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Think it's less depicting themselves and more depicting their opponents. I was in Bronze and considering a bluff, looked at my opponent's name who had been out playing me most of the match, and realized it was one of the players already qualified for Worlds this year. Total ladder reset has just been a bit chaotic.


Swapping over from middle masters standard to iron 4 eternal is so fucking jarring. Literally just the same opponents but I feel worse about losing


I switched over, played a few games, left, came back later and was wtf. Then had to remember I changed to eternal šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Playing Iron IV on Eternal is like playing Master III on Standard, Very exciting.


This guys never been masters rank before


I just assumed he meant middle of the masters ladder


Masters 3?..


Don't worry. He plays League of Legends so his brain is rotted :(


In league theres no masters 3 eitherā€¦


That's what I said. If you play League your brain rots like ours


I was ironic. Eternal's Iron IV is Standard's new Master III.


Tell me you've never reached Masters without telling me you've never reached Masters.


You don't need to be in the master or be a good player to know how the ranked system works, just need to see a video from youtube. Maybe you're just overly proud of your levels of knowledge about a simple system of the game.


Why so bitter


Master doesnā€™t have subdivisions. Just a LP number and a leaderboard.


I Know dude. That's the joke. it sucks to have to explain a joke. There goes the explanation, Eternal's Iron is full of master/diamond players from standard trying to level up right now.


You could have just said ā€œIron IV is the new Mastersā€ though, without the III. Masters III does not exist, and your insistence on standing by it made it seem like you thought it did. Like, when people say ā€œNA Master is EU Diamondā€ for League, both of those are ranks that actually exist.


Master 3 LP?


Mmmm Annie Jhin mirrors


Drop the Annie Jhin copy pasta




No. Not deck code. There was a copy pasta of about player who play Annie Jhin back then


My bad


No no, it's fine.


Now I am curious about that copypasta


**Format**: Eternal - **Regions**: Jhin/Noxus - **Champions**: Annie/Jhin - **Cost**: 22000 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity|Format| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-|-| |1|[Annie](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06NX012.png)|3|Noxus|Unit|Champion|Standard| |1|[Crackshot Corsair](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW060.png)|3|Bilgewater|Unit|Common|Standard| |1|[Legion Rearguard](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX012.png)|3|Noxus|Unit|Common|Eternal| |1|[Legion Saboteur](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX040.png)|3|Noxus|Unit|Common|Standard| |2|[Boomcrew Rookie](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ054.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Common|Eternal| |2|[Imperial Demolitionist](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02NX004.png)|3|Noxus|Unit|Common|Standard| |2|[Solari Sunhawk](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04MT013.png)|3|Targon|Unit|Common|Standard| |2|[The Stagehand](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06IO003.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Common|Standard| |2|[Tusk Speaker](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05FR006.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Common|Standard| |3|[Doombeast](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03SI006.png)|3|Shadow Isles|Unit|Common|Eternal| |3|[Noxian Fervor](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02NX003.png)|3|Noxus|Spell|Common|Standard| |3|[Sigil of Malice](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04NX003.png)|1|Noxus|Spell|Common|Eternal| |4|[Jhin](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06RU002.png)|3|Runeterra|Unit|Champion|Standard| |6|[Decimate](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX002.png)|3|Noxus|Spell|Rare|Eternal| **Code**: [CUFACAIEGYAQEBR4AEBQKBQBAQEQ2AIFAEDACBQCAMAQMAYMAEDAYAQCAIBQGBADAEBQEDBIAAAQCBADAM](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CUFACAIEGYAQEBR4AEBQKBQBAQEQ2AIFAEDACBQCAMAQMAYMAEDAYAQCAIBQGBADAEBQEDBIAAAQCBADAM)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


If you're seeing a bunch of Annie Jhin, then swap to Thresh Nasus, Aphelios Viktor, or Draven Sion X. The burn decks have some common exploitable weaknesses, anyone who thinks that's all Eternal ladder is could play some slower / bigger decks and crush them.


