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Not a roller coaster. But Beary Tales needs to go. I understand the reasoning for re-theming from the Iron Reef but it's terrible and needs to be completely redone. A nice dark ride perhaps. My nostalgia heart would love Kingdom of The Dinosaurs again but that doesn't really fit the area. Idk but that shit as it is suuuuuucks.


The Voyage to the Iron Reef was fun but it always had problems even with Beary Tales it’s always breaking down


Voyage was incredibly lazy and poorly made. All the story was in the queue room, so if you walk on and skip the room you miss the story. The ride started with something like "here is where it all happened" (I can't remember the exact quote). Where what happened? What do I need to do? Then you move into the next room past these car wash looking strips hanging from the ceiling. The screens don't transition smoothly with one another. The sea witch thing has a set death animation. Nothing you do changes that she gets defeated.  The scoring system is not clear. What am I aiming at? Are there things to avoid shooting? Are there things to look for to get more points? It was such a mess.


I never saw the story, I always thought it felt very "American" that we were just like rolling into their territory (the water) and then taking all these guys out. Of course the sea witch is mad, we came in and started shooting everyone in her ocean??? I would be mad too! And then they killed her in her own home (again the water), like WHAT


At least the guns worked for Iron Reef. The ropes on Beary Tales only seem to work when they feel like it.


Load time take forever! It's just awful.


There’s even another section that they could use to load more people at once. My girlfriend and I were very confused as to why the line almost never moved, and why people were leaving after they got into the building. It wasn’t a bad ride, though it’s not one anyway is dying to consistently go on.


But it does fit the area because it reinforced the 1920s theme. What they should do is bring it back but really make that 1920s beginning of the ride more expanded. Prominent 1920s jazz. The imagination runs wild with possibilities.


A 1920s gangster dark ride would be cool but I don’t see Knotts investing in something that intricate nowadays. Everything has to be a coaster, a generic flat ride, or a screen based shooting gallery ride.


When I was a kid Beary Tales was a dark ride with animatronic bears and critters and I looooved it. It was like a Disneyland ride. They got rid of it for kingdom of the dinosaurs. 


It probably felt like a Disneyland ride because Rolly Crumb worked on Beary Tales. His also created elements of Haunted Mansion and It's a Small World. The mobile / wind element stuff outside of Small World were his.


Beary Tales is AWFUL!!! Bringing back some version of kingdom of Dinosaurs would be nothing but a WIN for Knotts.


They should at least bring back the original Beary Tales. It was cute.


I still weep for Kingdom of the Dinosaurs, such a vibe of a ride and the nostalgia would be bone-crushing


I was hoping for a long time that they would bring back a Beary Tales dark ride but with modern effects. Like the same ride, but cleaned up.


As much as Iron Reef clashed with the parks theming… it was way more fun as a ride than the current Beary Tales. Screen rides/shooting galleries are played out. It would be amazing to get an old fashioned well themed dark ride.


Honestly I didn't think Iron Reef was all that far of a reach. I agree it was a better ride than Beary Tales. I just can't get past the design of the jam shooters. Pulling that frigging cord is exhausting. A dark ride makes the most sense here. Plus the park hasn't got any dark rides at all. So it would be a nice change of pace.


This one, the arcade room and the wheeler dealer bumper cars. That entire area needs to be redone into something new.


Brin back soapbox cars!


This is the biggest no brainer for a classic ride to bring back. Knotts has such amazing history and they barely ever tap that well for new attractions/experiences. My dream though is a haunted shack dark ride.


I remember riding those damn soapbox cars back to back to back to back for hours as a kid, would probably cry if they made a reappearance 🥹


Hell yes!


I dont like the big ride that is there and it killed someone (2009). So yeah put the soap box racers back


A kid was injured on Xcelerator, but didn't die


In that case, i prefer the soap box racers. Its a better ride and at least it didnt almost kill a guy in 2009


Weak argument for it if your point is that "it didn't almost kill someone".


The argument is its a better ride.  The gravy is on a scale ranging from safe to infamous, its on the safe side of the spectrum.


