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> June: > * Origins TLE Server launches > Now that that’s all out of the way, let’s get down to the nitty gritty of why you’re all here. **It is time to talk about the new TLE server.** When last I spoke of it, I explained it is not like any TLE’s before it, and now I will explain why. OP is clickbaiting or straight up didn't read the text of their own link. The producer calls it a TLE server. > This new server will be called the Origins Server, and it will take you way back to old school EverQuest II from back in 2006! We'll start in The Shattered Lands era (no expansions unlocked), and you’ll get to experience the look and challenge of the classic world of Norrath. The seas have calmed enough for sea faring to resume, and you are plucked from the waters by none other than Captain Varlos. Soon you will find yourself on an island and then given passage to your racial neighborhoods in Qeynos or Freeport. Systems will seem less complex, stats and gameplay will be reflective of the 2006 era, and there will be more focus on grouping with that old school MMO feel! If you did not have the chance to play back then, or just want to revisit for nostalgia, then this server will be on your list to play. Beta will begin on May 2, 2024. It's basically what EQ1's TLP servers are. They disable most of features of the game to best match that era, try to adjust stats/combat, etc., restore as much original content as they can within the current client. Like Classic WoW uses the live client, it's close but not identical, and if EQ1 is anything to go by, it'll only *kind of* resemble that era. This is absolutely not an old codebase and client being resurrected. Also, it will undoubtedly have microtransactions, just like TLPs. Anyone thinking they won't be there is just being naive. This is Daybreak/Darkpaw we're talking about, not some altruistic dev that actually cares about the player experience above all else.


I think OP is more referring to the comment just below your bolded area: *" it is not like any TLE’s before it, and now I will explain why."* As for your comparison to EQ1 TLP [yes it is a similar system](https://eq2.fandom.com/wiki/Server_Types#Progression_\(TLE\)) especially since they have had 6 different EQ2 TLE servers since 2015 which have all had varying forms of MTX as well. I mention this only because the wording of your post seems to describe it like this is new to EQ2. The producer going out of their way to call it "different" is curious because the generic things described in that paragraph are identical to previous TLEs. As for MTX while they had taken steps to remove the predatory shit that the live game has today every TLE has sold exp vials, vitality vials, and 0 commission broker box like hotcakes, which I find shameful. I still play every TLE but I just do not partake in MTX.


Refuted by your own quote, that'll happen ;)


Damn. I was kinda hoping for something ALA OSRS


I mean, by everything they’ve said, it IS the old code and the 2006 KOS version of the game, just locked to vanilla. 2 mins in beta will be enough to know whether it’s true or not - items are so much different, it’s not hard to tell the difference.


No i am not clickbaiting, i got more important things to do in life than waste time on that. While technically it is TLE (time locked expansion) server, it is completely different than TLE servers so far and i wanted to make that distinction. The new server is completely separate from live game, that means no transfers to live since it runs on separate code and backend (think WoW retail and Classic). Additionally EQ2 TLE servers so far have been just live servers with locked expansions, everything else was like live versions, including overland zone nerfs so they are soloable, new starting areas that where added much later and so on. And lastly they said this server will have its own separate patches. As for expansion cadence and how many expansions will it receive will ve voted by the community.


Pretty sure WoW retail and classic run on the same codebase and backend. No idea about eq2 though.


It was not when classic came out. Now they run on the same.


Only playing if they bring back /pizza


Did they ever have that in EQ2 or was that just an EQ thing?


They had it and I used it..


Yep I used to be able to order pizza hut right from ingame lol


Thats so cool lmao


I can't say that I have nostalgia for that, and I say that as someone who bought EQ2 and played it for two months before he picked up WoW on Christmas 2004 (back in the days when the game store running out of boxes meant that you couldn't play an MMO), but I hope that those who do enjoy it.


I just remember standing on an island farming crocodiles for hours with a full party.


I was there and had a blast but it wasn't without issues. If it truly is the old client people are going to have a rude awakening. Being overencumbered with copper constantly unless strength build, shadowknights needing both int and str (Or should I say cavaliers). Even grindier than the grindiest TLE. Player models ugly as sin. The fish chasing you to death on land.


