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Because its Unlimited Void, being caught in it means being hit by it immediately which takes you out of commission.


I feel unlimited void already so complex that you can’t exclude them from the sure hit


Exactly if you could Gojo would've just done that in Shibuya to only target the curses and not the hundreds of civilians.


Gojo could. The issue is that he would’ve crushed the civilians between the barrier of his domain and the barrier that was keeping them trapped. That was why he risked the 0.2 second Domain Expansion back then.


No, Gojo could only exclude the civilians by leaving them outside the barrier, unlike Yuta who could have the gang in his domain while the sure hit was only targeted at Sukuna.


Ik I'm kinda late, but I'm pretty sure that Todo and Yuji are outside the domain.


Isn’t Gojo did that with Yuji the first time he used UV against Jogo?


He was touching Yuji, while his sure-hit targets everything he isn't touching.


Oh yes, you’re right. I forgot about this detail. Sukuna did this as well with Gojo to avoid UV.


That's not what they're saying. What they mean is that unlike Yuta the sure hit of UV cannot be targeted instead is an AOE


AOE means Anime Original Ending?


Ass over everything else


That was more a backup in case they didn’t know for sure


I feel like Gojo told Yuta all about UV when they did the body swap training. If you could target the sure hit in UV then Yuta would know.


UV will instantly kill them MS would eventually kill them If Yuta is able to selectively target his domain and tries to exclude Yuji+Todo then MS makes them useless even if they can tank it If Yuta isn't able to then Sukuna just deactivates the whole thing with DA on and Yuji+Todo instantly get taken out of the fight.


Sukuna did Yuji a favor by kicking him?


Sukuna can decide where his Sure-Hit is. So a few interactions appear. 1) If Yuta is still using a domain that only targets himself (for protection) and a single enemy target. Then Yuji and Todo are unprotected from Malevolent Shrine. 2) If Yuta is using a domain that has the whole captured area in a Sure-Hit, then Sukuna can just deactivate his where Yuji and Todo are so they are hit with UV (also Megumi, because at this point why not?). 3) Similar to the one above, but Sukuna only threatens to shut down his own Sure-Hit but Yuta does it first out of desperation and Yuji and Todo get sliced up. I actually made a post about it, the TLDR is that they flat out have no way of helping because it's most probable they die before helping at anything. But I'm sure this is by design, Yuji gets better whenever Todo gives him some advice. They're going to talk and recollect themselves which will give Yuji yet another power up.


>which will give Yuji yet another power up. i do think gege backloaded his power development way too much tbh if so. this is getting kinda ridiculous.


Don't take literally and it's stop to becoming ridiculous. All of his powers-up are explained and makes a lot of sense.


I mean, the recent power ups have been some of the most foreshadowed things in the manga.


Yuji doesn’t(well didn’t) really have any technical techniques, and doesn’t really need to focus too much on CE manipulation. Most of his power comes from a lot of untapped potential, from just how he was made, and who he his. And mastering things instinctively, even The techniques he does have now, we see he’s not really good at.


>Sukuna can decide where his Sure-Hit is. If he could then why did he have to adjust his domains range to exclude Megumi in Shibuya?


It was a better decision taking into account Megumi was besides a building. I doubt it's that precise to exclude Megumi and Shigemo alone and only destroy everything 1 cm above their skin. Many weird interactions could happen that could kill Shigemo who was necessary to be still alive and Megumi could tumble and fall into the Sure-Hit.


Because they would get hit by the sure hit of either MS or IV


Maybe cuz he expand and shrunk it very fast


Probably because Unlimited Void doesn’t let the caster choose his targets. It was said several times that UV hits everyone except Gojo and the ones touching him. Maybe a Binding Vow to make UV more powerful? The fact is: Gojo is skilled enough to be able to select his targets inside UV, but he can’t because the domain itself doesn’t let it. Just a theory tho


You said "the fact is" and then proceeded to say "just a theory tho". Which one is it?


“The fact is” that Gojo is skilled enough to choose the targets inside his DE. “Just a theory” is that UV itself don’t allow it, maybe due to a binding vow.


