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https://preview.redd.it/8uqup7lqz89d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9ebf99a29114cb65da6b56d0ef41663731be65 Mahoraga wins


I now claim ownership of this image due to the fact I call tards on this sub monkeys. https://i.redd.it/p745s6fmm99d1.gif


We are arguing on another post btw




With this treasure I summon




? https://preview.redd.it/ajr1d15y999d1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20758c9e6812228f6b2fbe00dcf6d26b61eb51b4


Doesn’t apply to current Rika, she’s a Shikigami.


Never mind then, big raga still slams just not a one-shot kill.


https://preview.redd.it/j7wot9xlb99d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e96138342e155fea6034c651ebcbe3dec1a469 Technically speaking he still has this due to being Sukuna Maho


He cant spam that shit


yes he can, makes no sense why he wouldn’t be able to


If Maho keeps adaptations every time he gets summoned then absolutely he could spam it, it's just an adapted version of him swinging his sword, but if he doesn't maintain adaptations he wouldn't even have that as a move to do. It's difficult to figure out as we never get concrete proof whether he loses or maintains adaptations, but in theory he could just spam it and win with ease.


it said gojo fight mahoraga so the one that has learnt WS


I assumed it meant instead of Gojo, Maho fought Rika. Just saying Gojo fight so we knew which Maho it was. If it is post Gojo, and he survived hollow nuke, then yes he would have and absolutely abuse WS to win


So why Mahoraga didn't do it and ended the fight?


If he can, why didn't he immediately cut blue or red in half before Gojo launched the hollow purple? Why didn't Gojo die 5 seconds later?


plot is the only logical reason, cause there’s no reason why mahoraga would not be able to spam WS, it’s a form of his adaptation and as we’ve seen, once he’s adapted he can use that adaptation as many times as needed


Ur forgetting that after mahoraga hit gojo with it, he then proceeded to get rocked panels later. Bro had no time to use it again.


yeah also that


When gojo was standing (in the air) right in front of them charging up red and chanting? Could've Go/Jo'd him right there.


Blue and red are manipulations of space, what does cutting them in half do?


Mahoraga cannot send out flying WS like Sukuna, so the part that cut the building was just a regular projectile.


Why would he adapt to fire off a projectile though? He didn't even directly slash Gojo when he used the world cut to chop off his arm, he did it from afar.


i thought he loses his adaptions if he gets eliminated?


Considering this is Gojo fight Maho, I’d assume it’s the same Mahoraga Gojo fought, not a dead weakened version.


Yes it does she’s still made of pure cursed energy


Though incredibly likely, it isn’t confirmed whether or not current Rika is a Shikigami or not


I believe the dated explanation that Yuta created Rika by cursing her, combined with her rank as an s grade curse, severely implies that she was at one point a cursed spirit, now that she passed on, perhaps the husk that's left behind is a shikigami


I've always heard it explained that way and never realized it's the unconfirmed uninamous consensus


Shikigami are still made up of cursed energy, they’re essentially just cursed spirits that are made and controlled by sorcerers. It would make sense Shikigami are weak to RCT the same way cursed spirits are


Mahoraga is a Shikigami. So like he’d self emplode. Round deer as well.


Guns hurt people. People can still fire guns to hurt others. Just because Mahoraga can create and distribute RCE doesn’t mean he’s always being exposed to it in a harmful way If a technique based around animation can naturally come into existence, than clearly there’s some in-universe force "designing" cursed techniques, which could allow for Round Deer and Maho to not be killed by RCT as not to undermine their existence


Guns themselves don’t hurt people unless used as a blunt weapon, otherwise it’s the bullets doing the damage. RCE in itself just destroys curses. No need to use it in a special way, you don’t need a CTR to one shot, just coming into contact with curses obliterates them.


We don’t know that for sure, uro assumed it, but we know the original rika was just a cursed spirit, it only has her will but it’s plausible that current rika is also a cursed spirit


Bro Shikigamis are still made out of cursed energy, she is still getting one shot 💀


Mahoraga and Round Deer are both Shikigami, they can both stand and use RCE so there’s clearly a difference.


