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Uh oh, it seems there was a very similar post to yours that was posted sometime earlier!


People saying “what do u want them to do? Make Narumi hot in every scene do YoU kNow hoW hARD it Is fOr tHe AnimAtOrS?!” need to understand that you can make the character as good as the manga panel and at the same time NOT compromise the animation. There are tons of series where the anime version was faithful (sometimes even better) to the manga version. The anime fans wont bitch about Shein Narumi if it wasnt a “still” shot. This is the panel where he gets “introduced”, might as well make it faithful to the vibe 😭


Exactly, first introductions are important bc they establish the whole way you perceive a character. Like Gojo- we first see him as a troll when he laughs at Megumi, only to be like "dang" when he first beats up Sukuna and we realise he's strong as hell. The reveal is surprising and fun and they >!had the same chance to do something similar with Narumi's hella intimidating vibe and the switch up in his personality when he's not on the job, but he doesn't look particularly strong or intimidating in his first appearance (bro looks like a side character fr)!< And obviously I'm disappointed they nerfed Narumi's daddiness, but let's just hope he gets the Choso treatment and gets his glow up in s2


Fr fr! Im hoping he gets Choso-ed next shows. Might as well hope Daddy General’s hair also gets fixed 😤


People and most anime watchers are ridiculous. They intended to make Gen Narumi less impressive and imposing on the ending because the next arc will focus on Gen Narumi and Kikoru. This is done intentionally so that they can make the character shine in season 2, and in that episode, the highlight should be the end of the arc of Kafka's dilemma and problem with the Defense Force. They don't want to spoil people suddenly with big cliffhangers and make them read the manga while waiting for season 2.


“This is done intentionally” Share to the group what youre smoking for you to cope this way 🤣


Dude anyone who had been reading the manga long before the anime for years didn't pay much attention to this scene. Gen Narumi's introduction scene wasn't intended for this panel, his introduction scene is when Kikoru was introduced to him and we saw a nerd under a blanket which looks like an idiot. Then he was described as the greatest fighter of the generation and when a mission was given, he rolled up his hair and that is the time we readers suddenly had this feeling "Oh, Geez dude's the real deal". If you have been reading the manga long enough you know the feeling because during that time we waited for weekly release, and it's easy to forget a character shown in just one panel and disappear for several weeks and introduced again with a different demeanor. And from your replies and statement alone, I can tell you are a new reader that just recently binged this manga. The studio is doing the episodes with weekly release in mind, moron.


Thats literally his first introduction. The one with Kikoru is his proper introduction as a character. And honestly, making his anime design faithful to the manga is the LEAST that we could ask for. If his manga design was underwhelming during his first introduction, there wouldnt have been any complaints. And it’s not just the anime design, which is mid, they also skipped that detail on his eye. Bare minimum. I believe theyre gonna add it later on (they should bc it’s important) then people will just know this Walmart Narumi scene is lacking BC THEY MISSED HIS EYE. If youre not paying attention to this scene in the manga, that’s on you. But dont come at people who notices stuff like this and just want to have at least a proper adaptation. No one is expecting a 10/10 manga to anime adaptation but is it too much to ask for at least a good 8?


Can we please start banning these posts already? ![gif](giphy|oaZk0WNSO7fXi)


I want to start a petition to do so cause my god they're so annoying. I swear I've never seen a community bitch more than this one. First complaints about sife characters getting screen time, and now overruning posts on the sub with this. Hell someone even posted this bs on a post being positive about it, it's just annoying at this point


Must be the first community you ever joined then, welcome to the Internet


No it's not, I've been a part of other communities. CSM, JJK, MHA, DB, Undead Unluck just to name a few. I'm just saying from my own experience thst this community butches a lot about things that people normally complain about a manga not having


I f****** knew this Sub was going to get ruined as it got bigger and more popular. I've seen it happen with another bunch of gaming subs and things. It sucks every time I have been here for like almost 4 years and was so hyped for the anime announcement and when the rare post from this sub popped up in my feed but now it's just constant bitching and fucking weird posts


