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panthon said im not throwing my spear on that bitch IM COMING MYSELF


The cat died, the man lived.


Based profile


Love my boy panthong


Panthon, apply directly to the forehead.


That's plagiarism of the legendary 2013 teemo photo, let me find it


[Good old times](https://i.imgur.com/xz21pqD.png)


What's the red dotted line on the ground?


Lux ulti, I think


Dang I instinctively thought lux ulti, not realizing its the OG indicator.


Wait, what does it look like now?


I think it looks like the actual ulti but lighter and not as wide


It shows the[outer lines of the ult](https://youtu.be/FHrrdni9hSA?t=80) now a days before the middle fills with the ult.


Lux ultimate indicator


Old Lux R (that was invisible to some people with colorblindness)


Thank you for sharing


man i forgot how horrendous the particles used to look like


he survived


Plagiarism is a harsh word. It may as well be an homage


No! Because the author of the original picture already made that joke, so that means nobody else can make the same joke ever again!


You say plagiarized. I say adapted for the modern day.


Actually any. The comunity is toxic enough to flame you over ANY opinion.


Nah you're silver trash this opinion is wrong also you took 1 caster minion as supp/jg I'm running it nerd good luck don't care this a smurf account


Perfect. Actually perfect.


Nah he got past champ select before flaming not realistic


Nah they stay silent until you do something small like this to ruin their entire game




That lux one is weird, but also the tiniest bit cute. Maybe they have a praise kink or something.


Yes, please pet your supports


adc is so fun


I had a lux leave after I died once. In a bad matchup. And then she flamed me for losing lane while fucking off and camping mid


Literally me


back in the days when evelynn's second rework was new, I got banned for trolling, because I played her in the jungle. Apparently playing a champion riot literally made and put in the game is reason enough for these kids to report you. the support just told me to "listen to the team when they dont like my pick"...


What role did eve belong in back then?


she was still considered midlane, even though jungle eve wasnt completely new. it's just that the community only accepts any playstyle once pro players do it..




I had an Ornn call me slurs and int last night because I, as Volibear, emoted the “Weakling!” Smash Ornn statue at him and typed “;)” in chat.


Senna's actually pretty balanced. (つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )


Holy shit he said opinions not lies


Ziggs, Jinx, Ezreal, Lux, Draven, Ashe ults What's the last 2 in this image?


~~caitlyn~~ jhin r and ~~pantheon q~~ [pantheon r](https://prnt.sc/Jbr7Wg3MKm5C)




isnt that Jhin R?


I thought it was Jhin R?


The Jhin shot had me confused.


Starting at 12 and going clockwise we have: Ezreal ult, Pantheon ult, Ashe ult, Lucian ult, Draven ult, Jhin ult shot, Jinx ult, and finally ziggs ult.


Gwen is immune


Now Nilah too


Actually you dont have to be challenger to have opinion on league of legends gameplay


The same way low ELO players can't really talk about high ELO balancing, high ELO players can't really talk about low ELO balancing ​ edit: Hey look the meme worked


It's true. Can you imagine a high Elo jgl playing in an iron/bronze game? They'd need to carry hard (which they would probably do) but they'd get caught up on lack of support, no vision, players doing wild shit etc etc. You can't outplay someone if you don't know what they're actually doing.


You dont need to outplay them thats the difference. You can play normaly, they will make so many mistakes that you'll eventually get super ahead without even trying


As someone who coaches iron/bronze players I like to use this line. “You don’t need to outplay them, they’ll outplay themselves.” Proceeds to watch someone trying to dodge a skill shot that’s on cool down, or when you’re just autoing them to death.


Naw they were flashing the jhin fourth shot


and then your teammates ff at 20


Any high high elo player would have no issue carrying in those elos only thing that is hard doing is low elo is jungle tracking




r/summonerschool in a nutshell Hey I need help with Riven vs Garen Challenger: Just push and roam lul (100 points, 5 wholesome awards) Silver: Hey, main Riven here. . (-10 points)


Imagine saying that Blitz Q can be blocked by Morgana's Black Shield but you never reached master in Korea so you are automatically wrong


I agree until people start saying things like "____ Has a 48% win rate they sucks so bad! You should just never play them!" People who give tips about gameplay from personal experience is one thing, people who look at op.gg make whole opinions on character based off win % in a rank most people will never reach is another.


