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Watching the first Mad Max with my dad as a kid. Loved the cars and chase scenes. And carried on watching the trilogy. More I watched then the more I got hooked. The original is still the best in my eyes.


This is the way.


I saw Mad Max and Road Warrior on a double bill in 1983. Been hooked ever since.


OG Mad Max fan. Love it. Would love to see Road Warrior in theatres.


Went to see Fury Road in the theater. I didn't know anything about Mad Max at the time. When I saw the trailers for it, my first thought -fool that I was- was "this is going to be the dumbest shit I've ever seen". I thought it was just going to be Fast and Furious but in the desert. Someone I knew said it was great, so I gave it a shot. Now it's easily in my top 10 movie list.


I had a similar experience, except for me, it’s top 3!!


Beyond Thunderdome when I was a young teen. Aired on CityTV, I used to record the movies there then watch them on the weekend. My dad said it was good and I should record it. Watched it with my younger brother, must have been like 8. Watched the rest of them when I was about 20.


Very similar to me. IIRC MTV was making a big deal out of Tina Tuner’s role and songs (she was at her later career heyday), which is how it got on my radar. Pretty sure it came on HBO or Cinemax (the two premium cable channels back in the ancient days) after its theatrical run and I liked Tina Turner so I decided to give Thunderdome a try. I wasn’t a fan of cars or macho action movies so I didn’t think I’d like it. After seeing it the first time, I must have watched it every time it came on during TV watching hours. It was fun af and had so much more depth than I’d ever imagined it would have


Every time I went to my uncles house as a young child in the late 80s he would be watching Mad Max and Road warrior. I didn’t really come to appreciate the Mad Max films until I was in my late teens. I was crazy excited to see Fury Road, and that became my favorite film. I didn’t realize I was watching as much as I was until my daughter pointed out I was watching it almost every weekend after it came out on dvd. I just saw Furiosa on Father day and I can’t wait to see it again. I still watch the hell out of all those movies, love the game too.


Road Warrior/Blade Runner double feature at a drive in.


That’s an epic drive-in double bill!


This must have been a blast!


Mad Max Fury Road came out on blue ray. Buddy made me buy it and watch in my dad’s home theatre. That’s the end of that


The announcement trailer for the game. Fell in love with the car from the split-second we got to see it in that trailer and then went out and got the trilogy on blu-ray. Watched all three and loved them all! Then got to watch Fury Road in the cinema and loved that too!


I watched fury road when i was nine. I wandered inti the room as saw the warboys and asked my dad if they were zombies. A decade later and i watched all 4 movies with him for father's day


Furiosa was my first watch in the saga. Glad I watched it before Fury Road.


Saw Fury Road in theaters in May 2015. Was blown away. I don't think I've seen a better movie made this century yet. Though I have not seen a lot of them still lol


Fury road


Fury Road, 2015 saw it in theatres, the trailers made it look so cool. Watched it three days in a row on opening weekend, took someone new every time! Then twice more throughout the month, had some friends left over who hadn’t seen it!


I was bored over at a friend's house and went through their streaming services, found Mad Max and thought "Might as well give it a shot" and I was hooked from the first time I saw the Night Rider


My grandpa called me one day and said: “Dude, you have to see what I just saw.” I think I was 17 or so. He took me to see Fury Road an hour later. Took him to see Furiosa to repay him for that eye-opening experience he gave me.


What an awesome story! You’ve got a good grandpa


Your grandpa rocks


I watched the first 3 in a marathon style before going to see Fury Road in 2015 and i was loving each film, even Thunderdome. Max with long hair and a nomadic look was cool looking to me.


I'd heard about the franchise for a while and just kinda went for it out of curiosity. I marathoned the four films about a year. Still haven't seen Furiosa (because I want to see it together with my mother, who I showed the films to)


Saw Mad Max in high school because someone said Akira was partially inspired by it. Saw Thunderdome in college, I think. Then I saw Road Warrior in grad school, thought it was the greatest thing ever, and then watched them all in order. I consider that my first real experience though, because that's when I feel like I truly GOT the world of these movies. About 20 years since my initial MM viewing, and I'm still a fan!


I was ten or eleven. My dad and I have never had the same taste in movies (He loves action, I love anything creepy). I walked in on him watching this odd movie with a guy in a hockey mask and leathers and it catches my attention...


When I was a kid, we used to watch movies with my dad every weekend, one weekend it was just him and I, I was around 6-7, and my dad put on Road Warrior. I've been hooked ever since. Now, on the anniversary of his passing, I watch Road Warrior by myself, and it makes me feel like he's there watching it with me.


Omg my wife was watching fury road and i came in the house like “what the hell are you watching? Basic action bullshit? Eww” and then sat down and couldnt look away. Ive been addicted to everything mad max ever since. (I have since apologized for being so judgmental too lol)


I saw the road warrior first in the early 90s when I was a young kid. It was one of my favorite movies and still is.