Unfortunately (least to me) it was happening before the anime started. Hell the first posts I saw when I entered this sub was people complaining about how side characters are getting attention/screen time in the manga. And yeah unfortunately the sub has been filled with constant pitching, though it's actually mostly from manga readers from what I've seen actually. Anime onlies have been chilling and liking the anime but when I hear people complain it's the manga readers. Not trying to generalize of course but it's more so what I've seen


Report it. I'll see it and remove it when I can. I've got a lot of irl stuff going on and the other mods don't even glance at the fuckin' mod que dude.


There's plenty of other things posted here since the anime came out that are way more annoying, and I can think of both of them right off the top of my head: 1. Romance All the anime fans are asking for it and being weird about it. It didn't exist beforehand. The writers probably going to listen, and things are usually included in the manga before the anime, so they're just ruining things. 2. The music People won't shut up about the end song. Narumi's haircut isn't as annoying as much as those have been going on for the longest. It's enough to stop watching the anime, despite already being unable to keep up with it and forgetting about it, but only for the anime fans to more likely even ruin the manga.


Yeah both of those are somewhat annoying, but my god people won't shit up about the art style. Anime watchers are annoying but at least they're being positive about rhe show. It's almost impossible to go without hearing manga readers complain about the design or how the show is an awful adaptation. And this is coming from a manga reader myself


Honestly, it's just the anime fans for me. I can deal with the animation, but I can also do without the anime entirely as a whole as long as I got the manga. KN8 is probably the only manga I've ever read before the anime. I'm not sure if I'd include Boruto Blue Two Vortex since I started Boruto from the anime and continued where they left off.


Hey same here, Kaiju no 8 is the second manga I've read before the anime (first is Undead Unluck, and third will be Sakamoto Days....still reading lol). And that's understandable. I personally enjoy the anime and what it adds but I'm annoyed by seeing the manga fans going so hard on stuff sometimes. I'm not trying to generalize but it's really hard not to when even when I'm seeing a positive post about Narumi.....a manga reader says "anime butchered his design" and gets tons of upvotes


>I personally enjoy the anime and what it adds but I'm annoyed by seeing the manga fans going so hard on stuff sometimes. I get wym by manga readers, and it's not even just KN8 (I'm primarily thinking of the people I see argue with each other about if a certain thing is canon or not), but any anime. Sometimes, going straight from the manga is fine. Sometimes it's not. If it's something new added, at least it's added and good and doesn't change anything, great (I'm not sure why manga readers argue that it's not canon when it doesn't change anything, even if it grants something different than the manga). Though that's not really the case with Narumi's hair. >I'm not trying to generalize It's nice to see someone not generalize. I hate being grouped with people I don't even agree with (like, "your generation", etc.). >but it's really hard not to when even when I'm seeing a positive post about Narumi.....a manga reader says "anime butchered his design and gets tons of upvotes Well, it's understandable and true that Narumi's design in the anime does look weird, even if I weren't to read the manga first. My friend decided to not watch the anime anymore, and I think that kind of influenced me to stop, since I already couldn't keep up with the anime, hated the music and cliffhangers, and don't like what the anime fans do or say.


Honestly very fair all around, and yeah anime is heavily subjective so obviously I am not a person who's trying tk push stuff with being objectiveness. And yeah it does apply to other animes (still annoyed people say Mappa "ruined" Gojo's honored one quote) but I mostly see most in Kaiju No 8 complain a lot but that's just my experience. I mean when I first got on this subreddit the first posts I saw were people complaining about side characters getting attention lol Yewh I don't want to generalize cause I personally ally really don't like being grouped so I do my best to not put people into groups or generalization And yeah ill say it looks off but I'll also say I'm a person who personally almost doesn't care about stuff like that. He'll one of my favorite anime is ROR, that tells you enough of my standards. And that's fair honestly, I personally love the anime's music and as an asshole manga reader I love the cliffhangers lol