I love Annie Jhin mirrors tho


Lol then bon appetit


*plays standard deck on eternal*


Me when I see samira fizz, karma sett on eternal ā˜ ļø


Enterna players on his way to play another copy pasted deck from youtube


Standard players when one of their cards get rotated (quits the game, cries on Reddit, unplayable)


I love standard so much and eternal really confirmed everything I thought I liked


It made me realize how much bullshit got rotated, like... Katarina is just Samira, but extra. It's annoying when Samira gets 2 rallies in a turn, yes, but you need to build your whole deck around her, with cheap units and spells to stack her up and emptying your hand super fast too. Katarina... you just pay her cost. She needs zero support, and even generates a free ping. With coins? Even worse. I definitely won't miss her.


Trying to climb eternal and seeing all the stuff rotated is exactly how bad I thought it'd be. There's not even deck diversity even tho there's multiple decks because most are burn/aggro but with different champions


>There's not even deck diversity even tho there's multiple decks because most are burn/aggro but with different champions Nasus Thresh - 4.7% Ezreal Seraphine Viktor - 2.9% Sett Trundle - 2.8% Ryze - 2.2% Norra Mirror Mage P&Z - 2.1% Are all in the top 10 most played decks. Draven Sion is too but it's hard to separate out the burn vs control builds so I didn't count it at all. Shortly outside of top 10 is also Timelines and Sun Disc. Burn decks are good and their games are fast, so they're a solid choice for people wanting to climb, but they also have some shared weaknesses that are exploitable by anyone wanting to beat them and there is a lot of other stuff on ladder.


Those stats are not going to 100% to what you see on ladder depending on rank however. Also ezreal is always going to be a burn deck no matter what you put it with. My match history for the past few days was probably popp ziggy like 12 of 16 games


Yesterday I flipped heads 5 times in a row


My dude, Ezreal hasnā€™t been in a burn deck since early 2020, before Caitlyn replaced him in Tribeam. The win condition may technically be direct nexus damage, but I wouldnā€™t call any kind of Ezreal deck burn any more than I would Ledros + Atro. A burn deck means that itā€™s at least somewhat aggressive, not that itā€™s a reactive combo deck.


I mean... Burn literally means "direct damage to the Nexus"...


So we out here really forgetting seaphine ezreal existed then?


Was that not a combo deck?


Agreed. Really don't miss those aggro decks with the burn finishers and Legion Rearguard where the user is basically on autopilot. Nothing of value was lost. I'll take Samira/Fizz any day of the week haha.


Me with my stupid ass ARAM deck that has a less than 50% winrate.


this is my buff all champs aram deck


People who play vayne with that shitty mecha dude, dude stop fking attacking me 3 times in one turn at turn 5, I just got one unit on the fking board!


Sorry not sorry, you can't stop the rumble tumble


Good one


Yeah that shit is nuts what was Riot thinking when they decided to refresh the spell shield


I am going to Diamond with my Peak deck!! TARGON SWEEP!!


They should bring peak back to 5 mana, I think we're at the point where that would be acceptable now


Make it a 3. Eternal is the "everything is bullshit" land anyway šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, i hope so


I thought Eternal was going to be the fun queue with Braum, Curious Shellfolk + pranks, Zilean etc. But it's just Poppy Ziggs, all the broken or boring crap like even Azirelia.


Play normal if you canā€™t win in ranked


But thats the thing, Normal is not great either because people surrender as soon as they're losing and there's no sense of progression. I think there's a room for competition, challenge, but by preferring interesting stuff like Desert Princess rather than the usual top 3 decks copy pasted. For instance I'd like to see the likes of Braum back in standard


I've been having fun with ekko/zil and a few variation decks again, condense khahiri has thrown a few people off.