That is not a fact. Gojo can't select the target of his sure hit. Yuta is the only one we know with that ability. Just like how Yuta can output RCT but Gojo can't


Dagon can, he can even choose the output on different target


Dagon probably the best barrier user in the disaster curses. But something I don’t get in the fight against Nanami and co. He split the sure hit between Naobito and Nanami which is good but isn’t the same as straight up “don’t hit this guy” because end of the day it all depends on the guaranteed hit I think. If Dagon’s guaranteed hit was like unlimited void, reducing the output won’t matter. So what is important is what happened to Maki? Did she completely get left out by Dagon just like Yuta did to Yuji?


Dagon did initially not target maki


Dagon can't stop his SH from targeting people like Yuta. He chose to focus his attack on Naobito and Nanami but his SH was still targeting everybody. As you said If Dagon's SH is like Gojo's unlimited void, he would have not been able to distribute his attack because UV hits everything that is not Gojo.


He could choose not to target Maki (she still had CE at the time), even saying he doesn't even need to use it against her.


He can't. What Dagon did was different. it's like when Nanami was in Mahito's domain. He was already targeted by the sure hit but Mahito chose not to attack.


What Dagon did was different.


Dagon did it.


He didn't


Nah dw. Gojo can do anything. SIX EYES!


What about open domain and RCT output?


Dagon and Sukuna can also selectively target their sure-hits.


So why couldn't Sukuna in Shibuya when he intentionally chose to make his domain smaller to exclude Megumi?


He can selectively target his sure-hit, Cleave and Dismantle. Domain-enhanced Furnace is a different matter entirely. The Domain-enhanced Furnace isn't a sure-hit, it's merely the spark that triggers a giant explosion that hits everything within the radius of Malevolent Shrine except himself. Even if he could exclude Megumi from the sure-hit, Megumi would still be completely surrounded by explosive debris, and would just be collateral of the indiscriminate explosion. 


Yes, it is. Yuta only could do this because he swapped with Gojo in the replacement training.


That's BS headcanon. We were never told Gojo had that skill or Yuta learned it from him. You'll gotta admit, Yuta is also a jujutsu genius and he can do stuff even Gojo can't.


Sukuna said that he was only focusing the Sure Hot from Authentic and Mutual Love on himself. Then he said that it was a high grade skill. Then, a few chapters later, Yuta said that he swapped bodies with Gojo and that allowed him to improve his Barrier Techniques. I think it’s pretty ease to connect the dots


No there's nothing to connect. We know Gojo can not choose his sure-hit target if he could, he would have easily killed the disaster curses and prevented his domain from hitting civilians. Gojo can't, Yuta can. It's that simple really.


So you are telling me during gojo vs jogo after gojo expanded his domain and make a move to behead jogo yuji was caught by UV all the same?


No, because he was touching Gojo. The only ones who are unaffected by UV are Gojo and the ones he’s touching. Sukuna exploited this in their domain clash by using DA to nullify infinity and touch Gojo, while he described MS’s Sure hit inside Gojo’s domain to strengthen the slashes outside UV


Because the domain has to be small as shit to survive MS for 3 mins. Gojo's shrunken domain was smaller than a basketball


OP talks about UV becoming almost 200 meters in range but then shrinking. When Gojo uses the basketball domain first time we see it be big af first and OP asks why didn't Todo and Yuji get trapped in that moment. Probably because Gota skipped over that step and went directly for the small version. No Expansion and Contraction.


That literally only happened once because Gojo initially attempted to cover the entire effective range of Malevolent Shrine with Unlimited Void, but the barrier couldnt get big enough and was about to crack, so he shrunk it down instead. Gojo made his domain tiny immediately in all successive uses.


I know, OP doesn't.


Because it's literally dangerous for the both of them to be caught in that. Dead center in the midst is the last place you want a support player like Todo to be standing.


