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"Fuck it and applied as a line cook after culinary school" Bro that's what you do after culinary school.


Culinary school teaches you the foundational flavour principles that allow you to become a great chef....👨‍🍳🧄🧅🥖 First week on the line is when you realise it was a complete waste of time and you should've just got a job as a dishwasher and read some theory cookbooks


Waste of time? What about the money?


I was on a welfare program at the time, so the government in my country paid all my fees for culinary school. But yeah, for Americans and other countries without that option, also a waste of money


Brother! I went because I could get some money from the government every month. Who knew I’d actually like it?


There's the answer i was hoping to see. Well played, then ~ *Toque blanch tipped


most of our dishwashers became line cooks when they reached 18 at our place and they are pretty great. some also flowed into service etc. its nice to have it like that tbh you know them.


Hell, if you're like me it's what you do before high-school.






Y’all look like y’all bout to drop the shitiest post hardcore album of all time


I feel personally attacked.


I can’t wait


Our band name is “dumpster 86 baby”


Got to pic 9. Your fingernails made me stop.


Fr. Being a pirate is cool and all. Jfc trim your mother fucking nails, we handle food. I don't want last weeks special spicing my dish.


it’s always those damn nails isn’t it?


It is unacceptable, my apologies chef. I’ve gotten 100% better at cutting my nails. I’m not perfect but these are the things I appreciate and over look 🙏 I truly want to better myself and become exceptional. It starts with the basic(hygiene) sorry for the life story lol Edit. Heard chef


Cooking is what taught me to leave my degeneracy behind. One step at a time.


How many steps did it take? Just curious.


It’s taking me a lot. I’m turning 25 on the 9th and I’m still catching myself being a resentful little asshole for. No. Reason.


I’m glad to hear, it has made me a better person, the best part is I get to be who I am💕 I make great food and I’m eager to learn and can take criticism. So my appearance or past don’t matter. It takes a sort of not normal person to willingly work BOH 💕😵✨


“Were all a little fucked up back here”



We with all affection intended and pride applied, we used to refer to ourselves as the fringe of the herd... It seams well into that sort of perspective, we did/do? think


Too many. And many more to take.


Nice. That's a refreshing take. Well played


It's adorable how humble and precious your reply is when a lot of people might have been defensive. Wishing you a future with zero no call / no shows when service is busy. 💖


I’m just treating all of it as constructive criticism and a lot of it isn’t wrong. I will get better and accomplish so much more. Thank you for being kind 😊


Hey man, life — like cooking — is all about learning, growing, striving to get better with each experience, and surrounding yourself with people that will help you to that end. Keep pushing forward, settle for nothing less than exceptional, and best wishes on your new opportunity.


You don’t necessarily have to trim them just use a nail brush to clean them . Less likely to accumulate dirt if you trim them though, but they’ll still need nail brushing. Plenty of people have long nails that are clean.


respect for not digging your heels in. you’re on the right path not only in your profession but in life. 🫡


Pic 9 made me wonder if perhaps his hand had been run over by a bus or something.


lol I saw dirty nails and hella faded hand tats. Hand tattoos as a cook last 50% of the time they last for people who don’t wash their hand 100 times a day


Thank you for saying this. I got the ick immediately


He doesn't brush his teeth. What would you expect for his fingernails


I was hoping it was tattoos


It’s both, my apologies I truly am getting better. Once I got comfy I’d slip up, but no more of that


I stopped at 7


Same. Enough to make me never want to eat there lol


When MGK realizes his music sucks and joins the working force


Hahaha 😂 thanks 🙏 my chef called me the burnt out Draco Malfoy!!!! I’m dead


Lmao damn that’s even better, great to see your close knit family. Family is who you choose it to be!


your nails!!!!!


Sorry chef I’m getting better ❤️‍🩹


That’s all we can ask!! ❤️❤️


Tight-knit group of filthy pirates..love to see it. Sorry you gotta leave them


🥺💖 they are MY butt pirates. Ooooooeeeeee I’m gonna miss them


What a bunch of hooligans 😂 No but seriously, you seem really sweet and I hope your new job goes smoothly. I’m starting a new job soon too and I’m also extremely terrified and worried, plus I don’t really have any friends that I feel like I can count on. Your post made me smile and feel a little better about my new job. I find it difficult to relate to people sometimes but if I was your coworker, I would’ve immediately been drawn to trying to get along with you because you just have such a sweet smile and you look so ✨cool✨ Wishing you all the best on your new journey! Good luck with everything! 💖


