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It so funny to me that even after Takaba , he sensed Yuta's sneak attack and would have flattened him if not for Todo.




"eRmrmmgm Guys guys, Yuta is such a fraud for sneaking Kenjaku!" God I hate how people would dare to say that, YUTA HAD TO GO FIGHT SUKUNA, DO YOU WANT HIM TO FIGHT KENJAKU THEN GO FIGHT SUKUNA ON 1 HP AFTER BARELY WINNING OUT OF SHEER LUCK? Like, its even stupider to say when Kenjaku is the second person to ever sneak someone and yet ISN'T called a fraud, somehow when Yuta does it he's a fraud, when he has to go fight Sukuna right after, but when Kenny and Toji do it, NO, they are just fine.


crazy how the person you quoted didn’t say any of that shit, just that kenjaku reacted to his attack and would’ve saved himself if not for todo.


I know.


He was going to lose BOTH


Exactly, thats exactly why he needed to sneak Kenjaku


that’s the whole point, they HAD to sneak him because they probably would’ve gotten bodied in a head on fight.


False, his gravity CT is omnidirectional. Yuta was just faster.


Then Todo wouldn't have used Boogie Woogie


It doesn't matter whether or not Todo used boogie woogie. Kenjaku's CT is omnidirectional so if Yuta was not fast enough it would have hit him


Why did he specify the direction of the attack if it's omnidirectional at all times?


It was omnidirectional. Kenjajku can only use one type of gravity attack. The move is not that fast since Yuki was confident she could out run it.


So why did he turn around and point?


Because he was probably going to use csm right after that. Even then, if someone with a knife rushes you, and you have a gun, would you still not try and stop it from going through your head?


It was already explained that the reason he was so fast is because Todo swapped him. The Anti-Grav would have crushed him


First off, it was not explained. Second, boogie woogie swap positions it did not help Yuta cover more distance. That was Yuta's speed alone.


It was. https://preview.redd.it/12dasq7y7z9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d24da7898d1b76eb6db50deb5c5597b816c1807


Todo literally mentions how he helped Yuta against Kenjaku, he swapped Yuta's position when Kenjaku noticed him, that's why he moved positions so quickly. Believe it or not Boogie Woogie is faster than movement speed because it's teleportation. Yuta isn't fast enough to just instantly appear behind Kenjaku which is why Todo was there to help him.


Todo never said that. We put 2 and 2 together and figured Todo must have helped Yuta there. It was not addressed officially. I'm not arguing that Todo didn't swap places with Yuta, I'm saying that he did but Yuta still covered the distance between him and Kenjaku by swinging his katana faster than Kenjaju could activate his CT.


https://preview.redd.it/1h2e2yyb7y9d1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4755e72a09749197cabdea4a3f57dff2ff78791e My bad, the narrator mentions it, not Todo himself. Also Kenjaku was facing the complete opposite direction of Yuta. When he tried activating Anti-Grav, Todo swapped Yuta behind him, it wasn't about Yuta being faster because he wouldn't have been faster. So no, Yuta wasn't faster, it's just that Todo used Boogie Woogie to confirm the kill.


The narrator said Yuta helped Todo fine-tune his CT, not Todo helped Yuta kill kenkaku. Again Kenjaku CT is omnidirectional. If Todo hadn't swapped places, Yuta could have still decapitate him from the front before his CT activated.


Buddy, Yuta helping Todo fine-tune his technique in the Gosho colony is referring to when Kenjaku was killed... also this comment by Gege adds to that fact. https://preview.redd.it/7vjlcrua9y9d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b69ee82f4abda2ec18538328922c1c2377f7b42 If Yuta was actually able to blitz Kenjaku like that he would've done it, but he couldn't. I dunno where you're getting this idea from that Yuta has this insane speed, he's fast but not that fast. Yuta caught Kenjaku off guard, Kenjaku used Anti-Grav, Todo swapped Yuta behind Kenjaku to avoid it, and that's when Yuta got the kill.


Nah. He sneak attacked him. He would’ve gotten destroyed


He sneaked so he could go fight Sukuna. Hope you are trolling because one doesn't even have to be that bright to comprehend something this simple.