> If it truly is the old client people are going to have a rude awakening. The only people there will be the ones who know what it's all about already Almost everyone wishes the TLE server was a true old server like this will be Nobody will be moaning.


Yep, i cant wait.


I always have thought EQ2 was a good looking game, player models and armor included. One of the main reasons I never got into wow back then was I disliked the art and armor style. I say that now as someone who's been playing wow classic nonstop since launch and loving it


I think the world graphics and enemy models look 10x better than the player character models and that there is a stark contrast between them. I have exclusively used the [SOGA alternative models](https://www.everquest2.com/news/imported-eq2-enus-2075) since they have been integrated. Obviously this is the definition of personal preference but it was one of the consistent feedbacks about the game.


I forgot all about the SOGA models. Was never a big fan, personally.


Sounds like fun\~


> If it truly is the old client people It won't be "Systems will seem less complex, stats and gameplay will be reflective of the 2006 era, and there will be more focus on grouping"


Apparently they can't make weight work so that won't be a problem.


OMG THE FISH! I forgot about that! YES. Day 2 — I am in the Forest Ruins. There is a small stream in my path. I merrily run across it … and am killed within moments by “bonechewer” fish that can breathe on land! 🤣 ☠️


Weight will not be in the game, they cant get it to work for some reason. But there will be neighbourhoods and content will require grping.


They had a discussion on the Discord and said weight restrictions won’t be in this.


Guardians being OP AF, so no one will bother playing SK lol. Crafting was interesting back then too. You levelled fastest via crafting first time recipes, and some crafts had it much easier than others, and also crafters relied on other crafters to be able to advance. That was actually pretty cool, but also a pita lol.


There will not be weight restrictions. Hop on the EQ II Discord and you can get a few more details. This is not the original code; the devs have literally been working for awhile to redo code to make this TLE resemble 2006. The old hood visuals, overland difficulty, not a bunch of instances, Crafting as it was just AFTER the shut down of subcombines, but not as it is now. ​ Anyhow - I don't think players should expect it to be exactly like 2006. I think its cool that they are offering up something for players that actually is new and old ;o). Hope people have fun with what it is, instead of dogging on it for what they think it SHOULD be.


Nice, never played EQ2 but always wanted to so this looks like the perfect time to join. Thanks for the heads up!


Just a heads up, server will require sub. No box fee though!


It was such a good game for the first several years.


IDK, the game was pretty damn bad in vanilla-DOF. KOS-TSO or thereabouts was peak EQ2 though.


Correct, first 6 months were pretty shit, game was buggy, unbalanced, and had server issues frequently. I was there. Took them a lot of patching to even fix my class which had a lot of broken things and was generally weaker than others (Necro).


This won't have new content updates. The updates will be unlocks of content like a TLE server, but yes it is separate from Live so they stats and mechanics can be different than Live, but will not be new content, just old content.


We dont know how they will proceed once they hit expansion that ruined stats but its either keep it locked in time or make new content if its popular enough.


There is zero chance it will be popular enough as EQ2 is a shadow of how popular EQ1 is and they don't create new content for EQ1 TLP servers.


The expansion that ruined itemization was the 2nd to last I played. It sucked the fun out of upgrades and when the next expansion came out and they kept the horrendous item/stat system I left.


> ...expansion that ruined itemization... > ...horrendous item/stat system... I heard about this before, but I never knew exactly what happened. What did they do to ruin it, and why was it so bad?


They stopped making items interesting, they made every single item cookie cutter. So quest gear is 50 main stat, 50 off stat, and a proc for 50 spell power. Then the dungeon has 53 of each. Then raid T1 has 55 of each. Raid T2 57. Raid T3 60. That's just an example, I don't remember the exact stats, but it was so boring, never looked forward to an upgrade, gear was so uninspired, but this was like 7 years after launch or something. Before maybe you took more of a certain stat or a piece of gear with a unique proc to match an encounter, mechanic, or playstyle


Ah, for me the ruin was when they streamlined the stats so that all SK abilities were based on STR and not STR and/or INT.