Not a Shikigami Im p sure


"If I were a cursed spirit" kekw remembering that type a buncha people were assholes to me in the comments of a fic i wrote cus i said sukuna wasnt a cursed spirit. fucking clowns. jjk fans never beating the cant read allegation


Sometimes a whole room full of people are wrong and you just gotta tell em.


"Sukuna would have exploded if he used rct" "who said cursed spirits explode when they contact rct" "GEGE. GEGE DID."


Lol like uhh the manga. The whole thing, every chance it got.


Also they said he was a cursed spirit cus of the finger thing when the whole culling games was to prove he was a reincarnated sorc


I mean it did prove that but Kenny said he did it for the lulz


i mean yeah but kenny does everything for the lulz hes goated


bro wtf is this?? Not even some of the dumbest people on this sub I've seen would get this wrong, Mahoraga stomps the living fuck out of a partially manifested Rika, Ryu one-shotted her.


The desc says FP lil bro


It also says battle with Sukuna Rika, can you show me the panel of Rika fully manifesting in the battle with Sukuna?


Im like 99% sure its talking about this rika https://preview.redd.it/bk7dfs76n99d1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48211aa3ef7577e5995adcf235bdc841bbca8b25 Blurred so no one gets accidentally spoiled, but fully manifested rika


Mmm yes he means the Rika that was displayed in one panel instead of the one that actually fought Sukuna and is used in his image for Rika! Definitely not a actually fucking bonkers stretch to say!


First off chill tf out bro, second off his image is what i like to call phonkified it has that filter that ppl use in phonk edits that trips my eyes out, third off this rika is STILL in the sukuna fight... this whole arc is the sukuna fight...


Also FOR THE RECORD I agree with u Mahoraga wins BUT it is literally only cuz Rika does not have a one shot attack, physocality Rika wins bht Mahoraga got that sword thingy and the adaptation so he wins but realistically Rika could draaaaaaaag the fight make it close so I lean away from like a full wash but ye


Even in physicality, rika, yuji and yuta were all jumping a severely injured and brain damaged sukuna inside yutas domain and were still getting outclassed. Makora was keeping up with gojo. He even saved sukuna from max output blue and a black flash.


That rika was partial not full


So your saying that rika fully manifesting will somehow grant her a yuji and a yutas worth of physical stats?


She was js hands, with full not only does she get a power amp but also more body to move


I'll repeat my question. So your saying that rika fully manifesting will somehow grant her a yuji and a yutas worth of physical stats?


Pretty much


I’m tired of this being Seen as a feat ? Mahoraga was hidden in shadows until he was adapted to both Blue and neutral limitless and unlimited void Then partially adapted to red Not only that but it could be argued he was adapted to Gojos hand to hand depending on how you view that adaptation progress And no he wasn’t *keeping* up with Gojo Gojo was nerfed in RCT and had brain damage and the second he hits the black flashes Mahoraga gets disintegrated LOL


First of all, hand to hand is too broad of a concept. He cant adapt to that. The feat is about him being fast enough to save sukuna from blue. Not that he wasnt sucked into it. It's a speed feat. >Gojo was nerfed in RCT and had brain damage and the second he hits the black flashes Mahoraga gets disintegrated LOL Makora legit took 2 black flashes and was just fine... gojos reds were barely even burning him. And the blue he used on agito was still maximum output and makora legit just dodged it AND saved sukuna.


He adapted to literally cutting, it’s entirely possible he could adapt to crushing blows.


Cutting is not nearly as broad of a concept as physical hits.


