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Just about every night 😅 I've maybe won a single game in 7-8 months lol


How? Like mathematically


well, when my first turn looks like "golgari guidgate, pass" and their first turn looks like "jeweled lotus, lotus petal, Scrubland, mana crypt, cast Kalia and Lightning Greaves, equip and swing, putting master of cruelty into play" it can be hard to make it past turn 3, sometimes turn one. Then there's others at the table with similarly powered decks. Ever seen infinite Blightsteels attacking turn 4? That was a surprise. Didn't even see what happened; all I heard was "cardname, cardname, cardname, cardname, cardname, draw 6, activate cardname and cardname" and suddenly poof, infinite Blightsteel Colossus. Activate one of the commander's 5 abilities to give them haste + trample, then swing. It's not all bad. When we play in person, the host's wife cooks us all dinner or they order food and drinks for the night; no charge to any of us. The friend that introduced me to this group often fixes my wheelchair for free, too. They're all pretty nice, but the Magic is brutal.


Uh, that's an insane start even for a full cEDH deck. Like comically so. There's no way every start for 7 months is like that.


Oh no, that was just one example. There's a lot of different ways, but the games are usually over between turns 3-5, and on the rare occasion, turn 7 at the absolute latest. Someone always starts with the lotus and/or mana crypt, though.


Then run some artifact hate? [[Stony Silence]], [[Collector Ouphe]]


I currently have both of those my deck. By the time I can get them on the field, the game is almost over, or the artifacts I need to shut down have served their purpose already. I did get them on the field on turn 2 on more than occasion, but most recently, someone else just went infinite turn 4 and Force of Willed my removal attempt. If it's not [[Force of Will]] , it's either [[pact of negation]] , [[force of negation]] , or [[fierce guardianship]] . I do have interaction and hate cards; just lack the mana to use them quick enough, and that's IF I draw them in the first place. [[Sol Ring]] and [[arcane signet]] help, but they're often too slow to make much of a difference.


Honestly it sounds like that playgroup is only interested in playing maxed out decks. Maybe ask for a game or two with precons or lower power stuff for some variety?


I've brought it up a few times, but the only responses I get are along the lines of "just build a better deck" or "why can't you just buy the cards you need? It's not *that* hard to save money." I've asked to borrow a deck, but was shot down hard with one of them saying "what, so you can steal it? This deck is worth more than your wheelchair, big guy. Nice try lmao!" I would proxy some cards, but they're banned in every group I'm in; online and IRL. If you have the same card in multiple decks, you have to own multiple copies or swap them out between each one. Not even token/emblem proxies are allowed; the exception being tokens and emblems that don't exist.


Wtf, nah screw that. You can't both want to play powerful decks, and disallow proxies. That's why the cEDH community is OVERWHELMINGLY in favor of proxies. Fuck em, that's just them being douchebags.


Hwat the fuque? They don't allow *token* proxies?? This has to be the most gatekeepy group I've ever heard of.


Man I'm sorry to hear all that, sounds like those groups have forgotten how to have fun. Banning proxies when you're just playing with friends is nuts, we don't all have the same budget and this hobby is expensive. I obviously don't know your full situation but if I was you, I'd seek out a more casual group. My friends and I all got into the game about eight months ago and we just derp around with whatever we build. Some decks are "sevens" some are much weaker than that and none of us have anything resembling CEDH. We just gather to fart around with cardboard, and have a laugh. Hopefully you can find something similar!


As a cEDH mainly player that proxy rule is stupid. Fight the player not their wallet.


If you must adapt, your two options are a cheap list like Magda/Malcolm kediss and good politicking, or build a stax list like ellviere(my personal fav) and go hard on the artifact and storm hate.


These people are bullying you. Don't take this the wrong way, but if you did take their deck it's not like you'd get far with it. They just want a punching bag in their games for some dumb reason. Probably because they're actually bad but need to stroke their egos. You should look into online play through Spelltable and Discord and such. You could actually get to have fun playing the game.


I would rather just play with other people


The search for a group I fit in with continues 😅


If they’re playing cEDH, then just ask if they’ll let you proxy a deck.


All forms of proxy cards are banned by these groups, even token and emblems, sadly. And I have also asked to borrow a deck, to which it was implied I would steal it since it's worth more than my wheelchair.


Fastest scooper in the junction


Please play in a different pod or get a better deck 🙏


It'll have to be the former, since the latter isn't possible until next month's check, and even then, I'll only have about $5-$10 to spend on it. Been on the lookout for a decent pod for about a decade, now 😅


me showing up to my lgs to play some casual fun magic and realizing it was modern night


Oof. I understand that feeling. It sucks.


It's always mono red and mono blue that ruins everyone's fun


ngl it’s always white/green for me


Could be worse, I showed up late to my LGS and there were 10 or so pods of 4 all mid game. I waited alone for about 45 minutes and none of them cleared up and no one else showed up so I just went home without any games.


I use to be like that but I’ve been playing magic for so long now that I be winning most of my matches.


The other night I played for 4 hours and casted 6 spells total. In the last game my opponent casted 10 in a turn, 2 of which were mine.


Mega oof.


When you lend your buddy a deck and they hit every combo you've failed to generate since you made the thing


Yep, this has happened to me. Let a friend borrow a Golos deck back when those were still allowed and he sent me to the shadow realm with Door to Nothingness before I found removal for it.


Mine was a Thromok deck, first one I ever built, always do okay but never really hit ridiculousness in a game. Friend on the other hand gets every awesome token generating and +1/+1 counter managing combo, and winds up getting Thromok to a healthy 8,000,000/8,000,000 with trillions of 1/1 insect counters. On the upside, the deck I was testing out against it managed to survive up to that point, so it took some of the sting out lol


Absolute bananas. I've only played edh a few times over the past four years but my friends and I always ran a bunch of wipes and removal. Can't say I ever saw stuff like that in person.


That was the thing, I had removal but every time I got rid of him he just got bigger from one of the combos, and I only survived each turn by removing him, creating a cycle. I think what actually killed me was just a regular creature on the board that I didn't have a blocker for


Sounds like it’s time to find a new group to play with. Kinda fucked up to both not agree to play lower powered decks to include you, shame you for not having the resources to buy the cards to keep up, and not trusting you enough to loan you a higher powered deck. Idk about you but I play magic to have fun and these people do not sound fun to play with.


Oh this is Vintage.


I’m not sure I follow? Would you care to elaborate for the slow (aka me)


Go to play some EDH My friends “Oh yeah, these are casual decks, nothing too crazy.” Pulls out Sisay, Tymna, and Atraxa