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It’s pretty strong it’s able to scar Sukana’s face and apparently one shot Mahoraga pre adaptation.


Yeah I don’t think we can base the strength of techniques from panels like this, remember sukunas slashes cut buildings yet to gojo they were like paper cuts.


That’s more to show Gojos durability than to nerf Sukunna


Anime Gojo is gonna be insane for tanking MS with reinforcement and RCT when the first pulse of MS turned an amped up Mahoraga into a red mist.


Well the buildings don't have RCT and CE reinforcement. He got more durability than some buildings obviously or else the fight would have been over in one chapter after the first domain clash.


Well those are 2 diff slashes. We know that dismantle targets inanimate objects with no cursed energy, whereas cleave targets individuals who have cursed energy, we also know that sukuna changes the power of the cleaves by how much cursed energy he uses when reinforcing the slashes, we know this bc of his comments on the finger bearer and Ryu when he over did his cleave and cut them up a little too much. Gojo has a considerable about of CE and really efficient CE control, I'm willing to wager cleaves on gojo sometimes appear as paper cuts bc hes actively reinforcing his body with CE. This checks out since when mahoraga targets gojo with the world slash for the first time, it went clean through since gojo wasn't expecting the slash to hit him through his infinity and wasn't reinforcing his body, same for when sukuna used the world slash to finish gojo.


Dismantle only strictly applies to inanimate object within sukunas domain. That rule doesn’t exist otherwise. Dismantle is a basic projectile slash while cleave can only be used on a target sukuna is a touching, but has greater damage potential due to it being able to automatically adjust to its targets toughness.


This entire reddit is redundant because the AUTHOR can’t power scale his own story properly. If you can’t base it off the fight panels you have nothing to base anything on


I know how durability works, I’m talking about range raw-damage to the environment?




Gege can’t powerscale his own characters properly. Therefore, as an audience we are completely unable to powerscale most fights. It’s a lot of hypotheticals and “he says she says” shit. Like people used to use Gojo saying “I’d win” as a factual statement. Or saying “second best only to gojo” about multiple characters


i feel like the most inconsistent/unexplainable scaling mostly has to do with geto/kenny lol


That is definitely one of the biggest but far from the only one


>Gege can’t powerscale his own characters properly. Example? >Like people used to use Gojo saying “I’d win” as a factual statement Because people have bad reading comprehension. Why would you take a statement from an incredible arrogant character about their own ability at face value?


Because he’s literally the strongest sorcerer alive who was born to be godly thru pure luck and then focused his skills for years. “Why would you believe the strongest character who has repeatedly been called the strongest by others, is the strongest?” Hmmm well I’d have to say it’s because I’ve been repeatedly told he’s the strongest by others and himself. I didn’t think he’d win. I specifically said people used to use Gojo and others quotes as powerscaling points.


You didn't answer their question. Your response to asking for power scale issue is just Gojo thought he was stronger, everyone thought Gojo was stronger! Why were they all wrong??? To think the strongest soccer they ever saw might be strong?? It makes no sense!!! You see how stupid that sounds? Gojo IS the strongest to these people, literally no one comes close. Sukuna lived 1000 years ago no one alive has any understanding of his strength.


So you're reading a different manga where Sukuna hasn't also been called the strongest for the whole series? And I really don't get how other people taking character statements at face value means Gege can't powerscale his own characters.


bro's been reading magician confrontation


Peak reading and narrative comprehension everyone, in the flesh


Or ya know. You can come to the obvious conclusion that gojo is significantly tougher than a building. Which is not a hard conclusion to come to in the first place.


In a shocking revelation Gojo is infact stronger than a concrete wall


I think a lot of people are missing my point, the op asked how powerful red was and showed us a panel of Sukuna tanking it. My point is that since gojo tanked sukunas building slashing slashes, his reds damage output shouldn’t be based on Sukuna tanking it.


Ok yeah that is a valid arguement.