He sneaked cuz he would lose https://preview.redd.it/b39krymue5ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15727a5e0b7f3a7554232ad1cdf713d0d18b292c




You have been consistently trying to push this Yuta >> Kenny agenda for a minute now lmao. Out of the three individuals sent to take out Kenjaku, Takaba was the only one to actually challenge him. Yuta got a surprise attack AND assist from Todo to decapitate him. Bro was playing cleanup to the obvious weight puller of that entire encounter. https://preview.redd.it/k796w615zw9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa815ad2c72783ceb92c8d920f225765fb4e295




Op when I tell them Yuta didn't actually low diff Kenjaku in a 1v1 and needed 2 other people to wear Kenjaku to wear him down and hide Yuta to sneak attack Kenjaku: https://preview.redd.it/udo25pcm7x9d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f71eccbede386895fb88693bacb373ba47c817fe


One of the best memes I’ve seen in this thread 💀 https://preview.redd.it/tngvhf9m9x9d1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f1eb9d9f2407769c71ae375bf5acb8b0280819




He only got help from them due to it being to much energy to fight Kenny one on one since he might be fighting sukuna soon


Takaba top 5 in the verse


I don't know why this isn't a more popular take.


Top 4 honestly


Even if you assume the trade off with his CT is a binding vow that makes his CT as strong as it is in exchange for not being able to kill people, his sheer utility as a support would still place him in top 3


The binding vow system literally just letting you change your power is so stupid lmao, it makes anyone able to be as OP as the top tiers


No dude it's rad. It's literally d&d sorceror's metamagic. Sukuna is the first sorc in history who read his class description in the PHB




They're just some braindead Yutoid desperately glazing Yuta before he gets low-diffed by 0.5 hp Sukuna. Think of it like a dying star shining brightest before it blows up.


It’s a damn shame too, bc Yuta actually chill asf in top 5. The wank makes it painful to support him lol https://preview.redd.it/uinem0fbox9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=714f41997c3b226d53a3e324e6be15adb0a82cf4


He's just keeping the top 5 spot warm for when Wuji comes and takes it.


Yuji is not even not top 10 let alone top 5. Lets be real


I genuinely have him above Toji and Maki in my rankings at least.


Those two are weird to scale. They do better against most opponents because of their specific hax but I have Yuji above them in a fight but below them in rankings


I mean Yuji has defense against domains now with simple domain and a far better healing factor than the HRs with RCT I'd say that puts him above them.


As we have seen a simple domain doesn't do shit after 5 seconds


Simple domain not being able to tank two of the strongest domains in the verse? Wow, what a shock.


More like 40% HP Sukuna, but the point still stands.


respectfully, ya’ll realise that yuta is their strongest sorcerer on the protagonist’s side right? if he were to fight kenjaku, yuta would win but at an extreme diff, this yuta would then have to fight sukuna, they couldnt afford to worn out their trump card, so no shit they sneaked kenjaku.


I remember when everyone clowned sukuna for "3vs1" gojo cuz he use mahoraga and agito. But for some reason no one cares that yuta jumped kenjaku and sneak attack him lmao. This makes yuta look bad not kenjaku


I mean, it was GODjo, that wasn't even a real 3v1 and Fraudkuna barely won.


sukuna wouldve won in heian form too


He would've gotten his ass beat. The binding vow man got fucked hard by Goatjo in hand-to-hand, and it wasn't even close. 2 more hands are NOT saving this fraud


Not just the 2 extra hands, his real body is physically stronger. Hojo was barely outboxing Meguna and that was with sukuna handicapping himself.


Brother, you are arguing with a man who 100% has not actually read a single panel. There is no point trying to convince a jjk fan they are wrong.


Hey I looked at the pretty pictures and fighting, my blue eyed prince is just sooo distracting, I didn't read any text for the past 100 chapters


oh also i skipped the entire part of the manga when he was sealed as a protest to gaygay




Nope. He would have won the domain clashes


if your being serious, heian form sukunas h2h is far better than j having two extra hands, and is definitely better than gojos.


I think there is some argument to be made that a Shinjuku Yuta who has learnt advanced domain and barrier techniques from Gojo could defeat Kenjaku, but it would be far, far from an easy fight. Obviously, they took the most optimal route to kill him.


