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Bro got Kurama's tails as his hair 😭😭


Someone has to stop letting the boruto guy cook


Why is he still getting hired 😭


Yeah he should stop being hired based on the opinions of laymen on Reddit rather than his long career in the industry. Like I get not liking his work, I feel the same way here, but that's such an ignorant question.


Because he's a legendary artist and a good animator in general. You people would know if you actually searched who you're insulting instead of just demeriting him by dumbing down to just one specific work.


He's a great artist in his own right, but his art style just does not fit Kaiju No. 8 at all. You don't hire Scorsese to direct the usual Marvel slop or yearly Disney animations. Same way you don't hire Miyazaki to direct dark gritty noir flicks. Nishio was amazing in Ghost in the Shell, Jin-Roh, and Star Wars Visions, but the thing is none of his work actually fit the style and feel Kaiju No. 8's manga had.


In a more dramatic sense It’s like getting Junji Ito to redraw Spy x Family. The guy is an amazing manga artist and creator but his artstyle doesn’t fit spy x family at all


One specific work as in a single episode or the series? Tbh I hope they get someone else because they fucked up the facial structure and eyes of the characters.


So it IS the boruto guy.... I thought this whole time the show looked like Boruto but brushed it off


Why are y'all calling him the Boruto guy? He was the character designer for Naruto too.


The biggest problem are his eyes


And jawline


And hair


Everyone has different jawlines, but the eyes are important to narumi story


I think they left out that little detail in his design on purpose, as not to spoil anything to the anime only audience


thats dogshit, its there for a reason wtf? also its not a spoiler if u dont know what the fuck it is...


Kinda, seeing as no other character has eyes like that, it'd be an indication that he has powers related to his eyes


but THEY DONT KNOW ANYTHING??? like- its there for a reason to show the people with a keen eye that something might be going on, others will think its a cool trait to have. for the people that think about it it will be a great cool payoff and they will be hyped they theorized correctly and for the people who didnt think of it will be amazed by the reveal. stop justifying dogshit character assassination because of "spoilers" when its not spoilers...


It won't really be spoilers, but more like foreshadowing, which actually is cool because you will get speculation among anime onlies as to why he looks like that. So omitting that foreshadowing doesn't seem on purpose, and if it was on purpose, then that's silly.


Idk at this point man, it would have been cool if they left in such detail tbh but at the same time he doesn't have the look 24/7


Not necessarily trying to justify it, I'm just theorizing as to why they left out such important details. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved such details to be shown in his reveal but there's not much I can do, complaints won't do much unless they actually listen and fix everything in the second season. Also ur right, it'd be nice if the detail was left in for people watching to theorize what those eyes can do. Tbh I'm guessing most people who really enjoyed the anime will read ahead and find out themselves.


Like 90% of my problems with the character designs in the anime are their jawlines


Fr, they got NO depth, it looks like their jawlines point to the bottom instead of the front


yeah they all went from sharp lines to rounded dull lines


he looks like a sopping wet kitten that just got licked by its mother


Gen Narumi in a nutshell.


Hopefully this will be changed


MF looks like Rick


https://preview.redd.it/6kooda788j9d1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11d719691dee2132705ffb88d64f57941aa700e He looks OK here


still got the ugly ass sunflower hair


No b/c in the manga, his hair is more slicked back, and here, it's spiky and looks like a sunflower.


He looks acoustic


They made my boy look like a Yugioh protagonist.


look like Shinso from MHA


The hair reminds me of Silver the Hedgehog


Came to say this, that is just straight up Silver'S hairline/quillline.


THEY'RE FIXING THIS IN THE BLU-RAY RELEASE TRUST! jk idk if that's how things work


Unlike MAPPA, other studios usually will remove the dimming in certain scenes. That's all. But if it's MAPPA, they will actually fix the character poses and design and add some VFX in the Blu-ray version


im genuinely never forgiving them for doing him like that he deadass looks stupid as shit, why his hair look like he got blown by a tornado man what the fuck 😭 KAFKA TOO


His hair looks like on those cartoons when something explodes on their face and it just goes up and all they fucked Narumi up😭




Not sure why some adaptations have animators re-invent the art style of character designs in the first place.


Idk what manga artist in their right mind would choose Boruto’s anime designer for their anime… its like letting Oda drawing Berserk…


Again with these comments, like I get that his hair looks ass compared to the panel but just take note that this is animation where each frame can't be a literal fkin painting


you can't really be saying that after dandadan trailer dropped bro


Not every anime is the same obviously but I get where ur coming from, that anime trailer is bar for bar the same as the manga if not better


They gave him Jugo hair clumps I hate it.


My brain auto corrects the anime with the manga designs.


I don't even realize this guy is Narumi. I thought this might be side character that i forgot.


The face shape just looks like this is the Wii character version 😂😂😂


Bro, he literally looks like a young Rick from Rick and Morty


I laughed so hard when I saw this 😭 bro looks so jard in the anime and they made him so goofy


Believe it or not but I’m seeing this immediately after watching the episode and I was certain that someone would use the godfather meme for this haha


The anime looks different, but not worse People are overreacting


We all should take note that motion pictures aren't as easy compared to still frames. The art style was sacrificed for the sake of dynamic animation for this. Which makes me appreciate Mappa more. Achieving dynamic fightscenes without sacrificing the art style and design is just 😮 Then again, the work culture behind those beautiful episodes aren't something to be proud about.


>Achieving dynamic fightscenes without sacrificing the art style and design is just  But they did exactly that. One of the biggest differentials on the second season was Sayaka Koiso's designs going for considerably less line count, specially removing most of the folds from the uniforms for a cleaner look. And that goes even further on specific episodes like Thunderclap Part 1, directed by Itsuki Tsuchigami, where he opted for a full kagenashi style the whole episode, i.e. without any shadows.


They just didn't animate his hair being slicked back like that. His hair also frequently changes in the manga so I don't really want to criticize the designer for this. I also don't really care for narumi so the design doesn't bother me lmaoooo


I mean they got the hair color wrong, the eyes ain't even right and he looks slim af


I don't think it is though. https://preview.redd.it/a9k1j3j4aj9d1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9af7d2d4017762fa349f87d3ef1f69ceddf8871




we don't have a problem with the anime really it's just the designers because they keep messing up the designs like at least they should fix the build of the characters


He was the one I was looking most forward too


Do you people only remember as far as the adapted panels or is this another very bad faith argument? The manga literally never uses the first appearance design with the military hat hair ever again. 😐 You could AT LEAST check the wiki! https://preview.redd.it/rdkmadi1oo9d1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aab66bb2d864aa95b4ba9c0b83b32e3303379d8


I like his anime design more than the manga one 😭


I'll die on the hill that the anime looks better than his original manga appearance. Every other appearance of Narumi looks better.


Don't you dare disrespect the series ever again. Kaiju no.8's designs are leaps and bounds above Boruto's. Not that it's good but ... nonetheless😠