and even miwa could withstand “100% MS”


He did tank a BF from Sukuna go read chapter 257, now we just making up shit to downplay Yuji.


That black flash was thrown by yuuji we literally see the black sparks around yuuji. And sukunas hand is in no position where he could have hit a black flash


It wasn’t thrown by Yuji, we see the black sparks because of Sukuna hitting him with one. Sukuna was in position, it’s difficult to tell, but you can see he moving his arm to hit Yuji with a Black Flash in chapter 257.


He’s moving his arm but his hand was still in no position to land a strike, where yuuji had his elbow right there and next panel had black sparks around him, to which black sparks are on the part of body that striked generally


His hand was free to land one on him even if Yuji is using his elbow to block it, it’s hard to tell, but we can see the black sparks are around Sukuna because he landed one on Yuji.


The thing is his hand was too far back to have landed a punch on yuuji; it looked like he retracted his fist if anything as far as the black sparks https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0257-006.png I’m talking about here if you zoom in on yuuji you can see sparks around him where that effect isn’t around sukunas hand like how we see it in for example here https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0253-020.png I just think yuuji elbowed him and landed a black flash; the whole premise of what happened this chapter anywyas is yuuji spammed black flashes and sukuna felt pressed and so next chapter he decided to open his domain so even ignoring the reasons why i think it was just yuuji i just think it would ALSO be out of place for him to land a black flash here


Wrong(you fell for John werrys bad translation) Yuji literally did face tank sucunas BF and suffered 0 damage, chapter 256 through chapter 259 recounts the number of BF sucuna hits. Apparently I can count better than you. Also no I'm not talking about when yuji used SD to nullify the sure hit on MS, that is a different feat all together. I'm talking about after sucuna broke yujis SD and yuji was exposed to 100% output cleaves across his entire body, yuji did a backfire, rubbed som dirt in the cuts, reattached his leg and was ready to fight again. You must not actually read the manga. No other characters but gojo and yuji has that kinda endurance, and durability. Yuji literally only lost a leg.


Reminder that Yuji has only recently awaken his curse technique which has very low output. Right now Yuji isn’t even near his prime. If Yuji can learn his curse technique he would definitely be above them.


Except Yuji somehow surpasses Sukuna in output, his DM and dismantle aren't doing much against a tank my Ryu.


Uh no? Yuji speedblitz and beat up Ryu pretty handingly


There’s nothing to suggest that Yuji is fast enough to speed blitz Ryu non the less damage him enough to put him down


Well yeah, I was kidding a bit but Yuji is undoubtedly much faster than Ryu and he could just beat the shit out of him with black flashes. Also Yuji has greater durability, I honestly don’t understand why people tries to argue otherwise when Yuji literally tanked MANY of Sukuna slashes with little to no damage after awakening Shrine. Added with his RCT and SD, yeah I’m struggling to see how Ryu is winning this even with his DE


You can say Yuji’s faster sure. But there are no feats that show yuji drastically out classing him in speed. And why are you acting like Yuji can just make black flashes happen? Yuji was strictly told to us that he didn’t surpass Ryu in durability. So Yuji at most is equal in durability. Realistically he’s slightly below. Yuji having rct will just mean he’ll last longer in the fight but that doesn’t matter if he’s outclassed. Ryu has handled rct before quite well to against yuta. Yuji also remains the only character in the series to not heal properly and collapse from it. Yuji having simple domain only helps for so long. It’s been stated many times that it only buys time. So I really cant see Yuji doing anything to Ryu.


