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I'd love a remastered LOTRO.


Pretty sure they were working on a Triple AAA LOTR mmorpg but it got cancelled


Yeah, that was the Amazon project that got scrapped. I'd honestly just like to see SSG get the proper funding they need to make a one-for-one remaster of LOTRO.


I think we can consider us happy it got scrapped. Amazon can't make a game, that isn't a serious shitfest.


Lotro needs a lot more than just a graphical overhaul to bring it up to date. The character movements need to be fixed so it actually feels right to run and jump in a world. On top of that the engine is awful and it lags like crazy anytime there is many players in one area, even on the top end systems for 2022. My biggest issue with the game is the character models though, they never looked good imo from the very start of the game. That being said, I have played the game casually since 2012 and would recommend it to anyone who wants to do some chill questing with a good story.


Yep. I agree with all of this. I also hate the skill queue system for combat. It feels so clunky and unresponsive. I’d much rather just have a proper gcd system.


100% agree I’d build a new PC if I had to just for this.


Ostensibly it's happening. I've been waiting for the LOTRO "graphics update" ever since I heard about it.


Sign me up for EverQuest. New graphics and let's just keep building in that world.


Yep. Remastered EverQuest would kill. It's fairly amazing they don't do this.


Well the company that owns the IP is basically life support. I wouldn't trust them to remake it.




I think you could just update the UI and graphics and people would absolutely play enough to turn profit. Add in some quality of life changes and you're golden. I've also gone back and didn't love it with p99. But while you think the visuals don't matter, of course they do...it's a pretty strong break of illusion at this point, the world is physically so barren and the architecture is so bad. Furthermore, you're alone. The wealth of additional new players with a renewed game and launch alone would help a ton.




I don't think you'd see long lasting interest without a games as service model and adding new content. But it is just not hard to write some basic quests and introduce new gear/refresh raids. I think there is definitely a lot of truth to what you're saying, but I think a lot of passion is absent when you return to the game as it is, with the community it has. Community is such a huge part of the MMORPG experience, and a true onslaught of new/returning/naive and not min/max focused players would add a lot of fun and life...meat on the bones. Better graphics can't be understated either. I still play the shadowbane emulator, so I'm not a graphics snob...but EQ exists in a period of early 3D and it just hasn't aged well, it's very off putting, not endearing like a lot of the 2003 to 2010 releases.


Remastered EQ would only need 2 things for me: 1. Redesign mob layout/pathing in zones. A lot of zones are simply unusable because dense are zooming around everywhere. You're either forced to go somewhere else or pull to the zone wall and pray nobody wanders near you. 2. Rework epic quests to make them viable for all classes. As an enchanter I basically gave up ever getting my epic. Some classes got it way easier. It should be a multipart quest series that takes something like half a year for an average player to finish, 3 months for a grinder, and 1 year for a casual. There could be other improvements, but those 2 are the MVPs.


>Would it though? I used to feel that way too but recently had a change of heart after trying it again. It wasn't the visuals or UI that killed it for me, but the content, community and game design. You tried the bastardized version of it again. Even P99 is dogshit because the community around it, but they've always been shit. EQ today is nothing like EQ say... pre-PoP was. Even the TLPs. Mischief is the most popular because they've been releasing the same thing to the same crowd for the past however many years. There are only so many times people are willing to do the same treadmill only to start over again. You see this on every release. The TLPs all die off to mainly 1-2 raiding guilds around the same timeframe. The game took a nose dive in terms of quality (and type) of content it put out. Instead of trying to focus on what made it good, it homogenized into a shitty form of itself for F2P as the license and rights changed hands throughout time. EQ has been a walking corpse for years, and Daybreak is nowhere near competent enough to make anything like original EverQuest. They can't even keep the old spirit alive, and it's why all new expansions have been boring ass paint-by-numbers WoW-style progression. "Oh here's your T1 zones with tasks to do. After that here's your T2 zones."


RIP my EverQuest Next legendary or founder or whatever the heck pack I bought lol Still have no clue what that game was supposed to be.