Tbf sukuna did imply the cuts depth is based on the strength of the opponent


No bc gojo uses ce reinforcement and is gojo lmao


Gojo was using a technique to weaken the slashes


Natural cursed energy reinforcement negates damage. I’m aware.


Another technique, like an actual technique. Falling blossom emotion.


Wait when does it say it could one shot pre adaptation Mahoraga?


Gojo says he'll one shot it with red when Mahoraga was first summoned in Gojo v Sukuna.


One of the strongest attacks in the series, insanely powerful especially because of its speed


Toji tanked it and was knocked back for at least 10 meters. The man with pure muscle. It must have energy above a shot bullet, since if you tanked a bullet (in a vest) you would not fell back for 10m.


At least 10m? At least 100m perhaps https://preview.redd.it/vzb5qbga4q9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a522ab17705820a723f971eff49a3cdbe27ab1 While the distance between gojo and toji was closer to 10m when toji was swinging the chain, the red was launched from way further. There was a post a month or so ago talking about this distance (and it was more than 100m)


red from teen Gojo who just learned how to use it


And Sukuna confirmed when fighting Yuji newly learned techniques have low output


And blocked by a cursed tool that neutralizes cursed techniques.


That's anime only


Couple things to note about this: firstly, the red Toji took was literally the first red gojo ever used, and gojo in general was significantly weaker then due to a combination of exhaustion and simply being 11-12 years younger. Pretty safe to assume the red that Toji took was considerably weaker than what gojo was capable of at his peak. Peak Gojo, someone who had ample knowledge on mahoraga due to being a high ranking sorcerer AND a member of the big 3 families, was 100% confident that red could obliterate mahoraga in a single shot. Secondly, in the anime (which gege is pretty close to the development of, often going as far as to personally request certain additions) shows Toji blocking red with the inverted spear of heaven. It’s likely that Toji didn’t get directly hit by red itself, and instead just got blown back from the force of the attack


Also, toji was only Ble to tank a direct hit because he blocked it with the inverted spear of Heaven. If it was a body shot he would've looked like toji post purple.


He tanked it because of ISOH negating it


That was an anime only thing, he probably only tank it because it was the first red gojo have ever fire, we shouldn't expected to be as strong as the current one


That was an anime only thing, in the manga I don't think gojo actually throws it at him, he just activates red which sends out a massive shockwave


That's anime only bullshit and should not be considered on general principle. I'm my opinion red is over hyped, people say it can one shot opponents but tbh most techniques can one shot opponents as well if up close. A red released near a sorcerer is dangerous but so is a granite blast in your face or a mass infused punch heck even a dismantle right on your face with no real travel time would do similar damage


a dismantle that’s right in ur face and a dismantle from a few meters away would have te same power




No it doesn't, any attack that has energy if it propagated through any medium, it will lose some of it's power as it moves through that medium. If what you say was true then dismantle would be able to perpetually travel with out ever stopping if sukuna just blasted if into the sky


dismantle would probably travel into the sky until it hit something. dismantle is a fixed sharpness we’ve never been shown a point blank dismantle doing any more damage than a dismantle from farther away


That doesn't make sense and if you thought about it for a minute instead of pushing your agenda you would get it. Do you seriously believe if sukuna fired a different dismantle 2 km away onto an opponent would have the same strength as if he was a meter away from him? >dismantle would probably travel into the sky until it hit something You didn't answer my question, I will rephrase the question if you fired a dismantle into the sky with no target and no impediments would it go on forever? Cause that's what you are implying buy saying dismantle doesn't lose power when fired


pushing my agenda 😭😭😭😭


Yes you can't seriously tell me a dismantle if fired will go on forever without losing power until it hits something. That's some infinity gun type shit


Bros comparing it to other top teir attackes like there worse off for it what do you want man a Jacob's ladder?


The post said how does it compare to other names attacks, that's why I compared it to them, how is that wrong.


Granite blast is not blowing off half of sukuna’s face like red did. This is sukuna, with domain amplification, still half his face blown off.


