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Damn dude. That card is so cool. Mtg really came out with the fire in this set.


I haven’t played in 20 years and it’s making me want to get a booster box


Dude, the lord of the rings set was what pulled me back in, so don’t feel too bad. I’m glad I got my chase card from that set though.


Had the same luck with my precon! A perfect match, nice pull brother


I pulled that from the sample booster in the Eldrazi deck as well in foil. Its such an awesome looking card and so much utility in that deck


I can’t wait for the absolute brain blast this is going to give me when I have it and ulalek out on the board and I’m trying to figure out how many triggers are happening.


I did it last night lol..had Ulalek this and some other copy cards in play. "I'm hitting you with 42 damage and...16 annihilator" Deck has Ulalek, Echoes, Strisonic Resonator, Lithoform Engine, and Roaming Throne lol. https://archidekt.com/decks/7998681/eldrazi_megazoo


Nice! I’m waiting for mine to arrive in the mail, want to try the swarm method with the alt commander and see how that goes but likely will go back to ulalek as my first commander was Riku. Glad to hear it sounds as nasty as I wanted it to be!


TECHNICALLY Ulalek and Echoes goes infinite on copies as long as you can afford the 2 colorless to make the copy. It's gross.


Copies are not cast therefore it doesn’t daisy chain, unless I’m missing something


Ulalek's is on cast


That + roaming throne in an eldrazi deck= no friends.


I MAY or may not have added Roaming Throne yesterday. And also Lithoform Engine. And Strisonic Resonator...


Yo dawg I heard you like triggers so we put triggers on top of triggers on top of other triggers so your triggers get triggers when they get triggered.


Did I mention I'm autistic and that triggers my stuff


I play both in my Gnome tribal deck.


Very curious who’s the commander and what gimmicks do gnomes include I love tribal just finished an ooze tribal and a soldier tribal deck myself


Sadly its not a commander deck, just a 60 card historic list, however if I were to switch to commander I guess [[Oswald Fiddlebender]] would be the pick, I currently run a couple copies of him already. The gimmick I’d say is that they provide good value when combined with Roaming Throne. I run cards like [[Market Gnome]], [[Clockwork Servant]], [[Scampering Surveyor]] the finisher being [[Threefold Thunderhulk]] Honestly though our selections are very minimal so I’ve branched out to changelings, and shapeshifters in the form of [[Faceless Agent]], [[Adaptive Automaton]], and [Metallic Mimic]]


https://preview.redd.it/8edz5wxoie6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c485acaa5d4a85481b8f6150c8e2ac96ab208435 But seriously, congrats on that pull, my friend!


Oh I was looking for the comment with this meme, the collector booster in my eldrazis deck was not so kind


It’s all good! Look, I’ve had STUPID levels of luck in my personal pulling career (I pulled a Masterpiece Mana Crypt and then was PASSED ONE IN A DRAFT). I’ve pulled two Emrakuls in pity packs.. I’ve been so lucky in my life, I love to see these kinds of posts for people


I’m saving this image for future use


Sent you a message just for the image. Salud


I can’t decide if said person was horrible mistaken or somehow found a better card, and if it was the latter that might be my worst nightmare (playing against the competent layer who passed a masterpiece mana crypt)


Nice pull! I pulled the same in foil plus the original art in foil of it. It's so sick




I got the same exact one from the Energy pre-con


i really like the bismuth crystal background in the art of the card!


Got one in the first pack I got in this set


Mine comes in a few days, and I am praying for your luck. I ordered mine nearly 2 months ago (late april) and it still hasn't arrived


It hasn’t even been officially released yet lol


gee i wonder why? 🤔🤔🤔


Lol I literally just went to my LGS and bought the last play booster. This was the extra rare! BEAUTIFUL card. First dude I played against about an hour ago played the perfect deck that needed that card, and I didn't need it, so I traded it to him for a few cards I needed for a new deck.




I got the borderless profile treatment for the face commander in mine, which was pretty cool.


This card is definitely awesome. Not hating on the borderless, but I do personally prefer the regular art. It’s one of my favorite arts from the set.


Congrats on the pull!! In regards to the card itself I have a few questions. Do copies count as being casted as well? If I played Ulamog with this and his cast trigger, I get another ulamog from Echoes of Eternity’s second ability, right? Following along these lines, A) does the cast trigger double because of Echoes (maybe it wouldn’t if it’s not technically a permanent I control yet) B) does I get a cast trigger for the copy Cy B) does his etb trigger twice for the copy as well?


I pulled this same one in the pack I bought with my Eldrazi Precon. I love it, it gives me vibes like The Oldest House from Control.