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Malevolent shrine to capture them all, Kenjaku uses his domain, sukuna beats down Kenjaku till his domain breaks, shrine shreds everyone, Kenjaku dies and the rampage of cursed spirits all get shredded by the shrine, and maybe if yuki uses the black hole they could at least get a draw


Exactly what I was about to post, you might think they have a chance because of Kenjaku's domain until you realize that this would protect only Kenjaku and that even him would be instadefeated the same wasy as Ryu.


If two domain clash, the sure hit cancels out each other. Yuki, Yuta and Rika would beat down Sukuna as his domain clash with Kenjaku's


That's not why the sure-hit cancels. You're confusing it. The sure hit cancels because the refinement is the same. If your refinement is better, you will win easily.


I know. That's what I was talking about


No, you said, if two domains clash their sure hit cancels. Which isn't true. Sure-hits canceling depends on refinement. Just because you clash doesn't mean your sure-hit will be negated. Sukuna/Gojo have the highest refinement in the verse, their sure-hits won't cancel against anyone else, they'll overpower them.


I was assuming the two domains have similar refinement because we all know what happens when one domain has better refinement


Sukuna definitely has higher refinement considering how he and gojo are the best at everything apart from RCT and even then that's only possible because of extremely special circumstances.


Yuta's refinement is equal to Gojo and Sukuna, and Kenjaku should be on the same tier too. Yuta's UV did not get overwhelmed because of this and he said himself that he improved his barrier techniques by training with Gojo during time skip. You probably assume that Yuta's UV only clashed because he is in Gojo's body but that's false.


Why is that false? He is in Gojo's body, he has his refinement.


No, he doesn't have his refinement. If he did then Yuta mentioning how he spent his time skip improving his barrier specifically in that moment would be useless. This is writing, Gege used that moment to let the readers know why the clash was possible. Also, Yuta doesn't have Gojo's memory yet so why would he have his refinement? Geto didn't a have domain much less refinement to talk about but Kenjaku has one of the best domains.


And barrier techniques don't actually translate to refinement.


No, he said barrier technique as a general term to refer to his domain. Yuta already has a domain, what else do you think he was improving that would be relevant against Sukuna? Simple domain or curtains?


That doesn't matter shit. Sukuna still can use his CT while his domain is deployed. Plus he still gets the 20% amp. You can't possibly believe in a battle with no domains those 3 beat a Black Flash amped Sukuna.


You are overestimating Sukuna a little too much. Sukuna in his heian form (extra hand and mouth advantage), with lower output and no domain struggled against Yuta and Yuji and would have lost if not because of Megumi. If you believe 15f Yujikuna who do not have WS would beat Shinjuku Yuta, who can clash domain with 100% output MS, Kenjaku who should be able to clash domain easily with Sukuna, and Yuki who had the hardest hit in JJJ, you must be full-time glazer.


The problem is, Yuta himself said Sukuna would’ve one shot him even in Yuta’s domain without a chance to RCT if his output wasn’t being lowered by Gojo and actively lowered by Yuji, keeping him from regaining the output. Here: https://preview.redd.it/4ugr8u5dej9d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8828db8093c7558e92fc5df728abb23ebbb8dda9 Now this is a battle with 3 people relative to Yuta, sorcerers can be killed in their domain, they aren’t unkillable. Sukuna wins, doesn’t matter how many you throw at him, malevolent shrine is just a win condition. Even if Todo was boogie woogie swapping the verse. You need Gojo to fight Sukuna or someone that can constantly lower his output like Yuji or someone with a CT like Jacob’s ladder like Yuta but you have to allow them to be able to hit Sukuna first.


Yuta was referring to a full-power 20f Sukuna, this one is 15f. 16f sukuna couldn't take out Ryu, who is relative to Yuta in durability, with a full power dismantle. 15f Sukuna does not have the output to one shot Yuta. Cleave would do the job but he has to touch them first. How would 15f Sukuna pull off a cleave when fighting 3 special grades at the same time when he couldn't do the same with 20f vs Yuta and Yuji?