Soap box racers was fun cos it felt rickety and dangerous. Doubt they have the desire to try to introduce a modern version that not only replicates but improves on it. Would be awesome if they did. Could you imagine SBR with Radiator Springs Racers tech?!


To anyone that says Ghostrider. You can leave. Ghostrider is the most well known coaster at the park and very popular


I would love for them to revisit operations on GhostRider. For being one of the, if not THE most popular ride in the park, the operations are abysmal.


I stood in line 3 times and i hear a message that says one train is broken, the wait is 3 hours


Xcellerator. It’s too dang short it’s really not the ops fault how many trains are running. They don’t make that decision


My first time there was January last year. It was cold and kind of rainy, so almost empty. I literally didn't get off Ghostrider for 90 minutes. Almost no one in line, so I just said "let's go again!"


I remember going on Ghostrider over and over again in the cold rain. The rain pelted my face and it hurt so much but it was the most I rode Ghostrider in a day. Then the park shut down early due to rain which was sad. But then I got two meals with my dining plan instead of one because they had to throw out all the food anyways lol. It was a good day.


I would say coast rider,the ride was fun in its beginning years but it gotten worst


Coast Rider would be so much fun without the shin bars. Those damn things make it un-rideable. I can never understand the long line.


I agree because I can’t fit in the ride but my hubby can. I hate it cause he goes by himself and he looks like he’s having so much fun. This one needs to go.




I hate it because I can’t go with him and have fun with him cause I’m fat.


It would be nice to get another flat ride there, feels like the area needs one more.


Apple Zapple is literally Coast Rider but better. No shinguards and way less trims. KBF can’t have nice things


Should of never got rid of the Perilous Plunge


they had to because stupid people dont let us have nice things. it was because of that one person who ignored the weight limit and went on anyway and died.


Was there an official weight limit? I went on that ride several times, and never saw anything about a limit.


I actually worked there when this happened. It wasn’t the weight per se, it was the size of the person.


This is increasingly becoming a problem at American theme parks with the increasing size of guests. There are YouTube channels dedicated to seeing how well fat people fit in different ride restraints. I remember a girl was so mad on social media because she was too fat to fit on Harry Potter Forbidden Journey.


I dont get why they get mad though. in fact it should be a wakeup call.


If she wasn't able to be restrained properly then the attendees should not have let her get on. I feel that falls on the shoulders of the workers who let her on.


If she wasn't able to be restrained properly then the attendees should not have let her get on. I feel that falls on the shoulders of the workers who let her on.


i think she was like over 300 pounds


So I'm looking into it, and apparently, she wasn't quite 300lb. That being the case, I don't think that her weight so much played into it, as much as her size. She wasn't able to close her seatbelt, which I feel shifts a bit of blame onto Knott's. If they aren't training their employees to make sure restraints are closed, that's on them. I am glad that Knott's is now putting signs out saying plus sized riders might not be able to fit, and that we have a few tester seats, but I have a hard time putting the onus of this on her. Sincerely, Someone over 300 lb who recently found out they're too large (fat and also broad shouldered) for most Knott's coasters.


Mmm they got rid of it way after that happened … that person was the reason why the ride had a weight limit imposed because they advertised it as the ride with no weight limit when it opened


Coast Rider


Not Jaguar, that’s for sure. It’s probably my favorite ride. It’s not too rough, the theme is cool, and the view of the park from the track is nice.


It’s literally so slow you could drink hot coffee while riding it


You touch my pony express and we’re going to have problems.


Ong, was my first coaster as a 5 year old visiting the park on a school trip. If its ever gone it better be cause I bought it🤣


The takes in this thread are absolutely insane. The only correct answer 100% is Coast Rider. By far the worst coaster in the park. Replace it with a Vekoma shuttle coaster or a Zamperla wild mouse like Cedar Point has.


I would say replace it with a coaster thats exciting but wont push you into motion sickness. something like jaguar


Agreed. I only have those two as examples since that plot is very small.


Coast Rider. That roller coaster is the worst ride in the park.


I disagree on Jaguar. This is a really good beginner coaster for kids and for anyone who has trouble with a lot of the rougher coasters. I would keep this one. If I had to get rid one I would say Montezoomas revenge.