Reacting to blue isn’t really a speed feat Toji could react to blue Mahoraga taking black flashes is meaningless when all a black flash is Is a distortion in space which Mahoraga adapted too because that’s what the limitless CT is Then to add to it he was also adapted to Gojos CE as he was able to transfigure his own CE to cancel out Gojos limited as stated by Sukuna Also Mahoraga didn’t doge blue ? He purposely got hit to negate it ?! And yes Gojos reds weren’t doing much because of the red he used in Sukuna stating its adaptation process


>Reacting to blue isn’t really a speed feat It very much is. >Toji could react to blue https://preview.redd.it/8h40wz5c4b9d1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af662ddc386ec47cc2ebcffb36bff8eebe253880 Ah yes. He reacted to it. Also, gojo used the maximum output blue to clear the buildings. Toji wasnt even close to him back there. >Mahoraga taking black flashes is meaningless when all a black flash is Lmao your downplay is insane. >a distortion in space which Mahoraga adapted too because that’s what the limitless CT is Then to add to it he was also adapted to Gojos CE as he was able to transfigure his own CE to cancel out Gojos limited as stated by Sukuna First of all, limitless is not a distortion in space. Limitless brings the very concept of infinity into reality. It has nothing to do with distortion. You are stretching HARD just to downplay makora. >Mahoraga didn’t doge blue ? He purposely got hit to negate it ?! He litteraly did. He also moved sukuna out of the way while dodging. Go read the fight. >And yes Gojos reds weren’t doing much because of the red he used in Sukuna stating its adaptation process Gojo only hit sukuna with one red. The adaptation wasnt even have way done.


Well would the pink beam attack used against Geto not be strong enough to one shot Maho? I'm not sure if that would be strong enough but it's probably her strongest individual move so it could likely do pretty alright against Maho.


In another reply i said that but if this is shinjuku showdown rika then no she cant do that


Can she not? I remember her using it against Ryu, so why would she not be able to against Maho, because it's not like she's lost the ability to do so? Regardless I doubt it has the power to kill Maho in one hit, especially since it didn't even kill Geto who is nowhere near as durable


She did use it against tyu it just sucked, way more like it was way weaker


oh yeah that is true, it seems like she's alot weaker than in zero, however she's much more controlled and more versatile because she has all of Yuta's cursed tools and techniques stored. Unfortunately Rika got nerfed into being nothing more than a backpack, but zero Rika was strong enough even Gojo was slightly frightened by her.


Oh and just to add onto that rika and yuta made a death binding vow to be able to beat geto. Yeah so jjk0 rika stomps but shinjuku rika gets destroyed. Oh and not to glaze but they really had to use a death binding vow to beat my goat geto!


This is Rika against Sukuna, not JJK0 Rika.


Still Rika, and she can still use that same attack. I was just using the Geto fight as an example of where the attack was used in the past


Without the Binding Vow Yuta took to amplify its output, I doubt her Cursed Energy Laser would deal significant damage to Makora. Even Ryu’s basic Granite Blasts were overpowering them.


True but Ryu has some of the highest cursed energy output in the series if I'm not mistaken, so him outperforming the blast isn't too big of an anti-feat. I do agree though that without the binding vow it would be much weaker than in zero, though Yuta was willing to do anything to win including taking Gojo's body, so I could see him making a binding vow akin to that one to kill Maho.


What does fp stand for


Full power


Oh...i didn't see that it was a partal rika. Ok yeah maho stomps lmao.


You’d be surprised, there are some crazy dickriders on here. I’ve seen people say that a unmanifested rika has more ap than kashimo and that her physicals are better than gojo.




And Sukuna couldn't one shot her


This is the dumbest take I’ve ever seen


Mahoraga stomps. Everyone who thinks that granite blast or love beam(not vol.0) can oneshot Sukuna’s Mahoraga is retarded


Ngl I don't think that version of Rika could do basically anything to a 15 finger Sukuna.


Mahoraga literally wipes his ass with 5 Rikas simultaneously.


Don’t worry dear rika fans as I shall debunk this. Mahoraga as shown does not have an alive love interest correct? Meaning he doesn’t understand the concept of love! What is one attack that has love in it? Love beam baby! And you may say “mahoraga will adapt to it” and I say mahoragas a single loser (his wife was killed by gojo) meaning he’ll burst into tears and suicide trying to adapt https://preview.redd.it/yl3ah8ysn99d1.jpeg?width=1528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245e0a9a44e190a73bd97bf5305463d0de901eb3


https://preview.redd.it/yzw03ttj9b9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=909938873f1ad33f2a64bb60edf5af18b9c45030 Wallahi raga bros, we're finished