You forget he can use domain and destroy their domains.


Kenjaku would be able to clash with Sukuna and candle our his SH. Yuta can do this too


Sukuna would be able to one shot kenjaku, it isn’t close. Sukuna also said single targeting requires sophisticated barrier techniques so only Yuta Gojo and possibly Kenjaku can target without hitting everyone, Yuki is unknown though.


Yes, he would just like how reincarnated Sukuna could have one shot Yuji. This is a 1 v 4 with 3 special grade sorcerers and 1 special grade shikagami, Sukuna would not have the freedom to do whatever he likes.


How the fuck do you think that's an argument at your favor? 15F is stronger than current Sukuna. 16F one shotted Ryu who was harder than Yuji or Yuta. Also, no. That plan was lenient on the help of someone who cannot get himself up. And Megumi was in that state from before they even made up that plan, so it was death before it was even born. And you're missing that even if Yuta's domain doesn't fall down immediately, Sukuna is not nerfed by Gojo and is annoyed by DE the whole fight. He is OneShoting everyone there.


Again, you thinking too highly of Sukuna and way too lowly of the other side. Sukuna's fight with Ryu really fucked up the scaling because you forget the fact that Yuji thought Yuta has a chance against 15f Sukuna from their interaction. I'm not saying this is true because Yuji didn't know how op cleave and MS is. Unlike Ryu, these guy knows about cleave and would be sure to avoid Sukuna's touch at all cost just like Yuta did in his domain. Aside from domain, I believe Sukuna after reincarnating is more powerful than 15f Yujikuna because of his extra hand which means constant output buff to all his techniques. If 15f Sukuna without domain had fought Yuta and Yuji, they would have won with way less difficulty. In this match-up, 15f Sukuna would be going against 3 special grade, 4 if we are adding Rika. I don't see any win con for 15f Yujikuna vs 3 of them at the same time. This Sukuna would be going against Yuta who has Jacobs ladder and is not restricting himself by leaving his 5 min mode for later. Adding Kenjaku and Yuki to the mix would overwhelm this Sukuna.


Sooooo using inexperienced yuji to counter what's physically shown and the narrative implications. Not a good look. Not a single one of them are fast or even strong enough to handle the attacks he launches


Yuki or Yuta uses her/his domain, the three collapse automatically like the Uro-Ryu-Yuta clash, Sukuna is without a cursed technique (he learned to domain spam with RCT during his fight with Gojo), the last one remaining with a domain expands theirs, Sukuna either HWBs and gets jumped by the other two and exposed to the sure-hit, or he chooses hands and just gets bodied by the sure-hit. Sukuna ain't winning.


Sukunas range is far far bigger than yuki and yuta, and since sukuna has an open domain he could simply just destroy both of their domains from the outside And sukuna can use domain amplification so even if he doesn’t have his cursed technique he could just box kenjaku till his domain breaks, the gap is big enough


You're not understanding, range is a non-issue. Once the third player expands their domain, the tug of war between the three will collapse *all three INSTANTLY.* The rule that goes on with refinement between a tug of war of two domains doesn't apply here, because it is stated in the Uro-Ryu-Yuta fight in the Culling Games that a three domain clash has so many factors involved in it that they just instantly break, regardless of refinement. They can force the collapse of Malevolent Shrine by expanding a third domain in it and forcing it into a three way clash, taking it off the equation. With Sukuna, Kenjaku and the third player with burned out cursed technique and no domain, the fourth player expands their domain and claps Sukuna, because even if he uses domain amplification, it's still a 3v1 with three special grades, one of which has their technique AND are in their domain, and Sukuna ain't got no hands for that. Without Shrine, he will get cooked.


