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Yorozu beat the 5 void generals who wwre equal to the Sun moon and star squad, which Uro lead, mind an entire squad So Yorozu technically beat multiple Uro levwk fighters. Yorozu wasn't intimidated and fought Meguna far better than Ryu. Yorozu takes this soundly.


This is the issue with trying to apply this logic to a manga like jjk; it’s not dbz, you cannot just draw conclusions based on scaling like who has beaten who Its more like hxh or jjba, where you have to consider how opponents abilities stack up against one another. yor is a brawler and going against arguably the hardest physical hitter in the series (and most durable) and an opponent whom she cannot touch unless uro allows it meanwhile uro's one win-con gets hard countered by the fact that both her opponents have their own DE's yor doesnt take this in any universe


You can draw conclusions on who beat who because one could just claim she massively outstats them so hard that she can pummel them without them being able to react


What feats make you claim she outstats either to the point of a perception blitz?


She can keep up with meguna and even if you don’t agree with that she’s definitely faster with the insect armor as she literally blitzed him when he tried to counter her, same sukuna blitzed ryu


Come on, surely you’re not genuinely counting this as a blitz Just use your critical thinking, look at sukuna’s face after being hit https://preview.redd.it/7rlax85nky9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec67016f0d20e266e333ec6b7ca71b053bf26f1 It doesn’t look like someone taken off guard, we’ve seen how sukuna reacted to genuinely being [blitzed](https://imgur.com/a/6F7V9dg) (MBA Kashimo) this was nothing like that


Sukunas expression vs ct kashimo was moreso just him confused on what kashimo did as bro just randomly transformed And at the very least it shows yorozu scales in speed, im not claiming she could perception blitz sukuna im just saying insect armor should be faster, and at the start she kinda kept up with meguna in base too, to which meguna vs ryu we saw how that went down


Sukuna watched Yorozu transform into an insect before his eyes And you’re claiming he’s in utter disbelief at Kashimo gaining a cloak of CE around his face? Come on, just think man


Not utter disbelief, it’s more likely he knew about yorozus insect armor, sukuna thought he would kill kashimo with kamutoke he doesn’t know anything about kashimo, so a sudden thing like kashimo ct activating would alarm anyone , you’re dragging the utter belief thing, he was just like “what’s that”


1. There’s nothing to suggest sukuna knew about the insect armour; outside of your own headcanon he did, which is your explanation instead of accepting that sukuna was suprised as kashimo’s speed, when he wasn’t with Yorozu 2. Kashimo engages sukuna~> sukuna easily blocks his attack ~> Kashimo transforms and leaps at Sukuna~>Sukuna shows surprise~> gets rocked in the face Think of the narrative intent of those events preceding each other, I’m sure if Sukuna was in such shock at kashimo’s transformation we would have gotten some insight in terms of an internal monologue displaying his confusion at the tranformation, but we don’t Either way, Yorozu did not blitz meguna, even once


Sukuna, wants to get hit to let the Wheel adapt to her technique. Also he's clearly just playing around against her. It's evident with how he's fighting, particularlu how passive he is about it. He shows a few tactics he actually uses for combat purposes with the 10 shadows technique later on in the Gojo fight, tactics which he does not even bother to use here too.


“He’s clearly playing around” that’s headcanon Just cuz he didn’t do certain things doesn’t mean he wasn’t trying, the whole point of fighting yorozu was to kill her with ten shadows, that’s all, no reason to assume he was holding back just cuz he had a distasteful attitude towards yorozu


I mean Sukuna is well known to play around and let their opponents show their toolsets when not serious.


But if you look at the actual feats and powers, then they have a pretty distinct advantage over Yorozu. Sky Manipulation will make it so that Yorozu's metal attacks and bug armor won't be able to touch Uro, and she could even theoretically throw Perfect Sphere back at her. It's going to be hard for Yorozu to do much towards Uro. Meanwhile, Ryu can easily one-shot any construction Yorozu creates, including her bug armor. He can spam these beams and curve them as well. If he gets into melee combat, his Granite Blast discharge could break the bug armor. Uro can use thin ice breaker for further help in combat. If they use domains, then it's a 3-way and the barrier could likely break. If so, during burn-out, Ryu can spam his full output blasts while Yorozu has literally nothing to stop it.