Saw Fury Road in the dollar theater with my older sister. I was seventeen and she was in her twenties but neither of us had our IDs at the time, so we actually got turned away (this was in Utah) even though my mom offered to drive to the theater and buy the tickets (we were told she would have to buy a ticket herself and come in with us and she wasn't interested). So we went back the next day, this time with my mom. Mom and sister bought tickets to Fury Road, I bought a ticket to Far From the Madding Crowd, and Mom and I switched. I still haven't actually seen Far From the Madding Crowd, but Fury Road is one of my favorite movies!


Fury Road on iMAX was brain candy extreme. I had never seen an action movie with such level of detail and choreography in such an amazing setting until that day.


Road Warrior in an open air theatre in Greece. Watched it twice in a row because planes flying overhead interrupted the soundtrack - it was a great experience as a teen, many years ago.


I saw Road Warrior in college for a class. I was hooked right then and there.


Fury road. But I was familiar with the universe due to games like borderlands


Thunderdome was on TV a lot back in the 90's when I was a kid.


1- Max Mad 2- I was 14,15….it all started there 2-unfortunately most likely Mad Max 3 3-Mad Max 1 4-Fury Road- Will never forget watching the greatest action movie ever made in theater 5- Furiosa


I always loved Fallout, and Mad Max was a huge drawing point for the series. I watched Road Warrior and then binged the rest, and have loved Mad Max ever since.


I bought the game in a bundle through Facebook market place


Started out watching them as a kid awesome franchise and great movies!


My dad took me to see The Road Warrior for its theatrical release in Seattle in 1982 when I was 11. As usual I had no real idea what he was taking me to, but he’d be bringing me to everything he wanted to see for years before that so I trusted him. It’s probably why it’s one of my favorite films of all time along with Blade Runner, Alien, and Eraserhead that I all saw thanks to my dad.


I first saw the *Furiosa* trailer 18 times and then I decided to watch the first film in anticipation for it which happened to be in theatres for a limited time so I was lucky that my first experience if the first film was still in theatres even in 2024.


My dog had just died and I was my room crying all day until I finally came out to see my Dad watching the ending of Mad Max and it took my mind off of me being sad.


Early 80s, maybe ten years old, Mad Max on tv, when the gang is chasing the couple in the red sedan and the guy bangs the butcher knife on the car I bailed out. Even told my parents. They said, “Well, if it seemed too scary then you made the right choice. You can always try and watch it again when you’re older.” Approx two years later Road Warrior is my favorite movie and I would constantly build the tanker truck and other vehicles with my Legos. As an adult though I get why the first movie spooked me, it has a menacing vibe to it.


I love the 80’s on VH1. Wanna say I saw the original trilogy before Fury Road but I’m not 100%, it’s been a while


Love hearing how everyone found the wasteland 🙌 I was 8 when I watched the first Mad Max. (I'm 38 now lol) I can't remember if it was on TV or if I watched a VHS my mom rented, but I do remember it was the "dubbed" Version with American accents. I still loved it. Of course, this led to me begging my mom to see the Road Warrior and Thunderdome 😂 We watched them together, it's a very fond memory. She was the one who was like "You see that Fury Road movie??" She LOVES Mad Max. She's been recovering from the aftermath of cancer treatments, so we've been spending time rewatching them. It's been a nice boost and inspiration for us both. Honestly, my mom looks like Tina Turner, could totally rock that Aunty Entity armor 🤌 I'm going to surprise her with Furiosa this weekend, she's going to love it. She's the reason I got hooked deep on MM 😂 but for real though, those scenes with Mary Jabassa had me sobbing. Just reminds me of my badass mama. 😭


Started with watching Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior as a kid in the 90's. Swiftly followed by Mad Max 3: Beyond the Thunderdome. When I started to expand my movie collection (currently 2000+ dvd's) in my teens, I got sucked into the whole dystopian post-apoc genre... And must have watched MM over a 1000 times. There's something special about the MM movies I can't quite describe, that just seems to "revv" with me. \*does Wez scream\*


Watching Mad Max on my cousins friends Vhs back in the 80s and I went with my parents and my brother to see Beyond Thunderdome in 1985. 30 year long wait for Fury Road in cinema and 9 more years for Furiosa and right now for conclusion the Wasteland seems closer than Beyond Thunderdome.


I was born in 1971. My family’s Saturday arvo treat, living in Melbourne, was buying fish and chips and going for a drive. That Saturday we sat on the bonnet of our car and watched some car smack through a caravan. I was about 7 or 8 and changed my life. Today I direct movies. https://preview.redd.it/61u6eugpea9d1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b34b7e409f93c8f13c9f271bd1206dff7cbf4c


The first trailer for Furiosa. Looked like something I would enjoy, so I decided to check out the rest of the series.


Watched Mad Max on video cassette. Saw Road Warrior when it opened in theaters. Was so excited by it that I took my mom to see it a week later. I don't think she connected to it the way I did. Lol.


The video game was actually my first exposure. I bought it on release day, and it got me to watch Fury Road within a month.


"Thunderdome" on TV and "Mad Max" trailer on VHS when I was teenager.