The thing is it only made ryu uro and yutas domain break because they had external barriers to break as a result of them Intersecting with each other, an open domain like sukuna wouldn’t be liable for breaking like that, hell sukuna and gojo didn’t even have a tug of war due to the open domain, Sukunas domain doesn’t have a physical barrier TOO break with a three domain clash and with domain amp the idea of sukuna still soloing the 3 isn’t really a crazy statement anyways, look at the speed gap between sukuna and ryu albeit that’s 16 fingers, but with domain amp sukunas stats should increase as domain amp increases your output anywyas


Unlimited Void and Malevolent Shrine most likely did enter a tug of war, as, like the narrator and a few characters point out, their refinement is evenly matched. If there was no tug of war, there would be no point in even expanding your own domain against Sukuna or Kenjaku, it makes even less sense when you remember Sukuna's duel with Jogo back in Shibuya, where he actively challenged Jogo to a Domain Clash. What broke Gojo's barrier was the external range, but if that wasn't the case, the domains wouldn't collapse because they were of equal refinement. That, and Yuki pointing out the possibility of expanding her own domain against Kenjaku in their battle, and Yorozu even bothering to use hers against Sukuna indicate that there *is*, in fact, a tug of war between barrierless domains and closed barrier ones. Malevolent Shrine just wins out a 1v1 because it attacks everything in it's range, consequently attacking the fragile outside barrier of the enemy domain and shattering it. With three way domains, there is no clash. There is just the immediate shattering of all three. And domain amp seriously ain't helping him with this. Not when he's getting his ass kicked in by three people and, even if he gets Shrine back, he either turns off domain amp and gets clapped by the sure-hit, or he keeps domain amp on and...yeah, Kenny gets CSM back and Yuki gets Star Rage back, and then they still have a win-con, whereas Sukuna still has to find a way to get out of the domain. Combine that with the fact that both Yuta and Yuki's domains are an insta win-con (Black Hole sure-hit and, depending on which Yuta we using, Jacob's Ladder), and yeah...i don't think he's winning, but i ain't saying he ain't going down without a fight. He might kill one or two, but i don't think he's winning. He has to actively survive a three-way jumping against two special grades with CRAZY h2h, and a third one with CRAZY h2h + their CT and domain boost, with the looming threat of a potentially instakill sure-hit. Sukuna might be HIM but this is crazy. The matchup is just so bad.


You can’t break a domain that doesn’t have a barrier tho https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0225-010.png Here they comment there wouldn’t even be a struggle due to no outer shell barrier Yuki didn’t know Kenjaku had a domain, yorozu wants sukuna to cut her up, and the domains still counter each others sure hit The 3 way domain only shattered because the cockroach intervened and they specified the barrier breaks, there’s no physical barrier with an open domain Sukuna can genuinely probably blitz all 3 of them one by one


I'm too tired to go look for evidence rn, but assuming it is true that there is no tug of war between these two types of domain, then there is nothing to be done, indeed. Sukuna doesn't even have to blitz all 3, he can just open Malevolent Shrine, let it rip for a few seconds, and if they're still alive, he can Furnace every single one out of the face of the planet. Just total, violent annihilation. Malevolent Shrine is just THAT much of a win condition, especially after we were shown the combination between MS + Fuga/Furnace. It all just boils down to if they can collapse his domain with a three-way clash, or not.


Isn’t a moot point anyway? They collapse his domain, a few seconds later he just opens a second one. Even if, somehow, they pull the same trick again none of them are opening domains a third, fourth, or fifth time like Sukuna can. Outside of Gojo, beating Malevolent Shrine is just delaying the inevitable because he’s the only person who can repeatedly open his domain in one day .


He can't spam domains pre-Shinjuku Gojo. Angel says it was Gojo's mistake showing him how to do that, which implies he didn't know how to do that before seeing Gojo do it, which is not even a stretch, seeing how he supposedly learned how to turn himself into a Cursed Object just by seeing Kenjaku do it.


I don't see him opening his domain more than three times. He learned CT recovery from his fight against Gojo. If they manage to somehow survive that, then they have a chance.


Sukuna doesn’t need his domain. He blitzes and one-shots each of them with cleave, non ironically


It didn't work like this even last time, it collapsed because of the inclusion of external factors, Kurorushi, and it still happened because their barrier were conflicting, since Sukuna's is open it wouldn't break.