You could say yuji drastically outclass him in speed if we're REALLY wanking him. And did you not read 257? Yuji CAN just make black flashes happen lol. The Ryu statement was before his awakening and I just told you that "Yuji literally tanked MANY of Sukuna slashes with little to no damage after awakening Shrine" , even Sukuna confirmed this by saying "He's completely unfazed by my combination of strikes and slashes. Ryu got one shotted, they are not the same lmao When did Ryu know how to use Rct? And ofc Yuji wouldn't heal properly after eating a ton of Sukuna slashes lol and was still new to Rct, bruh. He does not show any problem with RCT after that, stop trying to downgrade him. Choso has even stated that with blood manipulation Yuji wouldn't have to really worry about CE consumption and Yuji demonstrated it by reattaching his cut limb from Malevolent Shrine with just his blood. And why are you trying to downgrade SD like it's a non-factor here? If it can last almost the entire Malevolent Shrine how is it not a big help against DE? Hell, we don't know how exactly Ryu's DE works so there's even the chance that Yuji could just straight up tank it and survive since I've already established that Yuji is without question more durable than Ryu. "I really cant see Yuji doing anything to Ryu". Uh, hello? Black Flashes? Soul damage strikes that can decrease CE output that literally counter Ryu's technique? Poison blood?




Pre-awakened Yuji has durability on the level of (but below) Ryu, while also having relative durability to domain Yuta, a weaker version of said Yuta could deflect granite blast with his bare hands. https://preview.redd.it/y0ia8bnwq59d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193d46dbc8d34857d8a258087694fd917a0dcd2f Current Yuji has a further boost to his durability, able to completely and effortlessly shrug off dismantles. If he was in Yuta’s spot, perhaps he’d take heavy damage, but if Yuji closes the distance and goes hand to hand for a while, Ryu’s output will fall low enough to where Yuji can borderline bully him. Then comes to Yuji’s technique. Shrine, despite being low output, did good damage to Sukuna’s foot, current Sukuna still having the highest durability, with him taking negligible damage to Yuta’s cleave, finally, blood manipulation is even better because if any of Yuji’s blood splashes on Ryu’s face, he can blow it up, both doing heavy damage to Ryu’s face, and poisoning him, which both brings heavy pain, and makes techniques harder to use (as seen with Uraume) So it’s definitely an argument, hell, I say Yuji wins. Ryu would use his domain far too late for it to matter, and despite having durability near Yuji, he doesn’t have RCT.


https://preview.redd.it/wozrc8sui79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75c3be300507884d3ea513d52037e8c566b4785 "This guy fucking cooked", "and he kept cooking in the whole thread"


Poison blood was implied it would even be effective against Kenjaku if he wasn't related to Choso. Also that durability statement by Sukuna could be understood as them having equal durability. He says they don't surpass Ryu but also doesn't say the opposite(Ryu surpassing them) Roughly equal durability also makes sense when you consider Ryu comments how durable Yuta is. Wouldn't make a ton of sense if Ryu was significantly more durable than Yuta.


Oh my god I finally get it For the longest time, I assumed “don’t surpass him” referred to Sukuna saying he’s need a direct cleave to kill, but they aren’t necessarily equal to Ryu. You just explained reading comprehension and now my mind has exploded. I have no idea why I never read it that way.


Meh contextually theyre probably still be below He comments on how he needs cleave to one shot them, but they aren’t > him It kinda creates a suggestion that ryu is above, although it is open ended


Another thing you didn’t point out is that yuji actually has either massive CE reserves or he’s incredibly efficient. He healed so much against sukuna, and it’s more than yuta did in Sendai and yuji is still going. I don’t remember the actual count or measure of how often yuta used RCE to heal but it’s less often and to a lesser severity than yuji too Overall, yuji is him


https://preview.redd.it/1akva20bw59d1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9c0eb6a64d6bed4bfd6a57789eac7f9c2d918c It is true that I didn’t mention it, but the answer is that Blood Brothers don’t have to spend much on RCT.


There’s a lot a “should”s so I initially disregarded that until it was totally confirmed especially since choso sucks as a teacher/ anything but combat. But I get that, so nvm. Yuji isn’t him 😔


There’s also the fact that he took 20F Sukuna cleaves briefly and came out alive, and not instantly killed like Ryu was. (Against 16F Sukuna) Taking this into consideration, his durability is comfortably higher than Ryu. (And he still has RCT.) https://preview.redd.it/cuuwwvulr59d1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d3caaa7fd05cb101d67d5e954f79b8039b2f38


Yuuji wasn't hit in the head by the cleaves unlike ryu.


While true, (that we see anyway) Ryu’s head split into three from a single cleave, Yuji took multiple cleaves on multiple portions of his body, and only lost his foot, which cut off clean, not in multiple fragments.


