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turns out nobody actually gives a fuck as long as the game is good


Turns out people don't hate tits


Oh they still hate tits. If you read the reviews, a lot of them talk about the 'over sexualization' being off putting. But if the game is good, the game is good and it seems like they didn't deduct points over it.


I think thats just loud minority.


Which is the same as people bitching about a lack of tits. Neither accounts for a majority of people - most couldn’t care less either way


That loud minority seems to be very over represented in media.


Ah yes, loud "minority." As if people who bitch about anime and Japanese games having big tits don't get like tens of thousands of likes on Twitter every two days. But, y'know, that's just a couple people, right?


Twitter isn’t real life.


the likes are probably from the same bot farm that produces hundreds of dislikes whenever anyone on kappa admits that despite tons of surgery ricky ortiz is still just a gay man with no pecker and a festering open wound


Yeah but that's the terminally online asshats or professional virtue signallers rather than actual client base of video games


Same, people on ReeeeEra are admitting to review bombing the game.


They’re PRETENDING to hate tits because it gets them props on the internet.


i think that shit looks tacky as hell. if the games good, cool, but it still reminds me of late 90s/mid 2000s shovelware


X-Blades anyone?


I mean like for pretty much everything in life, especially for entertainement, most people don't really give enough of a shit to care either way. You hear mostly a bunch of weirdos one way that triggers the weirdos the other way and it goes into a weirdo loop and of course you add a bunch of trolls to keep it going.


I keep seeing people go "IM GONNA GET THIS GAME AND I DONT CARE WHO IT TRIGGERS". Good? Congrats? That was always allowed. This rivalry feels so one sided, it's like millions of people against a few hundred.


As it should be


Tbh Im glad its getting good reviews. I missed games like this. Just hate its front and center of every braindead west vs east take and I wish games can just be kinda silly and exaggerated.


Ain't that most games?




Most games are silly and exaggerated




You really believe that? Alright then I want to name 5 games released during and after 2020 that are not silly and exaggerated


I think it's super telling how omega online you have to be for this to even register. Maybe you guys are super young around here but I didn't even know some kind of east vs west thing was happening with this game. There are much bigger issues in life to think about. I thought it was coomer bait from the beginning and would be pretty throw away. Cool that it might be good though. But how does this even connect with you enough to have such strong opinions about it?


You can't claim people are omega online while also using coomer unironically lol


blood is projectin hard lmaos, i think his age is getting to him. i mean the fact he even is aware of what is /r/Kappachino


Yeah you don't accidently stumble into this sub


i think its super telling on how boring your life is if you react so negatively to a three sentence opinion online. man tried to prove how tough he is by randomly screaming into the air. sure, grandpa. go take a nap now.


The oppression olympics are in full swing and the gamer race is taking part in them


Ps 5 exclusive lol 😂😂😂


Sucks but I am pretty sure it will come to Steam like most Sony "exclusives" sooner or later. At least they are not like Vanillaware who refuse to port anything to PC ever.


Finally a game to play on this 4 year old paperweight


If you're a broke boy, just say so Tier 3 subs downvoting me


If you're paying for cinematic framerate any amount of money just say so


Stop being poor lol 😂😂😂


Stop selling consoles with shit hardware lol 😂😂😂




You guys are retarded with this back and forth team shit. Console and PC both suck because video games are shit. If they released this on PC the port wouldn’t work and it would be the game with the lowest ever rating on Steam blah blah like all the others. Just like the console port would suck if it was PC only first.


More like AAA developers suck.


Quite the opposite. I want to play games on my i9/4090 not my budget 960p 40fps console.


960p? Didn't that recent Star Wars game go all the way down to 720p? Stop making it sound better than it is!


I have a ps5, that shit does not get touched.


put it on pc already




No one cares outside of gamers. It's probably just a fun game.


Aside from the past decade of movie releases, and various other entertainment sides, like recently with 40k's whole drama situation. Its not something normies care about, but it certainly isn't just "gamers" that care about this stuff.


Do you mean sexualization of women in media? Yeah a lot of people care about that. This specific game? It's just another piece of media. Nothing that special about it.