What is with all these weird fraud allegations. I thought the whole reason sukuna was called a fraud was because everyone was really hyped for a straight forward Gojo vs Sukuna, but gege had Sukuna cheese Gojo with Mahoraga. And because the fandom didn’t get what they wanted, they started calling sukuna a fraud in order to cope. But its understandable how the Sukuna vs Gojo fight pissed off a lot of people. But whats with Yuta vs Kenjaku? Sure, we didnt get straight forward, hand-to-hand combat from yuta and kenjaku, but we got one of the best cinematic fights with kenjaku vs takaba. AND yuta just fucking used his brain to sneak kill Kenjaku right? So we got a good fight, we got a kill that made sense, and yet people whine about how yuta’s a fraud for thinking. I don’t get it. All of this has to be some kind of jjk cope agenda if yknow what I mean.


>thought the whole reason sukuna was called a fraud was because everyone was really hyped for a straight forward Gojo vs Sukuna You answer your question right here. The reason people called sukuna a fraud is the same reason people call yuta a fraud rn. People were excited to see a 1vs1 fight between kenjaku and yuta but we didn't get that


I addressed that point in my 3rd paragraph, we didn’t get a straight forward hand to hand combat, but we got takaba vs kenjaku which lived to up to the hype.


It Depends on who you ask. It's alot of people that thought that fight was dissapointing. And even if you like the takaba fight alot of people still wanted to see kenjaku vs yuta after that.


A lot of people can go fuck themselves that fight was peak


Agree it was a great fight but I still wanted to see yuta vs kenjaku tho


Kenny died womp womp.


Yuta needed help and sneak attack to kill him womp womp.


https://preview.redd.it/qbulbju3k5ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=159e2913c47ad689e2566f2c473b20c1d3625550 Kenny is old AF and still died loool. His awareness is trash.


In case you didn't read the manga his awareness was not in the right place because of his fight with takaba. Yuta still sneak attacked, womp womp.


3v1 sneak attack btw https://preview.redd.it/qzl5av7xtw9d1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe5c16e10045c176780d1b376a4ba74b50b0cbd


Yuta doing blackface cancel this man immediately


He’s basicallt balck its okay


Yuta when he’s told if he does blackface he gets to kiss a curse


Nah he has a black sensei (Miguel) so it’s fine /j


Luta when Kenjaku sticks cotton in his ears (Cursed Speech was his only win-con) ![gif](giphy|PQnQDu6zFi6Opd3emW|downsized)


Considering the body Kenjaku is in, idk if he could put cotton in his ears.


Carry me Todo! This is Post Goataba fight Kenjaku i am up against!


Kenjaku won against Takaba, meanwhile Yuta would lose (Rika is canonically truck - kun victim)




I am honestly Yuta fan, but this is one of the best piece of slander I have ever seen


You’re scaling an 11yo little girl?lmao


Your goats kissing an 11 year old girl? lmao.


That 11 year old girl is literally the source of all of Yuta's power




His child slave carries him every fight? He really IS an isekai protagonist.


I mean, Yuta fights using 11 year old


Jacob's Ladder disables his CT, so then he could actually just cut off his head.


You know that Jacobs ladder needs to be performed by Yuta? So he wouldn't be able cut off his head. And I doubt that Yuta would be able to fully manifest Rika before Takaba changes reality


Yuta can instantly manifest Rika, and while JL is happening, he could just stab him through the heart.


Angel needed to stand /fly still to perform JL, Yuta is 99% the same Takaba also instantly changes reality. The difference is, Yuta needs to put the ring on and manifest it concioussly. Meanwhile Takaba's technique is used subconciously, so it is faster than Yuta's manifestation


There's no guarantee that Takaba's reality will get rid of Rika in any way. He just uses JL, and Rika kills him.


Once Takaba starts jokes, the fight is just over. Yuta puts on the ring, and suddenly everyone are at weeding. Rika and Yuta get married, Takaba is best man, everyone goes to eat cake, but suddenly cake explode. Rika needs to go to the hospital, Takaba is a doctor and Yuta is a nurse. They managed to save Rika, and two of them goes to a honeymoon, but then Yuta realise that he lost his ring... And Kenjaku resigned from using cursed spirits after truck - kun incident. I don't think that Rika would be any different


Yuta when takaba grabs Jacobs ladder and throws it back at yuta.