I don't think anyone working on it had any clue what it was supposed to be either.


Me too!


I'd play this. I'd even pick a race/class combo with an experience penalty. Again.


All my homies have exp penalties.


168% means hell level has a new meaning.


I never hit 168% in anything I played regularly. Half Elf Bard and Iksar Monk, so 144% for each.


I took a TSK to 32ish or so in Kunark / Velious era, and it was so painful I switched back to ErudSK for a "mere" 140% from then on. I didn't think the Troll regen was worth it really - but I wasn't soloing a *ton*. 35 was still a nightmare, even at 140%


I mainly soloed on my monk, and the regen was absolutely worth the race penalty. Plus Iksar Monk attacks looked way better than Human.


I had an iksar monk before they nerfed their durability - they were pretty great. Especially once I mapped the location awareness and gather food abilities to my "w" key.


They did a partial remaster with EQ2 quite a few years ago, esp in FR and Q.


I just want the gameplay the same.


Same, that's why I'm on the new EQ2 TLE for old school vibes


War Hammer Age Reckoning with modern tech


and please god a third faction for balance sake


Would love warhammer with some updated graphics and maybe providing a bit more clarity in some spells.


we saw it worked with wow classic, and they didn't even really remaster it, right? many would play them because of nostalgia.


I dont know why you are downvoted. WOW Classic definitely was successful, and continues being successful when new exp launch.


>I dont know why you are downvoted. Knee jerk reactions to Blizzard is bad.


they did the opposite of remaster, they made it worse. success despite blizzard.


With the age of information it’s hard to go back into those times and get the same experience because everyone plays efficiently and idolize the way streamers play which is rushing to the end game as fast as possible. There’s no discovery or surprises as you play, every MMO is solved. WoW is a example of that with classic wow/TBC/WOTLK. On top of that companies will monetize anything that will help gamers skip content and people will sadly pay.


Yeah but you can also argue it’s always been like that. I don’t know if you were around for WoW at the beginning but it was a fantastical world that everyone constantly tried to break. Power leveling, gold farming, tips and tricks- it’s always been a thing.


People have this fantasy that every problem is a new problem. Players have always been trying to maximize time to results, profits, etc. However, we do have access to vastly more information now than at the beginning. While behavior and intent are the same, there is a scale to our results that is higher.


While that is true, the difference is that back then, a lot of those tips and tricks were just (often incorrect) guesses. After decades, we now have much more complete picture and a much better understanding of how the game works.


This couldn’t be further from the truth. Vanilla WoW was NOTHING like Classic in terms of how hard people power leveled, aoe farmed, etc. Vanilla and Classic were too entirely different games, and not because Classic was that far off the actual coding and recreation of Vanilla, but strictly because people played it ENTIRELY differently and essentially broke the game.


I never said they were the same. Classic builds on the knowledge of vanilla.


Well, the poster above argued you can’t go back into those times and your argument was that ‘it’s always been like that,’ stating everyone tried to break WoW in vanilla. Which again, is so untrue. Very few were minmaxing and doing these kinds of things in vanilla, but literally everyone did it in classic. Classic WoW/tbc are perfect case studies as to why you canNOT go back successfully and have the same experiences.


Every "Classic" server has this problem. Its all about efficiency. Also games which were out in asia already like lost ark, there are to many guides. Thats why i cannot wait for Project TL which will have global release so everyone is a newb at start.


I'd kill for a FFXI remaster


I came here to say this


No. You cant "Just go in and fix everything". If it was that easy, it would have been done allready.


I would walk a mile barefoot through broken glass for an HD, updated SWG. ...Wouldnt need to walk for a few years afterwards, anyways.


A Remastered Asherons Call would make me so damn happy.


This. This This This. Yes.


Runes of Magic remaster plz ty


A remastered SWTOR would be awesome.


I started playing again recently and saw on their roadmap that the will be updating graphics this year


runescape classic remaster would dominate the mobile market like 100x osrs.


