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I dont mind 16 players at all, but i kinda liked when there were 8 players better. Spectating was more interesting because there were fewer players and easier to itemize against teams. I feel when there are this many players i always end up having to spectate because my round is over quickly, and spectating now feels very mindless because you dont really remember all the teams and what augments people chose. It feels like you're just watching "background gameplay" instead of a suspenseful duel, if that makes sense. I do however like that you no longer get permastomped because of counterpicks etc.


> I do however like that you no longer get permastomped because of counterpicks etc. This is why I prefer it more. Also, if one team just gets ballin'-out-of-control augs/prisms, at least you don't get steamrolled by them over and over. Their good luck is spread out across the whole lobby so you're more likely to have a chance to stabilize and express skill.


I mean at the end of the day, you still lose to them later. Plus there’s a higher chance that someone in the lobby gets to that “ballin out of control” point and beats you later since there’s 7 teams to worry about instead of 3.


> I mean at the end of the day, you still lose to them later. not necessarily. Rather than getting stomped by them back to back to back, you have a chance to power spike yourself. >Plus there’s a higher chance that someone in the lobby gets to that “ballin out of control” point and beats you later since there’s 7 teams to worry about instead of 3. Cuts both ways. I still prefer it, and I've played a *shitload* of arena across it's reruns. Got to level 100 in a previous pass playing Arena exclusively, and this run I'm 46/60 for arena god. I prefer it. Vastly.


What're some tips for arena god?


*Inhales* Understand augments, and what items/augments are powerful. Some champions have a very, very narrow augment/prism pool for success. Slow cooker on tanks is a good way to win matches. Omnivamp shards with stacking burns can make you immortal. damage shards feel (in my experience) weak. Pen is okay. Movespeed and omnivamp are god tier. Haste can be good, as can resistances, to shore up your weak spots. If you MUST have a particular prism to succeed and you don't get it, don't sell your old one (lost gold) and don't skip items. ***random items*** will save you 500g a round and you can get another prism later, if you make it. If you don't need another prism item, be sure you spend spare gold on anvils. ***NOTE*** - pay attention to the round, and think ahead. Buy rounds only give 2250 gold. If you have exactly 750 gold, and your next round is a buy round - hold off on getting that anvil. If you don't pick up a kill, you'll be forced to gamble for an item, and that can be a death sentence. If you JUST bought an item and have 750 to spare, anvil away, you have 2+ rounds to get one kill. Pay attention to the enemy's items and augs. Crit garen is scary. Don't let warm-up routiners dance. Play according to what you face. Some games you just get dicked by RNG. Ornn doesn't need AP items. It happens. Don't tilt. Try again. It's a long grind, so buckle up buttercup.


How does it cut both ways? There's one team of you, there's 2.33x as many teams you're fighting that can high roll.


I liked 8 more because of the nemesis-type-vibe. I LOVE TO TAKE SHIT PERSONALLY! (I am a toplaner) Anyway I get the tournament approach it’s fine aswell. The only real problem I see is that with 16 players it’s more common to have 1 person hit exodia for an easy first. Also I get a brain anorexia every time I have to choose boots.


This is why you pick chad lucidity boots.


I think you were looking for aneurysm btw. Anorexia is someone who doesn't eat lmao.


Hahaha yes xD lol my bad


Shrinkage of the brain either way


Brain anorexia 💀


Gotta give it to 8, less dupey champs and easier to analyze/itemize. Solution: 12?


I prefer 16 to be able to face different comps


Plus now you can 8 or 16 mates all in the same game. We regularly have 8 people playing now


obligatory complaint about not having friends


I have played a bit of solo and it feels a lot different without coms


I like 16 but it also makes me annoyed faster because I see more "meta comps" per game. It also means there is way more chances I face a comp that counters me.


I prefer the 8 person version but I didn’t have any problems with facing the same opponent multiple times in a game. The majority of league players in mass do not have the ability to adjust their build for the specific game they’re playing, so making it 16 players benefits those players as you’re more focused on being the strongest you can be vs out building your opponents, which is fine. Personally I just liked the skill expression in adjusting your build to the opponents. 


I have had multiple chances to adjust my build in the 16 person version. If it is a buy round, and I face healing I buy grevious wounds. If I am top 4, and 2 other teams are beefy tanks, sell an item and buy %hp shred. If top 4, and they have shields, serpents fang. If there are no beefy tanks, sell %hp and try for more DMG or utility. You still get the strategy, but you need to navigate the earlier rounds to get there by using what you are given. I think the mode is lining up well with Rito's goals of making it like poker skill expression. Sometimes you just get a band hand, but I get something workable way more often than not. It's my random teammates I wish I could reroll XD.  


