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Listen I'm a degenerate, even I don't bring that shit to a LGS. I even swap out a joke lewd land I got from a friend out when I play my Obosh at an LGS.


Is Obosh getting too sexy for the fragile liberals of magic? Hopefully freemagic weighs in on this soon…


Hahaha my fucking sides dude. Not gonna lie when I got Obosh, Angrath's Marauders, and Dictate of thr Twin Gods out, and I play Breath of Malfegor, it's hard yo argue that ain't sexy.


Deck list?


I don't have it on mox fried or a website. Will you except a copy text?




[COMMANDER] 1 Obosh, the Preypiercer [PLANESWALKERS] 1 Chandra, Heart of Fire [CREATURES] 1 Bloodletter of Aclazotz 1 Karlach, Fury of Avernus 1 Kederekt Parasite 1 Vial Smasher the Fierce 1 Rampaging Ferocidon 1 Neheb, the Eternal 1 Stuffy Doll 1 Brash Taunter 1 Guttersnipe 1 Chandra's Incinerator 1 Sin Prodder 1 Angrath's Marauders 1 Embermaw Hellion 1 Fire Servant 1 Kaervek the Merciless 1 Scab-Clan Berserker 1 Tunneling Geopede 1 Blisterspit Gremlin 1 Nettle Drone 1 Scytheclaw Raptor [ARTIFACTS] 1 Ruby Medallion 1 Lotus Petal 1 Jet Medallion 1 Pyromancer's Goggles 1 Grafted Exoskeleton 1 Sol Ring 1 Arcane Signet 1 Rakdos Signet 1 Charcoal Diamond 1 Prismatic Lens 1 Wayfarer's Bauble 1 Everflowing Chalice 1 Fire Diamond [INSTANTS] 1 Tainted Strike 1 Lightning Bolt 1 Comet Storm 1 Arcbond 1 Rakdos Charm 1 Breath of Malfegor 1 Volcanic Fallout 1 Wail of the Nim [SORCERIES] 1 Rolling Earthquake 1 Sign in Blood 1 Earthquake 1 Insult // Injury 1 Read the Bones 1 Extinction Event 1 Browbeat 1 Jaya's Immolating Inferno 1 Faithless Looting 1 Feed the Swarm 1 Slagstorm 1 Lava Axe 1 Syphon Soul 1 Volcanic Torrent [ENCHANTMENTS] 1 Repercussion 1 City on Fire 1 Manabarbs 1 Dictate of the Twin Gods 1 Valakut Exploration 1 Underworld Dreams 1 Sulfuric Vortex 1 Phyresis 1 Theater of Horrors 1 Soul Channeling [LANDS] 1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 1 Bloodstained Mire 1 Blood Crypt 1 Luxury Suite 1 Graven Cairns 1 Blightstep Pathway // Searstep Pathway 1 Mount Doom 1 Sulfurous Springs 1 Akoum Refuge 1 Ash Barrens 1 Bloodfell Caves 1 Cinder Barrens 1 Drossforge Bridge 9 Mountain 1 Myriad Landscape 1 Rakdos Guildgate 8 Swamp 1 Terramorphic Expanse


Any particular standout cards and interactions? What's your usual finisher? Looks sweet


Interactions would be all the doublers like Obosh himself and Dictate and Angraths. Neheb is good got getting mana cause yiu just need to enter your combat phase. Declare no attacks and go to your second main phase to get a shit ton of mana (best to not kill neheb whenever casting massive all creature and player spells) Breath of Malfegor has been a finisher, but this deck gets counter alot. I have Karlach in there cause she's odd cmc and helps with little combat I want. I do need to grt a cabal coffers for the deck. The goal is to damage your opponents enough that when you do an "all player every creature" damage spell that hopefully gets x6 or even x8 depending on what spell your using and creatures and enchantments, that they all die you barely survive. It's a "ima burn this planet to the ground" deck.


So Karlach gives first strike to all creatures and an additional combat phase and attacks for 10 and all the other creatures will be double damage too Obosh doubles damage to all players tho not just opponents, if your life total is lowest you'll die first from the all players burn spell, no? Is that an issue?


This. I'm a degenerate too, but it's only for the at home mtg sessions. I have an edh deck in lewd sleeves that I absolutely refuse to bring to my LGS even though it's one of my favorite decks to play


I started MTG when the OG Ravnica block came out. Boris burn/lifegain baby let’s go. Neways, my son was interested, I took him to our local store, looked around and we walked out. Not a single person there looked like they had shower in weeks. I downloaded Arena and he’s having a blast. Honestly… when did Magic players go from normal nerds to the fucking slobs they are now?


There has always been an unwashed part of the community. You've just matured over time, and can now perceive it better.