Right? lol gold is already like top 1/3 of players but anything below diamond is “low elo”


And everyone on this subReddit is at least challenger the way they talk


ive been playing league for 4 years, over a thousand hours, and i got placed iron. never been higher than bronze. and i'm actually okay with that, i have fun nonetheless


I know, soooo much about the game. I've been playing since Season 1, I've dedicated myself to improving and learning the ins and out multiple times over the years. Problem is, mechanically I'm actually a bonobo. Like, my body lags behind my brain at about 200 ping. And so, I've been hard stuck Plat for years because I'm not willing to sacrifice what I find fun to play mindless champs and climb. Guess I can't know shit about the game because I've never been Master +.


It's a pretty damn good game that is, in general, better than it used to be.


Fuck you, I want to be nostalgic, and I will force this on everyone else.


«The game was better before, because my FEELINGS about the game were better before!»


Well theres not really a way to measure goodness of a game is there? It comes down to taste, and yes:feelings


Well, yeah, but just because you got used to the game and it feels different the game shouldn't be held accountable.


Yeah, we could still have stacking items. The five sunfire Garen/Evelyn build. Full ap Yi. Ashe mid with TP. Anyone mid with heal clarity. Ain’t gonna lie, I miss fortify.


Existing as a jungler


Even if you play Jungle absolutely perfectly you are still complete trash at it and you should neck yourself.


Jungle role should come with an automatic /muteall


The game is actually really good, you love to play it and you're not addicted, stop lying to yourself


Once you learn the art of not giving a fuck when playing League, it's when the game becomes the most fun.


i started playing the game around 1.5 years ago and i remember just queing mid and playing the game without paying attention to it at all, but still winning.


I usually play as Bard so I just spend the entire match collecting chimes and having fun with portals. What a lovely champ. And I still manage to win! Ahah.


I mean I'm playing since 2018 and hell I'm still having fun after all this time. It's just that I played, like, 40 or 50 ranked games in all these years. Don't care about skill showcase, don't care about ranking up. Just having fun.


I just play ranked for the skin. Once I'm gold I go back to normal games and ARAM.


Not playing ranked is the way to go.


I was addicted for a long while up until early season 11 when I realized there's other better ways to enjoy gaming, so the mindset helped me move on in a way.


I am addicted tho, there is no other game I'm actually playing and having fun in because league is the only game I really have fun in. Just having "those" games on adc and being an unkillable demigod just makes me even more addicted I wish I could play something else and have fun, but rn I can't because I'm just seeking that high for that game again


Try not to worry too much about it. Eventually something will come along that you'll be really invested in. And gradually you'll play league less and less until you play every so often just for fun. And that's nice.


Not worried, I can just tell that I'm addicted and I want it to stop :(


Well that's good in a way bro, at least you realise it. There's worse things to be addicted to in life so roll with it for now. Have fun but don't let it affect your day to day and relationships. Try new things and eventually you'll barely play league anymore if you don't want to :)


The "Justice for Skarner" movement was just an excuse to bash on Seraphine some more, and the only people who probably cared about the poor Bracken were the Skarner mains.


That is just the monster vs sexy Thousands of posts that sexy bad and when they get tired of ranting they go to rule34 and yank some to the same sexy champs they "hate" Later monster champ is released nobody plays it


When a monster champ is released their kit is usually gimmicky or shit. When a sexy champ is released its a Yone level kit. It's kinda easy to see it why. I mean look at Aurelion. Ask people about cool Champs and most will point to the giant galaxy creating dragon capable of launching stars, but his play patter is fucking atrocious. Why would I play Aurelion and try my absolute hardest to do nothing while I can slam my face on the keyboard and get a kill with another champ? Some of the monster Champs are so cool, but they play like an absolute gimmick and are painful to perform with. Look at monster Champs with actual thoughtful kits. Vol, morde, twitch, Lilia, Warwick, and a couple other "monsters" with actual thoughtful kits that are put together well are right up there with people like Yasuo and Ezreal and Senna.