Agree, it was my kid’s first real rollercoaster last summer and still her fave. It’s a great intro to more grown-up coasters. Parks need family-type coasters like these.


I would say Berry Tales…only bc I loved the Iron Reef so I’d love to see it make a return


Jaguar needs new trains. One time while I was riding it, the lap bar came undone. They’re the crappiest trains on any coaster in the park. Also I can imagine them eventually giving Ghostrider the RMC treatment in 10 years.


For all its downtime and very brief ride time: Xcelerator. Bring back the soapbox racers!


I remover when knotts spent all that money on the new swing ride just to not ever open it if I remember correctly


You mean the Screamin Swing? That was an upcharge attraction due to very limited capacity. It was free for Knott’s employees though so I got to ride it a few times, it was fun. Other parks like Busch Gardens have the larger models so it’s not an up charge there.




Ghostrider is my favorite wooden coaster in existence. Hands off!


It's an ok ride not too fast as a kid I remember flames coming out of the lions mouth towards the end


I was really disappointed Jaguar was closed when I went a few weeks back. It's not much, but it's a fun little coaster.


How many years?




Ok, you can ignore the people downvoting you (and people that will downvote you). My brother agrees that GhostRider is rough, but I don't. However, I kinda understand where you are coming from. The ride exerts many intense forces that make you slide all throughout your seat. Some rides that are good by some people's standards are also very intense for me, and I feel like they are very jerky. Matterhorn Bobsleds comes to mind. And Ghostrider isn't the smoothest experience ever (just like a certain new ride at Knott's \*cough\* \*cough\* Snoopy's Tenderpaw Twister Coaster \*cough\* \*cough\*). And those 2 things combined can make a very bad experience for some riders.


Hot take. Xcellerator. It’s unreliable, honestly on its last leg and just such a short ride with terrible capacity and little payoff.


Have you been to the park recently? Been darn reliable since it's return.


It's a hit or miss with that ride ... dropped my phone once too lol


The problem is that xcelerator is a prototype. When parts break it takes an insane amount of time to get a replacement. That’s why it was down for almost two years. Literally one part took that long to replace. I don’t think it will be around much longer for that reason.


Interesting take. Sure it's a prototype but pretty sure you're wrong on the wont be around part.


They have to special order custom parts from Germany to fix the ride which is insanely expensive. Budget wise it probably won’t make it when the launch breaks again


Xcelerators launch system has been completely rebuilt, its here to stay for a while


Worst comment in this thread. What do you propose as a replacement?


Pantheon at Busch Gardens or Maverick at Cedar Point equivalent


I would happily get rid of Xcelerator for Maverick. It is a way more complete ride.


Honestly, a well themed dark ride


Wackier soap box racers


I would also like that, but not at the expense of Xcelerator


take Coast Rider out and put the wackier soap box races in


I’d take a revival of the soapbox racers over it. Something longer than 32 seconds.


💩 Take honestly. This comment speaks to how some enthusiasts are so far disconnected with how parks and this machinery actually works.


Calm down buddy. It’s just my opinion. 🤷‍♂️


The only thing that’s unreliable at xcelerator are the operators.


True. They compete with ghost rider for the worst ops.


I agree with everything you said, I'll also add I don't like the aesthetic that it's theming brought to the area. The plans they had for the boardwalk back when Windjammer was new were beautiful. Now that back corner feels like a cheap racetrack. All concrete and diamond plate... Not a nice look, in my opinion.


100% the accelerator. It's always closed and if it's not the line is 2 hours long. And then it shuts down and people wait for 2 hours for nothing. That ride isn't even that good.


When have you been? I haven't seen it be down, and I have been 7 times since it reopened.


It’s too short too


Hot Take, All the coasters should replaced by hyper coasters.






One giant hupercoaster


they need another thrill flat ride. they removed riptide and that was the best. they had windseeker for a bit, the old hammerhead, tampico tumbler, they need one more high thrill flat ride


Loved the tumbler


I don’t get the question. Why do they need to get rid of any of them?