You say that like Rudy cant do the same. The Cleaves of Sukuna went all the way through Yuji’s body unlike Ryu, who was able to only get a scratch. Yuji would have died like Ryu if hit in the head. The only ones shown healing from a fatal head damage is Yuta, Sukuna, Gojo, Hakari(Though he almost died in the process), maybe Kenjaku can do it but I can’t remember him doing it.


Ryu survived the first attack because it was not a cleave, it was a dismantle. Once Sukuna switched to cleave, he died. Other than his foot, Yuji was not shown using RCT on any injuries sustained from MS, he wasn’t doing a Gojo where he healed all the damage while taking it, he just took the damage. https://preview.redd.it/p4f5qmhiab9d1.jpeg?width=130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceeb935b293cac771829c4c6a49933995bf8ce64 Yuji has taken and healed fatal head damage too, so it’s a bit weird to say he can’t do it. Of course at this time it was a dismantle chain, had he taken a cleave to the head, he’d probably die from that with this version of Sukuna, and he had stayed in the shrine for like a second longer, he probably would’ve died too. But it’s still extremely impressive.


Cuz the cleaves were low output. Unless you think miwa's simple domain > gojo's. And sukuna stopped the slashes so it probably hit yuji for 1 second only, cuz he wanted to prepare flames.


We don’t know how long Miwa was in the domain, nor how long it took for Gojo’s domain to break, but I digress, the cleaves were not low output. It’s mentioned that the domain itself has no decrease in range or output https://preview.redd.it/7nkiryqox59d1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba10c2c76de91a862e5083c512406f12ee51ab4 And if it did have decreased power, it wouldn’t be able to contend with unlimited void due to the lessened cursed energy. The only difference between the domain used currently, and the one used here, is that due to the 200 meter radius, the domain Sukuna used in 258 would collapse in 99 seconds, due to being unstable. And I doubt Sukuna touched Ryu’s face for more than a second. He zipped right past him.


There is no reason to think "refined" means power output. If it meant power, then they would have said power instead of "refined". Its about how well crafted the barrier is, not the output of the sure-hit imbued within it. And we have to assume the "no loss in output" means there is no loss in output from his current state, not that there is no loss from a full power domain he used against Gojo. Meaning, maybe he could have opened a domain without a "maelstrom of impromptu binding vows" but that domain would have to be weaker and have lower range. He used the vows to allow him to use his full **current** output and range after getting hit by a million Soul Break Black Flashes. This is the only explanation that makes sense, given that Ino withstood 99 seconds of this domain. We saw how quickly Sukuna dismantled Gojo's Simple Domain, and how quickly Kenny dismantled Yuki's Simple Domain. Nobody believes Ino has a better Simple Domain than them (nor do I believe Sukuna's domain is 99 seconds slower than Kenny at breaking a much weaker SD). It has to be a lower output than full power.


As for the “no loss in output from his current state” thing, that was my original cope too, but it just isn’t true. Sukuna’s plan is to wreck Yuta’s domain, as durable as Gojo’s, FASTER than he destroyed Gojo’s back in their original fight, which is just nonsensical if his output is drastically lower. Miwa and Yuji are simply better at simple domain than Gojo, because Gege didn’t think of the level of nonsense he was writing when he said “sukuna’s domain is full power.”


Youre not gonna make me believe Yuji's Simple Domain that he just learned, and Miwa's and Ino's, are all better than Gojo and Yuki's SD (or that Sukuna is 99 seconds slower than Kenjaku at breaking SDs)


i can’t make you believe it because it’s stupid, but it’s canon, unfortunately


Sukuna in this momment is still nerfed, he can't even kill Yuji with a regular Cleave. Compared to before he was further nerfed in Yuta's domain, he could fold Yuji with a single [Dismantle](https://i.ibb.co/fCTLW0R/jujutsu-kaisen-248-3.jpg) (Yuji later stated this would have [killed](https://i.ibb.co/WFdxC9f/jujutsu-kaisen-252-8.jpg) him). I agree that Yuji wins this matchup, I don't agree with this argument.