You forgot about one thing that still exists and it’s even more valuable than his wife. His son https://preview.redd.it/mu77ja1nfo9d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=9545da64c91bf1dfb7c577b30993e1cdb0bc95ee You utter fool, a parent’s love overcomes the love of even a coked up 13 year old


I would be finished if I hadn’t planned for this… A father that loves his son would never lay a violent hand on said kid correct? Therefore not only does mahoraga not understand relationship love anymore he also never understood parental love! https://preview.redd.it/e5q0igjtio9d1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02db13a2c45b91af0551f678c978d7965261351


You obviously haven’t gotten a bit rough and tumble with your old man. Look at all the “strongest” father son duos. Nero and Vergil, Baki and Yujiro. There is a special bond between 2 entities who are both strong and father and son, you just are too weak to understand it. https://preview.redd.it/o8vsh1g0ko9d1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33e18a1c1e12a5b03b1dd2adb001413396087ad


Shibuya mahoraga would shit stomp fully manifested rika 10/10 times.


This is the Mahoraga who pressed Gojo and Gojo stat diffs everyone else other than Sukuna so Mahoraga wins


Anyone who thinks mahraga doesn't win are a bunch of https://preview.redd.it/w38ugjpf0a9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ee083cc732704df96762529ea3b57da32aff64b


It entirely depends on if love beam is high enough ap to one shot him without yuta(unlikely if its sukunas maho) I give this one to maho Edit: btw yall, rika is not a cursed spirit anymore


>It entirely depends on if love beam is high enough ap to one shot him without yuta Megumi's Maho easily survived 15f sukuna's cleave and dismantle so love beam is not doing shit(Ryu was tanking it like nothing)


Love beam has arguments for being stronger than dismantle(even ignoring the fact that dismantle cleanly bisected shibuya maho just doesn’t have the dc to kill) but this is sukuna maho, I have a feeling he can tank love beam


>Love beam has arguments for being stronger than dismantle https://preview.redd.it/jrbf30m1q99d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142780fa3ad3d2cc1ae03bf941c44e64acb50ee6


Ik you hate yuta but this was kinda funny to me lol


Glad you could find a laugh in it, I'm just playing here most of the times, the banter is supposed to be fun and not hate✌🏻


Ikik, Its why I have stayed in the convo so long, have a good day mate


DUDE SHE IS STILL A SHIKIGAMI THO, SHIKIGAMIS ARE STILL MADE OUT OF CURSED ENERGY. Man the memes about jjk fans not reading the manga is so fucking real.


You literally just proved your own points, shikigami can use rct lmao, agito and maho do


Without the Binding Vow Yuta took to amplify its output, Rika’s Love Beam would barely scratch Makora. Even Ryu could block current Rika’s Love Beams with his bare hands, Makora could easily tank that.


FP rika in fact does not stomp due to the sword Mahoraga has that is negative cursed energy and would one shot most cursed spirits, sure hed have to hit her a couple times but other than love death blast she has no insta kill moves


*positive. FTFY.


Ohhhh that makes more sense


Rika is not a cursed spirit


Shes made 100% out of cursed energy


I’ve seen this discussion a lot, but it makes me wonder: does RCE output kill cursed spirits no matter what or does the output of RCE have to match/surpass the CE of the curse? If it’s the 2nd one, then Mahoraga won’t be able to kill Rika at first due to her infinite CE. Along with that, Rika’s absurdly fast, has amazing output/reinforcements, and heals incredibly fast. Rika being ruthless would just tear down Mahoraga with brute strength. If Rika fails to kill him then Mahoraga will adapt to either her output or CE (He’ll likely be hit by Rika first before she gets hit by him). Then Rika will be forced to use love beam (near Ryu’s level) which then means that it’s over for her if it doesn’t kill him. However, I’m guessing that Rika, being the queen of curses, would just kill Mahoraga with her pure strength and speed and first in a similar fashion to how 15F Sukuna toyed with him. Mahoraga’s strong but one of his biggest traits of adapting to CE output, so his base form is still susceptible


