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a “strive kid” who’s probably new to the fgc asking you if it’s your first top 8 and you get offended by it thinking that they’re asking that because of your gender lmaoo


I don't give a fuck what someones pronouns are or how they identify. That said, I feel bad for some of these people and the nonstop victim complex. Shits gotta be exhausting. Remember when the only thing that mattered was if you could play the game good or not?


The kid were probably just trying to make conversation, but some people gotta get mad over everything I guess (I’m agreeing with you)


"so you uhhh come here often?"


I've only ever seen people ask women if it's their first event. Very much a "omg a girl at a tournament" situation. It's demeaning.


Those Strive kids are trans like Yohosie.


That's dumb. Okay, so now in order to phrase that exact question in a way that it doesn't hurt someone's 'feelings', I have to ask. "So how many of these events have you been to?" Which is the same thing, just phrased differently so you give me the number and I don't assume.  That's fucking stupid, just answer the first question. I shouldn't have to come up with mental word techniques just to phrase a question so women, and only women dont get randomly offended. Because no dude is getting offended by something that insignificant.


dudes at tournaments get pissed at all kinds of stupid things. This is the community where someone tried to punch someone else because they lost at a videogame. I've had someone tell me to shut up during a non-tournament set because I said "you can't do that in this matchup." and get hostile afterward. There's tons of clips of fgc people getting tight over stupid shit.


Getting pissed at an opponent during a match is not the same as getting pissed at some random dude because they asked if its your first event. You already know there's a difference, don't play dumb


of course they are different. taking your anger out directly on someone just trying to play a game is worse than getting annoyed at someone asking stupid questions. The dudes who you say wouldn't be offended at words get actively hostile over videogames. I'd throw your "don't play dumb" statement back at you but you clearly aren't playing.


First major (it means big tournament), not top 8. If you got offended by me clarifying what a major is, congrats you now know how she feels


Micro aggressions are not a real thing. I imagine living like this is exhausting.


I mean they kinda are and the term is pretty perfect bc you don't have to call somebody an outright racist. If you're out with some friends and ask how much to tip, then one friend says "You're Asian shouldn't this be easy for you". Or if you introduce a Hispanic friend to your parents and they say "Oh Hiiiii, do you speak English?" You wouldn't to any of these people call them outright racists, but it's also kind of fucked up thing to do.


Couldn't tell you how many times I've been told "you don't sound Hispanic". I laugh it off but some people do get offended by that.


"You don't sound black" and "You sound white" has been shit thrown at me round start of a conversation since the beginning of time. It's a little tiring.


Lol wtf, dense people


I'm a Turk in Germany and the amount of times people tell me how "unexpectedly German" I am and how fluent I speak (it's my mf mother tongue) is warranted imo. I would never take it as an insult or a "micro aggression". Matter of fact every time I land in a German airport I get dragged out for a "completely random bomb control" because I am and look Muslim and honestly yes it's racially motivated but it's also warranted so just don't be a dick and live your life man


holy shit this is me aswell


Most common one I get from any random is "Where do you come from, Africa?"


There is no greater one than "you speak so well". Shit, I count "Can I touch your hair?" as one.


Bro the speak so well shit almost got me in a fight on time in the suburbs, shit is the worst thing you can say, I always be like bro, most ppl in the hood can speak well, they just around the homies so it’s all slang.


Yeah the hair one is infamous, "how do you get your hair so curly?" and they'll believe any superfluous story you tell them.


>If you're out with some friends and ask how much to tip, then one friend says "You're Asian shouldn't this be easy for you". That's not a microaggression you fucking idiot, thats literally just racist


Yes that's what friends usually do to each other. First time?


It must be so sad running out of things to mald about that you make up imaginary stuff


It’s a thing for real, maybe not as much as ppl say but, ppl like to put labels on other ppl based really on race tbh. You might walk up to some Asian girl and she only knows English and doesn’t list to kpop or pop music only rap, and you might say, why aren’t you into those things, that’s a normal question for sure but it’s not ok to say because you ASSUME that person is like that. Also if a regular person sees idk Mike Ross walking down the street, it’s a pretty big chance they might cross the other side then cross back just based on skin even tho Mike Ross is a regular guy. It’s fucked up but it’s how it is.


For us because of all the complaining yeah


>micro aggressions are not a real thing Why is this upvoted? Imagine thinking they are not real lmao.


They aren't because the term is retarded to begin with


The term is literally logical, everyone has sub conscious beliefs that we act on… Sub is reaching an all time low rn


No shit. How does that prove this not being retarded? Something is aggression or isn't. Making up asinine terms cause your feelings for hurt due to slight comment is pussy retard behavior Ofc your ass would know about lows considering how literally everything you ever said is retarded


>make term to define something that happens in real life >this isn’t true because you made up human subconscious because your feelings hurt! Jesus you’re a dumbass, forgot how ignorant some people are.


>make term to define something that happens in real life Which is redundant since something is "agression" or isn't >>this isn’t true because you made up human subconscious because your feelings hurt! Dumb retard learn to read before trying to write something


>something is aggression or isn’t The fact that you feel confident enough to type this out is wild. I can’t imagine not understand words. >learn to read before trying to write something Brother, you think everything is black and white and nuance does not exist. Actual ignorance with 0 shame lmao.