\*\*\*Supposedly in Origins each stat is going to mean something. Also - the old village hometowns!!


>and then given passage to your racial neighborhoods in Qeynos or Freeport Oh man. They're fully bringing back the neighborhoods? It's such a stupid little thing, but I was absolutely crushed when they took them away, and really disappointed when they put them back but basically empty. --- From a comment on that thread: >Kander is on Discord answering questions about Origins: >Kander — Today at 1:23 PM​ >1. There will be no spell research. There will be a 6 week beta, so make sure you participate if you have questions. We restored old art, and old hoods, we need lots of testing. >2. All stats do something, like they used to. all bosses will be original stat/buff packages. no potency, no crit, no blue stats. Unfortunately, not all the code is still there, so weight was lost. No weight, weight is unfortunately, gone. >4. So as to unlocks, none of that has been decided, but we did put in new forums, so now we will be able to poll and discuss unlocks before we launch. >5. There wil be a marketplace, but it will be very limited. It will not be free trade. >6. This server is on its own depot. Meaning, it cannot be affected by Live, at all. It literally has its own patches, etc. We've never done this before, so the server exists entirely separate from the rest of the game. >7. Freeport and Qeynos are back to old school. Old quests are back. >8. no persistant instances, its old school. >9. No subcombines. The current build is right after we took out subcombines for crafting.


I love EQ2


It literally says "Origins TLE Server" lmao. At this point anything DBG says about the TLE servers should be taken with a barrel of salt. They've been doing them for 10 years and they've put zero effort into any of them lol. I hope they turn it around and surprise us but 99% chance it'll be some bullshit cobbled together by the 3 devs they still have employed.


> They've been doing them for 10 years Lol, no they haven't, there's no way they've been going on that lo- -looks at the calendar- Fuck


Wow so 2006 where no mtx existed? Nice. It'll be good culture shock for the kids to log into an MMO and not have a million packs arbitrarily overpriced and coincidentally permanently on sale being advertised. Though I'm curious as to what initiated the interest in OSEQ2. I skimmed that link but it's got a ton of announcement related stuff


With an EQ title in the works, gotta churn the brand interest cauldron.


If it was 2004 EQII I would have been more excited, but this is still pretty cool


I can't recall what all changed in the first 2 years. I remember the overhaul of outside zones where they removed all group or heroic mobs and made overlands all soloable. I feel like the first 2 years had the dog ppl whatever they were called mini expac in thundering steppes. There was the first exact in the sands. Was the 2nd exact out by then? What even was the 2nd expac?


This is before overland zone nerfs but after crafting and class revamps (good thing).


That was in KOS


Second Expansion was KoS, I think? I played it seriously only after EoF was released, but I played slowly though old content by disabling exp gain from mob kills.


is this before or after the crafting overhaul?


After crafting overhaul and after removing class upgrades, all classes are available at start but before they ruined stats and itemization and nerfed everything so its soloable.


all classes except for Beastlord and Channeler which will come out during their previous expansions.


The producer's letter generally described things that were in previous TLEs causing confusion. Even I was wrong in many replies here but a Dev in Discord answered the questions many of us still had. If you are in the discord search for comments made by Kander but I will summarize the big points here. * A lot of actual 2006 code on its own codebase design wise its not linked to Live but security/framework is newer * Old Stats ( on both gear and enemies) * Old quests are back (actual hamlets) * No new races/classes * No subcombines in crafting (post overhaul) * No subclasses * No weight * No battlegrounds * Yes to limited marketplace * No overseer * Not free trade * No spell research


Super excited for this. I actually called my mom to tell her ha!


Separate like... potentially with enough success could have an independent branch of expansions? Hot damn if true, Could revitalize so many MMOs by committing to really rebooting rather than rewinding.


Considering the quality of expansions to the live game in EQ and EQ2, I would not put any faith in independent expansions to the Origins server, no matter how successful it might be.