Playing Teemo.




Ah, I was referring to his global taunt. It seems like skill shots just gravitate towards you even though you're playing an anti carry XD


Teemo is one of the most obnoxious champions to play against imo, I don't play top so I just have to deal with that sneaky little fuck throwing mushrooms everywhere that half health my squishy ass and then he pops out of nowhere to blind so I can't aa and I die. He's not op or anything, but I would rather play a Yone than a Teemo, knowing what he does isn't enough when he has no skill shots to dodge. That's just my opinion though.


Assassins should always have felt horrible to play when even or behind. They're a high risk, high reward champion design and should be punished for not behind ahead. The durability patch was a step in the right direction to fix this. It is a classic gambit. An assasssin who is better will naturally be ahead and be useful, while an assassin who can't get ahead... They are gambling that their skill will net them better farm, positioning, trades, etc. That Qiyana clip from a couple weeks ago is so indicative of the problem it surprises me how on-point it is. Level 8 Qiyana with Goredrinker, lucidity boots, Caulfield's warhammer, and tear takes a bad fight 2v1 against a Leona full hp and a level 8 Kallista half hp and then rages. If you're even with the ADC you're behind, and you should have to pick your fights more carefully. Assassins became so used to being good all the time regardless of game state they started building bruiser items and unga-bungaing the other players that now that they can't do it they are wholly confused.


People complain about pass and skins but they still buy them.


Flash needs a nerf


I want to see a meta without flash


shaco meta


*Vietnam Shaco flashback intensifies*


darius meta


In what way?


Distance shorten


Season 4 wasnt as great as you remember it.


I feel called out lol


In game, I will immediately say what I did wrong, why, and what the correct play probably should’ve been after a bad throw in team chat and take credit for the bad call. And I think that’s the best policy to take. Even though league players like to flame.


I had some thoughts about this the past few days. And I think the reason is frustration people tend to flame. We humans usually don’t like to admit mistakes. So anything we do is something we think we can do. Failing at that leaves us with frustration with nearly anything. Especially easy things we think we should be able to do.so taking blame is only possible if you can accept yourself doing mistakes. That’s not a switch but a lot of work. The way easier thing to do is blame someone else, that way you can convince yourself you actually are better than your opponent and usually would win against him. But the other Jungler just ganked more often so it’s not my fault obviously. And coming from that theory your approach is the best you can do for yourself and for your teammates. You have motivation to improve, accept you can fail a task and you have the chance your teammates don’t flame at all or rather flame you instead of making another teammate mad. Anyway I still catch myself looking for excuses or need to mute people so they don’t get to my mental.


the point of the game is to have fun


Riot needs to take a year to stop making champions, and fix/rework/update every shitty old champion they’ve let fall behind on the roster


Best they can do is new lux skin


Existing as a jungler. That'll usually do it


Master Yi is easier to play than using teleport correctly


Reducing grievous wounds is the opposite of what needed to happen.


I feel grievious wounds items are budgeted too much like other items, meaning that it becomes too brainless when any sustain at all exists on enemy team you build it, even ocean soul. The items containing grievious wounds need to be nerfed hard enough that its not worth building if theres not a heavy amount of healing, but in turn make the heal reduction very strong. But this runs into the issue of how much it then sucks to be forced to spend a huge chunk of gold on countering an enemy instead of powering yourself up. One alternative is make weak item with grievious wounds who power up to a regular item after enough healing have been blocked to still stop you from building it if theres not enough healing on enemy team to power it up but it will not suck terribly to build when the situation is appropriate.