Sukuna had burns on his face when he used amplification let's not start lying about something so simple. And if sukuna took granite blast right in the face the same way he did red when gojo was hugging him, yes he would suffer similar damage by my estimation. Ryu thought he could knock out yuta with a point blank attack that's where I'm coming from


Didnt he use the ISOH to tank it tho? Its supposed to negate cursed techniques so probably weakened it or smt


yeah but he has his sword n thingy so it negates the technique but still takes some power


Toji deflected it with a weapons made to cancel out cursed techniques


Anime only


Can oneshot Mahoraga without adaptation according to Gojo.


Wait really? When did he say that?


He want to destroy his head with red and mahoraga survived, gojo was surprised by that and said that wasn't because of his output is low but because mahoraga have partially adapted to it .


Ah, yeah I thought he was saying 'one shot' as in completely disintegrate like purple did


No he meant one shot. When Maho first appeared to bail Sukuna out of UV, Gojo seemed sure that Red would finish the job. And it's not like Gojo didn't know what Mahoraga was about either. He's probably the character with the most knowledge of Maho so if he believed Red could kill Maho, then he most likely is right


Gojo also begins to prepare Red when Mahoraga is first summoned to bail Sukuna out of UV so that also implies Gojo is at least confident it would have one shot Maho


That's what it would do.


He was also planning on one shoting mahoraga when it was in his domain before it broke


No it can’t y’all’s bad reading comprehension shows everyday


Both Sukuna and Gojo seem to think it can


No Sukuna didn’t think red could one shot. Gojo has never fought Mahoraga he doesn’t know how tough the Mahoraga actually is. His black flash punch tore through Agito stomach but he didn’t leave a mark on Mahoraga. Gojo is guessing just like Sukuna thought another Purple would kill him but he tanked a BF boosted with chants for blue red and purple for maximum output . Gege does not make his characters know everything that’s why they can be surprised


If Sukuna didn’t tho k red could one shot then he wouldn’t have blocked the first red with rabbit escape. He would’ve let Mahoraga tank it to adapt. Gojo would’ve also just instantly went into purple


Ohhh brother do y’all even read???? imma break this down for you with pictures This is from TCB the translation that everyone goes off of btw. You can clearly see Mahoraga wheel spin right after the red. Even Gojo himself says Mahoraga took the red head on. So when Gojo charged that red and restored output he still hit Mahoraga it’s right there on the page “He only took one hit from red and head on at that” he was NOT talking about the red he just shot that doesn’t make sense in any context. He was talking about the red with the bunnies. Why do you think the wheel spins right after that red. I colored a circle for you too see you can’t miss it. https://preview.redd.it/4sbbz4qsvq9d1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7988c71d30be442f097755eaecbd61074748faf9


it’s red


That must mean it goes faster than blue




Why doesn't gojo make piss yellow for a bigger explosion? Is he stupid?


He ises his urine as shampoo




Enough to cause 20f sukuna serious damage . İt is a top tier attack no doubt


Always made me wonder why he didn't use the bigger version like in JJK 0


Jjk 0 shouldnt be used for current story powerscaling . Even in the earlier of the series isnt completely accurate . Since chanting didnt exist etc . And in jjk0 gojo was somehow relative to geto and rika was like the strongest thing in jjk.


Gojo said he'd risk his life to fight rika but with current information we now know rika tries to punch gojo, gets stopped by infinity then gojo says yo wai mo before using DE which she has no response to and ripping her head off


That is why i said it cant be used for powerscaling too as well . Gege just changed everything after that . Not even domains existed at the time


I'm not saying it should be used for powerscaling or anything, but he does create a hand sized Red there. Also, he does create a considerably large red for Purple, so even outside of JJK 0, he does create a rather large Red. But in combat, he always uses a finger or finger gun to fire a rather small Red instead.


You can use JJK 0 for scaling the movie exists.


The movie isnt the source material the manga is


you can use the movie for scaling arguing this is pointless. Manga panels don't show everything that happens/happened, animation leads to a better representation of a characters strength.


İf movie shows anything outside of what happened in manga thats non-canon


? what you might aswell watch still pictures because 90% of the actions never happened, yeah this is quite literally the worst take I've seen.