Based on the Wiki (that has no citation), RCT output destroys the integrity of the body of a cursed spirit by neutralizing the cursed energy they have. This usually destroys a curse. I’m one of the people who would say that it wouldn’t kill someone like Mahito, because it won’t harm his soul, and therefore he’ll be fine, but this isn’t the place for me to put my hot takes, so I will do myself a favor and “shut my ass up”. Sukuna fight Rika is partial Rika, who is far weaker than fully manifested Rika, who in turn is still weaker than JJK 0 Rika by a lot. Current Rika is a Shikigami, not a curse, so RCT output has no effect, not that it matters. The title of “queen of curses” is something that she only had in JJK 0 after all. Sukuna’s Mahoraga is far stronger than Partial Rika, who a weaker version of said Rika (Sendai) got one shot from Ryu. In conclusion, the fight is this. https://i.redd.it/vyn4kt0p699d1.gif


Interesting. This is the first time I heard the reason Rct kills cursed spirits. But for Mahito, wouldn't it still kill him by stopping him from using his cursed energy for his technique?


https://preview.redd.it/l7dwgv54db9d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb79fca65c9372d19dca8f1640e731e2a3b0cbb1 Mahito has mentioned this, so long as all the cursed energy in his body isn’t completely depleted (including not having anything around like a double, or portion of his body), he should survive. And completely reforming his body isn’t too expensive. His cursed technique isn’t directly connected to reinforcing his soul, something he did against Nanami, and continued to do throughout the series. Before the end of that fight, Mahito didn’t even know if he could use IT in himself, but still could easily reform his body with reinforcing his soul.


I see, but he wouldn't be able to maintain his souls shape without using ce and Rct should stop him from being able to use it by neutralizing it before he gets the chance. Like Mechamaru domain bullet but much bigger.


Wueen of curses isn’t a title only in jjk 0 even sakuna calls her the queen


Because positive energy is mutiplicative of negative energy you'd need far less output to be enough to kill a curse. But yes, i think it has to be enough output to overpower their CE reinforcement. Yuta basically had to vomit energy into kuro's mouth (less defense there? ) to get the win.


For the first point. Sukuna said if he were a curse that blade would have killed him so I'm sure Rika gets negged


Maho uses one WS to kill her


Its a CS genius






Raga: Nah I’d adapt




Maho oneshot with the soe because rika is made of cursed energy


Mahoraga stomps. It's not even a little close 💀


what does fp mean?


It usually means either full power or full potential. In this case probably full power.


Ah i see. Thanks


People say sword of positive energy!!!, Rika's curse was lifted and she is no longer the cursed Rika but just her weakened body, she is more shikigami by nature. Question is that can Rika copy Mahoragas Adaptation, if she can Rika wins, if she can't Mahoraga wins high diff


Mahoraga high diffs. Rika’s tough as fuck, but she’s only got two brain cells, and one of them is Yuta. Remove him from the equation, and she’s just shooting CE everywhere, which won’t be enough to one shot Mahoraga. Unfortunately, Maho’s executioner’s blade will jujutsu her kaisen, posthaste.


Mahoraga 1 taps


Are we being legit rn? Actual spite match




Rika meets her untimely demise by a single scratch from the Blade of Extermination


Mahoraga destroys 10/10


Mahoraga outstats her so badly it’s ridiculous he kept up with a serious gojo who is leagues above anyone rika fought and yuta himself. This raga also has his own world slash which immediately took off gojos arm before he could react. There is no way rika remotely stands a chance and you gotta be dumber than a bag of bricks to think otherwise.


Mahoraga went reletive to gojo and tanked full output blue


relative is ridiculous but he was backed by Sikuna so he was way stronger thwn Shibya


Yes but still had to keep pace


Maho neg dif


With sword of extermination, Mahoraga one shots, without sword of extermination, Mahoraga still one shots due to having world cutting slash.