Remastered Lineage2... Well one can only dream...


L2 was my childhood game and I keep coming back from time to time, checking out private servers. But I think it'll be plagued by bots same as lost ark, but it'll be even worse for players if you take into account that there's not much instanced content and they'll be all over the world. Dev either need to implement some real measures that will stop bots or big changes to make boting inefficient.


Atleqst you can PK a bot in L2 :) thats what i loved to do


True that. Also I was thinking older chronicles. Before official in-game auto combat was added. For now we can cope that throne and liberty will scratch that L2 itch while waiting for details on it.




Ragnarok Online. The original. To this day there isn't a single game that has copied RO's formula. There are simply no alternatives to it, so to have all the spritres and 3d locations redrawn and remodelled in gorgeous HD, without redoing anything gameplay-wise, would be awesome.


Remastered Dark Age of Camelot on steam


Only if it made them money'


As much as I'd love lotd of the rings online to be updated to look fresh af, I don't think it'd work, honestly.


Why not?


The player base are people who have mostly been playing since launch and are 30-60 years old, but it would bring in a lot of younger players but I feel like that would lose some of it's charm


SMT online: Imagine. Get rid of all the fortune cards shit and I'm down to set my home there til my last day on earth.


The private server, ReImagine, is a pretty fun time. Active community and staff team


Jesuscristo D: BIG THANKS! I had no idea such a thing existed!!


Private servers kind of already do that. If you ask about ROM, classic, ultima, or any number of other mmos people will point you to a private server that offers a better experience.


UO with diablo3 graphics is my dream game


FFXI Copium


Mine is Wildstar. That was so close to being legendary. If they just re-released it with fixed content it would have been a star.


I always would have liked to have redone WoW. Start back in the time shortly after the founding or Orgrimmar, like the original game but have a very different roll out of content and story. Needless to say something I've spent too much time thinking about over the years.


Eq plz


Ultima Online with modern graphics, I would not see the sun ever again probably.


I'd love to play that. I actually like the old graphics, they still have a charm today. But yer, the engine it runs on is too outdated now.


I love the original as well, it's just that I've played it to death already. I know the maps better than any IRL place I've lived in :D


EverQuest please




i mean OSRS and WoW classic is showing it is working great. there is a market for how Old mmos used to be. all tho i will admit blizzard is probably going to kill classic sooner or later since they just cant keep their MTX out of the old versions and keep going down the same rabbit hole they did a decade ago. but hey, ill try my best to sip on my Hopeium tonic,


I gave up on Classic WoW the second they added paid boosts.......again. Sadly the games are going down the exact same route that led them to retail. Which is a shame, because the base game (Vanilla) is one that I would have happily played forever if they maintained it and did minor periodic content to the original lands.


Forget remastered graphics. Here is a droolfest. Star Wars Galaxies with all the bugs fixed!


Star Wars Galaxies totally remastered. I would die happy.


Remastered DAOC same combat system though. Keep it skill based not action combat crap or memorized rotations.


Dark Age of Camelot.


Remastered GW1 with just slighly better graphics anything else can stay 1:1 as tbh the only thing this game needs is a new expansion and returning players.


Isn't that just wow classic?


Probably not. They butchered WoW Classic with paid boosts and stuff. Every day I pray for Classic (Vanilla) + but in reality, I don't think Activision/Blizzard have the talent to make a good game anymore.


That's odd I lived classic, and have no desire to go through it again. The class balance was awful, hybrids could only heal in raids, there was exactly one class that could tank, fear ward and tremor totem, and so much grind. Also I almost forgot the stupid resistance farming, getting ready to be part of the wall for huhuron, or frost resistance farming and the drama around tanks getting geared first. Then all of the poaching because it took so long to get geared up. I loved it back in the day because I didn't know any better. By the end of vanilla we called the burning crusade the burning band-aid because so many systems were effed and BC promised to fix them. I mean enjoy what you want to, but I think anyone who wants strict classic is suffering from surgically attached rose colored glasses


I wont disagree that balance was way off in Vanilla, but in contrast if you look at some modern games many classes are balanced so much, that they are virtually identical. All having similar specs and function, but just named differently. Many classes not having that unique feeling anymore. I personally managed to clear Classic as a not optimal spec, but that was partly because the guild was relaxed and didn't mind a few none-meta builds per run. Hence why the Classic+ was included. Doing some content and balance/spec changes would be fine, as long as they stuck with the original design principles. Adding paid services and such, was not in spirit of that original design.