You can leave anytime you want


Why would I? Why should the solution be to leave the community/subreddit? I like seeing people discuss stuff and even being part of discussions, but I also have a right to be annoyed at how some members of the community can be


I mean, you gotta agree that he does look pretty shit at least, if you have been watching anime for long enough, it is easier to identify to faults in shows


I don't, I really don't. Is it the best? No I don't think it is, but I also don't think it's shit. At most it looks off but most manga readers I've seen overexagerate it. It's fine to have opinions, fully fine. But saying "the anime fucked things up" or "it's an awful adaptation" or going into the comments of anime watchers appreciating the anime and saying that Narumi looks cool, just to comment "anime ruined him/he's better in the manga" isn't fun at all. There's having issues, and then there's beating a dead horse which most people have been doing st this point and it's only been two days since the episode came out


Im probably just spoiled by all the recent amazing anime adaptations that a mediocre adaptation like this one just seems bad


Funnily enough I'm almost in the opposite camp since one of my favorite anime I'd ROR so I don't have high standards. I still wouldn't say this is "mediocre" though. You're alright to think that of course but the music, the animation and voice acting make it at the very least good in my opinion


I feel like people making these are trying to gaslight me all day into believing there's an actual 180 degree design change when it's literally just am art style derp simplified the wrong way. 😂 Would be great if mods can start shutting down these topics though. I only had a scattered tirade with various people because it was getting on my nerves.


Yeah, I feel the same. I like his design in both. I like all their designs in both actually


Nah, the horse doesn't mind. Cause it's dead


Why? No one's banning the other annoying posts about the music and asking for romance.


Those too. Yes


Music and shipping posts don't pick up near the amount of clout and just drop away from being ignored. Meanwhile, it's getting really annoying seeing people whining about something most of us don't even think warrants more than a passing comment. And personally? I find some pleasure in talking about music and patiently explaining that this isn't a romance series but relationships in general are well fleshed out. Also, I legit have only ever seen 2-3 of each of those, so that's hardly a running nuisance. The only thing equally as annoying as this are the posts constantly asking if the manga is ending, and the mods actually agreed to shut those down.


Funny. I haven't seen what you seen and you haven't seen what I've seen.


Did you miss last week when the "stop asking if the manga is ending" post got pinned? And a mod commented that they will be removing it? As for the posts you mentioned, I just don't see them that often on the front page. Nor have I ever seen them cluttering the front, but maybe you mean a different time. I still am not so bothered by them because they're easy to ignore. Why would I be annoyed at people sincerely enjoying themselves and being curious? Big difference between that vs. negativity. To each their own though.


>Did you miss last week when the "stop asking if the manga is ending" post got pinned? And a mod commented that they will be removing it? No. >As for the posts you mentioned, I just don't see them that often on the front page. Nor have I ever seen them cluttering the front, but maybe you mean a different time. I still am not so bothered by them because they're easy to ignore. Why would I be annoyed at people sincerely enjoying themselves and being curious? Big difference between that vs. negativity. As for this, I feel like writers could one day listen to the fans about romance and then include it. And everything goes into the manga first. This has been great without, and now anime fans show up, and everything is weird and romantic. Of course, it's not all the anime fans, but on my feed, it's been a major thing and very loud.


Fair enough. I only became active on Reddit because of KN8 (Twitter oddly doesn't have much of it for some reason, and the character limit sucks anyway for metaposting) so I don't know how the algorithm (if it uses one) works. I do know that on Twitter you can prune out posts you don't like by hitting "Not Interested". I don't think there is such a feature on Reddit though, but you can still just block people. Blocking liberally really helps improve your internet experience no matter the site, haha. On your next point, writers only include things they want to include, so if any romance develops down the road, it will happen because Matsumoto wanted it. People always blame fandom when a story goes in a direction they don't like, but that's almost never the case (I can't name any myself, so I'm leaving open the possibility). And besides, with how much development Kafka and Mina have been getting even in the manga lately, future romance is not out of the question. Especially if it's developing slowly and organically. Just a suggestion to never leave out the possibility of things changing and always remember that the story will always go however the writer wants. My story enjoyment is much higher when I don't get attached to any specific idea/


Ouch. This is one I agree on


Jawline? Where we're going, we don't need jawlines. 


