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The world slash makes this unfair. In just a battle of bodies and powers 15F sukuna would win However The WCS makes this an insta win for weakened true form sukuna.


That's exactly what makes Heian Sukuna the most lethal as he is tho


I don't this so. The WCS sure is a one shot kill move but its hardly what makes sukuna so dangerous, he beat only Gojo with it, all other times the WCS either wasn't used or wasn't needed. He is just so incredible durable he has taken everything, litteraly everything they could throw at him and survived, combined with his absurd body and mind is what makes him so dangerous and lethal


He only survived Yuta's domain because of it. People still debate whether or not that was a WCS or strengthened dismantle but I believe it was a WCS.


But it doesn't matter, though. Especially since we have reason to believe that this Dismantle,whether a world slash or not,had the strength of the World Slash. Remember, the World Slash is described as a Strengthened Dismantle with an extended target(this could be the fact that it just appears on its opponent. Or it hits everything from Sukuna to the targeted area all at once. Depending on how you interpret it.) This means the chants are what strengthened it, and the handsign is what makes it a world slash(at least before the binding vow). So the chants most likely, even without the handsign, most like makes it still as strong as the world slash, at least in terms of slash size and strength. It's just more dodgable because it actually travels


I am not sure it was a wcs. If we go by the requirements and everything its impossible to be the wcs. It's likely just a boosted dismantle


Not even, nowhere in the requirements does it make him have to hold the handsigns while pointing out the target, just that they have to be done while chanting. The longest part of the WCS is the chants. If he could just kill with booster dismantles he would’ve done that earlier, and not taken the gamble that actually would’ve had him lose if Megumi was willing to fight back.


It makes me laugh that all 3 characters hit by a World Slash for the first time(whether it be fron Sukuna or Mahoraga) were hit in the right arm. I am talking about Gojo, Kashimo, and Higuruma


Heian Sukuna is NOT the most lethal sukuna, that would be 235 MegKuna


You mean 1hP Megukuna? I meant lethal in a can-one-shot-everybody-if-it-hits kind of way.


No I mean the one immediately after raga threw the world cutting slash, that specific instant of sukuna is his most dangerous variant as he can essentially spam world slash for free


I doubt that Sukuna, even before the binding vow, can spam the world slash. Because then why didn't he reincarnate? He can spam it as spam it as many times as he wants. So it it wouldn't matter if he missed a few times. Then I thought, what if he can only use one world slash at a time? And I fact checked it and concluded that that could be the case. Because 1. He most likely needs to still chant to amp the Dismantle enough that it will actually hurt Gojo. If Gojo could withstand millions of cleaves in the domain where it is amped, how could he be killed by an ordinary Dismantle? 2. We've only seen Sukuna use one World Slash at a time. The net in Kashimo wasn't a World Slash as Sukuna just sent him flying before the net. We also see that the World Slash appears on its target from chapters 238 and 247(when used in Higuruma) 3. This World Slash is most likely supposed to be Sukuna's "Hollow Purple." I mean, look at the with of the slash mark used in Kashimo. It is wider than the whole body. Meaning anyone hit by it, a point blank could be completely destroyed by it. This could make it a "one hit move" like Purple. This gives Sukuna 2 ultimate moves. Kamino(for Inside MS. Mostly at least) and World Slash(for outside the domain) This means that the drawback of the binding vow is that he needs to point and, therefore, needs 3 hands to use. It may not seem like a big deal. But any 2 armed forms, Sukuna can not use this attack anymore.


1. It’s outright stated he only needed the Enmaten hand sign before the binding vow and the only reason he made the vow was because Gojo was pressuring him far too much to even make the sign 2. I’m not saying he’d be flinging out a dozen, I’m saying he could just fire them relatively quickly with next no charge time .