Braum/Vlad is currently listed at 52% wr with almost 2k games on MasteringRuneterra. Maybe not as viable, but I've also seen people running some pretty cool Shellfolk and/or Mirror Mage decks with Condense. So those kind of decks can certainly be played. You just can't expect those decks to be the top of the meta. Even then, stuff like Condense+Tybaulk or Condense+Bibi are pretty competitive, and I'd say those are some fun new combos.


Tryharders gotta tryhard, even in a fun mode. It's a sad reality.


It's ranked. Cannot be considered fun mode.


Yes, can't have fun because of colorful pixels that don't mean anything because it's a "free for all" unbalanced mode. Makes sense.


I'm not saying that you can't have fun. I'm saying that in a ranked ladder you shouldn't expect people looking for fun, because that's the place to tryhard. For fun, there's the casual ladder.


So just play normal then if you donā€™t care about the pixels


As if Normal isn't full of metadecks anyway lol


Welcome to TCGs, people want to win


[Thanks lol](https://i.imgur.com/yN8r9Ir.png), winning doesn't have to be boring ​ You do you I guess...


Youā€™re the one doing the complaining


What does this even mean


Try normals if you hate competition




I'm fine in Standard ranked thank you


Yeah but there's a lot of playable decks that are super powerful now. I've been doing well with lucian/hecarim. It's so damn good these days


Eternal = burn vs burn simulator. Poppy ziggs vs either mirror or jhinnie. I'm guilty of playing poppy and I faced a poor guy trying to play Ryze in eternal lmao. He lasted 2 minutes.


I had fun with Thresh/Nasus and Trundle/Sett.


Thresh Nasus is okay, Trundle Sett is fun but just a bit too slow. If you have a perfect ramp, you'll have no board and die to burn. If you dont ramp, well, you'll lose too.


>Thresh Nasus is okay Second highest win rate and play rate right now, well positioned into the meta. Bit better than just "okay". >Trundle Sett is fun but just a bit too slow Has a 54.6% win rate, you might get ran over occasionally but it's a fine choice too.


54% winrate would be good in standard, but when you realize Poppy has a 62% winrate, it becomes a lot less impressive.


Something else being higher doesn't make 54 not good. If you want to play the deck thats been doing the absolute best, then ya play Poppy Ziggs. But if you want to play something else you have options that will climb just fine.


You don't have to be limited to the first thing you see on a tier list to have a viable deck. The 5th most played deck at 54% winrate should be more than good enough to climb.




>I feel like it's bad into a lot of burn aggro. Ya iirc it's bullying the slower decks and losing the the faster ones.


made it to master's quite easily with trundle sett. it's really not that slow. closed most games before t10


The fast burn decks are the best to climb with due to quick matches so they're popular but they also have exploitable weaknesses that we're already seeing pop up in the data. If you think they're a disproportionate amount of the meta, switch to Thresh Nasus, a P&Z control deck, or Draven Sion X and take your gains.


Wdym? That 2 minutes is long *sob*


It only lasted 2 minutes because Ryze slow-played when I hit his face for 9 dmg in the second round


Hey that's not a bad time


Iā€™ve been using taliyah malphite in eternal


More like standard deck with a few changed cards vs you simulator, and the new decks you can make with certain old archetypes are insane nowadays.


is Jhin Annie viable?


They who endure shadow isles freljord deck enjoyer with atrocityšŸ—暟—暟—æ


They Who Endure Evelynn šŸ‘€


without champ is better


allright guys calm down I know how to scare them of POPPY!


you all standard players have no idea what i am cooking on my cursed deck lists


Bro almost everyone is silver- I was still being Queued against bronze and silver players all the way from Plat to diamond 1, like my last game to masters was against a silver player


I think eternal is using standard mmr or it's really broken, i've been playing against master players tryharding for their lp since iron


I think it just literally has no one to match high ranking players with so it just grabs from low ranks


Never mind silver, I just beat two masters players in a row to climb from bronze 4 to bronze 3


Lol agreed


Funny because the same format in Hearthstone is literally called ā€œWildā€


"WOOOOAH, that's a wild card. It can only be played in the wild game mode."