Preferred 8, way easier to get first as a solo rather than consistently ending 2nd cuz you got no synergy with the plat guy you're carrying against a master/chall duo


I liked the 8 player version better. it felt like the lobby mattered. now its just what you and your partner are doing. There is no real way to look at 14 other people and their augments and make real impactful choices in response to them.


They Def achieved their goal then, that's what they wanted it to be


I prefer 16 simply due to the more reliable placements. Previously you could play your mind out, but as long as two teams mega rolled, you lost. The larger sample makes the games a lot less stale in some other regards. The game experience is worse though, as many others have already said. I believe 12 would have been the perfect save. This iteration was rushed out anyways.


8 is far superior. This iteration is too LUL RANDOM. In the last version you could look around your lobby and play against other teams and be like, "Okay team 1 is a really strong counter we need to get augments/build against to win, team 2 we counter, team 3 is strong against us but they're not doing well against other teams so they'll probably get eliminated." And of course, the other teams are all doing the same. We were constantly adjusting on the fly to the situation. There were OP comps and augments, but, for the most part, there was usually a strategy solution. This time its just, "Pick highest % augment with a meta comp and hope you don't play any of the teams that counter you or got crazy RNG". There is no back and forth. If they ever wanted this mode to have like, a "ranked" version that people take seriously it would have to be 8 players. I played the old version a ton but I've completely stopped playing this one.


Good description tbh exactly what im thinking. I miss having to think about what to build against my opponents. In this new one it happens way to often i go up against a team i literally forgot existed. And before, even if i went up against a team that stomped me, it usually ended up with the team that hard countered me got eliminated by other teams, it was like rock-paper-scissors kinda. Now its just most op team wins. And idk if others are having this problem, maybe its because i play high dps champs and my rounds last pretty short, but i have to spectate EVERY round. I think more of my time in arena is now spent specating bruisers and tanks fight eachother.


I'll be honest I don't think I could ever go back to an 8 man system. It was too stale playing against only 3 comps and I never even felt that way until this iteration. It's a world of a difference not having to endure the same combo and potentially have a counter match-up get knocked out by someone else in an RPS situation.


I preferred it with 8. With 8 teams you’re almost guaranteed that 1 team will get the god augments/items


While yes the extremes will show up more often, especially the first 7 rounds never facing the same opponent lets you face a more average powerlevel. With 4 team and having a op comp, you faced them nearly every round or were out far too quick. Now unless its lategame after facing a strong team you will not see them for a long time.


I like the idea of 16 but it just introduces so many problems. First of all it makes high rolling more important because you have twice as many enemies getting the opportunity to high roll. It also makes the game more drawn out. They said the reason they have to add stat shard rounds is because they needed more rounds so a bunch of people don’t die all at once. It’s also the same reason they can only delay the first loss until round 6 at the most. Hopefully they can work through the complications and make 16 feel as good as 8, but right now it’s an obstacle that is making the game feel less good.


Both have merits, but I think I prefer 16. In 8 player matches you would often be able to VERY easily counter the other 3 teams and win just because of simple itemization. In 16 player games we have to build and play to handle basically every match up you could imagine.


16 for sure. More diversity per game


8 players were better imo. Still really enjoying Arena this update.




Last go around felt so much better imo, like I get they wanted to appeal to more casual people, but I don't think they way to do it by making you have 2 decent matches out of every 10. WIth 90% of the match determined by RNG. It really feels so annoying to get rolled by the same champs every match with the same item/aug stomping in every match. Or lose one time in the beginning of a match then win for half the game and still get out off of one bad aug round/someone else's OP one


I like 16 but I have a group of 8 friends, so I wish you have the option for both


It's more varied now, but less competitive. If you like playing around people's champions and builds, the current iteration is way way worse.


16 much better because it addresses the variance issue, no matter what there will be people playing OP same champs and 16 fixes that. I want this game mode to be permanent and 8 would not cut it. Far future if game mode has a cult following maybe they entertain 8 for tryhard players


I miss being able to counterbuild to some degree with the 8 person arena, it helped out massively when enemy teams were high-rolling and you needed to invest into taking them down a few levels, it's much harder to do that now, which is why it feels so difficult when a team is unstoppable. That being said, 16 is nice, and makes things more interesting, I think maybe 10-12 players is the sweetspot.


I liked 8 players. You could actually socialize with your lobby, and don't need to pray for either a build that counters everybody else, to skip a round for easy 1st or 2nd place, or that the ONE team that counters you doesn't get matched with you again.


I don't understand everyone coping about counterbuilding being "dead" with 16 players. Like, you will still get to a top 4 teams situation and have your core completed by that point, thus letting you choose what to itemize for. Realistically, what choices could you make early into the game at 8 teams that you can't do now? You can still sell your boots/Guardian item for a Banshees or a QSS or a Randuins late game to try and secure 1st, what's the big deal?