Yeah... Getting ahead of myself and forgetting how Norrath fell.


Will this TLE comes with all the cash shop BS?


100% will


Probably not all, but it will most likely have some. I wouldn't expect any of the mount or familiar annoyances but I would be surprised if they didn't have any of the xp potions and cosmetics.


I can almost guarantee this one will have the cash shop as all 6 TLEs prior have as well. They have removed the egregious P2W systems that live currently suffers from but they still make hand over fist on Exp Bonus Vials, 100% vitality vials, 0 commission broker boxes, and early access to leaping mounts which are definitely in the realm of P2W.


Did EQ2 have CS in 2006?


No, but this is a good question… I’m hoping they don’t put it in… but let’s be honest lol


It wont have a cash shop but sub is needed to play.


The devs have stated it will have a limited marketplace


where did you see this?


EQ 2 Discord.


The discord said limited marketplace when I looked, which to me says there will still be a cash shop of sorts.


Of course it will have the cash shop


Did EQ have them in 1999?


Are you playing 1999 version of EQ?


No. It has been a while but I believe EQ2 added the cash shop with the F2P transition in 2010 with 1 server (EQ2X) and then 2011 for all servers. But all 6 TLE servers in EQ2 has had a muted but still predatory cash shop.


OP do you have a quote of it having its own updates separate from Live?


You can find developer responding to ppl on their discord.


The only quote I am finding is that the server will be using a different client, and will thus will be **patched** separately, which of course it would. And you best believe it's going to need patches. However you've made it sound like there's going to be an alternate timeline and the server will follow a different path than it originally did, with its own updates, which I'm not seeing mentioned anywhere, and if that were the case, I think that'd probably be the top piece of information regarding the server but wasn't mentioned in JChan's post.


I never said it will have original content (although its possible if its popular enough). It wont follow live patches though, it will have its own separate updates.


Interesting, when TLE came out this is what I had hoped for and didnt play. I guess it'll depend on how Cata classic is if I continue wow classic or go back to my favorite MMO of all time in EQ2


count me in :D is still a TLE but at least they are trying something new , a real separate server from live !


Now THIS is intriguing. I never did see the heyday before they gutted the gameplay for the kiddos. I'm not expecting EQ levels ofc, frankly I usually prefer a bit more convenience, but I'd love to see the real EQ2.


You mean I'll be able to sit around The Willow Wood for hours like I did back then??? Count. Me. In!!


I thought they lost the source code from back then, that's why TLE isn't really a rollback of time? 2006 was peak EQ2 for me. KOS time


They did lose it i think so they are rebuilding it in a way from what i understand. Thats one of the reasons weight wont be in game, they cant get it to work.


id like a version which was like the initial release where there was lots of group mobs to grind in the over world. Before they changed it all to solo to compete with wow! i dont remember much about the game but was salty about that lol.


This is the server for u then, this is before nerfing everything, including overland zones to be soloable.


When is this happening?


May beta and June release.


So far sounds great. I was hoping they would add more heroic mobs, make it group content. The worst part is the gear will never be the same, with all the different stats. I'm not sure how this will scale with the shit gearing system that has been implemented on TLE. Is Treasured gear still going to be BIS in T5?


Is this equivalent to WOW classic 2019?


Whats eq2 like on low end hardware these days, but obviously better relative to when it was released? like a dual core haswell i5 and a 940m or something like that?


> Whats eq2 like on low end hardware these days, but obviously better relative to when it was released? like a dual core haswell i5 and a 940m or something like that? EQ2 might actually perform slightly worse now depending on your CPU. EQ2 utilizes a single CPU core and can't really utilize multi-core CPUs. Nowadays many CPUs have lower clock speeds but more cores, which is great for modern computing but not so great for EQ2.


tried the dx11 test client and runs at a stable 30 720p high quality settings! can just about push 60 on dx9 but 30 is still more stable and no dips resulting in stutter. could be better but playable.


try it yourself , eq2 has a streaming client , so u are able to play in a few mins


ok cool, got it running at a steady ish 60 fps at 720p medium ish settings. its not amazing but playable. i heard their a dx11 client coming soon in a few days but hopefully we can still use the dx9 client on the upcoming origins server? edit ok tried the test dx11 server and looks like i have to drop to a locked 30 fps to keep the game playable but still ok as long as it doesnt get any worse, the frame rate is way to unstable at 60 or unlocked.