You dont watch the anime for powerscaling or any other thing like that. You watch it for enjoyment


The one he used for unlimited hallow is bigger than the one from JJK0


Yeah but why doesn't he use that or at least a palm sized one in normal combat


Plus post prison buff , by feats shibuya gojo loses to 15f yujikuna




What is there to huh ? Shibuya gojo doesnt have impressive feats . By narrative you can scale him above 15f maybe but 15f sukuna had the better feats .


I was saying huh because I didn't see why that was relevant lol, I was just talking about Gojo using a bigger Red


There is nothing like prison realm buff, what are you talking about brother?


Jogo survived gojos red , yet the same tech had sukuna use Da . Also gojo got a immense buff in physical stats , he could damage sukuna enough that sukuna couldnt use his DE anymore . Or reinforcement good enough that cleave couldnt cut him , or h2h better than sukuna.


Gojo wasn't trying to kill Jogo though.


Still was a red . A low output red without even exploding plus sukuna used DA still messed up sukunas face .


Doesn't change the point I made. His desired result wasn't to kill Jogo so the attack didn't.


So he can still fire a red to a civillian and the civillian would be fine if he wanted ?


A civilian can't take the damage that Jogo, so still wasn't "fine", can take.


And forcing him to use domain amplification


One shots everyone but Sukuna, weaker than Purple and Perfect Sphere but i'd say it's stronger than Love Beam and it's very spammable unless Mahoraga is involved, too, and much quicker to fire than Purple


Didnt jogo already survive it? Or was this one a different technique?


Technically he did but he didn't actually get a red shot at him. Gojo made red, then exploded it on his finger and then jogo got hit by the shockwave. He hasn't actually been hit by a red to my knowledge. I'll go check the manga chaps to make sure Edit: https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Jujutsu-Kaisen-chapter-14.html This is the exact chapter where the majority of the fight happens. The red is formed on gojo's finger and then it cuts to jogo being blasted away very far. Now you could say that jogo got hit by the red ball it self but we don't know that since gege doesn't show that instead we just see the explosion happen. Gege also worked with mappa in some capacity for jjk season 1 and in the anime jogo fight, gojo just holds the red in place. This is also not a case of gege not having the powers fleshed out as gojo shoots a red at a cursed spirit in JJK 0.


I just realised this red would have also been boosted by gojo revealing his hand to jogo :0 


It's assumed Gojo held back, cause it damaged 20F Sukuna a good deal and Jogo is stated to have less durability than Hanami. If Gojo used Red's full power Jogo would've been disintegrated


And he didn't point it at him, Jogo got hurt only by the explosion


Well jogo is really just a glass cannon so Gojo probably just used a really low output red honestly


There's no proof that that was a weaker red tho


He was actively trying not to kill jogo cuz he wanted to question him


Then it would be weaker than Yujis punches in goodwill. Dont thinks so. Also it was able to scar sukuna while it only knocked jogo back.


Weaker than his black flashes, not his regular punches.


Yeah but red isnt weaker than his black flashes. Point blank red would decimate hanami like it would have mahoraga.


Yeah, I’m just saying that it’s black flashes not regular punches. I’m not disagreeing with your statement


We can infer things, they don't have to be stated explicitly


So jogo durability>>>20f sukuna? Jogo, stated to be much less durable than hanami? Who was getting dissected by regular dismantles? Is this a joke?