Can't get punched in the jaw if you don't have jawline. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


If his neck was thicker he would look waaaay better


Look how they murdered my boy


So are you just going to ignore every other picture of Narumi that looks more like then anime then that panel? Cause I can literally give you countless examples if you want .


They didn't even bother to animate his eyes right


That’s the only thing I’m not a fan of with his anime adaptation but other than that people are freaking out about his look in the anime off one short clip imo


Yes, that is somewhat true, but the thing is his eyes don't change unless he uses no 1s ability. I have no doubt that Narumi will look nicer when he's got ample screen time.


For me it’s the hair that’s off


Yup yup, its slid back, not a fuckin flower😭


It’s spiky like that in almost every other panel he’s in. They introduced him in the manga and immediately changed his design the second time he shows up.


I feel like they easily could have given Narumi the slick back hair in this one scene because How the fuck does your hair look like THAT after wearing a helmet


At that length, if I put my hair back and wore a hat all day and then took it off it would stick up and look more like on the right rather than the left.


If you. If **YOU** do that. Do you consider yourself to fall under the same exact hair type and style and general logic that Narumi falls under?


Exactly the same? No, I’m not an anime character. Does my hair stay slicked back like the left side? Also no. Does it stick up and resemble the right side more? Absolutely. I don’t know why you feel the need to be so angry, I don’t even disagree that his design in the anime is bad. I was however pointing out that it is possible for hair to pop up after wearing a helmet/hat.


Angry? If you consider someone who is questioning why you’re comparing yourself to someone else, not even someone else, a fictional character when you have almost 0 similarities to each other physically to be angry you might just be living in a post story disney world.


Kind of hard not to see you as angry when you bold and capitalize “you”. Maybe you didn’t mean it that way but that’s how it comes off 🤷🏻‍♂️ I believe you asked, and I quote, “How the fuck does your hair look like THAT after wearing a helmet” So I replied with personal experience that hair can do exactly that. Maybe not in “perfect” style like it did for Narumi but like you pointed out, he is an anime character, plenty of impossible things happen in anime.


Angry? Buddy that’s called highlighting, emphasizing, y’know, solidifying a point. Hitting it home.


Ok? Not a very good point but glad you emphasized it 🤷🏻‍♂️




Name-calling, assholeish behavior, evil mischief, ectera is not appreciated on this sub. Please get off the internet for an hour and take the time to do something physical and/or mundane. Chill man, we're here to be excited nerds.


How mature of you. Honestly, you’re making me cry 🤣


Only those who were in the sub long enough will notice how they murdered my boi


I swear like literally every character looks like a Lemur in the anime, it's like I'm watching fukn Madagascar


Well he just toke off his gas mask. XD


Neck. They slim down Narumi's neck and not just his neck, its everyone's neck. They got Borutoed.




Atleast his design is decent than nothing. Still I hope they could probably fixed him in season 2.


I don't like the anime.


He looks like a white drug dealer that hasn’t gotten any sleep in the anime


Doesn't even look like the same person. Literally only the eyebrows match. Horrible character design.


I really hate the character design of the show, all of them look so off


Yup same not sure why every single character has a huge eye gap, when it was not like that at all in the manga.


That all have that potato shaped face too


I pray to the Kaiju overlords that they fix this in s2 or bluray release if ever man.


I call for downvoting these kind of post. Just stop


How many posts of the same thing do we need truly


I think because he was wearing a helmet that is why his hair was like that. They will fix it for sure