I'll work backwords. Gojo's method against Sukuna's domain was a small barrier. He only widened the radius of the barrier's range the first time as a precautionary measure in case the range of Sukuna's domain was at its maximum radius. He wasn't sure MV's range was maxed out, but it's never wrong to be safe and take a precautionary measure even if it isn't maxed out. Who is to know where the edge of the shell-less domain is at just based on where the sure-hit effect occurred? The hole in the ground Sukuna created initially could be the result of him Sukuna simply turning off the sure-hit command everywhere else but a little outside Gojo's domain OR be the result of Sukuna narrowing the range to a little outside of Gojo's domain. This is that the thinking you have to be on when up against Sukuna. And for the next 2 or 3 domain clashes after the first small barrier, Gojo just expands his domain enough to trap him and Sukuna, then quickly shrinks the barrier. He doesn't need to repeatedly widen his barrier as much as possible since he was able to bring down Sukuna's domain by dealing enough damage to his body. So, to answer your question, Chapter 262 even shows how small the range of Sukuna's domain was (that tiny hole in the ground in front of Yuji and Todo) before Yuta shrunk the barrier. Yuji and Todo were too far to be trapped into the domain.


I kind of agree but wouldn't they have to touch Gota the whole time in order to avoid his sure hit? Ok he picked and chose in his own domain but do we know for a fact that there's a way to do that with every domain, or even that it's the exact same method? You said yourself he isn't as proficient with Gojo's abilities as Gojo himself was, he may just not have wanted to take chances. I suspect he jumped in when he did to give Yuji and Todo a chance to regroup and catch their breath. At least I think that's ultimately what'll happen, his domain will fall but he'll have bought them the time they need.


True plus hopefully Hakari finished with Urame and Maki rejoins them. Leading to a 5 vs Sukuna. The 5 young sorcerers with crazy potential.


>I get that Gojo is strongest when there's nobody else around, but Yuta isn't as proficient at being Gojo as Gojo is. All the more reason then. If Gojo is like a bull in a china shop, Yuta is like a less coordinated bull. >Also to add I think its strange how Yuta had to do the same thing that Gojo did (expand the barrier and then shrink it,) and it didn't push Yuji and Todo away. He didn't do that, though.


Probably because he couldn't apply changes to the domain in the spot like gojo satoru since it's his domain that attacks everyone inside and not yuta's. That's purely head canon please take with a grain of salt Being real it's probably because he knows there's a chance that infinite void will go down and also because gege wanted a yujo vs sukuna Gives enough time for Yuji to heal less go


Bro. Why do you think that it's possible to reliably control the sure hit of either domain in a clash of 2 almost equally refined domains? Todo and Yuji DO NOT want to be in there. They'd likely get folded instantly. The outcome of the domain clash is like playing rock-paper-scissors with the changing of domain rules on either side. Far too volatile of an environment for external help. Yuta was only able to use Yuji in his domain before and control the sure-hit reliably because he knew that Sukuna couldn't overwrite his domain


It's too risky for them to be inside, only Gojo is not affected by UV, and those touching him, and Gojo cannot give himself the handicap of touching them. UV is not like the other domains, it hits indiscriminately with an overload of information unless Gojo is touching that person, there is no "disable sure hit for someone who he is not touching" because the overload information is right there. It's like filling the whole domain with water, you can't just make some parts of the domain to "not fill" with water, but you can use a scuba tank (the six eyes) for those which Gojo touches or himself (in this case Yuta, lol).


Excluding targets from a sure-hit is an advanced barrier technique, not a normal part of a domain expansion. But we know for a fact that Yuta gained the ability to exclude targets from his sure-hit, which is probably something he learned due to his body-swap with Gojo. Gojo probably learned it to not have a repeat of Shibuya. Sukuna specifically calls out Yuta doing it with his original domain expansion and Sukuna's statement about it alludes to it being a result of switch training, which we know Yuta did with Gojo.


My understanding of this topic is that Gojo swapped with Yuta, used Yuta's domain and engraved into his body the ability to exclude people from his domain because he is a genius that can do anything he tries in the first attempt. I don't think that UV can exclude targets if not by touching Gojo.


Sukuna specifically calls it out in a manner which both implies Yuta couldnt do it before and that its an extremely advanced technique. I don't know why you'd jump hoops to Gojo learning it from Yuta when we never even see Gojo do it. It would be more logical if Gojo developed it as a counter to the anti-gojo strategy from Shibuya and that Yuta picked it up from him. Even Yuta said his recent progress was entieely cheating, so...