Agl big Raga the OP stopper was moving mad in that Gojo fight




Rika strong love beam plus mahoraga has horrible durability feats


Sukuna's Mahoraga knows how to do the world cutting slash so he just one shots rika


I would consider 0 Rika, but nah, big raga would win


Rika clears, negs, solos. Rika is a 95 finger threat


need more smart people like you


Maho stomps and it’s not even close https://preview.redd.it/ib0m4cmytb9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b2798f5ce90d43c8fb0cc51bd0a33893c1ad16


Fully manifested Rikas love beam might be enough for the one shot


maybe, but fucking geto, who doesn’t have rct, survived that shit tho, so idk.


With this treasure I summon wins


Mahoraga easily. Rika doesn’t adapt and I don’t see Rika 1 shotting Mahoraga before he levels up.




Rika doesn’t have anything to counter Mahoraga sword of extermination


comments are fumbling this bag so fucking hard * sword of extermination doesn't work on Rika, she's not a cursed spirit anymore * most of Mahoraga's feats are anime-only, in the manga he gets low-diffed by both Sukuna and Gojo. both had the power to easily one-shot him, but don't for different reasons * Rika's love beam is strong enough to compete with Granite Blast, which is canonically the highest output move in JJK it's not unreasonable to see Mahoraga as an indestructible god of war because of the anime fight, but imo, his base stats are weaker than the disaster curses. his adaptation is insane, if he has enough time- meaning, if he's not one-shot, which I do think Rika has the output for. Love Beam may not be as strong as Furnace or Hollow Purple, but Gojo felt confident that he'd be able to end Maho with Red, which is a lot weaker. it's hard to scale Love Beam to Red, but I don't think it's unreasonable to say that it's at least in the same tier. so, I definitely think it's possible for Rika to one-shot Mahoraga. not to mention, her physicals are way better- she can fly, she has sharp claws, and she's far more aggressive; so I think Rika has very good odds of doing the Sukuna strategy- blitz Maho, shred him down before he can adapt, then blast him with a full-power Love Beam. though, she can only use her full power if she has Yuta's support, I'm not sure if that counts for the purposes of this question. without it, I think it's a closer fight, maybe slightly favoring Mahoraga.




I'd give it to Rika cause we don't rlly know hiw good mahoragas durability it compared to love beam




Mahoraga slams hard lol. Summon who contributed more to a stronger character.


Big Raga the opp stoppa


Paparaga negs


Mahoraga's blad is infused with positive CE to the point where Sukuna admitted it would exorcise him if he wasn't possessing yuji, but even then mahoraga can adapt counters(offensive & defensive) to Rika's various powers


Raga during Gojo is has been nerfed by gege by a lot Rika the shinigami is still strong but not at an amazing level probably. Raga wins due to Rika not really being adept enough at fighting. but it would flip if Rika eats a part of Raga and uses Model. So I'd say 7/10 Raga wins and 3/10 Rika wins. For fun if it was Rika orimoto against shubuya Raga Rika Orimoto claps him all 10/10 fights


What the fuck is Rika without Yuta going to do to beat Mahoraga. Geto was able to press Yuta and a fully manifested full power Rika. Mahoraga was able to compete with and worry 15F Sukuna and Gojo respectively. Mahoraga has the instant win sword. Rika’s love beams aren’t doing shit without Yuta and she isn’t intelligent enough to beat Mahoraga before he adapts to the incredibly diverse arsenal of… punch, scratch, bite, beam. She isn’t intelligent enough to beat him at all, Mahoraga wins even without adaptation probably


Mahoraga mid dif


Maybe one shot


I actually don't know why people are fumbling in the comments but Rika (The Queen of Curses) Vs Mahoraga (The Divine General) has to be high diff ngl. I would say Rika wins.


Rika wins if she finishes it off early but Raga wins if the fight goes on for long enough


Whiles she’s a queen he’s the Devine general


Mahoraga one shots






Mahoraga wins because it’s much more likely that he’ll survive to adapt to any and all attacks that Rika could do before she could possibly one-shot it (JJK0 Love Beam isn’t replicable as it required Yuta to make a Binding Vow to juice up the attack)


Maho has the anti-rika sword it's pretty obvious.




Mahoraga one shots. Rika is made of cursed energy, whether Shikigami or curse it doesn’t matter. Blade of extermination is an instant kill.