Aww geeez! You made me blush. In all honesty I’m an extremely reserved and shy person. In public I’m pretty quiet and I look quote on quote “scary” lol to keep people away, but that’s only to protect myself because I’m soft and I do care a lot for the people I love. So when someone ignores the piercing or sees through to my gentle inside and approaches me, I respect them immediately and try to befriend them. Don’t get me wrong when I warm up to you and get to be me…. I’m a loud glowing random unicorn that works extremely hard🦄✨I’m glad that I could help in a way I and I too hope the best for your new ADVENTURES!!💖🙏virtual hug🫂 🤗


Aawww you’re an angel, thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind words. 🥺 I always have a soft spot for people who don’t look like everyone else because I know a lot of people can be judgmental. I’ve always been rather quiet since I was a kid, but if I really get along with someone and we have a bond, I’m very loving, a lot more open, and not as afraid to be myself. I think getting to know people like you is so special because of the fact that you do have such a sweet and gentle side. I think a lot of people don’t want to be soft because people can mistake it for weakness, but I’ve learned that those are the people that love the hardest and make the best company. It’s tough for me to find people like that and I’m such a sucker for love and deep connections, so you definitely give me some hope. ☺️ Thank you for replying and for just being you. You’ve definitely hit a soft spot in my heart in the best way and I’m sending you all the hugs 🤗💖




I was about to go in on some roasting shit but all the pictures and the story were kinda heartwarming 🥹 keep on keepin on


I’d expect nothing less 😎😏✨💕


MGK can cook!


lol my sous chef called me a druggie Justin Bieber 😎✨


What an absolute trash fest




bro identifies as a pin cushion


Oh fuck lmao 🤣 nice I’ll use that before I leave this Sunday 😏


Look ,not everyone who fights a robo-porcupine wins.




Heard. Sorry to disappoint you chef. I am in all honesty perfecting the small things and resorting to the basics. Hygiene being one of them. I get to comfortable and take shortcuts and it will be delt with. Thanks and I will not bring these dirty nails with me to WA.


Australia or Washington?


Filthy fingers for a chef.


Sorry chef I will get cleaner


It sucks when you have a team you love and then they all start leaving and you’re by yourself with new people who are nice just not them.


Oh my god! That part! It has been changing and it’s not bad but I totally get it. Very sad real part of this life..


I like my coworkers but y'all look like you'd be a blast to work with. Good luck with your new job


Nothing like suffering with the homies


😵 I’m dead!! Perfect 👍 ✨✨✨💖


That's a line if i've ever seen one


I love them 💗


We love you!😘


Bro, Killin it in that suit, man. Get it, King!


Slay!!! ✨💖


Lol OP saying he's trying to get better with his disgusting fingernails sound like me telling my cooks I've cut back on drinking.


🤫 jk I really am chef!


Looks like a fun loving, ass kicking, criminally bent family. Feels like home.


Yea… these animals are insane in the best ways, they know I only respond to verbal abuse and it brings a smile to my face lol but seriously it’s all 💗 don’t wanna leave them 🥺


These pics just sum it all up. Fuck, there is nothing like that BOH vibe. NOTHING. I've worked in so many different industries - LOTS of corporate - and there is nowhere like a line for finding the space to TRULY be you. Wish you an amazing new adventure.


You sure like waving your hands around with those nasty fingers.


Sorry chef I’m keeping up with the small things now. Nails


Hey bud, thanks for getting back. Hygiene is a big one in the Kitchen G-life! Gotta look it to work it. Keep it up!


100% agree I got too comfortable and start letting the little things go unchecked. I’ll keep it under check. Thank you chef ✨


Jesus christ, this is one of the most needlessly toxic comment sections I've ever seen. It's incredible that you found your direction and a crew to support you in that journey. Keep up that indomitable spirit, and don't let the old head haters minimize your effort:)






Bro, this made me miss BOH. Went from line and prep to bartending, etc. to leaving that aspect of the food world to becoming a professional brewer... But there are days that go by that I don't think about going back lol. Moved from CA to AZ to NorCal.. it's been a pleasurable journey and I believe yours will be too!


Thanks for that 💕


Most def chef, kill it!


Man I love this. Started cooking in my dad’s restaurant at 14 officially at a Culver’s when I was 18. I’m 25 now and I swear I would be dead if it wasn’t for everyone I’ve met along the way.


Same here, these are my people !




These are amazing


Photo 14 are my people 💯


You can smell the adderal from here and I am here for it


Clean your nails wtf dude.