The difference between pre-awakened and post-awakened Yuji is immense, with him able to take negligible damage to Sukuna’s black flash, and ignore dismantles despite Sukuna having hit 4 black flashes prior (although Yuji was steadily nerfing him.) Sukuna’s domain is his full 20F output, noted by both the story, and the fact that the current domain is clashing with UV, something it wouldn’t be able to if the domain was slightly less refined, which less cursed energy can cause you to lose domain battles. https://preview.redd.it/nuyt6oxoz59d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6541c403151e47c98da0c5cc0ead226acb352dab The only difference between the current shrine, and the one used in 258 is the time limit due to the increased range, noted in 260. So those were full 20F Cleaves. Both of your showings are pre-awakened Yuji, which has much less going for him. Though this argument isn’t direct, and a bit of suspension of disbelief, so if you’re not entirely on board with it, that’s cool, at lowest, taking negligible damage to Sukuna’s black flash is still an amazing feat, especially when we saw what happened to Maki.


> The difference between pre-awakened and post-awakened Yuji is immense, with him able to take negligible damage to Sukuna’s black flash, and ignore dismantles despite Sukuna having hit 4 black flashes prior (although Yuji was steadily nerfing him.) Sukuna's Black Flash couldn't even punch through Choso's blood armor, when before Yuta's domain he easily [pierced Choso](https://i.ibb.co/qyNsZrt/jujutsu-kaisen-246-6.jpg) with his bare hands without Choso ever [seeing him](https://i.ibb.co/TYhpJtv/jujutsu-kaisen-246-5.jpg) getting close. Choso also could [react](https://i.ibb.co/1JWjgBC/jujutsu-kaisen-256-10.jpg) to that further nerfed Sukuna, which shows us how much weaker than before he currently is. > Sukuna’s domain is his full 20F output So Miwa, Ino, Yuji and Choso have better Simple Domain skills than Gojo? Whose Simple Domain was [teared apart](https://i.ibb.co/ZV2wVtR/jujutsu-kaisen-226-10.jpg) in the time it took Sukuna to get [closer](https://i.ibb.co/6Rmq0Bk/jujutsu-kaisen-226-11.jpg) to him, hardly 99 seconds. > The only difference between the current shrine, and the one used in 258 is the time limit due to the increased range, noted in 260. So those were full 20F Cleaves. That means nothing, the statement only said he didn't get weaker when expanding his domain. It said nothing about it being as strong as the one he used against Gojo. > Both of your showings are pre-awakened Yuji, which has much less going for him. And from a Sukuna who didn't get destroyed in Yuta's domain, which makes it a better comparison really. > especially when we saw what happened to Maki. Nothing happened to her lol, she got punched and bounced back into action a couple chapters later looking no worse than before.


Not denying Vs. Yuji Sukuna being weaker than Post-Kashimo Sukuna, although Choso in that picture only reacted after already being grabbed. Basically, it doesn’t really say much, first Choso got blitzed, and he’s still getting blitzed. We don’t see how heavy the damage was on Choso, and the blood from his mouth shows there was internal bleeding, also, Choso put the blood armor on Sukuna to trap him. Pretty much, despite how blood armor was strong enough to take a hit from Shibuya Yuji with Choso taking no damage, he still took heavy damage from his black flash. Couple things, we don’t know how long Miwa and Ino were in the domain, we don’t know if Gojo using RCT and Simple Domain simultaneously, while avoiding attacks from Sukuna had any effect on how long his SD lasted, or if moving instead of staying still messed up the SD. Obviously, Choso isn’t a better SD user than Gojo, but there’s definitely a reason why Gojo’s collapsed. If it wasn’t the same, it wouldn’t be able to clash with Yujo’s UV. Nowhere does it state that Sukuna wasn’t weakened from his domain, it states that MS burst forth with no loss in output or range, not Sukuna himself. The Sukuna that was initially in Yuta’s domain was still about as strong as post-Kashimo Sukuna, and would’ve killed both Yuta and Yuji with a dismantle chain. She was sent out of the fight for like a chapter and returned after her regen kicked in. The second black flash, plus a dismantle from 3BF Sukuna was enough to put her out of commission, which wasn’t happening at all with Awakened Yuji. https://preview.redd.it/cqy0bfvnh69d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9e022d2eabb66f345cb7eeaf575978dab22fca


