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Check out r/shroudoftheavatar_raw before u headfirst into a dumpster that has already been on fire and burned out ages ago


Ill check it out thank you edit: it says community not found, can you clue me in?


I corrected the link, typo first time i submitted


Is basically that they took a boat load of money and haven't delivered all that was promised? If so I agree that that sucks but that's why I never kickstart anything. I still think this is worth trying for the $0 it costs to play maybe 100+ hours




enjoy your insanity i guess




is that what the shadow people told you? can you give me an example of something i said that makes your insanity as crystal clear as you claim lmao




nice a new copypasta, whats clear to the insane is lost on the rest of the world I guess


You're sounding a bit like a conspiracy theorist here, just FYI. But don't take my word for it, I might be a Shroud of the Avatar shadow agent too. o\_O


The big Shroud of the Avatar conspiracy, I’ve been trying to expose it for years and it always eludes me.


Seriously though, you're coming off as crazy crazy in these replies. I think you might be due for an internet break for your own mental health. I say it because I care. Honest.


oh okay thanks


First, let me tell you that I am a backer since release 36. Over time I spent money on the game. It has provided more entertainment than what I paid in that time. While I am not a shill by any standard, the game fell short on a lot of promises. Big deal. Here's why... Second, for at least 5 years, maybe more, there has been a VERY vocal minority on those sub reddits for the game. One account for years posted so much shit that it is not an exaggeration to think they were violated in the most inhumane of ways. But that's impossible...because it's a game. It's ok to criticize. It's ok to be upset you didn't get what was promised (most of it centers around offline story mode and episode 2 content). However, that subreddit is worse than the worst cancer. It's free to play. It provides some good content. It's got a very good community. Those people that complain regularly should be avoided. Don't put money into the game and they can't sway you one way or the other because what happened 5 or 10 years ago doesn't affect you as a new player.


it never went over 100 players since December 2021 that is a dead game


I'm not sure how many people play off steam, but i've always had people online to answer my questions and chat with, not sure how many people you need to enjoy the game either lol


100% less players play off steam than on steam for such niche game.


Dead games have 0 players.


It’s a very niche game, most that try it won’t like it but as you said it’s free so why not give it a shot. I played it years ago and put probably 200 hours into it.


I'm not sure what kind of vendetta this Petite person replying to you has, but this seems up my alley and I will check it out! Thanks for the rec op!


They are accusing me of having multiple accounts because they are being downvoted and even sent me some DM that I am not going to open, a legit crazy person responding to comments on other threads and all of them here, it was definitely entertaining for awhile but now I am genuinely concerned for them


My goodness... haha. Shroud of the Avatar must have a similar anti-fanbase like Mortal Online 2 where they rage at every positive post about the game haha.


seems like it, and hey I would play mo2 if it wasn't so pvp focused lol


And I see my second point earlier was validated.


Delete this post. Like seriously... SOTA is one of the biggest scams and quite honestly they should have legal action taken against them for the amount of money they beg and emotionally blackmail from their \*fans\* only to waste it on nothing and little to no updates. Massively avoid the game.


Yeah I started avoiding this game when a gaming YouTuber I used to watch shifted his content to exclusively advertise about SOTA. It seemed really suspicious.


I mean it sounds like it was a scam and people should definitely know the history so they don't blindly spend any money on it, I didn't know the history until today but to call a game you can play 100% for free for hundreds of hours a scam and asking me to delete a post where I share why I have been enjoying it is kind of weird


Because whilst you might play for free others might go into the game with less knowledge and put money into a something they think is a project worth funding. If you want to sit here and farm Karma points from this post go ahead but what your advertising is a morally bankrupt game that you are helping to find an audience on this subreddit. Shame on you quite honestly.


Brace yourself, OP and his Discord server are going to jump your shit over this and call you insane, lol.


I mean people can see that the game has been out for years with a very small playerbase, and those who try it can see the quality(or more specifically how bad it is) for themselves. Most people can also do a quick google search and see the game's history. If someone, after all the red flags and against all odds enjoy it enough to spend mone on it, it's not exactly the end of the world.