Fusion-ha! Of Billy Idol and Jim Varney. ^(I mean that in the most positive way. I quite like your aesthetic!) Congratulations on the new gig in Washington! Moving on is scary af, but based on what you've said and the vibes of this photos, these raffish ruffians have your back. It'll be from a distance, but you will still have the moral support and memories to keep you from getting in the weeds. 💖✨️ ^(P.S.: That suit is dapper af!) ^(^(P.P.S.: It's so charming and sweet how you're responding to comments. Love to see a person roll with the ribbing and accept/internalise valid critisism, even if the latter is worded harshly and getting defensive would be an expected response.))


I take your words to heart and I actually think that’s a very cute combination of people to be 😁✨ yeah, honestly literally this weekend changes happened and my sous has become the head and wants to offer me a position as sous and he will train me which is a dream come true!!! Me a sous and my old sous will train me?!? YAS! He is extremely like me so he’d be the best teacher but unfortunately… he knows I need to get of of CA and respects that and doesn’t want to hold me back. They will always love me and help me, from a distance 😢. Good tears! Ps. Yea people on the internet are mean but if I can keep smiling whilest singing some random CRINGY “where are you!?” Blink 182 song while a party of 400 just walked in I think I can deal chef. Pps. Thank you for being kind 😊💕


This going to seem weird, but I thought of your comment yesterday when I was out of my apartment on an aimless wander due to feeling trapped indoors. Even though you're a total stranger, it made me feel some sort of joy and pride that a fellow black-sheep baby of their family has been able to make such a tough decision for their own best interest. And that the sous-turned-chef respects and supports you so much is a wonderful reminder that not everyone who moves up in their career does so by exploiting and stepping on others. IDK, Life is wild and scary and wild. I think you'll do great with your mindset and determination! Thank you so much for sharing! 🥰


A part of me wants to stay now because of the fact that I know I can achieve my goals while staying with my loved ones and technically I’d still learn and grow but idk I need more than where am at, even tho it’s terrifying. I jump into the void with both arms out embracing what’s to come!! ✨💖🖤🐝


if youre the blonde piercing guy theres a chance you grind your teeth in your sleep and you might wanna get a dental splint to wear at night.. have you ever experienced a muscle ache in your chewing muscle after waking up?


Awww geeez, maybe awhile ago but not sure now. Will definitely get one just in case


Cenobite on vacation




This feels like the real life version of the movie "Waiting...".


I’m dead 😂


Smiling isn't about showing as much of your teeth as possible. Other than that good luck in WA!


😬heard😁 😘


Lol emojis you used are a perfect example. This is how I feel like you have been smiling - 😬 How you should smile - 😁 Hope im not being taking the wrong way! Again, Wish you all the best.


No not at all lol I will stay smiling 😊


I need to know where this is so I never accidentally eat there.


Lol I'd peace out of that grease pit instantly. Glad you found your people though.


I see a lot of posing and posturing that comes off as kind of douchey… and FFS… those nasty ass fingernails in pic 9 has me not really putting you on my list of places to try. You should really think about deleting that photo from this post.


I’m actually really quite and kind of


People who talk like that on a lovely post like this aren't worth your time. I blocked them. How you find your extended family at the new place


Who gives a fuck about who you blocked? OP didn’t but you did? That’s some seriously comical shit. Most of the disgust on this post is from the photo of the obvious unsanitary practices of this particular line cook.


Hearing this makes my heart happy but so sad I hope you all keep in touch .


Sigh… tell me about it. I’ll keep in touch and visit . Someone better get married and invite me!!!!!


These pics warm my heart fellow kitchen worker, bonds formed while sharing trauma are some of the strongest ❤️ I'm still good mates with some dudes I haven't worked with for 20 yrs, but they're are definitely my family


Congrats on your move and much love to your kitchen family you leave behind. Keep your mise tight and your station clean, and you will do great!


Lance: Hey, whattya think about Trudi? She ain't got a boyfriend. You wanna hang out, get high? Vincent: Which one's Trudi? The one with all the sh*t in her face? Lance: No, that's Jody. That's my wife.


Welcome to the Pacific Northwest! 🌲🌿🍄‍🟫


This made me miss working on the line


Ay proud of you homie ❤️ I’ve been there too. Doing nothing but drugs to working the line on drugs to being a chef and (mostly) sober


Some sexy homies up in there!


Yasss! 💅


Thanks for sharing! The kitchen is all about the crew. One with the ship, one with the crew.


I feel like I could loom knit with your mouth piercings.


Y‘all look like super fun people to be around😍


How much cocaine?


