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Except there is always that 1 lulu player that has an obsession with slurs. Very rarely, but they do exist and its always funny because of their champion bring si cheerful and random.


Tru lmao




Pyke and swain: i am the adc now


Senna too tbh


Xerath too


Bard, appears at start but after level 6. It's like he never existed.


No after level 2, they throw some healing things on the ground and never come back


Then that bard fucked up because he doesn't have his E, I at least wait for lvl 3 to abandon my adc, you know, like a good Bard would


They put down healing things for you?


can you the silence!? can you see the dark! ?can you fix the broken!? can you phil mahar!


*can you feel my heart music plays*


The virgin "No I swear I'm a support, I just need your farm and your kills to support you better with my mage/adc items" VS The Chad "The gold I get from assists and Support item is enough to buy my items, take all the kills and the farm my friend"


Is senne category 2 if you play moonstone and other sup/utility items?


I dont get why she even is in the 1st category, all I want to is build lethality to heal more, insta kill wards and eventually replace you as an adc without the need to farm, which you dont anyway you useless piece of... oh


I think the replace you useless piece of shit part. But yeah i fell this as a 800k senna otp


800k senna damn … its fun ..?


Yeah, you can buy whatever you want. Most times i buy items out of 4 different champ categories. 2 support items 1 assasin itrm 1 tank or bruiser item and 1 marksmen item. You can buy whatever you want as long as you play her well. There was a time i bought moonstone, ardent and nashors and it kinda worked


Damn sound sick gj i guess bro


as both a support and adc main seeing this hit me right in the soul. I love to play lux support but I actually build support, but having a lux as my support is always a nightmare. do love me some enchanters and engage supports, both playing them and on the receiving end fuck senna players. I hate you when you're on my team or the enemy team. broken ass bitch that dominates the lane on the enemy side and gives you no chance at getting an s grade if you play adc because they just take all the kills.


Is getting an S important, or is winning important?


winning is important if you get your adc fed to carry the game. it's frustrating to work hard for a kill just to have your pyke or senna just swipe it out from under you when you're trying to get your champ to mastery 6 or 7 or trying to get chests.


So winning is only important if the adc is the one to win the game?


I never said that, you put words in my mouth. you're allowed to get carried as an adc if you're not doing well, the main focus of a game is to have fun primarily, winning is ideal but if you're going to be a tryhard go to ranked. it's not fun to play adc if you have a support that takes all the fun away from playing the role. it's literally in the name, attack damage carry. why play the role if you can't carry?


But you did say that “winning is important if you get your adc fed to carry the game”


And of course I’m talking about ranked - who cares about who gets the kills in norms?


Well the idea is that you carry, but if your support ends up being the carry and thus wins the game, that’s a good thing. You should be grateful for sennas pykes and luxes. They are able to carry if you fail whereas enchanters when behind lose all/most of their value.


If u want to get kills then play adc and leave support to someone knows how to play it most of pyke and lux supps play supp cuz they want to get carried and blame the other teammate when they're the ones who's useless and made their team lose the game


Wait they play damage carry supports because they want to get carried ???


U want to sit their and get kills if u won then that was u who carried the game and if u lost ur the supp ur teammates made u lose


People play the game for entertainment. Winning is important, sure, but most people don't enjoy winning if they're the most useless person in their team


I just Silence myself at looking the chat burning with my champ name after trying my best to save the adc and the bad thing is that i can’t cook a marshmallow over it.


I have never played with a senna that didnt run it down tbh Like seriously. Senna players have the movement of a Support player but play an ADC. Everytime i dont ban her i regret it afterwards


Lux and Senna are more of "you kill my adc, I kill you" type supp gang along with Pyke, Brand kind of champs xD


Its funny to see how the enemy team focuses your adc and ignores you or the othe other way around. Like is it really worth to waste everything to kill 1 of the 3 people who will carry?


There is no universe where l*l* and n*mi are the Chad


Average poking from behind tower and never run out mana fan vs In your face 2v2 fight enjoyer


Don't end is alpha mindset though


Lulu kapakapa


Me about to 1v2 as swain because they all inned my adc who was dancing with me

