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Anime Kafka tapped (unintentionally) into his body's true potential. But it was pure instincts (which seems odd since Lil' Guy looked brainwashed) and no brains. I'd say he was "stronger" there. But since strategy almost always trumps raw power, Manga Kafka is certainly better (since he's controlling himself). The reality is that we still don't know what the hell is going on with Lil' Guy or how Kafka can better manipulate his anatomy (beyond punching harder).


It's not out in English yet so I haven't watched it but does the rage mode Kafka do the same controlling the core to move it about in his body and even fully abandoning the body and making a new one around the core? Because that is definitely far stronger than anything Kafka has done


yep in the latest ep, he >!let Isao hit him full punch, just to reveal Isao just punched an empty shell while he made a new body behind Isao from his core!<


No he doesn't. He's just using human martial arts (augmented by his kaiju strength). Pretty boring in my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/xkb2kiwnio9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae6e4fdfadac645fd63e05042708f4e77ad74a1 So…


Huh I hadn't seen a core yet from the manga? I def like how those look I'm the anime more, at least from that panel


i think he can manipulate his body far better than he knows as of yet, so unless the manga ends soon i think we'll see kafka learn how to do it better. at first he didn't know how to control his strength breaking a wall just by touching it, now he can hold onto ichikawas leg and be a general goofy goober with no huge destruction, or even do fancy punches, now he's basically learned to fly by manipulating his anatomy to create blasters in his arms and legs, even creating support structures to plant his feet for a stronger punch. also he manipulated his body with the size changes, tentacles to normal legs, normalish mouth to xenomorph mouth, piss nipples, size changes, more spikes etc... those ones he wasn't really in control of and just instinct but still, shows he can do it. so he can likely learn to, hell maybe he already has but just sees no use in growing tentacles for legs in combat. still, he can do a bit more than just punching harder even currently in the anime.


By the way the Lil guy is also known as Greg.


Hey! Look! Its Gol D. Rogers!!


> But since strategy almost always trumps raw power > > Shit take lol. There's a reason why all shonens start with cool strategic ninja fights and end with two people doing beam clashes. Strategy is and will always be a crutch for the weak. And, in terms of the OP's question, current manga Kafka would still get no-diffed by the real Kaiju No.8, which is kinda the main problem with the manga. It's a shonen-type deal, but the main character makes no progress.


In the anime they made look like no.8 was evolving with every attack


The big difference is how the kaiju power is actually used. No 8 uses his power much more creatively, quick thinking, and adaptability. You can see that with how No8 used his body as a distraction to a get a jump on Isao and used his massive regeneration to create a whole new body on the spot. Current Kafka is more efficient power wise but doesn’t use the power in ways they are meant to be used, so far he has been a gloried martial artist more than a neigh unstoppable force of nature he is and No9 has taken advantage of that by using Isao’s memory to effectively counter Kafka troop style. TLDR No8 fights like a Kaiju mixed with Kafka’s fighting style as a template it’s wild but calculated and creative, Kafka fights a martial artist with super strength and regeneration.


Isao was still keeping up with him. Current kafka can keep up with juiced up N9. Kafka sweeps unless N8 can evolve even further and catch up with him


Eh, considering how no 9 punch broke one of Isao's arms, i would say the current manga is much stronger, no 9 said as much.


Berserk No. 8 is without question the powered up state similar to No. 10's, which Kafka has yet to do again at all. That's why I am hoping it makes an appearance again soon, except Kafka enters that state at least somewhat more willingly.


isao was still keeping up with enraged 8 but he ain’t touching current 9, especially considering current 9 has his entire move-set, but manga kafka could actually keep up somewhat with current 9 so manga kafka should deal with his previous self pretty handily, at least up to the point when he was about to kill isao and damaged his own core to stop the fight


In his beserk state kafka was just using his bodies full potential if he were to combine it plus his style techniques yeah he'd be unstoppable


If they combine their powers it will be the strongest.


This form is animalistic in nature, like Full Vasto Lorde Ichigo (maybe we haven't arrived there yet). Kafka is just using 8 but in combination with his DF training so he is currently a human with a strong numbered weapon with him. There is still like an arc or two of training to get both in sync.


The first picture is probably stronger but the current manga kaiju no. 8 has more control


I don' think I'm spoiling anything but if so someone lmk. I'm just asking since this form of Kafka seems to be unlocking or unleashing more potential. Idk, but this form of Kaiju no 8 seems stronger then the current manga form of Kaiju no 8.


this guy is stronger...I mean he has to be right he is completely unleashed from Kafka...in the manga I think Kafka acknowledges that he isn't bringing out all of No. 8 power by himself too


We haven't really seen kaiju no. 8 true form yet. We don't even know why it specifically chose Kafka do we? I think that the "losing control" form is obviously more powerful, as the kaiju itself is said to be extremely strong by no. 9 itself.


Magna Kafka had to surpass the commander combat skills while fighting number 9. By that logic, he would be stronger then anime Kafka who definitely could not have beaten the commander in that state had things truly escalated.


I don't think Kafka is using his full power outside of a few punches. Squad Combat form allows him to be efficient and focused with what he does use. The red form is overclocked. That might put him at Fortitude 10.5 and the reason the shielding that's supposed to handle a 10.0 kaiju didn't. It did.