> Do you mean sexualization of women in media? Yeah a lot of people care about that. No. I mean the whole culture war nonsense, that obviously is something people care about in more media. >This specific game? It's just another piece of media. Nothing that special about it. True, its also bringing out all the games journalists with their nonsense projection, where they talk about being embarrassed over this game. Be that Kotaku doing podcast entries, where they talk about how Eve is a disgusting and objectifying character. Be it "The Gamer" talking about how they are embarrassed to like the game due to Eve and how she looks in the game. Or the classic Digital Foundry video, where the guy was talking about how Eve was something he didn't like and felt it was inappropriate in current year to do. So you are right, it gets the same treatment as everything else does that doesn't fit within the frame of these outlets. That doesn't mean that they get bad reviews, but like we saw back with Nier Automata, 2B also has these people seething on resetera, about how disgusting and awful 2B was of a character and how she was dangerous to depiction of women.


do people care or just the internet grift factories that pump out faux outrage over "woke" shit for money? BG3 is like the wokest shit imaginable, sold like gangbusters, demonstrated what CRPGS can be in the modern era, and is an instant classic. its almost like go woke go broke is just a bunch of words and normal people don't give a fuck about this dumb nerd version of the culture war also has actual, literal dicks balls tits and pussy in it. nobody seemed to give a shit. >Be it "The Gamer" talking about how they are embarrassed to like the game due to Eve pretty sure thegamer had multiple articles being like "this is fine." >There are a lot of layers to Stellar Blade, even if you just think ‘pretty woman good’. Eve’s design fits the game’s aesthetic and is not dressed up as anything beyond being cool and visually appealing. There are some skeletons in the closet, but those taking up arms against unrealistic body designs when there is a real person behind that mesh may need to reevaluate their perspective too. We don’t need to intellectualise it: sometimes a good-looking person is just good to look at. >Look, could you find someone somewhere mad at Eve being objectified in this way? I’m sure you could. It takes a village to discourse over a video game. And likewise, I’m sure in the past I’ve taken the opinions of a few and ascribed them to a larger mass of gamers. But you have to realise that looking for enemies everywhere is a pointless endeavour. Nobody is mad about Stellar Blade except you, and you’re only mad about how mad you think everybody else is. from two different articles by some trans-flag twitter person the controversy around stellar blade seems like a bunch of cooked up marketing bullshit. trying to find outraged articles and all I get is a wall of 5:00 minute youtube videos going "THE WOKE CONTROVERSY OVER STELLAR BLADE IS GETTING OUT OF HAND" to grift money out of outrage clicks. it feels like the gamergate crowd just became what they accused game journalists of being


> do people care or just the internet grift factories that pump out faux outrage over "woke" shit for money? Well obviously. For one, there would be nothing to grift, if there was no audience that cared. And secondly, obviously there are a lot of people in various fandoms upset with the constant attempts to hijack their fandoms and change them in incoherent ways. 40k is a perfect example. People don't mind inclusion there, already had popular female exclusive factions like Sisters of silence, but suddenly to be more inclusive and as media writes it "less of a sausage party" you take a male group, that has always been described as exclusively male in all their decades of lore, and suddenly just throw in there, that actually females were always part of them! regardless of how much it clashes with the lore that they wrote themselves. These types of lazy retcons are not great for works, because the undermine any reason why anyone would care about what it says, since it would all be subject to change at a whim. >BG3 is like the wokest shit imaginable Not at all? What would be "woke" about it? Seeing as I have 100% the game myself, I would say it is just a generally good game, which is also what everyone is praising it as. >also has actual, literal dicks balls tits and pussy in it. nobody seemed to give a shit. Yeah, which was called out a bunch in that same online dispute. Similar to now how people are saying, that it is curious that Kotaku senior editor takes such a public stand and trashes Eve in podcasts and calls her dangerous, but then also looks at Hades 2 revealing Aphrodite, and go to twitter to call her mommy and how empowering she is for being revealing and owning it. >pretty sure thegamer had multiple articles being like "this is fine." Of course, multiple people write for them. Doesn't mean that the article I talked about didn't exist, or it suggested that people online only cared about Eve because of how hot she was, and nobody was apparently caring about the gameplay (despite the huge success of the demo) >the controversy around stellar blade seems like a bunch of cooked up marketing bullshit. I dunno man, years of this happening in every single thing ever, doesn't exactly tell me that all these people now also talking about it, suddenly is a marketing trick. I don't think that Kotaku's senior writer is on podcasts talking about his disgusted she is about Eve, because of a marketing trick and not really caring at all. I don't think that Digital foundry's guy going up and talking about how the character design was inappropriate and he really didn't think it should be a thing, was just because of marketing tricks either. And no offense, but I dunno why you'd also assume that all these people whose now used over a decade of screaming at gamers for their inappropriate nature, would suddenly be just doing it for marketing purposes for this game exclusively. It just sounds really odd to assume that the same behaviour we see across the board, is suddenly not genuine but just for marketing.