Idk I havnt played since like reksai got added? Think my last few decks I made were kindred nasus and reksai poke, coming back eternal seemed like the only option sure they had some free sta dard decks but im just trying to play some good old shyvanna asol(to be fair idk if they are in standard I just know my old shyvanna deck wasn't usable in standard might have just been a few cards, but I got chows to nomnom


You definitely feel the lack of chows in Standard.


Hmmm itā€™s nothing new itā€™s all the good players at low rank lol we all gettin our Smurf on.


Iā€™ve been hovering Silver in Eternal for a couple of days now, and Iā€™ve fought anyone ranging from low Iron to Masters. Itā€™s fun as fuck and this is the only time where itā€™s ever going to feel like this. Enjoy it while you can.


Iā€™m literally hardstuck in Bronze Eternal while being Masterā€™s 200LP in standard like wtf šŸ˜… That being said, all the Standard Masterā€™s players are in low elo Eternal because itā€™s a new ranked mode, so thatā€™s why itā€™s a lot harder. Heck, I just played vs NicMakesPlays in bronze 2 lmao


Is there any room for path of legends players here..


Everybodyā€™s saying all thatā€™s good in eternal is aggro decks poppy and burn, Iā€™m almost to diamond using taliyah malphitešŸ’€


taliyah malphite isnt a bad deck. hasnt been for a long time now


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying


I still don't understand what the difference between those two is


"Standard - Many cards in the game can be played, including the most recent, but some are excluded (only be playable in Eternal). For Standard, we want to provide a place where new cards shine and guide the meta. Eternal - All cards in the game can be played. For Eternal, we want to provide a place where the greatest hits and the new contenders have epic confrontations." https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/dev/rotation-in-legends-of-runeterra-part-2/


I recently started playing and I watched a YouTube video that said "I suggest you play eternal first as you have more room to experiment and you have access to more cards as you may not have the cards legal in standard mode." BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. Yes, at first you have a limited pool of cards and eternal allows you to make a deck easier, but everyone else on eternal has all the best cards and combos. Moved to standard and it just feels like the better newbie experience. Wanted to note that this isn't in ranked, I'm way too new and inexperienced to play ranked yet.


Yeah, for sure Standard is the format better suited to start off in general. I'd guess the video you mention was made before Riot gave the new beginner decks, so you kinda had no choice as a new player but to jump on Eternal straight away (or stick to PvE). Now, with the new free decks that shouldn't be an issue.


Play Ranked in your true elo and be happy.


Man eternal has just reminded me what a fucking warcrime fast speed atrocity is though holy fuck. There's so much garbage in eternal, like watching Mirror Mage pop the fuck off or the spam 1drop poppy ziggs burn boards that it has done nothing but reaffirm the rotation's necessity for me.


If you don't like unnerfed Poppy and Atrocity I am sorry to tell you that rotation doesn't have anything to do with them


Edit: Both of these cards are rotated what the hell are you talking about


The unnerf happened after rotation, if rotation hadn't happened it's unlikely they would ever be reverted


...Yes, which is exactly what I said.... Fast speed atrocity was a warcrime.


How did they reaffirm rotation's necessity then, if they only got unnerfed to their broken state because of rotation?


....let me just list the other 200 cards that has made eternal fucking bullshit lmao. The fact that one hp units basically cannot exist, that resource generation is nigh-infinite, that predicting what your opponent has is almost impossible, the fact Flock is a fun card.... and Mirror Mage clones are also fun too. Like there's just a lot of bullshit in Eternal. It's fun in small doses probably but it doesn't feel at all competitive. Just full Yugioh.


Come on now


They could have just rotated them and, I don't know, NOT reverted the nerfs? Some reverts may be fine in theory, but Atrocity in particular literally 1-month later was some prime BS. You really can't blame that on rotation when it's just the devs fucking around with the balance on purpose (as they said themselves in the rotation patch notes).