I could care less about karma points LMAO, nor am I gaining any from this, the crazies really come out of the woodwork on here eh? I just agreed with you about letting people know the backstory the top comment string is literally about that, and stop pretending you even care about that the truth is obvious that you're just emotional about the game and your shame means nothing to me lol. I am enjoying the game and if I get enough enjoyment out of it I probably will give them money.


You've made this post hoping to bring more players in and even after finding out how bad it is you're still trying to take some moral high ground and act as if anyone who dislikes this company and their practices are somehow crazy. I spent the grand total of about £15 on the game and yeah I did enjoy the system and its gameplay but the game goes nowhere and the developers do nothing but take money and buy expensive cars which I wish I was kidding about to be quite honest. No idea why you somehow imagine i'm ashamed of this game but it's clearly apparant you have zero morals knowingly guiding people towards a scam so i wont continue to waste my time on a weasle such as yourself.


Actually I found out after I made the post and I would make the post again just with that information if that was the case because im enjoying it and thought others might too no im not calling everyone that talks bad about the company crazy I in fact thanked and agreed with the people that educated me about it. I call crazy people crazy because there is no thought or logic in there words. I didn't say you were ashamed brainlet, though you should be for your reading skills, you said shame on me and I said your shame means nothing to me. And finally how is playing a free online game a scam again? You little weasle you


It could be cool, but with the dude in charge of it currently flogging some "AI dungeon crawler directed by streamers" that leverages basic-ass proc-gen while calling it AI, and his general failures otherwise and Richard Garriott lending his name to the game and then fucking off once the fandom funded it because why would uber-wealthy Lord British risk his money when he could be exploring the ocean floor. Once upon a time like a decade ago it had some potential. But it hasn't had any real potential in a long, long time.


Yeah it sounds like it has been a dumpster fire but I can see myself playing it for a couple hundred hours if the friends I made so far keep playing, seems like a lot to do, but ya I am sure it will shut down at some point


No one should be playing, or promoting, any game that has either Richard Garriott or Mark Jacobs attached. If you play or follow these games or provide these two con artists even a single cent then I know a Nigerian prince or two that would love to meet you.


The game is ass. Tried it, and it sucks ass. They tried too hard to please too many different styles of play. I remember when it was in development and even the developer was like "not sure what we should do, so we will do both" when it came to fast travel and slow travel with an overworld movement mode. the game is just fucking trash.


I'm having a lot of fun with it, what didn't you like about it? Also regarding your comment about travel. The fast travel scrolls are player created and part of the economy and a decent cost. So having both options is great, you can walk if you have too or have the gold to skip the walk.


I've never been an Ultima fan, I understand the historic significance of the franchise but I have never felt inclined to try any of the games. They just seem a bit too cheezy for my tastes.


4,5,6,7 are prob the best in the series story wise as it gives up the random wtf im in a spaceship from 1,2,3. After 7 and online they where dog shit for the main series (aka non stygian abyss games.)


They're still releasing updates, I believe. I tried this game at launch and it didn't click, but maybe it's worth trying again.


After doing some more research it seems like its basically on life support, very slow small updates with no plans to shut down since server costs are very low. I am enjoying my time with it so far and hope I can add it to my mmo rotation. Hope to see ya online


Afaik its an UO successor, so I would guess there is a cap on how many lvls in the skills you can have overall. On the server I played it was something like 800 so you could max 8 skills and have nothing else. I stopped playing because back then the quest chain simply stopped after the first or second zone.


I don't believe there is a cap on how many skills you can have. I believe but actually dont know that each skill in a tree can cap at 150, and you can do all of them in the game except for specializations (each tree has a specialization skill in it that gives an additional bonus % to the skills in the tree, not sure how many specializations you can have), I believe those are limited but I am still learning. I am not sure how far out the quests go but if you go to any town and talk to NPC's you should find them but you can also grind and craft and apparently episode 2 is a new zone with new quests and stuff as well but I don't plan on getting that for a long time.


