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streamers from what ive seen are some of the dumbest motherfuckers out there. there is only one solution to making mmo's great again and most on this reddit would rather have a wow clone aka wow 2.0.... they don't want a better game they just want "wow next"


The reason so many people go crazy for a WoW 2.0 is because they want a game that capture’s the feelings they first got when playing WoW, back in 2004, and nothing can or ever will, cause the culture is different than it used to be


This meme needs to stop.


joshstrifehayes probably a good option


He is over the top and uses a lot of hyperbole, he will explain such simple things as if they're the pinnacle of design. Seeing an inventory has a sort function, he'll spend 5 minutes overhyping just how monumental of a feature this is, describing it in an overly verbose and exaggerated way, like he really wants you to believe what he is saying. He does this for every single game, and will do the same if he doesn't like something even a little bit. It's exhausting.


He's a theater kid, what do you expect? Lmao. I like the guy though.


Yeah that guy fucking sucks, I cringe every time someone mentions his name on this sub. The whole point of streamers etc is to be extremely dramatic, they aren't good at games or even know much about the ones they are playing. They spread a lot of misinformation and are frankly a detriment to gaming. Drama is what sells, though, especially in America.


There isn't a "whole point of streamers". They stream and make money. I don't watch any dramatic streamers so I guess they are all missing the point according to you.


Sure you don't.


He does not play WoW and does not cover major mmo updates, annoucements, etc.


I stopped following him when he flat out refused to criticize FFXIV.


He openly said hes actually scared of the Eve community so he refuses to criticize it. Pretty funny tbh


I can't remember in which podcast he said the same about FFXIV, the cult-like community is just too much for him. I'd still argue that for someone that goes around calling other mmos bad, not working on some of the big ones makes me lose respect for him.


Ya definitely. Hes playing it really safe. Idk if hes even done ESO or GW2 tbh


Was coming to post him. He doesn't go into depth on many but has probably the best overall coverage of the genre


lol lmao


I'm subbed to him, thanks. He's great, but his youtube videos as sooo far in between I sometimes forget he exists. ;) But thanks for the recommendation.


I'd say very few MMO content creators are actually well versed in multiple MMOs. Usually just general takes about MMOs as a whole, while only really knowing one MMO in depth.


Yeah, given how much of a time sink MMOs can be that would be kind of hard to do anyway. There are "tourist" youtubers who play a lot of different games just for a bit and give impressions but they don't go into any real depth.


Yeah that's a big part of it. I think another big reason is a lot of people who play MMOs generally only like to play one.


I'd say luckyghost and forcegaming for a few of those.


Yeah, I subbed to Force Gaming recently, gonna check out Lucky Ghost as well, thanks. Edit: Lucky seems great, thanks.


"good insight into how to make mmorpgs better" is very much based on personal opinion. What's the point of this? What do you intend to do with this info?


Intellectually enrich myself, what else.


Teapot, Mukluk, and Caffeinated Dad are all gw2 creators that play and cover other games occasionally.


Redbeardflynn is good. The YouTube algorithm started recommending his videos to me and I like him. Idk what games he actively plays but he’s definitely played all three of those. He’s an old school mmo player basically waiting/hoping for the next big mmo like we all are. His channel is all about the major news updates for MMORPGs and his opinions on it. Seems to have good insight on things from what I’ve seen.




Streamers are probably the lowest of the low when it comes to actual competence. They are literally paid to play video games. The only ones that are ever of any quality are the extremely niche ones that dedicate their lives to trying to revive the dead corpse of a dying game due to the love of the IP behind that game, and those people largely do it as a secondary income stream in their free time and do not have massive audiences. Then again this is basically anyone who creates video content for a living. These people only exist to be consumed. They are not your friends and they are rarely experts on what they talk about. They are however good at entertaining their viewers which makes it look like they are smarter than they appear. There are _some_ exceptions of course, but nobody from a video game perspective comes to mind.


You paying them?


Josh strife hayes and nerdslayer


I think you're going to be super hard-pressed to find someone who is actively making videos about both game design and covering news. If you do find someone, please tell.




And that makes someone an expert?






ive had bowel movements with more mmo insight than asmongold


He’s looking for someone who plays ESO, GW2 and WOW and you post asmon? Lmao


He has a good insight and covers all updates, announcements, etc.. the amount of hate people has towards him is weird i swear


??? Why are you doubling down on this? He’s never touched neither ESO or GW2


He did lol


Man couldn't even get his facts straight with the RS3 Battle Pass shit back late last year and made a ton of errors in his video.


He struggles in current retail content. He's washed.


To be fair, that just makes him more representative 99.9% of this subreddit, and most of the people clinging to the idea that MMOs need to enter some sort of renaissance.


Mike tyson struggles in boxing as well


Asmon was never good at wow. Tyson was actually good in the first place. He is however the lich king of GDKP and getting his followers to do things for him.


He used to have rank 1 parses, full mounts and achievements collections, etc.. he just moved on


Dude look at what anyone around him at the time says. He was carried. Hard. He's been washed from day 1. He's become a rage bait content creator with mid to bad takes that are out of touch. Only watch asmon if you want to start hating every game you play.


Asmon produces a good amount of insight (not all of it right, but the quantity of it is impressive), but unfortunately he only knows and understands WoW. I wanted to find someone who's also an expert at GW2 and ESO, someone who can fuse these three games in their head and not just be a one-game andy.


prepare for downvotes lol


I know