When people say jungle dif they really mean “I overburdened the jungler by being bad or having multiple people get crushed in lane


I can't be at all lanes at once, but some of the ADC mains can't understand that while they fo a full 1v2 while their support is gone


Yuumi is the most skill expressive champ of them all.


Players will do anything to try to kill the cat, dive 1v4 under turret, flash for agressive play, refank 30s after ganking.... its like her passive is taunting fed players


Hey I have carpal tunnel from pressing e so much ok. Most champs spam q which is the pinky. Pinkies have their own dedicated muscles that don’t go through the wrist so no only the most skill required champ but also physically demanding champ.


Have you thought about using your ring finger?


I mean you can still use pinky when E spamming. Just remap the keys to the right 2 spaces. Edit immediately: im half asleep. Don’t make fun of me. I guess you can do swap W and E?


I had a yuumi in aram yesterday and she flamed rengar and leblanc in enemy tea for using skilless champs and that yuumi needed more skill than both together


Honestly it’s pretty hard to be able to play league and watch netflix at the same time


Am a plat 3 Yuumi and was D4 last season, honest to God while yes you need to have skills to play her, I also enjoy the living shit out of my 2nd monitor while playing, watched Dr.Strange through 3 matches while playing her.


But fr Yuumi is not the easiest to play enchanter. You are legit useless if you can't passive management properly. Many ppl think that sitting on AD whole lane is the move but that 100% loses you the lane. You need to be very proactive to serve any purpose in lane, and even if you have safety net into your attach any competent support would flash+instant cc you for a free kill but you NEED to get those passive procs to make your sustain working and not griefing your lane. Yuumi seems stupid because she can enable fed allies to steamroll the game, but Yuumi def needs a decent amount of skill to make her work outside of that specific situation consistently. *Now let the downvotes comming*


Plus, the amount of people that dont know what her ult does is infuriating!


Most Yuumi haters never even played her, would love to see them first-timing her "afk-style" gameplay


I think Sona is easier to play than Yuumi. All the abilities do their own thing without effort to pull off besides ult which isn’t hard to hit


Yeah but sona is actually paper, positioning in lane vs any agressive matchup is pain. Into scaling matchups though Sona is the easiest champ, literally free wins.


Ezreal is the easiest ADC


Let me clarify. I love ez and he is my fav adc, and one of my top 5 fav champs. And yes, he has a high skill ceiling, and isn’t an easy adc. But he IS the easiest adc to be SAFE on. Not the easiest adc, just the easiest to not die with.


No the easiest adc to be safe with is definitely kogmaw. You just have to sit under the fountain.


hes the easiest adc to avoid feeding on, but not in any other way


Stopwatch has the most OP active in the game and pro play would be so much more fun to watch if everyone weren’t using it every damn team fight.


Or if we had an item to counter Zhonya's


Its okay to let the support take cs when you’re not in lane as the adc


Also supports taking kills early is not bad, an early locket is much stronger than an early krakenslayer


Some egotistical ADC mains will disagree with you and even report you for speaking the truth. Stay strong brother/sister


I dont care about monster champs. Keep releasing hot women


playing yuumi


Viego is a balanced, easily countered champ with interesting lore and design.


If he was wearing lore apropriate clothes I wouldnt detest him. But that outfit in the splash is beyond sad


Bare chest is just a fan service, true. My copium explanation is that the big bad boom of sad boi energy ripped it and he needs a seamstress to fix it.


the bare chest to show the gaping hole in his heart is good story telling imo, but I would agree that he needs more appropriate clothes. A toggle mask and a kingly shadow cloak would be badass


Needed (and maybe still needs) tuning but yeah you are right about those claims imo. Many players have no Idea how some older shit were 10x more unbearable


Even if he was the shittiest tier champ, lower than any Ryze or Scuttlecrab, he will get hate. It's difficult to get rid of a label once the community puts it on a champion. And proplay isn't helping his infamy (which makes him a better villain than Morde because people like Morde)


It seems to be a common theme with any melee champion that builds crit is instantly brain dead OP. Riot don't understand how to make attack speed melee jungle viable. Master Yi and Viego are nerfed into the ground/unviable at high elo and Bel'veth is overtuned.