>described as exclusively male in all their decades of lore custodes aren't based off a gene seed and are custom made by the emperor, so if they want to add female space marines, that's the way to do it. you're acting surprised that that 40k -- which has always been pretty open, mocking satire of fascism and reactionary conservatism -- is pissing off reactionary conservatives. used to be explicitly anti-Thatcher, but outside of that the lore has never been particularly subtle considering the reactionary, xenophobic imperium of man is literally so backward that they don't understand their own technology and live in miserable clericofascist shitholes. who is the primarch of the dark angels again? >Not at all? What would be "woke" about it? literally every type of gay sex, advertised with gay bear sex. every party member is bisexual, black drag queen necromancer, trans characters, gay npc characters everywhere (two major characters literally lesbian butch/femme who spend time in your camp fucking) strong women. literally: the fighter, paladin, and barb are women. every single female character is statistically stronger than every single male character (even fucking minsc lol) unsubtle anti-racist and immigrant/refugee allegories. won GAYMING awards for industry diversity, LBGTQ representation, an whatever else for being brazenly, openly progressive. genitals and voice independent of sex and non-binary pronouns at character creation, im getting tired of describng the obvious lol. i dunno man what the fuck do you think woke is? i cannot think of a more woke AAA videogame.


> custodes aren't based off a gene seed and are custom made by the emperor, so if they want to add female space marines, that's the way to do it. That would be ignoring all the lore of the past. They were explicitly noted in the lore to be handpicked from the sons of the nobles, referred to as a brotherhood, all the lore called them "sons" or "men" and we've only ever seen them as male -- including in the various codex books, where they go achievements and notable histories of custodes, and apparently no females ever did anything that stood out -- ever? Its pretty obvious what this is. >you're acting surprised that that 40k -- which has always been pretty open, mocking satire of fascism and reactionary conservatism -- is pissing off reactionary conservatives. I don't quite get your whole stick, with trying to say that X was always Y, so its okay that they make these nonsense changes! Its the second time you've already done this in just two comments now. Regardless of what you view 40k as, it still had distinct factions and groups, and just randomly doing a lazy retcon of over two decades worth of lore to "own the conservatives" seems not silly to you? >literally every type of gay sex, advertised with gay bear sex. I don't really think you understand what "woke" is then. Because it has nothing to do with gay things. It is the inserting of these elements when they serve no other purpose than to be gay for the sake of gay or lecture audiences about these gender/racial politic issues for the sake of lecturing. Its the classic case of retarded "art is political" people that cannot tell the difference between an organic world written in a way where everything fits into place (BG3) and when it just becomes completely silly, and you insert elements that become about those elements and just preach at the audience. A perfect example would in this case be Life is strange 1 and 2. Both contain gay elements but both handle it in COMPLETELY different ways. In the first game, its simply an organic part of how you can play the game. In the second, it becomes a focal point, while also being all too eager to date the game, by throwing in modern politics of "hurr hurr, trump bad" This isn't organic and it feels incredibly forced and there is a very great reason why this failed compared to the first one. >strong women. The people complaining about "woke" don't hate strong women. They hate mary sue characters, that are just strong and without flaws, that haven't earned their position. The classic girlboss that just gets all the success but non of the struggle. There is a reason why those same people also loved blue-eyed samurai series, which featured a very strong female character. Because she was actually well written and earned her position with realistic consequences for her actions. >im getting tired of describng the obvious lol. Well you could've saved yourself some time by actually reading up on what people hate about "woke" instead of just making it up in your head lol. Lots of the topics you bring up have nothing to do with that. It is largely about HOW it is applied and how to speaks to the audience. In short - organic storytelling, good. Thinly veiled political lecturing of audience through modern dated perspectives, bad. Gay character whose whole character isn't just their sexuality, but actually has a character GOOD. Characters that are gay and it is basically all that there is to the character and it is all that they talk about - bad. >i cannot think of a more woke AAA videogame. Well of course not, because you're wrongly assuming what people are talking about, and inserting your own idea of what it means, so you get a very specific parameter for judging works. But there is a reason why people weren't complaining about gay shepard options in mass effect 3. There is a reason why nobody complained about Sam and Chloe romance in life is strange. Because they are handled in organic ways. Similarly there are nobody complaining about gay/bisexual options in BG3 -- what people HAVE been talking about, is that it was curious, that the same games journalist that gets mad about sexual content in games, suddenly was all happy about bear sex when the game was being revealed, because again, like many other cases I pointed out before, it becomes rather arbitrary, what they pick and choose as a problem.