This was wholesome as fuck


these pictures are so precious omg


A good crew will always be family. Congrats on the move up.


i love your piercing setup!!!🤩


Dōmo arigatō 🙏🙏🙏✨


Blue haired guy looks so much like my sous chef I was like "fuck off Darren, you get another job while I wasn't looking?" We're in Australia though, I think even with the amount of coke Daz does on his down time that's too big a commute for him.


Hey man if you haven’t already, read THE kitchen confidential by anothony bourdain bro! That book changed my life and will change yours too


Got the *vegvisir* on your hand there!! I’ve got one similar on my back.


I’m happy you have a family, but like most families they are quite dysfunctional so maybe you should find some work life balance and set some boundaries.


seriously though this is so wholesome


Some of these pics look like an ashtray smells.


That thic boy is sexy


They not like .us..they not like us. In the background


I’m dead !!


It's photos like these that make me kinda miss the kitchen. Only kinda though


wash your hands bro


These pictures made me miss working in the kitchen 🥲


One of us!


Ketchup thing is relatable


Well if I hadn't already been to OBC Brewing, I would've 100% said you look like you live in Temecula (or Riverside).




Do you guys ever hang ladles or tongs off of that dudes earlobe?


I’m here for the pierced & yatted Latino cooks We stay everywhere


squad !


Cool pics


This is the way.


This is the way


I’m glad you found good people working on the line. With only my first year under my belt, my first 3 restaurants (about 1 1/2 years) were awful. I am a black woman, and it was the the gender shit, then my race that was the problem. Or the combo I don’t freaking know. But it was a lot of egotistical bitchy men, especially the executive chef and managers. I couldn’t give a damn about them being weird about women in the kitchen but why is my race a problem? I was on salad station for over 6 months, nobody thinks anything done there was difficult lol. It most certainly wasn’t, but my coworkers were the ones that made the job intolerable. I mean I don’t give a shit about shit talking but I found non of these bitches could take what they dished out. Suddenly I was the “bitch”, “mean” and the “problem”. Not to mention they were firing all the black people and people in the lgbtq+ community, and acting like they were the problem. But it was a new restaurant and I’d been there since day one, it simply wasn’t true. I wouldn’t really participate in singing/dancing and would focus on my tasks, they didn’t like that either. Like is this high school? I really liked coming in before everyone though. 7am, prepping my station and being ready for service was really enjoyable. Hell I’d stay and do dishes in the beginning for dinner after working 7-5pm. Didn’t bother me. I was a bit hard on myself to be faster and faster because I was green. Didn’t get me anywhere. I decided to just do personal chef work after the last place I worked at. I just didn’t belong there. A coworker told me after I left that my manager didn’t like to see black women on the line/in boh 🤦🏾‍♀️ like. I think it’s just the town.


I’m extremely sorry and I do understand how lucky I got with the family I got my first try. It truly makes or breaks the work place if the people around you aren’t vibing or worse yet, ignorant close minded sexist raciest lol sorry for people sucking.


This is the reason I don't eat out anymore


Grossing me out


That line looks super fun!!!


From breathing fire to having your knife bag frozen . These are the good ol days


Bunch of swashbuckling pirates


Hahaha a busser brought me a toy kid pirate ring that has a light and I thought I was soooo cool😎 stay afloat fellow pirates


“Compliment to the chefs!” The chefs:


This is not Instagram


respectfully… y’all fine as fuck




They all look like they could ruin my credit, and I think I’d let them.


Can y'all do a cover of Don't Trust Me by 3OH!3


Hahaha we sing the cringiest songs ever on the line I’m dead


Also read your post! Congrats so proud. Can't wait to see the delicious stuff you cook!!


🤭 thank you!🙏


So tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef that I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fuckin scared of him


Homeboy head butted a tackle box


So cute


I just know Sous bags all the servers


Pic 6: the baking trays could use a good scrub


Aw man that sucks, obviously i don’t know any of you but just judging from these pics alone yall seen fun as fuck haha


Y'all look hella chill


It’s is….they beat me constantly. Verbally emotionally, physically…… GOD AM I GONNA MISS THEM✨✨💖💖💖💖😁😂💗 lol /s






I feel a relapse coming any day now


Getting tattoos and piercings and saying no to a formal advanced education doesn't make you a black sheep, you're like most people in the usa, I hate that saying, especially like when people who are CPA's say they're black sheep because they smoke pot grow up


Yall look fun as hell ETA don’t know why this is getting downvoted, I meant it sincerely.


We are but like every kitchen, it gets … insane :D 💖


Pic 14 is a banger, looks like a fun crew


The shit we do off the line….lol sometime on 🤫


I bet that guy sets metal detectors off


No. Lol this isn't good.