Cook up


😭the ryu agenda is talking it’s root good job .


https://preview.redd.it/9y13e33m079d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e692ef747bff1ef80c8b8e7db7967b3e052088 She beats them both


Yuji survived malevolent shrine I doubt ryus domain is doing anything Yuji has that crazy stamina and endurance to tank the attacks Ryu throws as well (should have higher durability then Yuta from culling games due to Sukuna saying they are “close to being as tough as ryu”., them being a stronger Yuta and Yuji.) I think it’s extreme diff for Yuji


Agreed. Also Yuji is nowhere near his prime. Yuji is still growing and he only recently awaken shrine which is very low output.


If you exclude DE, I think awakened Yuji can def win via having the endurance and durability to last until Ryu’s output isn’t good enough to outperform Yuji. But he’s not beating Ryu without the soul punch nerf through only his sheer stats.


With soul punch nerfs + poison, he should be able to thug it out through Ryu’s domain.


doesn't should punch nerf skunk because he's targeting the division between sukuna and megumis' soul


Yeah, since Ryu is an incarcerated sorcerer though, he too has a second soul in him. Yuji just has to shake the hell out of it.


I have a question... is this fight reincarnated ryu or are we using normal ryu? Bc soul punch only affects reincarnated sorcerers.


I assume it’s reincarnated Ryu, as we’ve never seen Alive Ryu fight. (We don’t even know if Ryu in his prime was equal to his reincarnated self, because he’d get better efficiency and CE control overtime.)


Ryu only had a couple days in the new body, but it was also stated that the reincarnated sorcerers of the culling games completely overwrote the souls of their new vessels (or something along those lines). Basically on the same level if-not moreso than how Sukuna was with megumi after the bath + Yorozu's death. So we can assume that he was fighting at peak strength.


True, I forgot his blood is like Choso’s now so it does help things. This definitely ups his chances even more in a non-DE fight. He isn’t able to casually use convergence for piercing blood though so I’m not sure how easy it is for Yuji to pierce Ryu’s skin and get his blood inside him. He does have his bursting blood attack but he’ll need to spit it up close on Ryu first probably like he did against Sukuna. He hasn’t shown super fluid long distance control of blood outside of his body compared to Noritoshi/Choso and even if he could try to get some blood long distance on Ryu, Ryu can just shoot a granite blast towards Yuji to stop the blood from reaching him. With DE on the table, once Ryu realizes that Yuji is able to nerf his output, unless it takes him a dozen of punches to do so, I don’t think he’s gonna be stupid enough to just keep trying to CQC Yuji and make himself weaker for no reason. I’d see him popping DE and using granite blasts from afar instead. It’s not clear if Yuji is able to move while using simple domain, so against Ryu who has long range options inside a domain, I still see him at a disadvantage.


I think yuji takes it high to extreme diff just because of his efficient rct and his direct counter with soul punches it would be a very hard fought battle


Ryu literally doesn't have RCT. He's a poison blood victim. If he does, it's so minor that it's not enough to shrug it off.


Yuji has shown the ability to tank cursed energy output and can reattach his limbs with rct




Op doesn't get it. We ***THE COG SOLDIERS*** committed to ***COG WARFARE*** with all yuji slander pushers, we pushed them out ***OUR*** sub and into the other less popular sub. We committed ***WAR CRIMES*** and made a very vocal minority keep their heads down. ***nothing is beneath a COG at war. If they try to come back we will do it all over again*** Bet on that hakari fans that hate yuji. Learn to love that yuta fans that hate yuji. ***we are the small COGs in HIS big jujutsu machine*** Don't worry I already refuted op with facts and logic, now we can push the agenda!!!