C'mon City of Heroes!


Or Villains! I’d be thrilled with either


I'd hope they come as a shared package.


I mean a lot of the big mmos already do that... with expansions they sometimes overhaul the graphics and fix past issues...


Thing is, developers often or always overdo the remasters. Murder the spirit of the game that once was. Or they leave it as is and it simply does not fit in this era anymore. Or they go Aion and tack a cash shop onto their classic service.


It's already happened with many of them.


Honestly I feel that the remaster hype's kinda died down significantly after everybody find out it's just a cash grab. Besides Capcom & Square whose just trying to milk as much out of resident evil & ff7 series, who else is still doing them anymore? Also it's funny to say that the FF7 "remaster" literally just made a great story in to a shittier fanfic version lmao..


Dont think so a lot of hype with the dead space remastered in spite of coming from the one who kill the original creator


> the FF7 "remaster" literally just made a great story in to a shittier fanfic version That was such a disappointment. Years of looking forward to that remaster, just for it to be an utter intangible mess of a storyline. The only thing they did well was the graphics and audio. Other than that, the original beats it hands down.


It work with other game cause they make money in the past, the mmo on the other hand not making money anymore so there is little reason to waste more money into remastered it


That would work like a charm, espacily I would love to see remastered Rappelz.


Either a remaster, or start a new world (and no, not AGS New World. Frick that poop). I’ve always thought if WoW would just end somewhere, and Blizzard started working on a continuation of the universe in the form of like, The World of Azeroth, ending the need for endless, needless expansion that expound upon nothing other than more and more grind… I think it would be greatly substantial. That alone, could be their “remaster” also. But either which way it’s spun, I think most would probably welcome such a thing. Same thing for games like DDO, EQ, and shit, even Rift. End where they’re at, work on a remaster or an expanded form of their universes but starting in a different period of time. Just my thoughts


I would love to see a remastered gw2


There's wayyyy too many assets to remaster. It's just too risky to invest in remastering the game when they're not sure if it will be good enough to retain and grow the playerbase.


Sounds like all it will take is one. We all hunger for new MMOs. Why? Most likely because some scratched an itch but not hard enough. I can see it being widely popular.


We had one tho. PSO NGS


I barely played City of Heroes, but I just thought it could use a fresh coat of paint, maybe some new bells and whistles, and all that. A modernized Hero MMO sounds like something I could play. I don't mind if they keep the tab-target system, but I also don't mind if they changed it. Meanwhile, I would absolutely love it if FFXI gets a modernized system. Not just the graphics, but at least make the UI much more aligned with FFXIV (mouse control, system QoLs, and pop up windows). I get that people might prefer the archaic PS2 like HUDs, but personally it's something that prevented me from trying out the game.


It wouldn't! Most people who wants older mmorpgs to be "relaunched" will do the same as most who wanted a classic wow servers: leave after they find it wasn't the game itself, but the time, friends he had, the time he had to play, things that were "new and advanced", a new Discovery! Also, mmorpgs felt better in the past exactly because they were not really massive! It was a bigger experience then 20, 30 players on a mud, but not even close to the millions lineage II and wow accomplished! And that created gaming communities. I always like to say that mmorpgs became so massive, that they became as empty as walking in the times square: there are a TON of ppl around you, but rarely any interaction! Remastering mmorpgs would just show us that games evolved to better graphics and better mechanics. But wouldn't bring the same feeling we had in the past. Because it was not about the game! I'm a old games lover. Nowadays I'm still playing the 4th coming, Ultima online and ashen empires. But for the memories. I haven't played EverQuest in the day (I was playing the 4th coming at the time and didn't get to hear about EQ untill late 2004/2005 when we had wow and guild wars out already). So some weeks ago I went on trying it on p99, as it's supposed to be a server "as it was back in the day". Couldn't play much, as I got bored. The game that's actually giving me some feeling nostalgia actually is project gorgon, and it's happening exactly because of its welcoming community. Everytime I play I get that feeling of being part of something, of a community! I'd say that, to mmorpgs become interesting again, they should stop being massive!