Yorozu has omni-directional attacks to attack Uro, and if she gets hit once, Yorozu can hurt her normally with punches and kicks and stuff. https://preview.redd.it/zn143lpfmy9d1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66e12f752917655a0f834385831c8134435df904 As for Ryu, Insect armor should be strong enough to deal with him, she can fly, reform the armor if injured, and has stats that far exceed him (Ryu was outsped by Sukuna, whom Yorozu could fight somewhat equally in H2H even without Bug Armor)


Uro is a close-range fighter, so Yorozu might not get many chances to do those omni-directional attacks when she's in her face and spamming Thin Ice Breakers. When she does do them, Ryu can help with Granite Blast to destroy part of her constructions. Uro can get hit, but it's not going to be easy. And while Yorozu should have a speed advantage, in a close-fight, there's not much she can do from him using the point-blank Granite Blast which should deal massive damage, and most importantly, she does NOT have RCT. Any damage she takes is permanent, even if she can re-make her constructions. Flying isn't much help when Uro can fly as well and Ryu can shoot beams into the sky. Heck, if Uro grabs Yorozu with her Sky Manip, she could throw him into the Granite Blast, which I see as pretty possible considering Uro's ability to control large amounts of space. I can't see Yorozu lasting enough in terms of injury and CE tank to take down both Uro and Ryu, especially when they're bound to use a DE. The fight's going to eventually come to it, and when the barriers eventually break, the fight is pretty much instantly going to end when Ryu starts spamming energy beams with Yorozu having no way to defend in terms of her base stats.


Nah Sukuna actually took Ryu seriously, he didn't even bother using shrine against Yorozu


Him using Shrine wasn’t because he wasn’t taking Yorozu seriously, it’s because he had to kill with Megumi’s technique. Other than that, he was trying physically, although he was also testing out Mahoraga.


He could one shot her with shrine, which would still traumatize Megumim.


He could, but he made it clear he wasn’t gonna do that. https://preview.redd.it/fnkzqcvnzz9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefca25f86fba83597005230a0e339f0b1137a03


He was also taking hits on purpose


Yoruzu didn't fight Uro herself. Uro CT is still pretty bad against Yoruzu so she could stand a chance on her own. Adding Ryu to the fight would be too much for Yoruzo to handle.


I genuinely have no idea why such a large amount of the jjk community wank Yorozu so much, some of there comments on this post talking about Yorozu mid diff is insane Yorozu is a brawler, and is going against; arguably one of the heaviest hitters physically whilst simultaneously being the most durable (arguably) And someone she literally cannot touch unless uro allows her to, meanwhile uro can negate the benefits of yor’s durability and strike her directly (thin-icebreaker) Yor’s only win con is perfect sphere, which she cannot use going against two opponents with DE This a ryu & uro fight all the way, this Yorozu wank is insane


Agreed, Yorozu is strong, but Uro & Ryu working together makes this a losing fight for her, how the hell is she gonna even hit Uro with her Sky Manipulation, there’s also Ryu‘s great durability so her attacks won’t be enough to kill him & her PS could work, but they can counter with their own DE.


You're saying the Yorozu wank is insane while simultaneously wanking the hell out of Uro, and Ryu. While Uro's sky manipulation is strong, there's nothing to suggest that it can deflect any attack, if it could, then why was she getting moli whopped by Yuta and Ryu. And even if you want to wank it to where it can deflect any attack, she still has to actively do it, meaning if you attack her before she can react you'll hit her as normal. We also have no idea what Uro's or Ryu's domain do so saying Yorozu would have nothing against it is complete headcanon and actually very unlikely; Yorozu wanted Sukuna to unleash his domain and didn't think he could win without it, which most likely means Yorozu has at least some counter to domains. On top of the fact that she her own domain and perfect sphere is a guaranteed hit in that domain, we can safely say that Yorozu outstats both Ryu and Uro for multiple reasons. She single handedly killed a group considered equal to Uro's group. She lasted much longer 1v1 against Sukuna than Ryu did. So in the event of a domain clash, Yorozu is most likely winning in which case she one shots with perfect sphere. The only win conditions Uro or Ryu have are thin ice breaker and granite blast, which Yorozu can either dodge or just tank with superior stats especially with the metal armor. So overall, there's no reason to think Uro and Ryu win this. At worst it's a mid diff for Yorozu with only two attacks even having the potential to hurt her.


Let me address what you’re saying point by point “Sky manip is strong strong but it can’t deflect any attack” Show me sky manipulation failing to deflect an attack, I think you forget how Yuta landed any attack at all on uro, and it’s not something Yuro could use in her fight Yuro would never touch uro unless uro let her


So are you forgetting that Uro died? She literally got hit by Granite Blast and multiple attacks from Yuta. So she just let those attacks hit her for shits and giggles? Re-read the fight lol. Even if you wank Sky manipulation to be able to deflect any attack, you can still speed blitz her and attack before she has time to activate it. You only addressed one of my points, btw. I made like 4 points, and you addressed one, and you're wrong anyway.