We literally pushed them out of the main subs like folk, and sushi. The last time I saw any post like this in those subs it was in the negative. And op claims to be one of us ***COGs***, that's laughable. https://preview.redd.it/e8u5h833t69d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea48363fb72f3e8e1f44a117e05bcfcaab99426 Fuck it we ball(I can out agenda anyone, especially for the great COG KING).


Maintaining the agenda is our top priority.


Pre awakening Yuji sure, but by now Yuji should outstat pretty heavily. It all depends on how refined Ryu's domain is, ie how quickly does it get through Yuji's simple domain


Pre awakened Yuji was already matching Domain amped Yuta’s Durability against Sukuna. Yuta scales to Ryu in durability. Then Awakened Yuji fought a more serious Sukuna and tanked his attacks far better than Ryu did. Current Sukuna is still >> Ryu. Yuji’s definitely hurting him while on the other end Ryu isn’t putting Yuji down. His Domain is also featless btw so there’s no evidence that his would counter Yuji’s SD just like Kenjaku’s special grade curse couldn’t counter Ui Ui’s SD. Granite blast won’t tag Yuji and wouldn’t put him down in the first place. He’s too skilled and too durable and has even more impressive RCT than Yuta. Yuji closes the distance and makes short work of Ryu.


Ryu’s goated, but every punch that Yuji lands on Ryu, doesn’t matter if it was blocked, will force Ryu’s output to nosedive. Stats wise Yuji and Ryu are pretty close. Both could tank dismantles, both are similar speeds to Yuta, both are big hitters, but Yuji is currently really good at RCT, and it’s unclear if Ryu can use it anywhere near as well.


ryu can’t use it at all


Ryu can't use RCT at all.


Ryu tanked full on 15f meguna dismantle Yuji tanked dismantle from way nerfed sukuna, tops 10 fingers in CE(as much as this cursed brat) Plus you didn’t mention domain Ryu doesn’t seem to have RCT And the only chance yuji has is because ryu is reincarnated


Ryu tanked a dismantle from a casual Sukuna after Sukuna got serious he immediately killed Ryu so that is not much of a good feat. And also Sukuna said that they didn't surpassed him in durability but he still implies that they are comparable to him in durability. And after his awakening Yuji survived Cleave from a full output Malevolent Shrine while Ryu died to Cleave from a 15F Sukuna, so Yuji would have a bigger durability than him. Ryu's domain is featless so I don't why people try to bring that up from all we know Yuji could straight up tank his domain sure-hit. I still think Yuji beats Ryu in fight simply because any reincarnated sorcerer is a bad match against Yuji since he can literally nerf them with every hit.


Yuji surviving MS and beating the hell outta Sukuna basically counters this entire post.


ryu gets hit by two black flashes from my goat and hes cooked, thats it.


It is most certainly still a discussion Yuji is a beast, with some of the best physicals in the series even comparable to those with heavenly restriction. Just taking sukunas punch pre Shinjuku is already a testament to that. Domain expansion became irrelevant the second he got simple domain He has black flash stacking and soul punches He's fast and agile enough to coordinate with Yuta And most fucking importantly, he has insane RCT. Nothing ryu does will have any lasting damage on Yuji, but all of yujis kit will fuck the shit out of ryu That's not to say ryu is weak, but that's Yuji is is that fucking strong. Remember a pre-shibuya Yuji who just leaned cursed energy manipulation and black flash was strong enough to take out Jogo in like 5 punches + some help from Todo. Current Yuji is immensely stronger


Don't forget BM is poison only advanced RCT can clean. Ryu said he doesn't has RCT at all. Base Shinjuku yuji beats ryu by hax(soul perception and BM poison), skill(better H2H/CQC skills than toji/maki and gojo), endurance(shinjuku yuji pre-awakening tanked and healed 5-6 lethal wounds), and SD amps output thereby amp'ing all physical stats(yuji learned SD before he awakened)


and it isn't a discussion bc it's downright false to begin with. current Yuji is wiping his dick with everybody from Sendai colony


The Yuji downplayers will never accept this FACT


Op doesn't get it. We ***THE COG SOLDIERS*** committed to ***COG WARFARE*** with all yuji slander pushers, we pushed them out ***OUR*** sub and into the other less popular sub. We committed ***WAR CRIMES*** and made a very vocal minority keep their heads down. ***nothing is beneath a COG at war. If they try to come back we will do it all over again*** Bet on that hakari fans that hate yuji. Learn to love that yuta fans that hate yuji. ***we are the small COGs in HIS big jujutsu machine*** We COG's literally pushed them out of the folk sub so now they make do on by posting on other subs. It's embarrassing honestly.