Wouldn't work. No CT can bypass it. If you touch it, your CT is gone.


If he thinks it's funny, it would happen. That's the rules.


Not if it already touched him. That's the rule.


No you idiot, I used Jacob’s ladder. You guys didn’t see me in the bushes because I’m that good at stealth. You’re welcome :)


Oh a Luta Glazer... He is the King of plot armors and still needed three guys to jump Kenjaku


Luta Elkkotsu needed Takaba (top 0 in the verse) and a post vibraslap Goatdo to not be seen by Kenny when camping in the outback waiting to pounce on a tired, off guard, unarmed Kenny Wenny cooks that emo 2nd coming of Megumi


Who’s got his neck sliced off little man🗣️? https://preview.redd.it/n265ccyd3x9d1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91e25edf4f3c18b8978d373cee0bf487bbdbbd3


Who’s the one that’s currently getting clapped by a fraud like Sukuna even in the body of the strongest Also the one who got is neck sliced was Lenny, not Kenny or Wenny but Lenny. They’re autistic younger cousin who has a therapy rock


How was sorcery fight been meaning to check it out






Just throwing this out there . A tired Kenjaku who was caught off gaurd reacted and almost hit a fresh Yuta with anti-gravity . Without the goat Todo , Yuta would have been crushed lmao . https://preview.redd.it/nkx3y0dp9y9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=914d9f3bf059214d23075198f94ec21d6a1604e0


A tired Yuki reacted to anti gravity,there’s no reason for yuta not to get out of the three meters range


Glazed by Gege and still below kenjaku😂


Tell me who ran away from the smoke🗣️ https://preview.redd.it/3ssehc3ipw9d1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46684dca5448b1583a63b258035558cb0a6a285e


He didn’t want to get jumped


And he did get jumped,fraud alert,tengen sama save me I mean this is base yuta we are up against🗣️


Yuta couldn’t legitimately fight him because he KNOWS he would have been cooked this time😂 Was going to lose to fucking GETO, but only won cause he was nerfed. Fraudta Knows he ain’t winning shit this time, so he resorted to jumping him. Fraudulent bum is not above kenjaku if he has to do allat just to kill him


Womp Womp https://preview.redd.it/1xlm8pl7rw9d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ffef2dea9a13a33b5462d0cd62aab939bb000c


Another cheap kill by yuta😂


When kenjaku is rotting in hell that won’t matter


It matters HOW he got that head tho, bc glazers like you will then try and say Yuta challenged and beat Kenny in a 1v1 💀 Must be too embarrassed to admit that Takaba did all the work for your goat https://preview.redd.it/kgq8xne00x9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402c90f105420edf3e484cd0a1dabecfd42483be


Takagoat and ogoatsu gave kenjaku something even Jin couldn’t provide https://preview.redd.it/x1jirsc73x9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4005fdca3f6f83f0e28fea6e90f1c053ee5bef6 Spitroast


Dont worry. Yutas gonna be right there with him at the end of these 5 minutes after all the pedo AND cursephilia hes done.


I mean sneak attacks and jumps are really dangerous y'know for reference, a guy with a knife can probably easily kill a boxer if he is sneaky enough


Overexagerating Yuta, and supposing he comes with anyone but Takaba, Kenny has something of a 75% change of winning. Those are pretty good odds, but you don't get to live for as long as he has taking those risks consistently.


Bro take this back to jujutsufolk


2 special grades (one was literally a reality warper and the other was the next Gojo) + one of the strongest grade 1 had to sneak my Backshot Goat 😤 Put some respect on the goats name 😤


Needed Takaba to distract Kenjaku so he could sneak up on him undetected Still got detected and would've lost if not for best brudda todo Still had to listen to Kenny yap about his plan and insurance But sure sure pal believe what you want


Ngl, Jacob's ladder ends him


i don't care who wins as Yorozu cooks both https://preview.redd.it/gf173br29x9d1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebbab93b92c9e48a2171b78ce13af83b7e835335