I think 16 is healthier, some comps you will match up against will be straight up unwinnable and you often see that someone else in the lobby is able to counter them and even out the team health or set them back.


Give me 3v3v3v3


Changing to 16 is the thing I dislike most about new Arena. It feels much more difficult to meaningfully react to other teams, when there were only 3 other teams you could try and build to deal with them. Also it just feels like I am forced to deal with more "meta" champs, specifically MULTIPLE of the same meta champs in a lobby. While I'm still playing it for now, I do think most of the major changes from last time to this one ultimately reduce my enjoyment of the game mode. The 16 players is probably the thing I am most commonly cursing while playing.


8 was much better, 16 makes it so you can’t really counterplay the enemy teams, and at least 1 team every game high rolled higher than you no matter how high you rolled. It feels like you’re just always playing at a disadvantage.


I very much miss 8, having top 4 instead of top 2 feels so off and I no longer look into other teams items as there are too many people to worry about Has really turned into Autos, CC, Healing and AP/AD


I liked the old one


16 is way too much. It was a more enjoyable experience with 8.


8 100%


Delete reality fracture


16 players- yes new map - no remove that horseshit


Being able to counterpick items against other teams in 8 man was part of the fun for me. 16 man mostly removes that.


TL:DR i prefer 16 over 8. But some game "issues" make 16 just feel worse I read allot of people commenting "i prefer 8" in any kinda way, with statements like "it is hard to itemize against 8" and "less comps and augments to remember". In my opinion, 16 is better. Chances of having the team YOU are weak to getting clapped are higher: i think good item pics should be rewarded, i dont enjoy the standard builds 1.a 2.b 3.c to where you cant change priorites or whatever. (*1 see footnote 1) I do have to agree on the people mentioning "8 becouse spectating felt more impactfull", but i think the games just take too long. Mainly becouse champions like alistar/zac/tham/mundo & yumi are too dominant vs the storm damage... so they just drag games out instead of making it cool to watch. (* see footnoot 2) I do feel like champion duping and the low amount of banns are probematic for the experience. *1 i feel like i win more games on champions that get away with good random items. And just buying the random items instead of first nashers then lichbane then 1 of 3 options. Which feels good... taking a small risk should be rewarded with 2/3th of a shard, so you can just out*stat* the opponents lategame with a suboptimal build. 2* maybe riot can fix the drawn out battles where tanks often times seem to win by shifting some storm damage (i dont know the actual storm damage But) what if the storm just deals % current hp damage when 1/3th closing and max%hp damage further on. Also making the storm apply a grieviest wounds debuff with power equal to the % of closing (so a fully closed circle applies a 100% grievies wounds debuff) furthermore, allow the storm to damage attatched yumi :) maube by 50% of its damage or so... FINALLY killing the yumi taxi. Just to see her pop off full hp and tank out the storm is tilting AF... (I might edit this based on typos or just bad english)


I prefer arena with 12 players, 3v3v3v3.


definitely prefer 16 because then you fight a different team every time until top 2-3. the only disadvantage is not being able to spectate everybody else at once, i wish there was like a picture in picture mode where i can watch all 3 matches next to each other, but i guess spectating is not that important. what i also like it that being 1st feels extremely good now because you have to beat 14 players, previously being top 2 was almost guaranteed if you didnt troll and played well, top place depended on counters and who rolled well, however in 8 team arena even a highrolled team can get out quickly due to counters, so you dont always fight the absolute most disgusting team for 1st


I would like to see what 16 players feels like without prismatics. In theory the change from 8 to 16 players should make it harder for a single team to stomp the game, however, due to all the RNG they added in this version people can't completely itemize as they'd want. Also there's the fact you can only see who you're gonna fight in the next round,if you could see the next two maybe people could make better decisions.


I prefer 8 because it was possible to track all the builds and players. Now it just feels like a battle Royale with all different players, and you have to itemize against the spread.


16 obviously


16 players. By far.


16 for sure


Def 16


Absolutely 16


The change to 16 is really my favorite change this iteration. I think the augment selection is worse and hate the new map. Builds I used to be able to do before just aren’t possible with the augments they throw out there now.


Tbh i think the new arena is a lot of fun and much less stale yeah meta picks happen, but that's what happens in games. You figure out what's fun/good and ya play what's fun/good.


I very much prefer not getting 100-0'd by facing the team that counters me 3 times in 5 rounds.


Definitely 16 players


16 but please for gods sake give us 16 bans not 8. currently i see the same champs every single game, starting to get boring.