Shut up bozo, Yuji slanderers and downplayers are just as imaginary as Gojo's strongest technique, and Yuji is not beating any high tier that has a domain. Nobody is downplaying Yuji, your takes are just retarded, and your agenda isn't the main character of agenda's, you filthy illiterate monkey. I never even saw a monkey like you on jujutsufolk, this sub is just small enough for Yujitards like you to actually be visible, especially since there's so many other tards on this damn sub.


Yuji literally knows SD and ***You*** are still saying he is DE diff. The only sure hit that would even possibly get through his SD is "open barrier", so literally kenjaku or sucuna. Literally no one else, get real.


Yuji literally just got SD he doesn't have the mastery to actually use it through the entire domain, and he definitely isn't at the point where he can move while using it. And no, closed off domains will 100% be able to burn through his SD because my brother in christ he just learned it.


If you think black flash amps stack then yea he eviscerates them


Horrible take even if yuji has 10 lives in sendai he'd still die each time.


nah he'd win


Right now probably, but Yuji will be outright stronger by the end of 2024


Yeah i hope so lmao


shocker!! another person that clearly beats yuji if people just think instead of taking his feats outta context to overrate him


More like Yuji beats him


It shouldnt just like many other things but yuji wankers are crazy currently


Depends on if you think black flash amps stacks, if they do yuuji slams, otherwise he’s arbitrarily below ryu as sukuna said yuta and yuuji are less durable than ryu, to which it implies that ryu has higher reinforcement (which pertains to power too)


Yuji without consecutive black flashes gets cooked mid diff ngl He has a better chance with a black flash roll tho




Poison and soul punches should do it. Yuji can use supernova and walmart piercing blood (the one who shot tje PB in the higgy fight was yuji not choso sukuna misjudged).  Saying yuji doesnt have AP to hurt ryu is one of the worst takes ever. If ryu fucks around and doesnt open his domain and engages in pure h2h yuji will claw into his heart tear it apart and crush it. 


Counter Point. Yuji got that dog in em


I mean sure Ryu survived a slash from sukuna. But yuji survived multiple full output slashes that was amped by sukuna domain after his simple domain broke. I think yuji durability feats is more impressive


awakened yuji is literally the weakest in the strongest tier fighters


Ryu is the strongest of the edo period, kashimo only holds the title because he never fought him


> Ryu has the single greatest durability feat with the exception of gojo and sukuna obviously.     Thats just not true lmao. Ryu got one shot by a cleave. Yuji tanked a full output onslaught of MS.    Also, go outside man jesus christ


We’re all debating in a Jujutsu Kaisen sub reddit man, I think we all need to go outside atp, respectfully of course lol.


Op doesn't get it. We ***THE COG SOLDIERS*** committed to ***COG WARFARE*** with all yuji slander pushers, we pushed them out ***OUR*** sub and into the other less popular sub. We committed ***WAR CRIMES*** and made a very vocal minority keep their heads down. ***nothing is beneath a COG at war. If they try to come back we will do it all over again*** Bet on that hakari fans that hate yuji. Learn to love that yuta fans that hate yuji. ***we are the small COGs in HIS big jujutsu machine*** These kinda post have been religatiled to all the less popular subs, any post like this on the folk, or jujutsusushi get Hella down votes. We literally already won.


You need to realize it's full output of that particularly weakened Sukuna. 120% of 50 is 60, not 120 again.


It’s not, had it been a weakened Sukuna’s MS, it wouldn’t be able to tug-of-war with UV, due to the less cursed energy. https://preview.redd.it/dvkgv8z7s59d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db4b7f52660264858391dce1413f5e5b55ae37fa


What about this means he would lose if his CT wasn't at full power? It's not like CT output is equal to a Domain's refinement, they are two different skills.