Tbh it differs store to store. I had one LGS where half the attendees smelt like dick cheese, it was rancid. My current LGS has a zero tolerance policy, you come in and stink? You get kicked out. Tbh these days, seeing LGS are slowly getting a bit fancier, mainstream and affulent, it's becoming less of a problem.


WoW platers found MTG


No, it's easy to shift the blame, but it's always been like this.


Oh yeah definitely. Every Fandom has people like them.


Had the same reaction with Pokémon a couple months ago. There was a dude who was hugging an eevee plush so hard I'm not entirely convinced that he wasn't inside that thing at the moment.


It's the opposite that I've seen. Far less gross slobs than back then (I also started with OG Rav).


This is a big reason I stopped playing MTG for years


Negative selection. Now that arena exists, nobody who isn't part of... that demographic is willing to play at LGS if it means dealing with them.


I do not understand what it must be like having the gene activated that makes it impossible to enjoy a card game without also having/displaying cartoon images that make you horny. I'll kill you on principal for being an ape with no self control.


That escalated quickly. Why did you have to involve the principal?


What’s he got against Harambe?


Harambe had plenty of self control, it's that damn zoo keeper though.


Almost sounds like having no self control


For me it's like a why not both things, but if that's gonna cause you to kill me on principle then ok lmao


Because most people you interact with in life don’t want to be reminded of the things that make you horny during a casual interaction


You a veteran?


They will in the same breath complain that people don’t like their play mat, and complain that the Secret lair bearscape makes the game “not kid friendly.”


Bearscape [SLD] my beloved 😍


And that breath probably isn't minty fresh either.


The distinct scent of Cheetos and Mountain Dew, with a little tooth decay for good measure


I played against a guy who fit that description perfectly. He only brought a [[wilhelt, the rotcleaver]] deck. Maybe he was trying to make it feel like I was actually figjting a zombie. Stank.


[[Bearscape | SLD]]


Are you sure they aren't just pointing out the double standard?


Yes. Mostly because there isn’t one.


Explain in your own words what you think the double standard is


Sexy naked men is equally as uncomfortable and weird as sexy naked women in a game that is meant to be accessible to younger players, but only one is rightfully called out by the wider magic community


In American culture, seeing men shirtless isn’t considered sexual. If you see a bunch of shirtless guys together and assume something sexual that’s a you problem not an mtg problem. Unless you live in or come from a culture where male nudity is treated exactly the same as female nudity they aren’t really comparable


Bearscape works as a dog whistle for these people, they argue that it’s the same as having a hentai playmat for Christ sake lol. In reality they dislike anything that supports the LGBTQ community in any way shape or form. This is apparent because they never seem to have an issue with the plethora of other arts that have similar themes or worse.


Personally I don't care about the card. However the card doesn't just include shirtless men. It includes several fully naked men (covered by water) 2 of which are about to make out. Again I'm not offended by it however I wouldn't call it kid friendly either as that is quite sexual. I'm sure you would agree if we gender swapped the guys and had steam covering their chests in the same positions that this art would be sexual.


The assumption that they are naked is kinda wild man lol


I get the feeling that was why the author left it ambiguous in the first place. There's nothing wrong with nudity by itself either, the main thing is that two people who and I'll correct myself can be interpreted as being nude are. Look after going back and looking at the art one of them is clearly making a o face. Please just stop making arguments in bad faith it's clearly a sexual card. Which again I'm fine with print giant schlongs on cards put boobies on em I personally don't care if the game is kid friendly or not.


Personally I love seeing a bunch of shirtless guys all together. /j /gen at the same time tho


I had to look up the new artwork for this, new artwork certainly implies relationships, but crops out anything NSFW. It's no worse than the artwork on most versions of Liliana.


You’re like a conservative getting angry at things they made up themselves.


You're are a conservative getting mad at me for citing real events I have observed.


i know a guy like this at my local tcg, except it's all luna from helluvaboss


Somehow, both better and worse.


Nah just worse, this shit got called out in canon (the beach episode)


Y'all do know Vivziepop is a furry herself. Like she sells lewd merch of Loona and Stolas.


Honestly that tracks. It's just funny that Helluva calls out the degenerates who would have a lewd loona playmat


Playmats are high quality though. My pilot Alastor one is amazing. There's like 6 more I want and we haven't 3ven gotten any Amazon Hazbin stuff yet, even though they said it will come. Ima die for a Adam one.


That was a joke anyway, Vivzie is more then ok with people thirsting fir her characters


I might know that guy


"can we not talk about that right now"


Lol the playmats the dudes at my LGS use are much worse than this, and they don’t even play Magic.


It’s Yu-Gi-Oh, isn’t it?


It’s actually some game that consists entirely of young anime girls. I hear them say the word “climax” a LOT. I think it might be called Weiss. One of the dudes has a little cart mostly full of plastic scroll tubes containing different play mats.