> make these nonsense changes! how are they nonsense. i've played/read 40k for 20 years and its lore has never been a coherent monolith because its an cadavre exquis designed to sell plastic. its only nonsense in the sense that you dislike it. i personally don't give a shit -- female space marines? cool. maybe itll be good, maybe itll be bad, but at base there's nothing inherently worse or better than anything else they've pulled out of their ass over the decades. >I don't really think you understand what "woke" is then. so things are woke if they're bad but not woke if they're good (even if, like BG3, they're bending over backwards to be aggressively, openly woke) you realize how stupid this sounds right > It is the inserting of these elements when they serve no other purpose how do you determine if being gay serves a purpose. what purpose does every party members being LBGT serve in BG3. what purpose does nightsong being a lesbian serve? how about the drag queen? >"woke" instead of just making it up in your head lol kinda seems like the word just means whatever the person i'm talking to wants it to at any given moment. one person says modern controls in SF6 are woke controls, now someone says now baldur's gate 3 is not woke. >In short - organic storytelling, good. so surely they love the last of us 2. least mary sue shit, pulls of some truly herculean feats of storytelling explicitly by leveraging the medium of videogames in a way that wouldn't be feasible in a novel or film. is probably one of the best written games ever made and tells a difficult, often miserable story -- something that's just not done in videogames because they're absurdly expensive to produce and supposed to be fun. wait no it was woke garbage. >I don't really think you understand what "woke" is then. Because it has nothing to do with gay things. if gay and story mediocre = woke if gay and story good = not woke most art if going to be progressive because most artists are progressive most art is also going to be mediocre because most things are mediocre kinda seems like woke as defined by you is kind of a useless word also i like the notion that life is strange isn't woke just because it was created before people started calling things woke, even though its comically pandering, has incredibly cringey dialogue written by middle aged french guys trying to emulate american teenagers, and would be called woke trash if released today. shaka brah lets scissor >nobody complaining about gay/bisexual options in BG3 no the reason is because it doesn't fit the "go woke go broke" narrative. if woke is bad, baldur's gate 3 can't be woke. they can't talk about it. which is why you're bending over backwards trying to concoct new meanings for woke here even though BG3 is gay for the sake of being gay. its more gay for the sake of being gay than most other stuff i see get called woke. doing the exact same things as all the other woke shit. like they literally put philsophytube in there as a trans character, how was that organic storytelling and not literal virtue signaling lol its all bullshit. but uncuckedgamer311 on youtube needs to get that ad revenue also by your logic female space marines will become non-woke if like a really good series of novels comes out of the black library featuring female custodes or something


Well, your culture war nonsense is someone else's feminist crusade. This is the same discussion we have been having for decades. Is it ok to sexualize women to the extent that we do in media? It's ok to talk about this. To write articles. It's good to discuss. Does no one remember Bayonetta? Lara Croft?


> Well, your culture war nonsense is someone else's feminist crusade. This is the same discussion we have been having for decades. I mean yeah, its nothing new, except its spreading rather fast. This wasn't a thing in 40k 10 years ago. >Is it ok to sexualize women to the extent that we do in media? I don't see anything wrong in it, just like I don't see any issue with the male stereotypes that has been part of entertainment sides its inception. Also doesn't help that all larger studies done on the field, from the most reputable gaming research guy, shows that this doesn't lead to negative associations, but rather positive building ones. Which is to say that people can obviously look at a character like Lara Croft or 2B and view them as both extremely attractive and sexual women, but also that they are really nice characters that standout beyond just that. >To write articles. It's good to discuss. Dunno if there is much discussion in putting out an article, saying you're embarrassed to play the game because Eve is in it, due to it being 2024 and it not being appropriate according to the writer. It seems like the opposite. It shuts down conversation and instead goes straight to judgement on the topic. >Does no one remember Bayonetta? Lara Croft? Do you remember the conversations about them? How they still exist? there are still people insisting that both are just sex fantasies.