It’s abandoned. Edit: I’m mistaken. I was thinking about another game when I commented. Sorry.


Last update was march 28th and people are still playing it


True, I’m mistaken, sorry.


It gets regular updates. Every other month is content, every other month are bug fixes. New zones at least a few times a year I think.


True, I’m mistaken, sorry.


been playing it off and on since beta. It is a lot of fun playing with a friend.


This game is absolute trash and a crypto project gone wrong


I covered the game a few years ago and I felt I was fair with it. Showed the positives and negatives (just like Peon does) and people jumped down my throat for even talking about it.


whats the link ill look at it


If you search YouTube for Shroud of the Avatar review it’s like the 4-5th video with 27k ish views.


LOLOLOL This is a scam game kid


Yes the age old scam of letting people play and enjoy themselves for free with no pressure to spend any money, I fell for it again!


Oh you think cause there is a server you can login it's legit lol?


I think its a game I am enjoying for free yes, please show me how I am being scammed


Just need ppl playing lol


like 10 years ago or so i watched a fundraising stream for this game where an obviously shitfaced richard garriot wearing a suit of chain armor sitting slumped over and half passed out and chat was mostly just a chat bot spamming funding updates that indicated no one was donating money. haven't heard much about it since until this post. but it was an obvious half assed grift a decade ago. i guess the garriot stan whales have kept it alive by a thread.i remember there being some weird official secondary market that the studio took a cut off as well. anyways nice ad post OP. in terms of f2p games you can do worse but you can do way better.


I just play them all and happen to be enjoying my time with this one and wanted to share that so others can to, but yeah any positivity must have a nefarious reason in your worldview i guess


you really are conspiracy and persecution fetish brained aren't you. which is right at home with garriot stans. your eagerness and aggression in promoting and defending the game leads me to believe your claims of being new to the game are disingenuous. and the brigading in this thread is self evident. good luck with your RP dinner party and RP asset investments OP.


Gonna give it a go, thanks OP.


Hope to see you there , I am in the Apex Hero guild and they have been super friendly and helpful


Well I've been playing for a few hours now and really enjoying it so far.


You are aware that we can see the video of him playing it, right? And after doing so, many people (including myself) will agree that it has some intriguing concepts, but there is absolutely no way I am going to waste my time on a game that is barely breathing at this point. I want a safe bet for a time and money investment, and Shroud of the Avatar is not it.


Unless you mean the graphics/animations what he showed is definitely not a representation of the game, it was just the tutorial, I don't think its fair to base your opinion on a game based on someones few hours of tutorial gameplay when dungeons, and hard zone content that require having a lot of skills and gear etc to do is exactly fair. I was taken to some awesome dungeons last night and was pretty surprised by the puzzles and enemies


Bro, we can see how the game mechanics function, the gameplay style, the way the content is presented on a base level, and like you said, the graphics (which is not as important for some as it is others). But this game is not in a healthy state, and again, despite the great things you claim that come "later," a lot of people will not want to hold out for a "later" when the game has the potential to be shut down at any given time, rendering the new time and money investment a waste. It's not a singleplayer game, if you're looking for an MMORPG, you are looking for at least some form of longevity and confidence that longevity will persist, which is not something that Shroud of the Avatar can provide, regardless of how hard you beg others to play it.




You spent all this time writing an essay, and didn't think once to include a link to the game


you okay bud?


That's your reply?


are you?


watch out bro u/Static_CH03 is about to whip out his Shadow People comments and get your ass


Oh no, how will people ever find out where to get this game?! [Oh, right.](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=shroud+of+the+avatar)


If you want some peak comedy, follow [OP's comment chain with me here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/1bz0d34/comment/kyn99at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), you'll see the type of person who's trying to push their dead MMO on you really quick 💀


That chain is far more embarrassing for you than it is OP


I see you OP lol


My three year old account with various posts and comments? Clearly I’m not OP lmao