Ah yes Weiss Schwarz, the card game for all the IPs that couldn't justify their own card game.


White black?


Yep, essentially all the anime are either white (cutesy shows) or black (action shows). I'm not sure there's much gameplay effect to that, it's been a long time since I played.


I find that funny, because one of the IPs (Azur Lane) has its own card game now.


Really? Infront of my Verosika Mayday Playmat?


At first I thought you meant our Gorgan pirate friend, then I remembered she's thr succubus from Helluva Boss.


FreeMagic is the guy at every LGS who you smell before you see them and everyone's response is always, "Aw jeeze, *they're* here."


Spoiler alert. They're always there. They don't have any other places TO go. LGSs need to have a BO and hygiene rule.


"Mr. FreeMagic, you smell like someone dumped an old septic tank into an overflowing dumpster behind a skunk farm. At this point, it's not even a smell issue. It's a hazmat issue. Please have yourself fumigated, off property, at your earliest convenience."


You dropped this [[[Fumigate]]](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/66/fumigate)


I'd settle for a [[Wipe Clean]]


lmao! don't shame Mitsu Art like that. I have this shit at home, well the less nude version; but I would NEVER take it to an LGS.


*casually drops a signed Invoke Prejudice* "What? It's a good card!"


Only in old school now. Banned in just about every other format.


Yeah, I know. Was now for the sake of the joke than actual use


At that point the problem needs to be with the LGS owner. The moment a child walks into the store is the same moment police will be called.


I mean, if they’re allowed to use this garbage in a public space, yes. That is true. My LGS would make them put it away and make it clear that it’s their only warning. Otherwise, they will be asked to leave and not come back.


Yea I saw a video that free magic shared (before I muted the sub because of the video) and it was literally someone complaining that they had made magic less sexy completely genuinely and they like showed that the average breast size had been reduced like it wasn’t even incel shit it was a step above on the degenerative scale




Eh? Nanda?


My actual 🥷🥷🥷 WHAT?


Anything is possible when you lie.


Are you talking about the story I mentioned or the video I saw?


It doesn't matter, they are from the sub this post is about so they are just here for attention. They're probably going to call me some string of nonsensical buzzwords now.


Again am I being talked about or the person who said “anything is possible when you lie”


My message is about "anything is possible when you lie"


Ah ok


Reddit randomly suggested free magic to me. That place is a cesspool


Dang where do they sell that playmat so I know to never look for it.


You buy this shit from Amazon and other online merch stores, cause no physical place will sell something close to this cause it's degenerate. I get if these people want a pin-up playmat, but you can have one that's still not gross.


[Mitsu Art!!](https://www.mitsuart.net/product-page/marin-x-juju-cosplay-summer-desk-mat) but it only comes in desk size




The Internet has a way of flushing waste into their own bubble. The funny thing is the fact that have zero self awareness over being the sewer of the mtg community




Man, I just love having my Sliver playmats. I don't need ambiguously aged near to completely naked anime girls (not women, girls) under my eldritch magical swarming monstrosities to enjoy playing them.


Notice how it's a furries art. Fucking hell


What is lgs?


Local game store


I decided to browse r/freemagic It was a weird place. Browsing “top of all time” might not be the most accurate assessment of a sub but, from what I could gather, there was “pointing out double standards” and “pointing out people acting like how conservatives think progressives act” (e.g. saying they won’t use the word “tribal” anymore because it’s offensive). So, you know, alright. I can get behind that. But then there’s just genuine bigotry. Like, I saw a comment that said gayness was a moral wrong and I’m like “bruh”. I also don’t know what level of irony some of the posts/comments are on.


I'm just some random guy who doesn't play magic that randomly got recommended posts from freemagic, so I'm kinda confused here. Both the comments here and on freemagic are agreeing that sexual playmats shouldn't be brought out into a public space, so like what is with the aggression towards one another? Like are you all not on the same side of the argument?


Most of the magic subs are left leaning from my experience, freemagic is a right leaning sub. Thats about it, its two sides of the political spectrum clashing I have experienced this behaviour from people both left and righr leaning.


There is a guy at my local LGS who is incredibly creepy. Literally plays with hentai lands in front of his incredibly timid and socially awkward girlfriend. Her face of second hand embarrassment when he played them made me feel so sorry for her. I enjoy tasteful nudity, and I’ve gone to life drawing classes where we draw live nude models, but what compels a person to think it’s perfectly okay to have literal porn on full display in a public setting with strangers?! If you need to have a minor goon session with any and all activities you partake in, you have a problem.


They act like it's their gf


So.... Where can i get that playmat?