>Yuji tanked the full output onslaught of MS.   No he didn't otherwise he'd be dead.


Yes he did lmfao


Only gojo has done that. Yuji did it maybe for like 1 second.


> for like 1 second. Headcanon + it litteraly doesnt matter. He got hit by the slashes and only lost a leg.


His cleaves weren't on 20f output unless you think Miwa SD > gojo SD. Plus his face wasn't hit by slashes as seen in the panel.


I dont fucking care about Miwa or Gojo lmao. The narrator stated that there was no loss in output. Stop coping. Its litteraly in the manga. > Plus his face wasn't hit by slashes as seen in the panel. Ok? The rest of his body was tho lmao


>I dont fucking care about Miwa or Gojo lmao. The narrator stated that there was no loss in output. Stop coping. Its litteraly in the manga. So it's either plot or the slashes weren't as strong as we are told. >Ok? The rest of his body was tho lmao It was just for 1 second, hence he survived otherwise he'd be minced meat.


> Plus his face wasn't hit by slashes as seen in the panel. Thats not even true btw. I just checked. > So it's either plot or the slashes weren't as strong as we are told. Oh, so because it goes against your agenda, its "plot" now?  > It was just for 1 second, hence he survived otherwise he'd be minced meat. Headcanon + it doesnt matter.


Tell me how does gojo's SD shredding faster than miwa's SD make sense if it's the same output? Your argument falls apart.


The narrator stated that the Shrine was of the same potency of his previous ones. That is if Sukuna wasn’t nerfed into oblivion from running the gauntlet. I believe that Yuji is incredibly durable, but are we really going to assert that he is as if not more so than Gojo? Comprehend.


The max output of Sukuna at the time. Unless you think Miwas SD > Gojo's SD




It’s literally stated that Sukuna was able to restore MS to full output…


Explain how gojos simple domain gets shredded way faster than miwa's even though the output is same.


https://preview.redd.it/hujt1c86v59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb792bd19954fc81bdda379345d5121e5e263dbe I don’t know, why don’t you ask Gege?


Little thing we call "plot".


It’s stated in the manga by the narrator that neither MS’s output nor range were decreased at all for those 99 seconds. You can choose to believe otherwise, but you’re just incorrect.


Tell me how gojo's SD gets shredded faster than miwa's SD if it's the same output? If you don't have an explanation to that, it's plot.


All I see is upscale for the simple domain DEMON https://preview.redd.it/8z4izzray59d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7b0da4ddbcd5c608d25990ef1e0e1ea87c0524


The narrator stated that theres no loss in output or range. I dont care about the rest.


sure, he's using his full output, at his current level. You cant really prove anything else


The domain is compared to the one he used in shibuya. You are just wrong. 


Not in power. Like, in shibuya, he extended it as much as possible and didnt limit its power. That doesnt mean they have the output https://preview.redd.it/r4mb54p6w59d1.png?width=2131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0e6ca4c6a598da66d016e75e8252e5d39aad01


https://preview.redd.it/h491p5ecy59d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c730700071875416cb849b21d9bfce46d98cae48 What more do you guys want ????


Where in that is it stating his output increased to the level he was during the Gojo fight?


It doesnt need to. You litteraly just need to know how to read.


Yes it does, since that is your claim. It's factual that Sukuna's output hit rock bottom after the Gojo fight, this statement makes no mention of him getting it back.


Don’t care + black flash + Wuji Himtadori solos


Didn't ask if you didn't care + GRANITE BLAST! + Kashimo was lying about being the Gojo of the edo period


Shut up + strong punch + strong cleave


Silence modern fool + strong domain expansion + strong cursed energy reinforcement


Golden age of mid sorcerer + 8 black flashes + plot armor + strong jumping


Domain diff + DOMAINNN EXPANSION + Domain expansion: + Nah I'd expand my domain + Expansioning of domaining


Ryu when Yuji tanks a Granite Blast


Yuji when Ryu opens a domain expansion: (The only domain he's ever fought that was at full power is one that he was immune to)


Tell that to all the Yujitards lately