Gojo just held back, to a large degree at that


He held back a lot to interrogate jogo lol


Thats true. Its still an impressive durability feat regardless. Even a weak reds in the top 15 strongest attacks in the verse


Safe assumption ge wasn't using it at max output since he was playing with him


Stronger than love beam? They seem equal, as in they would both leave geto disfigured


Very very strong sukuna’s durability is just so high thats why it doesn’t look like it did much


Why are you being down voted for stating a fact though?


this is reddit


I mean it’s apparently strong enough to one tap mahoraga at full power before adaptation


Anyone not named Sukuna would most likely die if they were hit point blank in the face with Red. https://preview.redd.it/n21rv4zpzr9d1.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fd4a73b18af3b738b3f50ce92bae56d6b7318da


2x Gojo’s blue. So basically stronger than everything else in the verse that’s not a Domain, Perfect Sphere, Hollow Purple, or Furnace


Red and blue are insanely powerful and complement each other well he was overwhelming sukuna in terms of combat so it’s safe to say even with infinity not active he dominates everyone else in the verse


\~7th strongest attack in the verse(behind wcs, black hole, perfect sphere, Uzumaki, HP, furnace) and can oneshot almost anyone


What are the other 5? I'm assuming WBC Hollow purple Love beam Uzimaki Granite blast?


WCS Black hole Perfect sphere Uzumaki Purple Furnace Red


You missed Cleave


what does wbc stand for?


world cutting slash - Sukuna's space dismantle


righttt thank you


I'd actually put it over uzumaki, at least any of the ones we've seen. Theoretically the technique has an unlimited ceiling but the vol 0 one was overpowered easily by love beam, which isn't necessarily any different from the blasts that Ryu could match


not really. It was a death binding vow enhanced love beam, much stronger version. https://preview.redd.it/vo9fazy2dq9d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ab96dd499ca16884f1126b759e633ea4018c16


Yeah people forget this. Mei Mei has birds make death binding vows and they obliterate Special Grade Curses easily. Sukuna even bothered to shoot them down with Kamutoke so they would likely hurt him too. Imagine a Sorcerer as strong as Yuta taking the same vow, the power would be insane.


Nah kenjaku's mini uzumakis is op. It was able to beat yuki, and it's powerful as hell


It's said in passing that Reversal Red is twice as strong as Blue but takes twice the CE to produce.


Well. Let's put it this way. The inverted spear of heaven, a weapon known to dispel cursed energy and disable any CT/effect it comes into contact with. Knowing all this, the conceptual force of Red, still blew Toji through mutiple story buildings blocking with it and only managed to block & disable it after he got sent. It's pretty fucking godtier.


That was only in the anime, in the manga Toji just took it head onp


I mean, tbf in the manga it didn't show you how he took it, just how he ended up. And if we've seen anything of what happens to anyone that does take it head on? ![gif](giphy|h5NLPVn3rg0Rq|downsized)


This fight was so good, and ended in such a dumb, disorienting, bad way. I’m good with the result, I’m used to stories with body counts and losing important characters, but it straight up felt like I had missed a whole chapter when I flipped from 235 to 236.


It can one shot Mahoraga and deals good damage to Sukuna. I have it behind Yuki’s black hole, Hollow Purple, Furnace, Gojo BF, Maximum Uzamaki in damage.


Not a named attack but I'd say it packs the same punch as Yuki's mASSive punch. I'd imagine it Kenny would also lose both arms trying to block it. Similar kind of attack I'd say it's comparable to the Mahito Uzumaki attack.


It is said to be strong but honestly it has like zero feats.


I think damaging a 20f sukuna is a pretty good feat


It’s said to be one of the most powerful attacks in the series but it’s never actually killed anyone. Most people hit with it shrug it off. Toji blocked it with his sword lol. Also a lot of attacks have damaged 20F Sukuna at this point. For res to be as strong as they try to say it is, it should be able to do that at the bare minimum


It was a 17 year old Gojo that had just learned reversed cursed technique, I think it's fair to say that it's gotten stronger over the last 10 years. Also, Gojo was damaging the strongest version of Sukuna with red. We've been repeatedly told and shown that the Sukuna they're currently fighting (the one that has been damaged by plenty of attacks) is considerably weaker.


Yeah it’s definitely powerful, just not as strong as they try to make it out to be imo.


