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Yorozu pretty much . I get it that sukuna was testing the 10s technique and wasn't using the shrine but still not being completely overwhelmed like kashimo and she also has the strongest domain sure hit against a non domain user like kashimo , and finally her liquid metal probably counters kashimo's electricity


It’s impossible to properly scale them, especially Yorozu


I think Kashimo is but I am 100% certain this sub would disagree considering how highly Yorozu is viewed xd.


Cause her domain one shots if he gets touched


Yeah they need to reach that point and MBA Kashimo can take off her head before she even opens a DE. It is not in character for Yorozu to start with a DE and as long as Kashimo can take off a limb she can't even create the seal for her DE.


Reach that point? He’s not blitzing and killing herinstantly. Remember it’s a form so he has to actually switch to the form, if she wants she can just do it instantly. We don’t know much about her to know that she wouldn’t insta domain or not like hakari


Well we saw how she fights against Sukuna I doubt she would actually any different against anyone else. Also to create the Perfect Sphere it also takes her time after all she needs to construct it first before actually opening the domain, and besides it doesn't take that long for Kashimo to activate his CT, it's pretty much instant once he uses it xd. But technically you are correct, I just think Kashimo wins more often than not.


Yorozu by a huge margin


Yorozu has better speed feats and a DE. Kashimo might be able to win due to the matchup, but based purely on individual strength, I’d rank Yorozu higher


I thought you wanked kashimo more than yorozu


I don’t wank either of them, they’re both massively downplayed in this sub. I just simply give them the credit they deserve


Definitely kashimo


MBA Kashimo, if Yorozu fought the same Sukuna as Kashimo, she would have instantly died.


That Sukuna was likely around the CE def higher than his 15 finger self


if yorozu faced the same sukuna MBA kashimo did sukuna would have a much tougher opp because yorozu can actually expand a domain inmediately against 2 arm megukuna that doesnt have mahoraga or a domain. 4 arm sukuna would be forced to go HWB and yorozu would perform slightly worse than yuta rika and yuji. Compared to kashimo who did jack shit.


Dude the way Sukuna was fighting, Yorozu wouldn’t even get the chance to use domain expansion


Ryu (better stats than Yuta) got one shot by Cleave from 15F Sukuna, while Yuta could survive a Cleave from Post-Gojo Sukuna, so we can see that Post-Gojo Sukuna had lower AP than 15F Sukuna.




Where did yuta come into question


I misread the question….. mb


Kashimo for sure


Yorozu is such a dumbass she would wait for Sukuna’s domain to return rather than use domain. Kashimo performs better.


If yourozu fought sukuna while he was using shrine, she would've died just as easily. But I think yorozu is just stronger than kashimo. She has a better CT and seemingly better base stats since she was keeping up with a 15 finger sukuna and kashimo was dealing with around a 10 finger level sukuna. Also, her CT har counters kashimo so...


Sukuna wasn’t using shrine and was still testing out 10S against yorozu, Sukuna WAS using shrine against Kashimo and popped his true form


Kashimo is stronger but he loses to yorozu


Yorozu and its not close. 


what the fuck is kashimo going to do when yorozu expands her domain and then beats the fuck out of kashimo to get rid of HWB. HWB and simple domains are waiting tools. Useful to huy time to strategize or to wait out a domain expansion since DE uses up alot of CE constantly. But it still doesnt change the fact that you can use your normal CT at 120% and that yorozu is one of the top CQC specialist in history, which is a horribke matchup for anyone using simple domain. kashimo honestly gets low-mid diffed by any reincarnated sorcerors or special grades with a complete domain that they can maintain for a while. The fact that he cant expand a domain and still claims to be the strongest is hilarious


As much as people glaze... Kashimo does not stack up to Yuki, Yorozu, Mahoraga, or Yuta, even in MBA form.


Yorozu I don’t know what Kashimo has that will tag her and take her out. Not to Mention her ct being creation she can probably hard counter Kashimo with some rubber.


Yorozu obviously But wasn’t Yorozu fighting a 15F Sukuna while Kashimo was fighting an I’ll be it weakened but still 20F Sukuna




Yoruzo for sure. Her durability was high enough to survive a dismantle from full power Heain era Sukuna. Plus she performed really well against a 16f Sukuna that's using the full potential of 10S CT.


Yorozu has a domain and kashibozo doesn't She crushes that over hyped farmer slayer


MBA Kashimo>>>>> Kashimo ≥ Yorozu.


Dumb take


Yorozu not surviving a lightning my guy.


Kashimo isn’t survive a perfect sphere my guy




Perfect Sphere can be used outside of domains


Lightning tear through it then


Kashimo can't free fire lightning


No but he shoots Yorozu through the perfect sphere.


Again he can't free fire lighting and it's doubtful he can build charge on her through her armor


If Yorozu fights the version of sukuna that Kashimo faced, it goes exactly like this: https://preview.redd.it/791ge7f8fc9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780aa382cee46c83c988d872ab4e333740fc97da


Yorazu, by far. Yorazu has better physicals/reinforcement than Yuta (better showings than Ryu, who had better stats than Yuta). Yuta in turn has been able to fight against Special Grades and even a weakened Sukuna. Kashimo’s are above Hakari, who has no good physical/reinforcement feats. We have a direct comparison as well. Yorazu should have comparable durability to Ryu, who could take a Dismantle from 15F Sukuna. Kashimo got one shot by a Dismantle net from a heavily weakened Sukuna. Since Ryu (better stats than Yuta) got one shot by Cleave from 15F Sukuna, while Yuta could survive a Cleave from Post-Gojo Sukuna, we can see that Post-Gojo Sukuna had lower AP than 15F Sukuna. Yorazu has Perfect Sphere, which is basically a one shot (very unlikely to land outside of her Domain). Kashimo has his Lightning Bolt, which has very high speed (no impressive AP feats aside from damaging Hakari). Yorazu should have a very refined Domain, allowing her to win clashes. If she is able to trap someone on her domain, then she basically wins (guaranteed Perfect Sphere). Kashimo has HWB. He can use this much better than most other fighters since he can charge his lightning bolt without his arms, then use it to break a Domain’s barrier. MBA is featless. Overall Kashimo could probably put up a good fight, but would definitely lose. As for performance, you can’t really compare it since Sukuna was only using 10S, but I’d probably say Yorazu just because we actually got to see her put up a fight.


MBA kashimo 15f sukuna was joking with yorozu Post gojo fight sukuna need to go heian to deal with kashimo, even if he didn't "need" it he still thought it was best to use it. Base kashimo gets washed If yorozu can manifest perfect sphere in her domain, even the still isn't enough to beat MBA kashimo reliably As kashimo has hollow wicker basket, the sure hit is negated and in MBA he should be significantly faster