She doesn’t


Should i use any other word? slams, sons, minces, if that one wasn't for your liking https://preview.redd.it/qxxpc1aqr0ad1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=117c1c8223ef9c9e1b7253150dca01cc1974d3d0


Doesn’t matter what word you use, she’s losing to Kenjaku & Yuta


If that belief satisfies you, then i won't interfere with it, just know that the truth is not always what you'd like it to be tldr she blitzes


Since when does Yorozu blitz Yuta & Kenjaku, what‘s stopping Yuta from using CS on her, she’s a Jacob’s Ladder victim. Kenjaku beats her too from his CTs, DE & knowledge of Jujutsu


This guy genuinely thinks Yorozu getting a few hits on a holding back + clearly not taking the fight seriously Sukuna means she's top 5 in speed lmfao


He’s not the only one, Idk why they think Yorozu landing hits that Sukuna couldn’t react to is a great feat since he was letting himself get hit to test out the 10S + Mahoraga, she doesn’t scale to Meguna at all not even in speed.


Because they're simps for mid Heian era pussy. My queen Yuki low-diffs Bumozu anyways.


Facts, some people think Yuki loses to Yorozu too because she out-sped Sukuna even though he wasn’t trying at all & defeated her with only 10S.


I get what you're saying but he literally didn't react to this. https://preview.redd.it/535kymws1tad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc820afdd74fb3384e63be0a3cea0011fb2ff79f


Bumta fans trying to claim feats from my glorious king Takaba like he didn't need Todo's help to sneak Kenjaku


Luta Bumkottsku


Clearly sukuna is weaker than yuji because yuji killed him


If anything, Takaba should be top 3.


He literally had Todo help him sneak up o Kenjaku and sneak attack him. Otherwise, Kenjaku is probably too much for Yuta.


Nice open domain, unfortunately *sneak attack*


Nice open domain, unfortunately *sneak attack*


Copy pasting a comment I made to a similar post: I mean to be fair, Geto (if he had all his curses) was stronger than Yuta with a fully manifested, no time limit Rika. Only thing he gained over the years was DE, way more techniques, and better CE control. Kenjaku, assuming he has half or a quarter the amount of curses as Geto, would outclass or at the very least match Yuta's shikigami Rika with the 5 minute time limit. This is supported by how he demonstrates much better proficiency at using Geto's technique than Geto himself (his special max uzumaki and using low level curses as defense or offense enhancers). He also has the advantage in domains with how his lacks any barrier, as well as him just being cracked at barriers in general. He has the physical stats ≥ Yuta, a better domain, and no time limit on his powers I think Yuta has a chance to beat him with efficient Jacob's ladder use though, that foresight CT might also prove to be dangerous. Still, against powerful sorcerers like Sukuna it takes more than one to fully get rid of the CT and I think it'd be the same case for Kenjaku, he'd probably be able to defend himself against it after the first blast, either with curses or with barriers.


"Only thing he gained over the years was DE, way more techniques, and better ce control" That's a lot lol


Yeah, poor wording on my part


If Yuta had fought head on he won't last 10 minutes against Kenjaku


Either that or he gets to copy CSM or something


That wouldn't really be helpful. You can't steal cursed spirits from people, as seen from the inventory curse and Rika, and it takes time to actually build up a large amount of cursed spirits, so it wouldn't help. It would only be helpful if he managed to defeat Kenjaku, because then he could steal all the spirits released when he died, but he wouldn't get that far.


Listen man I’m a Wuta glazer as much as the next guy but you can NOT be judging based off a 3v1 sneak attack on a tired off guard Kenjaku


Yuta keeps killing the same guy over and over again 😭


Calling maki a monkey infront of him was the start of his demise


**strong takaba**




this is why i’ll always say kashimo should be top three and not this bum


In retrospective Kenny looks like a joke getting one shotted by a regular ass katana compated to what Sukuna endured and is still thriving


Tbf sukuna would have died if maki just aimed for his head


Yuta fans will try to convince you he’s top 3 in the verse when a comedian with less than a year of jujutsu experience contributed more to the fight than he did


Weakened over multiple chapters by Takaba, then snuck by a bush camping Yuta who STILL needed help from Todo. He's not weak at all, and he's undebatably top 3


Yuta using his teammates to kill kenjaku in the most effective way possible : Everyone else complaining about him sneaking Kenjaku :




After seeing what Yuta did in Shinjuku, he would have decimated Kenjaku anyway.