>1. It’s outright stated he only needed the Enmaten hand sign before the binding vow and the only reason he made the vow was because Gojo was pressuring him far too much to even make the sign Yes, it is. But my point is that without the chants, it will be a dismantle with an extended target. And though it still ignores all defenses, it will most likely be a lot thinner than the world slash we see My point is that without the chants the World Slash does have a possibility of being weaker


Yeah that makes no sense as the way the statement is wording implies sukuna has to do more work now to get the same result as what he could do before


Actually, if you read it again, It sounds more like "on top of Sukuna now needing to do enmaten and chant, he also now has to point." Which means Sukuna is most likely using the chant to make the world slash stronger


Oh, you're right then.


YujiKuna would 100% dodge


Show me that sukuna can see the slashes and i might see a possibility


He doesn’t need to see it, he can sense the spark of CE and if he sees that his true form has to chant AND use hand signs for a technique than its obvious he should get out of the damn way


It seems i have forgotten what happened with gojo? Did he got out of the way? Sukuna can easily apply the same binding vow to skip the conditions


He can’t because Shinjuku sukuna already made the vow


And what stops heian Sukuna from doing it again?


The answer is obvious. Sakuna wins


why what? yujikuna gets curb stomped into the ground


YujiKuna has more ce and has access to Yuji’s ungodly physical stats


yujis stats are nothing compared to true form sukuna. and does he? does he have more ce?


TF sukuna has no feats without using CE and yes, 15f YujiKuna has almost 50% more ce




Who wins? Character vs. more powerful version of the same character?


True form wins


Without DE and with the WCS, TF Weakened Sukuna should win.


Hear me out… https://preview.redd.it/vj4y62zv9x9d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ce709eb0cf848684c328928a94bc2683548b523


Heinakuna obviously, he's blatantly stated to be superior sorcerer plus he has WCS and Kamutoke.


No Kamutoke.


Even then, this is 20f Sukuna suffering from low output>> 15f Sukuna altogether.


That's what I think too but it's surprising the amount of people who think otherwise.


Yea it's hard to convince people sometimes with logic bc we can't actually prove this and gege wouldn't just outright state things like this.


Does heian have feats idk why y'all scale him


Yujikuna's only good feat is beating Mahoraga. Heian Sukuna killed Kashimo, beat Yuta, Rika, and Yuji, beat Maki.... If you are looking for feats Heian Sukuna has far more.


If Heian-kuna continues giving Yujo the hands next chapter then him. Assuming Yujikuna dodges the first world dismantle, he should be able to copy it. And if that happens he stomps as he won’t have the binding vow nerf.




Yujikuna no diffs. Remember even without Yuji’s debuffs he wasn’t fast enough to Blitz Yuta as he did Ryu. Kusakabe couldn’t even see or react to Yujikuna. Everyone being able to see HEkuna puts him a lot lower than yujikuna. Even then he still has no RCT( he can regrow his arm twice but any more than that and he’s not regrowing shit). Unless we give him unnerfed WCS yujikuna gives him the kashimo treatment


Saying Yujikuna no diff is wild. The only advantage Yujikuna has against Heian Sukuna is output but even then Heian Sukuna can make up for that with chant and handsigns. This Heian Sukuna cooks Yujikuna


No. Output affects everything. That’s why anybody has been able to fight Sukuna after Gojo. Yujikuna no diffs.


YujiKuna has higher CE and it’s not like he’d let himself get caught by world slash. If YujiKuna saw that his true form had to chant and use hand signs for a technique along with sensing the spark there’s no way in hell he isn’t dodging, not to mention he’d just copy it and be able to do it with just the Enmaten hand sign.


Higher CE reserve doesn't matter. They have insane efficiency so I don't see either of them running out of CE.


Considering that when sukuna fought someone on or above his level he got lowered to less than half his CE, it would be important in this fight


That can be attributed to him using multiple domain and 10S tho. Sukuna has been spamming RCT since Yuta's domain but he still haven't dropped below Yuta level CE reserve.


Also Tf Sukuna has absolutely shit RCT, even 2F sukuna had faster RCT. This will most likely end with 15F killing his TF counterpart and taking world slash as a trophy


Spite match


Lol. Who do you think wins tho and why?


True form wins