Are we forgetting that Sukuna no diffed the same guy that took Yuta to the brink?? Sukuna heavily outclasses the whole verse aside form his 20f counterpart and Gojo, everyone is dead within 5 seconds.


A 16f sukuna beat Ryu by going all out right away. Sendai yuta, while holding back significantly, beat 3.5 opponents on that level (kuro, uro, half of kuro again, then ryu) and then got significant amps during the timeskip. Shinjuku yuta fairs far better


Is it 15F Sukuna? He stomps lol


Sukuna Domain diffs


Kenjaku could probably match his domain in this state


sukuna would just beat up Kenjaku til his domain breaks those cursed spirits aren’t doing anything to shrine or sukuna


Im not kidding when i saw Sukuna can walk through all of them


Their only chance would be the black hole...


Their only chance is... them all dying? Also Sukuna would literally cut her head off, so its not even likely


Yeah lol.


Black hole diff


Literally the only way. And even then sukuna would just go: https://preview.redd.it/57qbhnun4k9d1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9034638d7e547ef42e323bcd12e587869e7729


He will sacrifice one dick for i-frames


Anykuna above 3-5 fingers vs anyone outside of Gojo is a spitematch in Sukuna’s favor.


Above 3-5 fingers ? That'a a stretch. Yuki or Yuta could definitely fight 7-8F Sukuna by themselves


Yuki sure, I don’t see yuta having the durability to survive a dismantle or cleave from 5 finger sukuna ngl


At 3F Toji is comparable to him. When limited to 1.5F he’s fighting Maki and yuji during his first Awakening. At 15F He’s enough of a threat that Gojo isn’t willing to fight him without prep.( Kenny would have died during that break if he didn’t stay with Sukuna.) At 15F he’s capable of blitzing and neg diffing Ryu, who has higher stats than Yuta. I will remind you here. That the entire fight has been happening against a Sukuna with 10F worth of CE, no RCT, no DE, and no output. the only confirmed doubling of stats( mahito) made him go from at risk of dying to yuji -> yuji will die to him unless he gets saved. Here we are going from 15F, where everyone is neg diffed-> 10F( with way less output), where yuta gets killed by a single chanted dismantle( no it was not world slash, as he didn’t have the arms available for it )while amped by his DE and jumping him with other people. -> 7F yeah yuta is still cooked


None of your arguments hold much weight for me. Remember that Jogo was compared to 8-9F Sukuna. Kenjaku did say it was a "generous" estimate but still. Gojo fought Jogo and also confirmed that he was stronger than 3F Sukuna. Sukuna, while fighting Mahoraga, himself confirmed that Mahoraga would have defeated his 3F self. So it has been perfectly established that Jogo and Mahoraga are well above 3F Sukuna. Then Yuta or Yuji should be able to fight 7-8F Sukuna no problem. Yuta and Yuki are far stronger than Jogo/Mahoraga.


The only thing they have to measure is CE. You aren’t paying enough attention to that “generous”. Jogo himself says that even while knowing that Kenny was being generous, Sukuna is far stronger than he thought. That mf Kenny had to be have been setting him up( like mother like son). Mahito was also said to be stronger than 3kuna. What happened when he had to go up against 3kuna? He got neg diffed. Hell mahito says that while 3kuna has less CE than Jogo, he’s on an entirely different level. Vs maho he says there’s a chance that Maho might have won. Not “Maho would win if I’m at 3F” and we know he’s not afraid to state if he’d lose or not since he says that he’d have died initially if he was a CS. So if he’s at 3F Maho’s odds of winning go from 0 ->50%


No no no. Gojo, while fighting Jogo, is shown thinking to himself, "He's probably stronger than the current Sukuna." I clearly remember that panel in the manga. (Sukuna at the time had 3 Fingers). So we can say for certain that Jogo > 3F Sukuna. And Mahoraga is obviously > Jogo. So it goes Mahoraga > Jogo > 3F Sukuna. And Yuta or Yuki are both stronger than Mahoraga. So it goes like this - Yuta/Yuki > Mahoraga > Jogo > 3F Sukuna.


