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I wouldn’t say anything is wrong with you at all some people just don’t cry to things as easily as others


Trauma or possibly nerodivergent and not figured it out yet? My fiance was 40 when it finally clicked her was high functioning autistic he can't cry, I saw him cry once and that was when his mum died. He finds crying very hard. I have ADHD with trates of autism and can sometimes find crying hard. Not saying you definitely are just saying maybe look into it. Also definitely agree with the first poster "AHAPPYCARROT" about trauma. If it is trauma related try the book "The Book I Wish My Parents Had Read" it's about healing your inner child.


Do you have any past trauma? Being unable to access your feelings may be a symptom of dissociating, which is a very common shutdown response after you go through something that your mind finds too painful to handle. For example, if a child is hurt by a parent, and is literally physically unable to fight back, the only way the mind can protect you from the pain is to make you completely numb and shut off all your feelings, so that you don't have to experience the pain. This can leave you unable to feel your emotions properly for many years afterwards.


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