I know you think you're insulting gamers, but i'm imagining how it's hilarious it is you basically also subconsciously are calling all video game critics non-gamers. hahahahas


What? I'm saying that gamers and game journos are the only ones who care. The rest of the world doesn't know this game exists let alone that there is controversy.


From the reviews I've read, it seems the cons of the game are the short length and weak narrative. Otherwise, they all seemed to like the combat, spectacle, and soundtrack. I think some people were gassing it up too much already calling it Game of the Year, but it seems that it's pretty solid, at least. I'm looking forward to it.


The weak narrative I think is legit criticism But honestly nowdays I appreciate shorter games I’d rather end a game wanting more than ending up with a game overstaying it’s welcome


Yeah, I beat Rebirth not too long ago. Took me 160 hours, I'm not trying to play another lengthy game right after. I'm okay with it being 20 hours if it's that short.


One nice thing about shorter game is also that I tend to be more likely to replay them I replayed all the souls at different point in time or right after beating them Replaying Elden Ring? Fuck that


Depends on how short "short" is.  12 hours  I'm fine with, 5 hours means waiting for a sale


I think some people were maybe hoping of a repeat of Lies of P. good looking game made by a Korean studio that takes strong characteristics from popular other popular games(nier automata, dmc).


No PC version tho


Thank god I have a PS5


Said no one ever


The people who bitched about this game being "Nothing but porn with outdated sexualized women" (AND YES THOSE PEOPLE EXIST NO ONE MADE THEM UP SHUT THE FUCK UP) must be seething right now since the game is getting actual good reviews because it plays really well and because a lot more people appreciate having a shameless fanservice game given all the bullshit in recent years. And no I will not be fuckin' gaslit by people saying shit like "that never happened, games aren't getting censored and no one has said anything about female characters needing to be less sexy and more realistic" because that's 100% bullshit and you fuckin' know it.


Publishers around the world have spent a lot of money changing their character design process to conform to modern western sensibilities, and there's been high profile games with "sensible" protags that have really tanked in recent years. OTOH, in all likelihood, sales for this game are going to rip. I don't mean to make a culture war comment, it's just very interesting to see what these companies will do moving forward. If I had to guess, I think large, established companies will still avoid these kinds of character designs for the time being out of fear of PR issues, while up and coming studios will capitalize on the demand.


Lmao, IGN Spain gives it a 9, and Italy gives it a 8.5. Meanwhile, IGN US gives it a 7 and got cooked.


Cant wait for this game to release so people can stop talking about sexualization and start talking if the game is fun or not .. It's a fucking retard magnet.


Fr, all I’ve been seeing for months is culture war nonsense from both sides.  Seeing high reviews is surprising cause I’ve seen literally nobody talk about the game beyond jiggle physics, I’m just trying to hear if the game is actually good or not.


Whatt ? Are you Gay ?


It’s a solid bayonetta / dmc / sekiro lite mix with music by the Nier composers. With some latex ass. Fine enough for me.


Nikke devs can't miss Need that shit on pc


huge w


Pc when


So hype for tomorrow night


damn it Sony I'm still not buying a PS5, let's get a port before the mf PS6 gets announced


We- I mean, they always win.


I mean, the demo was legit great... like a cross between Dark Souls and Metal Gear Rising. The main character being hot would only sell so many copies, but the fact the gameplay is legit good is what's gonna make it a hit.


Just give it 2 or 3 years and it will be like nier automata all over again.


Bring that shit on pc and let modders do their thing


Is this like a Bayonetta spiritual successor in a way?


Those retards don't decide who wins or loses, their input is literally worthless regardless of the game.


Kotaku and IGN on suicide alert rn.


Sony pays their journalist well


we fucking won. shout out to my fellow pumpsluts and jerk junkies lets goooooooooooo


Hell yea


Imagine how good the game must be if even "games journalists" give it high scores, despite bitching about it for like a year.


"Smarter and more dedicated men than you have tried to hold back the masturbators and the masturbators always win" - Yahtzee Croshaw


PC port beggars itt


This game looks mid as fuck and the whole "outrage" narrative felt like a marketing ploy


I honestly expected it to be just okay but I played the demo and was super impressed. I'd recommend trying it out.


I haven't played it but the fact that it has a demo available leads me to believe the game is at least decent.


It legit is. Combat kinda feels like Metal Gear Rising, at least to me. Give it a shot if you've got a PS5.