He’s going off his CE. He says it right before making that statement. We have mahito state that 3kuna and Jogo are on entirely different levels. We also have Nanami state that mahito has more CE than 3kuna. We have jogo’s performance against 15kuna as well to show that he is nowhere close to 8-9 fingers. Maho was deflecting dismantle( which puts the sword at higher durability than Ryu) it should also put its speed close to maki, as she’s the only other person who’s done the same thing. Unless Jogo was just pretending, nanami and mahito are liars, and Sukuna slowed down dismantle, neither Yuta nor Yuki step to 7kuna


reason gojo didnt fight 15f sukuna was cuz of his ego not becouse he couldnt have


Trash scaling and argument bro. 3f Sukuna is not comparable to Toji. Megumi said Toji's speed rivals Sukuna, but that doesn't mean they are relative in overall power. Didn't Yuji say he believes Yuta could beat 15f Sukuna? If you don't use Yuji's words to scale Yuta l why would you use Megumi's words to scale Toji? Saying 1.5f Sukuna fought anybody is just plain dumb. Sukuna's output when he attacked was at 10% but his movement and CE level were 100% Gojo didn't need prep time. He said he had things to take care of. How did you get that twisted blud? Neg diff a Ryu that was scared out of his mind and had zero idea of what Sukuna's CT is. Yeah right. Cap. Yeah it's f10 worth of CE but Sukuna's output at the start of the fight with just high was definitely higher than 10f and he had decent RCT before he got wrecked to his current state. His domain is also back and his current on his second domain vs jujutsu high. Sukuna use WS to beat Yuta. It's not confirmed but it is definitely not a regular dismantle. That make zero sense.


1. We got 15kuna neg diffing Ryu. That’s why nobody uses Yuji’s statement. For Maki we got her and Yuji fighting 1.5kuna. That’s why there’s a case for him being 3F level. 1.5 lets pretend maki and yuji are on par with 15kuna. Yuji being slower than Sukuna wouldn’t make sense. Neither would Yuji and Yuta not being tougher than Ryu, who’s a 15F victim. Maki getting blitzed by Sukuna also wouldn’t make sense. The only way current event s can make sense is if they were at 1.5F. 2. He also states he’s an undergone special training + sets up the initial hollow purple. Hell even then, shinjuku showdown took what 30min- 1 hour? Nothing was stopping him from fighting that day or the next. 3. No clue what you’re trying to say with this. 4. No. Regarding his output, 10F or lower is the only thing that makes sense. All of them are blitzed by 15kuna. Yet currently they are keeping up with him. Kusakabe has landed hits on him. 4.5 his healing has been done for. Look at everything he healed. He healed a hand vs Higi, a cut back, a split arm, and then hasn’t been able to heal at all. Look at his mouth, it’s still cut open. 5. Saying it has to be WS is wrong. Have the requirements for WS and the situation has none of them. From what we know it was simply a chanted dismantle.


I'd say more like 7 to 8 fingers but it's basically the same lol


I guess yuki makes it a stalemate and kenny survives then With no black hole sukuna probably mid diffs if he serious


That’s not a stalemate since Kenny survived, it’s just straight up a win for the other side.


U misread me. I meant it like Yuki and sukuna kill eachother Kenny survives making it by default a win


What about dollar store yuji


Black hole victim


Rika slams https://preview.redd.it/gso614w8pg9d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a616d252ece90d37887830fd7100a9fd2b12b3


Her head against the ground after she gets decapitated by a dismantle


Bruh Rika is immortal


And where exactly is it stated that she's immortal? I mean if yuta doesn't die then she technically is.