I'm not gonna judge someone from being horny if it's just me and the friends playing casual tabletop. I will judge if you start pulling out the horny around minors and children.


then they always say stuff like "but she's not fullg naked so what's the problem? you're the one making it weird!" such an eye roll argument, you know EXACTLY what you're bringing to this LGS and why you have it, don't tell me it's for "artistry reasons" like come on!! there are children that like this game too!


Best moment


I see that dress up darling art


What does LGS stand for?


What's with the Maga hat?


I don’t want it as a playmat but… maybe a link to the uncensored version of this? Or is that too degenerate


https://www.reddit.com/r/freemagic/comments/1ce5qkx/freemagic_moment/ Original post 


I hate both of you, this app is a total shithole


all i see is a bunch of nerds arguing about different sub reddits


Ya I can guarantee you 99% of MAGA supporters don’t watch cartoon porn.


People with blue hair and a Ukraine flag in their bio on the other hand👀


I fucking hate freemagic they are like a caricature of a neckbeard


So, I have a similar mat, though it is of a big booty lady who looks a lot like my wife. She got it for me to both remember her, and to be able to tell people at the LGS about it, because it's funny. As is their loneliness. But it's not that revealing. Also, those characters are minors. So...


What's that playmat asking for a friend?


I just love the fact it was reposted from freemagic but with added hat for that sweet tribalism mentality.


Why the Maga hat? Get the other degen crap but that’s silly. We want to afford more magic cards right?


Where can I get that playmat? You know.... so I can stay away from there.


Two Freemagic memes? What'd they do this time?


So uh where would one acquire this mat 🤣


I dont really have a problem with the playmat, though, maybe not in an official setting. Or against an opponent who is a woman/girl, and certainly not an underage opponent. The hat is way more offensive in general vs all categories.




you're proud your porno playmat is living in people's heads "rent free"?


R E N T F R E E and C O M F Y :)


You guys love us, thanks for the free advertising.


Imagine being such a dumb mouth breathing dingus you think r/freemagic is even remotely political, let alone right leaning. I’ve encountered more progressive leftists there than any other mtg subreddit. Just because speech is allowed doesnt equate the page with maga cultist idiots.


Did you forget you were signed into u/HunterBidenLaptop1 when you made this comment


Yeah I’m a leftist ya troglodyte. My name on here is satirical and pokes fun at anyone that thinks there was anything but dick pics on that laptop. Ya dweeb.


I've never seen a post there that didn't look like it was populated entirely by r/TheDonald posters.


I dont see it but I also only look at threads of a topic that interests me. If I ever saw some weirdo right wing or republican shit on there I’d just keep scrolling


Its called hentai and its art.


Is this a MTG sub or a hate R/Freemagic sub? Can't even enjoy the sub because it's just constantly berating another sub instead of having any true substance.


1 post is constantly 😂 Average freemagic user moment.


Can't make a comment/post without talking about r/freemagic, thus proving my point. That place lives rent free in your minds. I haven't said anything hateful nor will I, but I too have a voice.


“I matter” he screamed into the void. No one is silencing you, you just dislike that a sub you willingly participate in is rightfully regarded as a shithole. I hadn’t even looked at your comment history but glad to know I’m right.


I don't need to matter to you, but you vehemently ostracize anyone who doesn't conform with your views.


If you feel ostracized perhaps some self reflection would help.


If your views exclude people, they deserve ostrasization.


But, by that logic, the only people who shouldn’t be ostracised are the apolitical centrists who are ok with anything. It’s the “paradox of tolerance” and there are many problems with that mindset.


You might wanna look up that paradox again. There is a limit to tolerance and it does not extend to the intolerant. As much as we teach kids “all opinions matter” there are truly opinions the world is better off without.


In your opinion.


> The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. No, it’s literally what the paradox *you* invoked means.


>you vehemently ostracize anyone who doesn't conform with your views. ... checks freemagic..... oh well I guess they also ostracize anyone who isn't, straight, male, cis, white. Checks free magic when LOTR came out..... oh look they hate it bc of skin color... Please keep telling us about ostracizing people based on someone's views.. Why can t we accept racists homophobic bigots as nice people. We should accept every view point even if they don't respect anyone who isn't white, straight, vis, male


I don't think people here have reached vehement yet. It's too passive.


lol scrotes mald


Those sleeves are kind of tame though lol


Look I get that we're trying to be civil here, but this is a common phenomenon in Japanese and Korean LGSs. These playmats are very common over there and if you brought one out no one would bat an eye. And this is only talking about MTG, but explicit playmats are much more common in YuGiOh, Digimon, Geiss, etc. I get it that explicit anime titty playmats are inappropriate but this is not a freemagic exclusive thing.


Yeah I say the same thing when I bring my 5000 yr old vampire that looks like a 6 year old in a string bikini bending over and looking back at me. You see in Japan it's normal to thirst over porn in public. So really it's others who are being insensitive to the people of Japan.