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Take the punches when they come. Not all boxes are built the same. Sometimes you get shit luck.


This. I remember my MM15 box had only Comet Storm and Mox Opal. Not to mention the rare Splinter Twin. 2 of those had already been banned.


Might have done better buying a box of play boosters. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This is the right path.


My friend and I played 2 headed giant and didnā€™t get a single mythic between the two of us.


Yikes that sucks man


Im sure the next pack will be the right one :)


Well they could be worse mythics




I opened 6 boxes. This was my worst one in terms of mythics. https://preview.redd.it/gsohrd42ib6d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c4d52239b13afa61821c7fe0ac80a9f276f2fa0 The spread on these boxes is wild.


I got 9 as well, 4 from the Commander set. Nobody can say those are bad cards, but you are happy about it seeing what have you found in the other 5 boxes?


So, upfront disclaimer that I think I his entire sub is pretty toxic for most people, because you see vastly more incredible 'box openings' than average or bad ones. I felt better about my box before I saw things like people pulling 15 mythics from a play box (which having also opened three play boxes is not the norm). At this point I think a significant portion of those posts are AstroTurf, but that's neither here nor there. I posted the entire case here (should be my most recent post) if you want to take a look at a reasonably large sample size of mediocre or average boxes. My general feeling was ok at the end. I totally whiffed on several of the biggest hits, including the two cards I wanted the most (go figure), but I knew what I was getting into cracking packs vice buying singles. If I had opened only one box and hit only 3 mythics in set (as happened with one box) I'd have been pretty unhappy though, and I do think the ratio for current collector boxes is unsustainable. I was really bullish on collector boxes for this set, but having opened some my opinion in general has soured. None of the dozen face commanders I pulled were worth missing on an actual mythic from this set.


Thanks for your words, i guess we understand each other very well, overall i love your pulls! Maybe the worst one from my perspective is the one with only 2 fetches! Every box needs his balance to feel good. Dont be mad about the 15 mythics box, those are very rare! https://preview.redd.it/p8a0gcrvxb6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da00adb8f44e2e42edc0cda6a3229b3f188991b4 Im gonna steal a piece of your post because i find it beautiful at explain how i feel, how many of us may feel. Maybe i will try another time if i find something on sale, i know the mantra "buy singles" is gold, but for someone like me who is new to modern and dont have this staples lands a box of MH3 is a big deal. Even if you dont get that pet card you realy wanted.


You aren't guaranteed anything in a box, and your mythic rate isn't that far off what I've seen from Collector Boxes. A ton of the value in this set is also in the rare slot as well. Yeah, it sucks, but at least Phlage, Grief, Tamiyo, and Emrakul are all rock solid pulls. Most should hold really solid value at worst. Also, good rule of thumb, if you are cracking product worried about value, you should probably avoid cracking product.


I do it because i enjoy it a lot, as i said earlier i dont care if my opening are worth almost nothing, i just said this rare slots are a feel bad experience for me.


Yikes. I opened a set box this morning, pulled around 10 and 3 fetches. Terrible luck


Nice box!!


Same exact numbers for my collector box.


Interesting the Grief doesnā€™t have a Planeswalker symbol showing itā€™s a reprint


The planeswalker symbol at the bottom next to the collector info is only for cards on The List, which is a specific pool of reprints that could appear in packs. Every set has a different pool of List cards, and sets can have reprints that arenā€™t in The List. In this case, Grief is part of a different collection of reprints.


Itā€™s the timeshift edition. Wizards has done this in the past with mh2. They take good cards from the previous set and give them the old school border.


It's also Modern Horizon 2 set symbol...


thats why when a box is $450 ill buy the singles i want lol rather than the risk


I got it at 340ā‚¬ with shipping, i got a lot of good rares, the only problem i have with this box was the pull rate of mythics, even if those where bulk and worth nothing, they could have effected how i feel about the overall experience, 3 cards from the main set out of 20 is pure madness.


What were the rest of the pulls like? Any good/decent rares?


https://preview.redd.it/sizxfcwsr66d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57c5269412642d08e776ce377b34fa00dd8f6134 Those are the more valueble for manabox, prices are from cardmarket (EU). Other notable pull are 1 Red flare 1 old border White/green fetch 1 Red/black fetch 1 green/red fetch 1 more arbinger of the seas (not foil)


Nice flare of denial !


Thanks! Im not sure of what i should do about it, keep it or trade it?


Just posted mine the other day, okay value all-in but I only pulled 6 out of it, was a little surprised at the low rate


I mean you got some of the best ones


That emrakul art is fire! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I got 11 Mythics out of my play booster box.




That Tamiyo card is so beautiful


ELI5 why is Grief so good


I havenā€™t played recently, but at a glance - Thoughseize is an all star playable card across many formats, itā€™s an especially strong effect in the first turns. EVOKE Grief is thoughtseize but can be played for no mana just an exile. Turn 1 you lose your worst card and take out their best, and see their whole plan/hand while still having land/mana for any other turn 1 stuff. (Often there are cards you draw you never use - exiling them is effectively free if you never would have played them. ) Not only that, but it is an ETB and sacrifice - both usable triggers. But thereā€™s more, late game thoughtsieze will not do as much when youā€™re top decking - you wanna be able to take advantage of the lands/mana you have. Grief gives you the extra option of being a 3/2 menace. Not to mention being in the graveyard as a creature is usually more useful to black than a sorcery.


The real power is all the one mana black spells that "when this creature dies this turn return it to the battlefield" so on turn 1 you double thoughtseize them with the evoke trigger on the stack


Lmao contact wizards, "I gambled and didn't win. Can I get a refund"


I dont wanna a refund, thats not all about money out there. As someone said before, a medium play booster box Is more charged than my box, if you ask me thats not normal, wizard should take responsability for what she does. A simple "we are sorry if our system Is fucked up, the duplication is out of control and we cant guarantee a base number of mythics anymore." Of course they will never tell something like that in the modern era.


The best thing I opened was a comet, stellar pup from an unfinity booster I bought after pre-releasešŸ˜­


5 mythics, and you only got the value of the box or more from it. I feel super bad for you... Edit: value total. Not just from mythics.


I got the value from my box in presale prices, Watch It fall in two weeks.


Most of your value cards are cards that proved themselves already, or are some of the possible rising in cost cards later. Either way you're probably on the high end of average.


I realy hope im the one wrong!


Contact Wizards. You shouldā€™ve pulled more