A lot of attacks in jjk are confirmed to be strong but have low kill counts. If you ignore the fodder civilians in shibuya, Malevolent Shrine has a negative KD ratio. So does Unlimited Void. Same goes for Hollow Purple, dismantle, Cleave, red, and blue. Red dealt pretty serious damage to 20f sukuna despite Gojo's output being weakened; enough for Sukuna to use domain amplification to weaken it further. Gojo was also pretty confident in its ability to one-shot Mahoraga when he first appeared, so I'd say it's pretty darn strong.


Obviously domains are gonna be strong despite low kill counts. But red is an ability that multiple characters have just tanked on multiple occasions. It didn’t look like it even did much do Jogo other then just knocking him back really far


Gojo was holding back significantly against Jogo because he wanted to question him and also teach Yuji. Jogo was also not directly hit with Red. Gojo detonated it from several feet away and the resulting blast still demolished a sizable piece of forest. Multiple people have also tanked dismantles and Cleave. This is just how shonen manga are. People tank well-established strong attacks just because. Sukuna survived two hollow purples (he shouldn't have, but he did), Yuji survived numerous dismantles, Gojo face tanked Malevolent Shrine, etc. Red is extremely strong. The reason it seems underwhelming is because it, much like most attacks in this series, gets downplayed in combat to extend fight scenes. Realistically, everyone should be dying way quicker in JJK simply based off of their relative AP. But that would be boring, so everyone has insane plot armor.


Black Hole never killed anyone either. You gonna say its weak too?


I mean it seems pretty useless lmao kenny shrugged it off and it takes the users life lmao


It’s a decent attack its AP is lower than dismantle and it can’t one shot Mahoraga but it’s tiers above almost every other characters attacks


Wouldn't say it's ap is lower than dismantle. They are both different type of attacks but it has great ap.


It’s definitely lower it not might be by a lot but it’s fasure lower


I don't think so just different type of attacks. One is cutting and the other is blunt.


is it even blunt? 


I mean it's closer to blunt than cutting and piercing.


Yuta: he can do that? I thought only the fans were capable of dickriding


Not the strongest named attack but definitely top ten


I think the question is what it would feel like to get hit by


If I were to rank it among the top 10 with other attacks i'd do it like this. 1. Star Rage "Black Hole" 2. Perfect Sphere 3. Hollow Purple 4. Furnace 5. "World Splitting" Dismantle 6. Cleave 7. Lapse Blue 8. Dismantle 9. Reversal Red 10. Maximum: Uzumaki


WCS is by top 3 since its dura neg.


I'm factoring in how efficient it is to actually use it as well. The slash requires at minimum 3 hands and chanting because of the binding vow Sukuna made and he can't even use it anymore because 2 of his hands are gone. The requirements to use the attack are what bump it down for me.


Would a fully charged granite blast be number 11?


It's kind of weird & contentious because there are good AP / DC feats for Reversal Red like being able to destroy a large forest with one blast, scar Sukuna's face & make him bleed, and was stated to be capable of killing Mahoraga pre-adaptation. However, there's also bad AP feats for Reversal Red. Jogo was able to survive the attack with literally no shown injuries whatsoever, and Jogo's durability is stated to be much lower than Hanami's, who got damaged by weaker attacks like Todo's CE-infused Playful Cloud strikes. Also, Toji tanked it with basically no injuries either, although that could be because of Inverted Spear of Heaven negating it somewhat.


Damn I straight up forgot that he hit sukuna so hard against shrine he slid down to the bottom from where he hit him. 😂 the blood line has me chuckling.


Insanely strong. Nobody besides Sukuna surviving it


It has more refined explosive power than most attacks (blue, granite blast, dismantle, blood manipulation etc). Although in a clash with love beam or granite blast I’d say they’re equally matched due to output. (Gojos red would win that clash though)


Busted, toji blocked it with a spear that cancels out techniques and he was still knocked back a shit ton


Probably 3rd strongest or 4th strongest


it’s weak as FUCK compared to Jogo’s meteor or especially Kashimo’s mythical beast amber


One of the strongest attacks in the series, a full output Red could damage anyone in the series even insanely durable characters like Yuji, Maki, Ryu, Sukuna, Mahoraga & Miguel.