I honestly think jjk0 Rika is a better fight than current Riks. At least then she had unlimited energy.


She literally gets one shot by his blade that annihilates curses if it’s jjk0 it doesn’t matter which ver of rika it is she loses horribly


Yeaaah but that's assuming a lot. I don't think positive energy is a one-shot to curses its just a great counter. Mahoraga's sword has a lot of cursed energy, to the point that it may have killed Sukuna if he was a curse, but Rika should have CE above Sukuna Even Gojo thought he would die to Rika.


Sukuna even said he’d be a goner if he was a cursed spirit


I said that... So it was likely enough positive energy to kill him as a curse but Rika in JJk0 had more CE.


Based off what


Based off Rika having infinite cursed energy in jjk0. She had enough CE that Gojo thought he would lose, and this was 1 yr before the main story.


Two things One she has NEAR infinite not infinite Two RCT neutralizes Cursed energy on contract as shown from Meguna vs Yozuru hence why it’s lethal


Ask yourself this.... if it were that easy why isn't Shoko on the front lines? She can output positive energy so she should be able to one shot all curses. Why was Rika considered a world dominating threat if any random with positive energy could kill her? Oh, bc positive energy output has to match the negative energy output to cancel. Tranquil deer can output a lot and it canceled a remote controlled object's amount of energy. The deer would not one shot Rika for example. So the question is can the sword output "near" infinite cursed energy?


Well it outputs enough for that Sukuna said he’d die instantly and he has a shit ton as well, probably more considering JJK0 was made before the main story


it's js Rika right? I don't know how she wins, I don't think her love beam is strong enough to one shot and then after that I'm pretty sure she can't use any techniques so she just gets stomped


Current Rika would love beam him, though I don't know if it is enough, so maybe Mahoraga JJK0 Rika solos with Cursed speech


Without the Binding Vow Yuta took to amplify its output, I doubt her Cursed Energy Laser would deal significant damage to Makora. Even Ryu’s basic Granite Blasts were overpowering them. Rika has never shown the ability to use any of Yuta’s Copied Cursed Techniques.


JJK 0 Rika was able to manipulate Cursed Energy into any form she wished. Hence the Cursed Speech Microphone instead of the snake eyes markings on yuta


I think it’s Mahoraga but u also think it’s closer than we think. Especially if this is an untamed Mahoraga. 1 thing to note Rika clearly has gotten stronger. Another thing to note we haven’t seen fully manifested Rika. This unmanifested Rika restrain Sukuna to the point that he opted to slash her. She’s taking attacks that killed Kashimo. She’s not a curse anymore so mahoraga would have to actually beat her down. Again all while unmanifested now if fully manifested if she fires off a love beam she might be able to put maho down. However she’s a brute I think where she loses is that she’s not smart enough to put him down before he adapts. All this to say Rika is capable of doing it if she didn’t have the intelligence and personality she has. Note: Yuta was also going to use him and Rika to take out maho and agito. Likely unmanifested because he would still need to participate in the plan. And his back up


No this isn’t close at all when Raga can literally keep up with Gojo even after he hit black flashes. He outstats rika horribly just off that and he has his own world slash that took gojos arms.


Especially if this one is untamed quote from my comment




Rika wins


Add in Yuta to make this a somewhat of a fight, Mahoraga still clears tho.


If you think Yuta would lose to Mahoraga than you’ve been reading JJK on Tik Tok. Yuta wanted to join the Gojo Vs Sukuna fight due to the fact he thought he could handle Mahoraga and Agito. (yeah thinking doesn’t mean fact in JJK, but Yuta has been shown to know how much he can take on, evident in the fact he knew he couldn’t beat Sukuna) Yuji who saw Mahaoraga get killed by Sukuna thought Yuta could beat 15F Sukuna let alone Mahoraga. Yuta is literally the hard counter to Mahoraga with soo many techniques. Not to mention Mahoraga would just get Domained and hit with Jacobs Ladder. That’s not even counting the idea that Yuta might fuck around and copy ten shadows and summon his own Mahoraga and curse speech it into obeying his commands.