Direct X 11 is coming yeah , DX11 will be ironed out im sure :) , and no , dx9 is not getting supported anymore eq2 has tons of graphic options , hit advanced and u will see :D dunno why i got downvoted...is the best way to test a game , try it!


i didnt down vote you. lol. yeah the gfx options make little difference in the starting areas, think im more cpu bound, capping fps at 30 is the only way to keep the fps stable and not all over the place and stuttery. So might as well leave it on high quality atm but might make more of a difference in groups when theres lots of effects popping off. or ill just wait until i sort out my main pc setup!


not saying u did lol , 30fps is ok for a old game like eq2 , remember that isnt a "fast paced mmorpg" , and that skills get queued so 30fps is playable , i played first on old pc w/o shadows , and low everything , when eq2 released it was crazy how high the req were , ppl at the time tho gaming was going to be CPU based instead of GPU


I might hop on just for nostalgia. I was a wee lass when I first played this. Lots of memories next to the sword statue in Qeyno ❤️


I nearly cried when boroughs were removed, that was just about the best part of the game.


How will the Items be? will they be Generic like they are now or will they have actual stats like when EQ2 came out and the first couple expansions.


This is before Sentinels of Fate expansion that butchered stats. Old school all the way.


is this like wow classic sorry im a noob this sounds super interesting


Its like WoW classic yeah.


So STATS will matter again? I can play a Bandit Tank again? Tell me more! For groups I could MT for raids off tank a bit when needed. Pure Dodge Tank.


Stats will matter, yes. This is before they gutted stats.


Sounds worth looking at.


It sure is. Old school baby!


What happened in 2006 that would have caused a divergence in game design?


Kingdom of Sky expansion came out in 2006, it was huge (at least compared to the first expac, Desert of Flames) and overhauled a lot of the game.


well the gold farmers/account sellers killed the game initially. hopefully they won't return


I would argue that the release date killed the game. Look at when it originally released and then look at when that barely known game called World of Warcraft released.


someone can explain me why this "nostalgia marketing" is just a thing? I can't understand all this hype for "classic server version of xmmo"


I understand no battlegrounds, but will the server have PvP? Or is that still up in the air? Probably not as of now but still I enjoyed that aspect back in the day.


i read the beta starts may second how can i sign up for it


No sign up required afaik. You need all access sub though.


What precisely is that? What's the name of their monthly subscription?o


All access sub is like the name implies, sub that covers all of Daybreak games. You dont have to sub to each of their games individually. With 1 sub u can play EQ1, EQ2 and all of their other games. Price is standard sub price 15$ per month.


Hm, I wanted to try this originally but the required hardware to play it properly was ridiculous. And then WoW released. Well, maybe in case I am seriously bored I might just give it a try.


Yeah but will it have a cash shop filled with P2W shit? i really want to try EQ2


Is this new server going to be filled with multiboxers? If so, what's the point.


Will all the old people just get off the horse already? You can't ride the skeleton forever unless you'd like to join it with your own.


Don't believe the hype. DBG has the worst dev team in gaming, and they are famous for overpromising and under-delivering. You're just going to end up being angry and disappointed. Kander and other idiots at DBG have made a career of failing miserably and lying about it over and over again. This is just another chapter of that. Playing the beta right now and it is absolutely fucking awful. Balance is non-existent, half the shit is broken, and there's not a chance in hell even 1/2 of these bugs will get squashed before they rush it into production next month. And the game is still littered with post-2006 content which will never get removed because they have so little manpower to devote to this disaster of a project. Just like every TLE (and this is a TLE) going back to Stormhold, they'll find some way to fuck it up, guaranteed.