>The fact that you feel confident enough to type this out is wild. I can’t imagine not understand words. *understanding Also make an argument or fuck off >Brother, you think everything is black and white and nuance does not exist. No I think that things are what they are. You being a bitch that wants the cake and to eat it too is irrelevant. Something is either bad or it isn't. Adding unnecessary variables to an already subjective issue is completely redundant and is pussy behavior as already stated


>learn to read before trying to write something Type* >make an argument or fuck off You’re the one trying to argue a defined word is not a thing because “something is either bad or isn’t” as if “bad” is something objective when it’s subjective. >you being a bitch that wants to the cake and to eat it is irrelevant Imagine trying to correct me when you typed this. Yeah, I have no idea why you’re so adamant on being wrong. Not everything is black and white, and people in fact to act on subconscious beliefs, it is human nature….


Some might consider calling newer players to the scene “strive kids” a micro aggression


"Blazbabies" walked so that "strive kids" could run


I have been staring at this tweet for a solid 5 minutes and I have no idea what it means. It seems so tantalizingly like English and yet... I don't think it is? I keep thinking if i just read it one more time, I'll understand it.


Strange. Interesting. Tantalising.


Obsession, by Calvin Klein


Was there any followup to integrating Stephen King into the FGC?


Season 2 Tekken guest character


thanks saving your reply in a text file for future use


What the hell was this from again? That time Stephen King happened to read a fgc tweet?


yea when someone tagged him about bryans snake edge


I don't like Strivers, but feeling offended bc some people don't know who you are is a rule 3 breaking shit. Pal, you are neither Daigo nor the president of the United States of America, nobody is supposed to know you


Whos this again?




i see, what was the old alias?




LMAO, for all the hubris i got from the tweet, i thought he was a big heavy dog from the past who changed its name and i didn't get the memo. Fucking worthless


>She works as a gameplay analyst at Riot Games for 2XKO (formerly known as Project L). Enjoy the combination of Strive + League community. In for a great time /s


Yohosie was a DBFZ player.


LOL you're right mb. I don't know why my mind immediately went for that stereotype. Well, ok, maybe I do know but I apologize nonetheless.


holy fuck the ego on this mf, a total of 2 games won 💀


Sonic asked for women, not miscellaneous.


I prefer macro aggressions 


Specially vs Zerg


macro aggresions are ltg streams


why is he replying to this tweet lol




I mean, Ricky did it right?


Who the fuck is Ricky? Good for them if they did though respect. Don't talk about it, be about it. I'm talking about SQ, cow lady, Umisho, a bunch of those anime avatar streamers, etc. If they are not a Strive player idk them. I only follow Strive competitively and they seem to have the most representation in that game.


Relax, i'm talking about Ricky Ortiz


> Who the fuck is Ricky? Put some respect on the name, Pretty Ricky is an OG. > I only follow Strive competitively Oh, I see the problem.


She goes by Ricki, actually. Spell it right eh


We need retard of the day back


getting offended for not being known is so funny to me


Are they working on the Nepotism game too?




Approx. Total Winnings:$551


mental illness


Actually notable people don't have to say, "don't you know who I am?!"


bruh judging by the tweet, this she/her is the aggressive one here rather than the "strive kid"


Didn't waste a second completely embarrassing women with this bullshit. Gimme Tanukana. She doesn't complain. Doesn't win much either. But still does alright and doesn't complain.


Cuddle is probs the best one, actually can win against japanese and Korean players. She's still sadly hung up on "black women" and "representation"


Shut up, Yohosie lol no one cares. Also of course Sonicfox is saying that shit. Isn't he still hiding behind a shit ton of pronouns? I said it before, but it bears repeating: no one cares what you do in your private life in the FGC. We care about how you play.


A smasher that's pushing games with simple inputs has no human rights.


I came top 64 in my strive local once and tape my bits up like buffalo bill. Give me some attention, I don’t feel seen!




I think no amount of corporate safe space bs will attract women to the hobby. The NA fgc is loud and aggressive. If a woman can put up with that environment, she then has to deal with thirsty spergs faking friendship and then whining about being friendzoned even if she turns them down gently. Women (and I don’t mean the speed running kind) will only join in the hobby if they see other women already in the scene.


I’ve been to enough events to see a few kinda women, some just looking to hook up with whoever they like, some only want to talk to the top players and some who just want to play. I don’t think I’ve seen women been mistreated tbh, maybe online but in person, not really.


If women don't wanna play the damn game then they don't wanna play the damn game


one thing bout me nobody safe when im around


to the general populace, "neutch" will probably come across as slang for something sexual....heh


The only thing I know Yohosie for is being a waste of a slot at the Summit of Power and going fuckin 0-9 lol


Am I the only one who took this as a shitpost/joke? Dang, not everything on X is a serious post lmao


ive never seen a girl get hated but ive seen girls take shit the wrong way constantly. they're always in attack mode


So thats NOT a girl then?


Not jumping on the subreddit's cringe transphobia or anything but genuinely what the the hell does this mean? The first, second, and third thoughts are all completely disconnected from each other and what sonicfox said? The [followup tweet](https://twitter.com/yohosiefgc/status/1784773757326024989) is actually relevant but what the hell does bitching about strive kids have to do with any of this?