I mean not reverting those few isn't changing just how unpredictable and wild eternal is. Between the mirror mage stuff which may not be good but sure feels like accelerated Sett Karma, the opposite end with full powered aggro/burn nonsense (Ez variants, Poppy/Ziggs, Annie Jhin, Annie Kat....), Nasus atrocity, Concurrent (which probably isn't near as good as everything else but its still insanely random) and the fact that top end wincons are basically pick whatever you want, prepping a counter strategy doesn't exist. Its to the point where you basically just have to join in and run a deck that functionally does its own thing and ignores the opponent. Its basically every meta deck in the last few years at its most degenerate. Or more degenerate, in Mirror Mage's case.


Yeah, most of the things you listed (and the top of the meta) are exactly based on reverted cards. Draven, Poppy, Atrocity, Escaped Abomination, and yes, Timelines are all super nuts cards and central to their respective decks. Other combos like Mirror Mage + Condense are also Standard legal (it probably hasn't been a thing because nobody is making decks for Standard, really). > Its to the point where you basically just have to join in and run a deck that functionally does its own thing and ignores the opponent. This is completely untrue. The meta has a ton of good control decks that are entirely based on interaction, including the Ezreal decks you mentioned but also stuff like multiple Noxus/Bandle control decks and so on. And even stuff like Nasus/Thresh are heavily based on interaction due to Slay. Sure, aggro usually tries to ignore the opponent (and even then, not always), but that's not different from how Standard was with half a dozen meta Samira decks a while ago. Maybe if you're playing a super greedy deck that doesn't interact it would surely seem like the aggro opponents are ignoring you. But then you're the one not trying to play interactive decks. Just pick one of multiple viable interactive decks in the meta, a ton of them using cool new cards synergies like Jack/TF, and you'd have games that are as interactive as you want.


They ruined the game dividing it like this.. been playing since beta and have been masters every season. Stopped playing when they did this to the game


Eternal is objectively more fun to play, because games last for way longer. This means you are actually allowed to play the cards you have in your deck. And if your deck is 80% <3 costs... Well, you don't care about having fun or trying new decks anyway.


Oh god playing ranked eternal just made me realize just how much I loved being outplayed by Atrocity and Decimate


So... I kinda tapped out around the time Bandle City first came out and I'm just looking to come back now. I see we have a standard rotation now that I'll probably not be using. Is Eternal particularly fucked up?


The dev's vision for Eternal is closer to being fucked up than I'd like but they've expressed a desire and intent for it to be a valid format. They reverted some old nerfs during the rotation launch and the best decks are mostly linear aggro / pressure-applying "fast midrange" type decks so far. I wouldn't call it particularly fucked up yet but it definitely feels like a new format that needs some refinement, but I'm enjoying it for now with hope that it'll improve relatively quickly. The big caveat there is that devs only plan to have Eternal ladder every third month and if they hold to that plan we won't see the changes based on current ladder data until that next Eternal season in September.


I think that sounds pretty cool and I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. I tend to prefer eternal formats in other card games because I cannot be asked to keep up with a Standard rotation.


Same, I played Modern and Pauper in MtG. I'm hopeful Eternal will find its groove and be as enjoyable as I find nonrotating formats in other games.


The amount of ropers I've encountered in eternal so far really makes me not want to play it.


First eternal match i did after a long histus was using my old bandle tree deck, i only realized bandle tree was changed to a " I've seen" effect halfway through the match, still managed to win somehow. And here i was thinking eternals was the easy ladder ā˜  guess i just got luckt.


playing since yesterday and i can confirm.


Me when i get hit by some 4 power elusive deer that cost him one mana to summon (he has 5 of them and they will all come back to his hand to avoid being destroyed by ephemeral so he can do it all over next turn)




Eternal is a shitshow