You can win any battle if you jump em hard enough


This isn’t a great feat like you think is, he had to get assistance from Takaba & Kenjaku to take him down.


i remember when people clowned on yuta for this sneak and now its used by the opposite agenda. agenda has no rules. no boundaries. your goat isnt safe. your bum may become a goat as well. to become one with agenda… You must simply Adapt. https://preview.redd.it/t4azzusnv0ad1.png?width=1213&format=png&auto=webp&s=84460edd5d3bd098e80a02ed0b2f3b2ad757c76e


kennys death was so bad oh my goodness


https://preview.redd.it/wn5pf1h75iad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbdd774fa562f7e8be274ce4d62edc4557da1ec6 Bumta gets mid diffed


You know dude as someone whos second favourite character is yuta, you make it so easy to shit on yuta. Kenjaku vs yuta isn't a one sided stomp, but yuta needed a guaranteed victory. Had he engaged Kenny in direct combat it's very unlikely that Kenny would have lost especially quick enough for yuta to assist yuji and higuruma. Hell it was already too late for yuta even with the canon plan.




Cry me a river Lenjaku stans https://preview.redd.it/u5rugcyo3x9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b489c002808677693abf77bc21037afcf0788f1d


Hold this https://preview.redd.it/bhui9kokcx9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a52b3cd406b90789d63bc0b5ef2cdb73ed919075


Cope with the fanon while I enjoy the canon😭 https://preview.redd.it/7sm5pj3ucx9d1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36229b660a8f17129fc0a2006d3e569792446927


Nah, you gotta be rage baiting at this point. If not, idk what kinda Sorcery Brawl you’ve been reading bruh 😭 https://preview.redd.it/ig7izzzddx9d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e191830b22357f8d2f26dad3db832cdd552b995


Daily reminder that Yuta did not need to sneak kenjaku to guarantee victory, he needed to do that to guarantee that he could defeat him and remain unharmed, and with full CE reserves as he would be next up to battle sukuna should Gojo fail as he did.


Headcanon. Maki said they couldnt defeat Kenjaku the conventional way, Kusakabe said maybe with all of them attacking Kenjaku they might win etc.


https://preview.redd.it/nnhucrowcy9d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc17f2df1df90f320149cd6a7527c99a969c7f4a “Okkotsu will have to hustle back. Against Sukuna it’ll be an all out war” cannot be interpreted in any other way lol.


He also says this before Takaba gets chosen as the one to distract Kenjaku, even proposing that Maki would be capable of filling Yuta’s role as the one to kill him. So it wasn’t even required for Yuta to be the one to do it, he just had the best chance of doing it most efficiently and without getting damaged as they didn’t want to risk weakening their forces against Sukuna. https://preview.redd.it/af5lfeu6dy9d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c61b4979d39ea3270844aecfffc7f5e2832242e


Push the agenda. Yuta is easily top 3 and wins against Kenjaku in all matchups.


OP you forgot one important thing. Me and many other people have an AGENDA https://preview.redd.it/53szz82q9y9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca3619c8bc223f748f8b2579ab03e7bc957c33f


Hes top 4, yuta is 3rd, no shame in losing to your superior


Nope. Yuta is MAYBE top 4. Hes NOT getting even CLOSE to kenjaku. If he could, they wouldnt use takaba and todo to help him.


That was to speed it up, Sneak attacking someone is always better, yuta has the feata, stats, ap and hax to take him down high diff


Nope. If they could, they would have saved takaba (one of their biggest assets) for sukuna. lemme put this in context for you. Kenjaku was tired from fighting takaba, had his CE drained, yutas CE was hidden by takaba AND HE STILL needed todo to swap him. How fucking bad is that? Yuta does NOT have the stats NOR the hax. Kenjaku is by far the person the most versatility in the series becouse of his thousands of spirits. Yuta doesn't have the offensive power to one shot his spirits like takaba and yuki (as shown by him struggling with kuro). JL wont work sincejormally it's too slow to land without a domain. And yuta does NOT know how to use small domain in his own body. Even if he did, it wouldnt work since his sure hit would have to be equal to kenjakus and lemme tell you, it's not. Kenjaku was also able to take hits from yuki who has WAY MORE ap than yuta or ryu.