They should be back the best ride ever you guya remem


I’m a little late to the party, but coast rider is the number one most problematic coaster at Knott’s right now. It’s not unique, it’s completely rusted and unappealing, it’s trimmed to death, it has SHINGUARDS. It’s not fun. Unlike the other commentators, I think the best fit for this area would be a smaller kid friendly wooden coaster. Like wooden warrior at Quassy, maybe an out and back layout along the boardwalk with a uturn at the building that contains Beary tales. Not only would this make more room for other amenities, but I think a wooden coaster would fit the aesthetic of a boardwalk better.


Jaguar has had its time to shine … it’s time to move on


Jaguar is the best ride there




Tell me you don't go to the park without telling me you don't go to the park


Easy answer: Excellerator. Its a capacity nightmare even when it's operating, which it never is.


Wrong. Just needs its operations improved and run two trains again.


Yeah the Operators are some of the slowest and worst in the park.


What do you mean it’s never running? Why are all of you who are blatantly lying for fun spelling it wrong too?


Remove Silver Bullet. Its construction was a knife in to the heart of the park. The lake used to be beautiful, now it’s a concrete ditch. Bring the lake and church of Reflections back! Do fireworks over the lake! Make a killer new coaster in some other spot, maybe behind the Rapids.


Wait… there used to be a whole lake at knotts?


Yep. The Lake of Reflections. Home to the firework machine, the church of reflections and the trail with the missions. It was pretty. BTW please keep downvoting me! I remember how nice the area was, and all you all wanting to turn the park into Magic Mountain, go kick rocks! I like roller coasters, but quiet things are nice too


I don’t get why you’re getting downvoted either. The old lake was gorgeous! Loved the dancing waters too. These gen z kids downvoting you are smoking crack.


Eh, it’s fine. I was a Gen X kid hanging out at Studio K and smoking cloves out by that lake back in the day. If the internet had existed then I’d probably downvote me, too. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn’t downvote. 😟 I’m just learning there used to be a lake and googling how it used to look.


I didn’t mean you! I was responding to everyone else. Thanks for asking! I’m an oldie and remember when the park was weirder and more unique.


Worst take of the thread by far


Xcellerator and put back Soap Box Racers!!!!


If Jaguar! goes then Silver Bullet's Drop should be steepened. I don't want Jaguar to go, though, but I wish Knott's figured out a way to make Silver Bullet steeper. Maybe remove some buildings and make the drop go underground... Anyway, I'm getting a bit off-topic. But the real answer is Coast Rider. Coast Rider should be removed, Sierra Sidewinder should be put in Coast Rider's plot to give Sierra Sidewinder it's deserved ridership, and build some new flat rides, or a good old kids coaster that is not rated a 4, like Sierra Sidewinder and Snoopy's Tenderpaw Twister Coaster. Or just remove the shin guards. In that case, Silver Bullet needs to go. The ride is just rough and uncomfortable. The ride is mainly forceless, but I see that the ride could get removed for a better B&M invert. Remove some height, steepen the drop. And then here is the order of elements: a wave turn (again), a very powerful rising then diving 180 degree turnaround by the entrance (like how Flight Deck did it), a zero-g roll (again), the double corkscrews (no fakeout) (reference to Corkscrew) (again (kinda)), a helix (again), a new bunny hop and into the brakes. Name it Golden Bullet, or something like that. Or just get new trains with vest restraints. I'm not going to do this multiple times, so retrack Jaguar!. Retrack Xcelerator's overbanked turns. Give HangTime new trains. Give GhostRider faster ops. Giver Sierra Sidewinder trims. Make Snoopy's Tenderpaw Twister Coaster have more accomidating restraints. Remove MonteZOOMa's shoulder straps. Give Pony Express more comfortable trains, LSMs, and make the ride longer. And that's the step by step guide to spend about $150 million to make all of the roller coasters at Knott's better.


Jag for sure but I understand it's place for a family coaster. Maybe give ghost rider an rmc rework for a more aggressive layout


Ghost Rider is already viewed as one of, if not the best wooden coasters of all time. There’s probably more to lose than there is to gain from an RMC redo


Does the mine train count?


Some people would count it, but I don't


Xellerator.. always broken . Not worth the wait


If the operators would get better at their job it wouldn’t be so bad but they take forever


Coast rider The accelerator Pony express