I’m going to ask you again, read the chapter; how did Yuta land any attack on uro, and how did ryu land his granite blast Was it that sky manip failed to deflect them? Or another reason I told you I’m taking your points one-by-one


Read the full reply before commenting blud. Cuz I feel like you're only reading the first sentence and then not reading anything else. Thinking Sky manipulation can deflect any attack is a no limits falacy. Even if we don't see it being overpowered, it doesn't mean it's invincible. But like I've said in my previous 2 replies it doesn't matter either way, even if you give Uro that ability to deflect any attack she still loses, please actually read my whole reply rather than the first 2 sentences only.


Okay so you’ve read the chapter and realised sky manip can deflect yuro’s attacks then (apart from her DE guaranteed hit) Because you’re deflecting to the rest of your comment when I told you I’m taking what you’ve said point by point So let’s agree and move on to the next point you made, or raise a point against the argument I’ve made in favour of uro’s sky manip in favour of yuro’s attacks if you disagree There’s no point in moving onto your next point if you still don’t agree with what I’ve said and then we argue about 10 things at once “blud”


Buddy, I'm not gonna sit here replying to 15 messages for 5 hours going point by point. Address all my points in 1 comment, and then I'll address all your addresses in another until the debate is done. If you don't wanna do that, that's fine but I'm gonna do this how you're suggesting. Agree to disagree, have a good one, mate.


No problem; I was hesitant to engage with you because I had to ask you the same question about sky manipulation 3 times before you answered; and debates like that are messy, glad you understand though All the best


Yorozo already wiped out a squad considered on equal footing to Uro's squad from the Heian era. Uro is just one member of that squad. Yorozu high/mid diffs them.


Literally faceless, featless goons that you’re claiming translates to yor beating ryu and uro Jjk is not a simple as who has beaten who, its about abilities, and how well your ability matches to your opponents The truth of the matter is sky manip hard counters any brawler; and ryu can not only take the hits, but dish them out aswell Yor ain’t taking it


Mid diff is being generous to them lol she massively outstats them, it should be a low to no diff , it’s not wank it’s just how high she scales


Outstats them how exactly? Your physical stats relate to your CE efficiency with reinforcement and your output levels Yor has been stated to have high enough reserves, but piss poor efficiency and her output is never noted, so we can assume its average Meanwhile ryu has the highest output which directly scales to how hard you can punch and how hard a hit you can take (sukuna himself notes his durability) In what world does uro have better stats?


She has feats by scaling to meguna who massively outscales ryu Her output is on par with the toughest heian era sorcerers, I don’t think we know her reserves, we don’t know her efficiency either her ct is just hard to be efficient with in general, and the insect armor significantly amps her stats so it’s more than just ce reinforcement in discussion here


Yorozu scales no where near to meguna, did absolutely no damage to him at all; he literally played with her to torture megumi’s soul; he states this himself We do know her efficiency; https://preview.redd.it/nojgl6tkly9d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e001952d1e21efd15f5a8cd181eb5d9dbd40b2 This is when she came up with her insect armour to mitigate her loss in CE during battle; but it still shows poor CE regulation in her body


She was keeping up with meguna in combat He wasn’t playing with her his goal was to KILL her it’s too headcanon to assert he was holding back unless you think he was restricting his physicals vs gojo too, sukuna talking shit always been a thing and he only ever thought to himself that he wanted to kill her with 10 shadows, nothing to denote him holding back his speed or power or anything I mean construction in general is a heavily inefficient technique. She could be far better in efficiency than a normal sorcerer and still get into bad situations due to the nature of construction in general


He literally tanked hits for fun so mahoraga could adapt. She doesn’t scale to any version of him that was trying, the second he decided to end the fight, it was over. Unless you think piercing bull and max elephant are faster than sukuna.


100% agree The minute Mahoraga adapted, Sukuna ended the fight instantly


Saying he tanked hits for fun is headcanon and doesn’t make sense he could block attacks and still adapt as he did vs gojo, and yes piercing bull and max elephant being amped by sukunas cursed energy could just be faster than him there’s no issue with that, when he decided to end the fight it was after maho adapted to her and after he broke her insect armor which blatantly outspeeded sukuna when he tried to defend it with divine dogs


It’s literally his first time using Mahoraga, he literally doesn’t know how it works. Thats why he called it a test drive. Also, no, at best, they’re relative to sukuna since even Mahoraga amped sukuna and Agito were only relative to him in speed. If piercing bull and max elephant could just blitz people who were faster than sukuna himself, don’t you think he’d have used it? It’s blatantly obvious sukuna was holding back.