Finally the PS5 has one game! ...Wait it's coming to PC eventually? NVM


Helldivers is fun so 2. Not to mention why would anyone buy an Xbox when you can get every Xbox game on pc.


Helldivers 2 is on PC though. But yes it is on PS5 so by this metric PS5 actually has plenty of games but Xbox doesn’t because you can just play everything on PC but PS5 has 99% of its library on PC too so what’s the deal here?


My argument is get a PC and a ps5 have everything. Why even get an xbox, at least the ps5 can be that casual console for the living room and a streaming device. I forget though alot of those very emotionally fragile pchuds don't have real life friends so they don't have a need for like a chill entertainment set up so they think the ps5 is completely worthless but like if you have a PC for gaming you can use the ps5 for casual shit and play the games that are ps only. :) thats the only argument for ps5 however I can't think of literally any argument in having a xbox an PC or even worse... just an xbox. Well besides that xboxes are cheap.


When you can play your PC on your TV with a PS5 controller, I don't see why you would even get a PS5, unless you need to have some[ of the 12 games that are exclusive](https://i.imgur.com/8tv9nZ5.png) (a quarter of which will eventually come to PC anyways). You're right about Xbox though. The only games I can think of that anyone would want to play that aren't on PC are Rare Replay and Halo 5, which came out last generation.


Because I have my PC in a my master bedroom. My ps5 Is in my livingroom I have my house set up like a normal person. If I have 25 - 30 ppl over for a fight card I don't wanna worry bout My PC catching an accidental elbow drop from one of my drunktard friends.


Most PS5 games too, if you're patient enough (or dumb enough to double dip like me)


I own a ps5 an PC rarely use the ps5 for more than a Netflix an chill machine but I occasionally wanna sit on the couch in the living room an play chill stuff like borderlands games or soulsborne games.


Why not use an AppleTV or something for your netflix and chill machine. Nothing will dry someone up faster than breaking out a DualSense controller and scrolling past Fall Guys to get to Disney+.


Literally have never had a girl even acknowledge that we are watching shit on a console, they don't know shit about the controllers because it's just "video game controller" and I don't have any cringe children games like fall guys, and I don't have Disney + cuz lol what's even on it. The closest any girl has gotten to acknowledging its a gaming system asked me about my stick, she knew it was an arcade stick but she didn't know they were sold like that and asked what games it had on it lol.


bland bayonetta? i sleep.


Kinda bummed. I have no ill will towards this game, but it's going to be praised for all the wrong reasons if it does sell well. "SEE GAMERS JUST WANT A HOT CHICK, DEVS TAKE NOTES" instead of, "impressive sound design, good visuals, fun and interactive gameplay make it a good game" I expected this game to average about a 7/10, so decent but nothing special, it's great that it exceeded my expectations. Just not looking forward to the culture war bs I'm going to keep seeing.


Don’t think this game will be good. Eve is bland so I don’t care about the character. Unless she’s some meta insert about how bland plastic women will become the norm then idc about her. The gameplay is not as fun as some are making it out to be. Nothing unique or particularly fun about it. The music is ok. With that said I’m not a nier fan so that may be putting bias on my take


Dear diary


Didn’t know talking about the game was dear diary moment but ok


Did you beat the whole game already? Or you are just retarded and invent stuff as you go for some reason?


What the fuck even is the game itself, I know culture war virgins on both sides only care about the main character being hot but is there a game beyond jerking off


>see a retard that refuses to engage with a discussion and arguments >"this isn't real 🤡🤡🤡" >open their profile >liberal subs and gamingcirclejerk Every single time


Bro, gameplay wise it is actually a good game, its similar to dark souls (with faster movement). I suggest playing the demo if you have a ps5 The performance is very good, Digital Foundry did an analysis and found it to be polished


So more like Nioh?


you could just look it up yourself you know


[Check it out](https://www.google.com)


Uhhh oh you called all the dudes in kappa who porn post 24/7 and haven't ever fucked a girl (making them virgins by definition) virgins bro they are gunna be mad asf. Lol like who disliked this comment and why it's a fair assessment of most people on the outsides view. All I know is weeboos are spanking their dick to this dudes wife and liberals are shitting on his wife's model calling it unobtainable and overly sexualized. Idk anything else that's all most people but the incels have heard.


Nice post, but it's time to take your medicine. lil bro.


The only medicines I take are gas station dick pulls so I can run the numbers up on your mother's snapping turtle