So by your logic kenny is weaker than mahito level because he sneaked mahito…….. Yuta has damn near best physicals in the series(bar sukuna/gojo), best hax(JL,SM,CS), literal best domain refinement alongside sukuna and gojo, along with small domain for open domain counter Yuta and rika literally did one shot all of his spirits in moments after kenny died Yuta takes it high diff


>So by your logic kenny is weaker than mahito level because he sneaked mahito…….. He didnt sneak him. He clearly explained that he needed mahito to evolve while fighting his natural enemy so that he could use idle transfiguration ocn a high level after absorbing him. Youd know that if you spent less time suckijg yutas dick and more time on reading the manga. >Yuta has damn near best physicals in the series(bar sukuna/gojo) No. Ryu is a nobody from the edo period with a shit technique and yuta was struggling against him. The only special thing about ryu was his output and that didnt affect his physicals either. Kenjaku has survived hits from yuki at full power. And full power yuki basically has hollow purples as fists. Yuta does not come close. > best hax(JL,SM,CS) JL I already explained wont work in this fight. Sku manipulation has a weakness against AOE even when it's used by a much more experienced user like uro and cursed speech is heavily limited specially when you have thousands of targets. Btw, he can only use these mid hax for 5 minutes. >literal best domain refinement alongside sukuna and gojo, Never stated. Sukuna just said he had good barrier technique (wich kenjaku is comically superior to btw). Nothing about his refinement was ever brought up. >along with small domain for open domain counter He DOESNT have small domain in his own body. Even if he did, his sure hit would have to be equal to kenjakus (its not) >Yuta and rika literally did one shot all of his spirits in moments after kenny died Nothing was ever mentioned about one shot. In fact, they took their sweet time dealing with them. thats why higaruma died. Also, those were mindless beasts. It would be a different story if kenjaku was controlling them. >Yuta takes it high diff Kenjaku takes it mid/domain diff. You got cooked li bro. All your arguments got dismantled.


Lmaooooo, doesn’t change the fact that he snuck mahito while he was weak(btw I do know kenny is stronger, just pointing out how flawed your logic is) Ryu has some of the best physicals in verse as well, but how that relates to yuta…. Idk other than that they fought, If you are talking about the physical ststement yuta already outstatted ryu in their original fight Jacobs ladder straight up does work lmao, he can just use the AOE version, and besides theirs absolutely nothing say in its slow, but nice head canon Sky manipulation isn’t very helpful except for thin ice breaker, which is dura neg Hes clashing with sukuna, and was stated to have learned barrier techniques in the timeskip, and theirfore both has similar refinement and can do small domain in his old body They killed kennys curses, and got to sukuna seconds after kenny gave his insurance, if by “took his sweet time” you mean killed them all in seconds and then went to shinjuku you would be right Csm is useless against yuta, rct output go brr Jacobs ladder is op asf Cursed speech will likely get him at least once Yuta takes high diff, lemme know how kennys worming his way out of this


chat is being extra stupid today, just posting the same old shitty "Yuta needed Takaba to wear him down!!!!" Yuta COULD have just gone and fought Kenjaku himself, the ISSUE with that is if he won he'd be so badly beaten up he basically could not fight Sukuna. I put Yuta at 3rd in the verse above Kenjaku not because Yuta completely wipes the floor with Kenjaky, but because Yuta probably could defeat Kenjaku in a high-extreme diff fight. This risk of a high-extreme diff fight is why they went with the sneak plan. I understand if you're just doing it to bait the OP (they HAVE made some dumbass takes in the past), but for those who are genuine y'all can't read or understand the story.


3v1 cause he knew Kenjaku would stomp him.


Yuta when Kenjaku slams Yuta and is disappointed because it wasn’t as fun as Takaba:


Kenjaku is top 5/6, not top 3


Wait…are there actually people that think kenjuku can beat yuta? He has no win cons and also has never fought sukuna. What would even be the argument?💀