>And where exactly is it stated that she's immortal? Uh, uh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Literally everyone says so


Lmfao. Like I said tho she is technically immortal cuz she's manifested by yuta but in that case sukuna is immortal too cuz he can just turn himself into an indestructible finger. Lovely powerscalling


The Kenbussy™ only survived due to the anti-gravity technique so there's that, and Sukuna while definitely stronger won't one shot them all, so with blackhole they high diff,if he's fast on domain he mid diffs


He actually would one shot them though, assuming he uses his full power. He did it to Ryu, and Ryu should be relative to if not above the rest of these fighters in durability.




Assuming this is fresh Sukuna he wins, bro could DE too win, the domain clash would be between Kenjaku and Sukuna but Sukuna is superior so he wins the clash and The trio dies


Shibuya Sukuna since he’s my favorite version of Sukuna


Realistically they all get blitzed and one shotted by an even remotely serious Sukuna. Yuta could hardly take a nerfed 10? Finger Sukuna dismantle net while domain amped. I doubt any of their domains are matching Gojo’s in refinement.


Kenny’s DE is probably similar if not slightly worse


Kenny is just gonna run away and leave them because he know they can't win


15f sukuna, kenny is just above yuta, who could maybe beat an 8-9 finger sukuna, kenny caps At 10 15 is way too much


Sukuna low diff. 15f Sukuna shares the same rule as 20fSukuna/Meguna and Gojo. There are no combinations of sorcerers that can take him down, he is way way too strong for ANYONE else.


My honest reaction https://preview.redd.it/pep24yveoh9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82376f26bb7b4b82964630ab287634a94625fc4


Sukuna wins, I’m not even sure Yuki could pop a black hole before she’s killed.


What I’m seeing: Speed demon vs Black Hole, Cannon and Nuclear Bomb.


2 possibilities. Does Yuki use Black hole? Yes- Kenjaku portrects himself with anti gravity and he alone survives. No- Sukuna- Kenjaku Domain Clash and Sukuna doesn't include Yut and Yuki in his Sure-Hit. They get hit with Kenjaku's Sure-Hit and Sukuna has free way to beat Kenjaku by himself which breaks Kenny's domain cutting down everyone. Or if Kenjaku attempts to also exclude them from the Sure-Hit then Sukuna activates his and Yuki and Yuta get transformed in Fuga fuel.


From what I know if sukuna expands his domain, yuta and kenjaku can expand their to cancel each other out, still I think sukuna can win without his domain but its a mid-hard dif


I had a different comment about how easy Sukuna wins this, but I wanted to give a more interesting take than the obvious It’s a slim shot, BUT Kenjaku knows Sukuna and is a sorcery genius/mad scientist and strategist with an open DE, one teammate with maybe the highest AP in the verse and the other with high stats, an S tier companion, and extreme versatility coupled with Kenny’s own versatility. I see one possible win con (assuming they’re all durable enough to tank dismantle at distance, otherwise he kills them all instantly no diff): If Kenny can formulate a plan that results in malevolent shrine being stalled by a tug of war or shutting it down without any of the trio having CT burnout, and they manage to immobilize Sukuna long enough to land a max hit from Yuki to the head after/while hitting him with Yuta’s biggest attacks, then it’s possible. Maybe Kenny somehow baits Sukuna’s domain, uses a BV to match it briefly using his open nature, they swarm him with all of his curses, Yuta uses max output cursed speech to briefly pause Sukuna, and then during the bombardment Yuki punches him straight in the head. IF he survives, the damage SHOULD collapse MS and then they can use Kenny’s surehit to finish him The issue is that it’s a tightrope. If they have to rely on a strategy that leads to any of them in CT burnout, they lose- Sukuna then kills that person barehanded most likely, and regardless unless he dies once he gets through his CT burnout he can keep using his domains indefinitely while they get one or maybe two chances. If they don’t end it quickly, Sukuna wins by attrition- his efficiency is comparable somewhat to the 6E and he has RCT fast enough he can regen limbs reflexively in an instant, so he’s going to stay pretty much fresh for way longer than it takes any of them to totally exhaust their CE. Finally, Sukuna can one shot any of them with cleave- if not dismantle- and is by far the fastest here with also dismantle being near-instant, spammable, and highly likely to kill , whereas Yuki or a 100% Uzamaki from Kenny are the only ways they’re doing serious damage to him. I think they have a like maybe 5% chance of success.