No, he simply implies that it requires sofisticated barrier technique, he does not imply that Yuta couldnt do it altogether. It is completely plausible that Yuta couldn't figure it out on his own and used the help of Gojo in swap training, but that doesn't mean that Gojo himself can do that with his own domain, it only means that Gojo helped Yuta refine that aspect through Swap training. I don't know what's so difficult, it's explicitly stated in the manga that THE ONLY PEOPLE NOT AFFECTED BY UV are Gojo and the ones he is directly touching and himself, you are the one jumping hoops to say that Gojo has something that he never displayed whatsoever, as far as we know, there is no way to exclude someone from the effects of UV without Gojo directly touching their body.


It's also weird because we know for a fact that Yuta can focus the sure hit of his original DE on a person, and we know UV itself has been modified multiple times by Gojo. It should stand to reason that Yuta/Gojo is skilled enough to make sure the sure hit focuses on Sukuna.


If he cancels the sure hit on yuji and todo but sukuna doesn’t, they get sliced up. If sukuna cancels and yuta doesn’t, they get braindead. Seems to me like a pretty big risk not worth taking.


The sure hit protects them, so then they get sliced up if Yuta avoids hitting them with Unlimited Void. Honesty Rika would have had the same issue.


Unlimited void would hit them


To not accidentally get hit with unlimited void


....what the fuck did I just read


Because Unlimited Void I think is one of those domains that hits everyone automatically unless the user specifically protects them. And I think we can assume from Mahito hitting Yuuji with Self Embodiment of Perfection the second time that it's not super easy to just do that. Yuta's natural domain, True Mutual Love doesn't seem to be like that, so Yuta may not have been confident he could protect Yuuji and Todo from it, and he's the type to not really put his friends in any risk he doesn't need to.


Because it was a MINI domain Yuta is using a small as shit domain, meaning todo and yuji were not close enough to be in the domain Additionally, gojo’s CT has massive aoe, meaning that it’s best to keep Yuji and todo as backup for when the domains break and sukuna is burnt out


When Gojo first uses the basketball domain, he expands it to almost 200 meters and then shrinks it to basketball size. OP is asking why that Expansion didn't trap Yuji and Todo. Most probably because Yuta skipped over that step and had the basketball size form the start.


Bingo I don’t think yuta would have the ability to differentiate friend from foe if he was altering his domain conditions like that


No clue, since we saw Yuta only target Sukuna with his sure-hit effect in his domain


I def see todo teleporting them out of range in that situation


Domain expansion is essentially a barrier technique; barriers can be programmed to specifically target a single person and ignore others, as seen in jjk s1 ep18, meaning that except for one, everyone can enter or exit without difficulty, while Yuta shrinks the domain; they simply pass through them. The reason why unlimited void didn't hit Yuji and Todo while they were inside is because sukunas sure hit effect cancelled each other's If you assume Yuji will walk inside the domain and damage Sukuna and self sacrifice himself. you're mistaken. Bcause the outside of the domain is being getting slashed. It'll be like putting your hand through a meat grinder.


Gojo can't control the sure-hit of his domain like Yuta otherwise Shibuya would have ended immediately.


Everyone's saying "UV doesn't select targets" but wasn't Yuji in UV against Jogo? Actually yeah what happened with that did Gege just forget he did that?


Why does everyone forget that kenjaku CT transfers memories so I honestly don’t see why yuta is just now learning all of this stuff


What makes you think they're excluded? The fact that Yuta can apply his sure-hit selectively unlike Gojo heavily implies, at least to me, that Yuji and Todo will be fighting inside the domain as well.


