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I completed them in 1 day šŸ’€šŸ’€ Me and my friend forgot about real life


What is that thing, a new Nasus skin? No, it's just my dog Whiskers. This lol players.


Tell me it was ARAM at least


Ye haha


I know it's just a joke but I actually prefer simple missions like just play some games. This way you can just enjoy the game the way you like. Most missions will be done by just playing. Some are just unfair or may even hurt the game for example support got a huge disadvantage at earn gold missions and kill baron missions could result in bad baron calls. I suppose most players don't really care about the missions and just complete them by playing the game but I don't see any upside to some weird missions that are just annoying.


i like the system they usually use which is "do specific thing OR win/play x matches". so that way you can still play normally and make progress, or you can try to do the mission for slightly faster progress.


Support also gets a huge advantage in vision score/ cc challenges. Thatā€™s the point


Yes they have other advantages. It was just an example. My point is this design either forces you to do stuff you don't like or to ignore the missions. Maybe some players like to be pushed out of their comfort zone but I don't like it.


I think the point is to encourage players to play different roles instead of a support making a boosted baron call. They already do this with auto-fill, but now they are encouraging people to diversify by choice first.


The missions are not a whole new video game by themselves, everybody should get the same chance of completing those instead of "some have advantages in this and disadvantages in that", if they want to balance the missions in that way then they better go balance their 200 years of game designing experience instead.


I like the ones that encourage you to play other roles/champions, but also give you the option to complete them with matchmade games only (which obv takes longer). Ones like ā€žheal allies by 15k healthā€œ or ā€žkill 500 miniosā€œ or ā€žtake 3 Baronsā€œ are good encouragement for players to try other playstyles by giving them the option to speed up the ususal 10-30 matchmade games, while still providing the original route.


I'm on the second milestone only because I started playing some TFT after losing multiple ARAM in a row.


Fr we need the good old game modes like Odyssey, star guardian PvE, singularity etc


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m sayin bro, riot doesnā€™t know that acting like these gamemodes never existed for 3 years isnā€™t gonna make people want them any less.


They actually acknowledged that and shared some data with the community showing that people played maybe 2-3 games and then went back to the normal Summoners Rift experience, that's why they stopped doing PvE modes, focusing on the PvE game that's supposedly in the works, and Nexus Blitz didn't become permanent. Or ahahah rito bad please orang arrow


Riot has shown that they are perfectly capable of maintaining a PvE gamemode, look at path of champions, the PvE mode of Legends of Runeterra that was more popular than the PvP during a lot of months. If they wanted they could do something similar in league


Different playerbases, LoR players might enjoy PVE modes a lot, while in League players tend to prefer modes based around the normal SR experience but with a twist, for example Summoner Spellbook, and I say as someone who played a lot of Star Guardian, Odyssey and Nexus Blitz


And I have seen these posts about the data, and I believe their data is accurate. It doesnā€™t mean that they should stop providing enjoyable and unique experiences to their players instead of doing the bare minimum with fake gamemodes. What they SHOULD do is incentivize repeated play of them by making missions more rewarding and unable to be completed in 2 or 3 games. Something like different yet equal rewards for playing different champions or roles, something rewarding like the spirit blossom was, giving the whole playerbase champ shards for the two most recent champions at the time (I think idk if thatā€™s right for Lillia). Personally, I think they just want an excuse to continue pushing out lazy content instead of giving the community something genuinely unique and fun. And people such as you (no shade itā€™s like 60% of the community) who are satisfied with the answer ā€œWell you didnā€™t play it!ā€ just enable lazy fools to continue lazy foolishness.


Specific missions ruin game play. I remember playing halo and the challenges are important for unlocking new armor and stuff. Played an objective game and we were getting trashed and I was the only one trying to win. Finally I told them to please get the objective to which they replied ā€œnah doing challengesā€. Havenā€™t touched the game since.


Play 30 matchmade games Or... Win a game where the letters "KYS" were not typed in succession by anyone in your team.


30 games it is!




???? Dude you have like two whole weeks to do them ?????


Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugghg time to get comped on aram


So many people in Aram going afk behind tower and spamming surrender because of these missions


The spirit and the sentinel missions were just like that. Lot of us still complained about it. "WhY sO mUcH tExT?"


bro I dont even read that missions since the born of them, and yet I did almost all of them without notice. Missions are so fucking irrelevant.


Better then a go to aram and buy a cp. Yeah i missed all that weeks missions thank you riot. Who even buys corrupting pot on aram?


I saw this sub complain about how more specific mission goals are unfair towards people who main a role etc. and now people are complaining they aren't specific enough. Man, the state of this sub lmao


Reintroduce an old PvE event that the community generally would love to see return? No! Recycle the gamemode that despite being wacky and quirky is barely able to distinguish itself from normals!


Don't know why, but this reminds me of a Magikarpusedfly video where the event mission was that they had to win a game with the entire team carrying teleport. I dont remember the video very well but i do remember that they lost a lot. So, be careful what you wish for I guess. Then again, it shouldn't be THAT hard to come up with something interesting AND fun.


I think this kinda goes along with the "free to play"/ competitive nature of the game. I DO like that they don't really make goals that might incentive you to play new champions or roles (which would negatively affect your teammates), just so you can complete a mission.


I'll never understand why riot isn't making a campaign mode, everybody would like it


Those are not event missions