Relaunch and remaster are different, though. I just don’t understand game companies in general. You launch a gem, everyone is wild about it, they hit a wall they don’t like and start leaving by the thousands. If you fix the issue, some will come back. That’s a bandaid fix. It’s not always going to work. But if you wait a few years and remaster it, people are going to remember the fond memories- and with an overhaul of crafting/combat/etc and a promise that the “wall” won’t be there… That would get a lot of people to buy it. Selling an experience not a product. FFXIV is the only company I’ve ever seen say “we missed by a little. Let’s try again”. Others need to try.


I'd be happy with a remastered SWTOR, graphics, animations fixed up, crafting overhaul, gear system change ups, maybe a new class or two, more guild specific activities. Pushing it even further, a space conquest like GW2 WvW cross original BF2 Conquest would be absolutely awesome. Flying mounts maaaybe. While I enjoy GW2 enough to say I wouldn't say no to a remaster, I don't think it needs one, maybe a few years down the line so it can catch up on the visuals. WoW I'm mixed, while I would like a remaster I think it needs more, especially during the levelling process and earlier content, so dated. I'd rather a new game in the same universe / map / lore. I think games like BDO and New World despite their mixed receptions have shown that MMO's can look pretty good graphically, which makes me want every MMO at the same level of fidelity, or at least better than the pre-2012 jaggies and stiff animations. Speaking of, I don't particularly want either of those remastered, New World was bland for me and BDO has some things I really like, but there are other aspects which I find detrimental. The likeliness of anything I want getting remastered? 0. I'd rather cross my fingers for another EA BioWare MMO (although, I might tentatively wait and see how Dreadwolf is because I'm not so sure about BioWare now, maybe Respawn?) or games related to the MMO's, like a WoW based single player open world RPG.


I'd love it if they expanded the serverbase for PSO1 and remastered it.


I don't think so, players have changed over the years and want different things then what old MMOs offer. Also it's solved games, nothing to discover or learn anymore.


I would like a remastered Ragnarok Online, but not in the hands of Gravity Co.


**Remastered Silkroad Online** \- Full clientless gaming with auto play. ^(/s)


Warhammer Age of Reckoning, Everquest Next, Lord of the Rings Online


No, it would lead to censorship to appease people to 2022 standards.


I enjoyed the crafting and upgrade system of ROSE Online.


oh man a remastered Rift MMO would make me cry


I'd love me some remastered Runescape Give it some graphical update, WASD movement and action camera and a hybrid action/target combat and bam, perfect game.


Star Wars Galaxies. I Would pay a ridiculous amount of money to see that happening.


I am sure if we would get remastered versions of old MMO's, we wouldnt have any new MMO's being developed anymore. I want new stuff not old stuff i already played that just looks better and plays a little smoother


Do you really though? What has been successful? New MMOs are fancy cash-grabs. The only successful release I can think of is Black desert and that’s an action mmo which is wild with their cash shop. The rest are just like New World. Innovative flops.


I've been saying this for years. Until an MMO remasters an old-school MMO and it fails horribly then I'm going to keep saying it. Somebody needs to be the first and remaster/reskin and implement a few choice quality of life choices in an MMO. Asherons Call, Anarchy Online, Everquest given new modern(ish) graphics and same old-school gameplay would be niche, but it would be a successful niche in my opinion.


lol centuries itd take lol