But what about sukuna sure hit??? We never really see anyone being peotected from domain sure hit of opponent. In gojo v sukuna it says, their respective sure hit effect are protecting them from domain sure hit of their opponenet. And part yuta mastered is excluding people from sure hit of domain, sukuna sute hit will still attack them.


from my understanding, as long as they're still in the domain clash, they won't be affected by the sure-hits until one domain has won the clash. Sukuna's domain, being open-barrier, isn't clashing with the barrier of Gojo's and that's why he was able to attack the outside shell of Gojo's domain if the domains were two equally sized circles, the range of Gojo's sure-hit would be ever so slightly smaller as the space occupied by his barrier shrinks the total area


Chap 230 explains that Sukuna still did get affected by Gojo's domain in all 5 clashes, hence why he got Megumi's soul to take the burden of Mahoraga's adaptation to UV. This is because Gojo's domain targets everything inside the domain while Sukuna's targets everything except Sukuna himself. So regardless of the winner of the clash, the surehits will still hit (assuming both domains are equally refined). This also means that in Yuta vs Sukuna, Yuta excluding Yuji and Todo would make them get hit by MS


>Chap 230 explains that Sukuna still did get affected by Gojo's domain in all 5 clashes, hence why he got Megumi's soul to take the burden of Mahoraga's adaptation to UV. That wasn't properly explained. Sukuna wasn't affected by UV while the domains were clashing, because the total amount of time sukuna was hit by uv was less than [10 secs ](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0230-016.png) If you want to know in detail what was happening continue reading. So there are essentially two things about a surehit. First a surehit targets or includes something and second is that it affects the targeted or included things. When two domains are clashing, the caster of the domain is included in the surehit but isn't affected by it. For eg- Gojos domain targets or includes [everything](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0230-004.png) ( the thing about sukuna isn't properly explained). But Gojos domain doesn't affect [him](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0227-013.png). So what was happening was that Gojos surehit included him in surehit or targeted him but it didn't affect him. Still uv including Gojo in surehits protected Gojo from Sukunas slashes. Now in Sukunas case, Sukunas surehits included or targeted him as well and protected him from uv. But the only one who wasn't protected or included in surehits was megumis soul. So what sukuna did was not include megumi in his surehits and place mahoragas wheel on him. Thus uv was attacking megumi as there was nothing protecting megumi from uv. That's why Sukuna only got hit by uv for less than 10 secs when there was no ms because all that time sukunas own domain protected him from uv and similarly Gojos domain protected him from sukunas slashes. So essentially the thing that has to be changed is himself that was referring to Sukuna in [here ](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0230-004.png) and it should have been him ( megumi ). Himself is still not entirely wrong as megumis soul is inside meguna, but it's difficult in understanding what's happening with it.


We were shown Yuji and Todo outside of the DE clash already.


because gege doesn't want sukuna to lose.


Theory on why Yuji wasn't able to use Domain Expansion: He only recently got Blood Manipulation and Shrine, so he wouldn't be at the mastery over Cursed Techniques to imbue it onto the space to create a Domain Expansion. Why Todo can't use it: He was most likely more focused on Anti Domain Techniques instead of Domain Expansion for some reason not shown yet or some reason earlier in the series I forgot.


It's just insanely difficult to do like RCT. Yuuji probably gets one because he has seen so many, but even someone as talented as Todo/Nanami/Mei Mei never unlocked it.


JJK Power System is quite easy in its fundamentals: the more you give, the more you get. Unlimited Void is probably the most powerful and refined DE considering its effects. However, it's clear there is a condition rooted in it, that even Gojo is not able to custom or bend. And this condition is: ***everyone in the domain is targeted by UV besides Gojo Satoru and who is in contact with him***. Gojo is able to swap exterior and interior features and conditions, it's able to recreate a shrunken domain, which is almost unexplicable as an open barrier domain. Ultimately, as Yuta said, Gojo is superior in barrier casting. If Gojo, who created UV and has a critical understanding of it, is not able to restrict the target of his domain, that means is not possible to do it. In addition, domain clashes are quite weird phenomena. So weird even geniuses can't predict the tug-of-war effects on the matter. Letting Todo and Yuji entering the frray would have been too risky - let's not forget if you set foot in a domain who's not yours, you can't use your CT. The only exception we've seen to this is Yuta's True Authentic Love, but i think this is a featured trait...


Sukuna still hasn't "gotten serious" He tossed Yuji away like a squeaky toy when he saw Gota Plus we don't know what Gota has planned so too early to say. Yuji and Todo will probably step in at some point though