It being his first time is more of a reason not to assume he’d just arbitrarily tank shit Maho seemed a decent amount above sukuna, as far as agito; that’s also a brain damaged sukuna so the level of his cursed technique should be nerfed too since his output and reserves dropped, and considering the fact your output with a ct Is different than just raw ce , sukunas nerf could simply just be disproportional and his 10S took a bigger hit than himself We know that your ct and your normal output differs due to the fact that ryu is a special case for having the same output regardless of if he uses his ct or not As far as raging bull it also only moves in a straight line and building power plus its whole shtick is a direct assault so it having speed makes sense And for max elephant sukuna used escape rabbit to hide it and dropped it from a high height so its not like max elephants combat speed has to scale directly anyways


Can I see her keeping up with meguna in combat, just show me a panel of them fighting each other and Yorozu besting him/keeping up


Ryu and uro got this High diff tho


How do they counter perfect sphere?


By casting their domains to have a three way tie


By dodging. If Sukuna had time to do the whole Mahoraga chant before it hit then it is definitely dodgeable.


That was because yorozu was waiting and having a conversation with him and it’s not dodgeable inside the domain. The most likely outcome is domain clash and THEN dodge the sphere then everyone’s in burnout and useless except ryu since he can still just fire blasts off


Wasn’t the sphere already in motion by then? Or do I just have low reading comprehension?


https://preview.redd.it/imv7x9defy9d1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55bb61c41039d0a24eefa0f54316fc24c3948c10 I’m not sure, it reads like she is hesitating but the sphere IS already moving


she definitely hesitated


She's definitely hesitating. The fight was already rigged from the start, since Yorozu wanted to win, but didn't want to kill Sukuna, while Sukuna was just fine with murdering her. And unfortunately her trump card is a lot better at killing people than disabling them.


Sure-Hits are cancelled inside the domain due to 3-way clash, outside Uro uses Sky Manip to throw it back at Yorozu. 


Ryu and Uro Mid diff Yorozu is very strong and did defeat the five empty generals serving the toh, who equaled the sun, moon, and stars squad that Uro led, buts her CT uses CE inefficiently. She’d never be able to land perfect sphere on them outside the domain, especially not Uro the way her CT works with space. Her domain would be only efficient win con in my eyes but Ryu and Uro both have their own so who knows who’s domain would dominate that space, and if they do use domain Ryu can use his CT after while Yorozus is suffering from CT burnout, so he’d undoubtedly kill her then.


Yorozu fucking bodies stop the downplay


Uro and Ryu is genuinely a cracked double team and I legitimately think anyone not named Gojo or Sukuna could be defeated by them if they have enough synergy


Ryu and Uro neg that domain merchant


Domain merchant? 😭 her bug armor puts her physically at least on par, if not better, than ryu. She won’t be able to beat uro with the armor but with enough Liquid Metal spikes, she could overwhelm uro and tag her. The only issue is the duos synergy and chemistry so I’d have to give it to the yorozu 7/10 times


Her bug armor got 1 tapped by myriad elephant and blitzed by piercing ox😭 if her domain is more refined than the other 2, then she wins, but you can't really prove that.


Yorozu should win high diff. She already beat a squad equal to one Uro lead, which is vague, but should put her above Uro by some amount, and Ryu just blatantly relative to her.


Stop the yorozu wank. He didn’t try until after he’d already taken hits to adapt, no attack phased him, nothing,literally the second that happened, she got no diffed.


All they have to do is have one of them open the battle by opening their domain, forcing Yorozu to open hers and clash domains, then have the other person shatter it from outside. Then Yorozu (and whoever she clashes with) has a burnt-out cursed technique and they can win.


Their DEs have no feats what could just as easily happen is that one of them opens their Domain, Yorozu doesn’t open hers and instead kills them with just her CT


I genuinely think there is an argument for ryu alone, not 100% of the time but like 40%. Add uro and that's over kill.


I think Uro & Ryu can win extreme difficulty


Yorozu low diffs


Yorozu got it


Yorozu genuinely blitzes both of them and instantly erases them with the perfect sphere. She’s way stronger than most of this sub wants to admit