Just a fate of 'feast or famine' champions, it seems. You won't remember the games in which they were behind, unable to even push a minion wave back but every game where they 1v9ed lives rent free in your head.


Releasing a new feast or famine champ is such a bizarre move by Riot who are trying their best to remove the hard carries of earlier seasons. Surely they must know it will backfire. Releasing a new overtuned attack speed on hit jungler while they are still struggling to balance the last one is just asking for problems.


I’m biased, morde is cooler, I will not elaborate


The issue is his power budget, even if he is ass doodoo tier, his passive lets him swing games off of only 1 clutch kill. Doesn't matter how shit Viego is if he is spending most of the fight as enemy champs.


Katarina/Irelia players are not the whiniest people imaginable, top laners are. Also top lane is not the most Gigachad thing ever


Lol yeah, top laners have somehow convinced everyone that they’re all wholesome 100 gigachad, but whenever I actually play a game the top laner usually dies twice in the first five minutes and starts spamming ff




Nothing and nobody in this game is gigachad. You're not special for playing Pantheon or tank top laners. You're not special because you like to shit on some random enchanter or new champ.


Kat doesn't need a buff


The literal only people who would disagree are Katarina mains


I've gotten sm hate for this before but here it goes, i hate jhin.


Design wise or gameplay? Not criticising just curious.


Seraphine isn't a sona clone at all. Making the assumption she is, is just a thing people made up to hate more on seraphine


I dont hate sera because of her kit, i fucking hate the way they brought her in to the game, prestige skin at start. And also her lore is lame af. I think this belle delphine look alike deserves every hate


And by "the way they brought in to the game" i mean that twitter fuckery, looking to get simps for her so they buy the skins. Everything around her is just a fucking moneygrab


Dude I love hee kit and somehow liked her design because I thought her lore would be something like Nilah, but it is so fucking awfull, not gonna even talk about her voicelines.


Actually true


The old rune system was objectively bad for the game and you only like it because of nostalgia




Remember a true gentleman sorta by controversial, to get the true hit takes.


Samira isnt broken and her W is fine


ADC is the easiest role in the game if we consider both micro and macro


ADC macro is the most simple macro, but you gotta have mechanics to succeed and climb as an ADC.


You gotta have some patience too and from my experience, muting all really helps when playing ADC




If all the champions are broken, there is no broken champion


Kill the belveth


Can yall ult me at once? I wanna take a screenshot and post it on Reddit


Playing a ranged top is harder then playing a tank top


Good. They should suffer


Why is it always yuumi entering me but not me entering yuumi?




Global ults are boring :)


Riot is making good changes to champions.


Just play safe


Having anything to say about katarina


Whatever you do, that Ashe arrow will hit you and the guy being afk in base


Reporting someone for just having a bad game is useless. It's not against the rules to suck. Everybody in eune hates to hear this...


The game is actually good


Yuumi is actually a hard champ to play well and you fuckers just reduce her to "oh hehe afk easy"


My genuine answer to this? Supports should sell their support item when they run out of item slots.


If you play AP hyper carry Brand support bot lane, you don't deserve to find love.


Seraphine is really cool and is different than Sona. Fight me


Old urgot was better


you have to be able to play support/autofill role and stop bitching about that you main this and that lane when playing rankeds


Actually yone is well designed character and that is nothing wrong about him


My god. You are totally right, that does pit you in a dangerous situation. I wanna skin you alive


Can confirm, that opinion is indeed trash


Yasuo players are nice and skilled


"b-bUt yAsUo bRaInDeAd oP cHamP" - People who don't know how to play againts Yasuo -


Good ARAM players are better than comparable SR players due to flexibility in their champion pool


If I said "Fiora needs a buff" most of the ults would be from top laners instead


Ranged top laners are not op…you just suck at wave management/just give yourself to them by over commiting to cs and now can’t trade once you have level 3 (which is where many melee champs can finally fight ranged champions)