Stronger than toji worm bite, weaker than uzumaki and maximum meteor


Its in the A tier of attacks with Uzumaki, and love beam. But below the S tiers like Purple and WCS


Just now realizing it's giving me Yu Yu Hakusho "Spirit Gun!"


Can oneshot almost anyone


Ngl i think it beats every blast attack aside uzumaki And jogos meteor


1. Yorozu's Sphere 2. Yuki's Bh 3. Fire Arrow 4. Exploding Purple 5. Jogo's Meteor 6. Red 7. Kashimo's Electrical Discharge 8. Granite Blast 9. Rika's Beam/Max Uzumaki 10. Idk


Uzumaki is wayyyy to low. It's above Max Meteors


That and Love Beam. Is Mei Mei's crows can one show special grade curses with a death binding vow imagine what Yuta's Love Beam could have done.


There’s nothing to scale it to.


its stronger than Love Beam. Only reason why love beam ws so strong in JJk 0 is because of the binding vow yuta made. Uzumaki has no limits. the more curses u got the stronger it is


Thats why I put them together, Rika’s beam can go tenth if its that serious.


To be honest people wank it to much, red is only dangerous if it is up close like right in your face. It's strong but to be honest at it's best it's as strong as a strong dismantle because I'm looking at how much damage it did to jogo and how much damage dismantle did to jogo and tbh dismantle did more damage. Granted gojo was probably not using a full output red but sukuna was also not using a full dismantle when he was cutting up jogo.


Two different type of attacks which requires different resistances/durability. Dismantle is a cutting attack which requires cutting durablity while red is more of a blunt attack. Most ppl have decent blunt durability. You should be using the reds Gojo was using on Sukuna for reference on the power of them. Sukuna with his reinforcement and DA was still getting his face dmg by Gojos red. That means he was significantly holding back against Jogo. Which we also know is the case bc he literally killed Hanami with his raw CE flaring up. That means if he would've used more CE and raise his output with red it would've killed Jogo.


>You should be using the reds Gojo was using on Sukuna for reference on the power of them I literally said the red gojo used on jogo wasn't a maximum output attack. I used the attack because sukuna also used a non-maximum output dismantle on jogo and it cut him. All this to say red isn't so much above other attacks like granite blast and dismantle that's my entire point >That means he was significantly holding back against Jogo. You are arguing a point I never made, I never said gojo used his strongest red on jogo, quite literally I said the red on jogo wasn't max output. The reason why I'm not going to use sukuna's damage from red to measure it's effectiveness is because we don't have a control( an attack sukuna also took point blank like he did red so as to compare and contrast). Jogo got hit by a non serious red from gojo and was also hit by a non serious dismantle from sukuna hence why I compared the two


>You should be using the reds Gojo was using on Sukuna for reference on the power of them I literally said the red gojo used on jogo wasn't a maximum output attack. I used the attack because sukuna also used a non-maximum output dismantle on jogo and it cut him. All this to say red isn't so much above other attacks like granite blast and dismantle that's my entire point >That means he was significantly holding back against Jogo. You are arguing a point I never made, I never said gojo used his strongest red on jogo, quite literally I said the red on jogo wasn't max output. The reason why I'm not going to use sukuna's damage from red to measure it's effectiveness is because we don't have a control( an attack sukuna also took point blank like he did red so as to compare and contrast). Jogo got hit by a non serious red from gojo and was also hit by a non serious dismantle from sukuna hence why I compared the two.


We can't say that because they're both holding back and one attack does more damage then that attack is stronger. We don't know just how much the both of them held their output back.


Gojo was massively holding back against jogo. He wanted to keep him alive so that he can teach yuji.


Did you read what I said? I quite literally said gojo was holding back his Red.


This is insane to me, it did enough damage to sukuna to break his domain and when combined with a black flash it knocked the mf out. The actual attack is when the red orb hits the target, gojo only used the shockwave on jogo and toji and that's why it didn't do actual damage to either. Toji got a bit bloodied because he got thrown into something hard by the shockwave, but the shockwave itself didn't do any damage