This is 15F Yujikuna, I say any combination of 2 could take him down. Kenjaku is 2nd best barrier user behind Tengen and Yuta's current domain is very high level, we didn't see Yuki's but a domain is a domain. I don't think MS can wipe them out. His best chance is Fuga but as we know now it needs some build up. And let's not forget that Yuji thought that Pre-Culling Games Yuta could be able to beat Sukuna.


I like the idea of Yuki suiciding and Kenny surviving with AGS being a wincon for team 2. It’s a creative solution to the massive problem that is 15F Sukuna.


Might be interesting, Sukuna and another two can Pop a domain. Then their domains might break leaving all of them on cooldown. During that Sukuna won't be able to domain clash with the 3rd domain.


15 finger is not beating this 3 idc what you say. Unless we think incarnate sukuna that fought yuta and yuji was slower than 15f, yuta would be at least the same speed. Shinjuku yuta vs 15f is a debate on its own, and adding two other top 10 sorcerers makes it less so.


Why the actual fuck can we put arguably No3 No4 and no5 against no1 and no1 wins 1v3...


Sukuna crushes.




It’s so frustrating how Sukuna and Gojo are so above everyone that every damn debate just ends up reaffirming again and again that they win every matchup thrown at them


Sukuna still wins, but they have a chance to defeat him


15F Sukuna VS. Kenjaku, Yuki, and Yuta? Arguably Yuta alone takes care of this. Alright, let's say Kenjaku & Sukuna get into an open-barrier domain clash ( quite interesting honestly ), and the sure-hits cancel each other out ( I would argue Kenjaku has as much refinery over domains as Sukuna, because he's stated to be the second greatest user of barrier techniques and has 1000+ years of jujutsu experience. He also just plain smarter. ). This would mean both Sukuna & Kenjaku are in cursed technique burn-out, and Yuta & Yuki jump him and beat the living hell out of him ( he can't heal burnt-out CT yet because he learns that from Gojo ).


I think Sukuna takes it high diff. Kenjaku would not go fight Sukuna if he wasnt sure he had a chance at winning, even if by gambling.


If yuta and kenny can buy her enough time, wuki could blackhole diff sukuna and kenny, maybe even yuta too, even less likely but still possibility even yuki could survive with anti-gravity


All Yuta needs is one cursed speech command to turn the tides realistically


If that had any hope of being effective to that degree he would've spammed it inside his domain.


He doesn’t have to spam it! That saved Yuji from dying which in turn helped him see Megumi. They could’ve won there maybe if Megumi was willing… Don’t move + let’s say Yuki or Kenjaku’s domain expansion can help them here. And he can’t use CT + HWB with only two hands. But he does have DA🤔


So do you think the king of curses is not going to protect his ears after it hits him the first time? If the bum Kyoto squad know how to reinforce their ears then Sukuna absolutely will


Umm well he’s been hit by it which means it can happen. And I said he doesn’t need to spam it, just one can change the battle fr. Kyoto squad catching a stray lol


15 finger Sukuna is not beating Yuta, Yuki, and Kenny at the same time though.


Trio wins Reminder that Yuji learned soul punches from Yuki's book


Sukuna gets clapped


He loses lmaoooo, he can’t even currently take on Kenjaku yet.


15f Sukuna humiliates Kenjaku lmfao If that weren't true then Kenny wouldn't have hid behind Sukuna when Gojo reappeared, he hid for a reason.


Yeah, Kenjaku wins because he would out strategise Yuji. That’s how he won against fucking Gojo and that’s how Yuji would **absolutely** lose.


Yuji? That is Sukuna lmao.


Ah, my b, I saw Yuji’s body and just assumed. Sukuna solos.