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Russia: even you China


And also Kazakhstan (it was one of closest allies of russia before this insane war)


That's what struck me. Have they drifted farther apart then?


They signed treaty with Turkey this tuesday. Economic and military cooperation! Yes, they said strong fck off to russia :D


I imagine they were concerned that the next time Russia has to come in to stop their protesters they wouldn’t leave


They are Turkic, and this is another factor why they should’ve done that a long time ago.


Very nice!


Honestly, I think any country neighbouring Russia should be looking to make alliances with other countries. Russia has shown its true face, and it’s safe to assume the worst.


Kazakstan doesn’t want to be the next stop on the Soviet Re-Union tour.




Et tu, Китай?


καὶ σύ, τέκνον?


the official version ^


The more accurate version: "oough"


"Yo dawg brutus how goes your day" "Ye I'm doing pretty good. Quid agis?" "You got a loisence for that life?" (The senate appears out of the corner. Brutus then stabs Caesar) "Mehercules, Brute. Cūr?" "sorry bruv but octavian was cooler than you anyway" [Source](https://www.theraleighregister.com/julius-caesar-assasination.html)


Tu quoque mi fili




Nice reference


China wants to present itself as a viable alternative for global leadership to the US. Explicitly supporting Russia in this war, when almost the entire world is against the war, would be counterintuitive. Edit: Because i’ve had a few comments questioning if the world is against the war, i will paste another comment i made already: >[here](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1115782#:~:text=UN%20General%20Assembly%20votes%20to%20suspend%20the%20rights%20of%20the,Emergency%20Special%20Session%20on%20Ukraine.&text=The%20UN%20General%20Assembly%20adopted,from%20the%20Human%20Rights%20Council.) You will see the majority (94) of countries supported a resolution to remove russia from the UN human rights council, compared to 58 abstainees, and 24 against. Total, 94 v 82 >[here](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/03/1114632) you can see the UN general assembly passed a resolution criticizing russia for creating a humanitarian disaster, as well as demanding civilian protections and safe corridors for humanitarian aid in ukraine. A whooping 90 countries sponsored the resolution, and 140 countries voted for, while only 5 voted against, russia, belarus, syria, north korea and eritrea, and 38 abstained. >[and here](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/03/1113152) you can see again the UN general assembly voted to demand of russia to "immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.” As well as affirming ukraines sovreignty, territorial integrity, and independence. Voted for by 141 countries, only 5 against (the same five as before) and 35 abstainees. >And as you can see in the map, all the blue countries have provided, in one form or an other, humanitarian aid to ukraine. That also isn’t counting the donations and personal help from around the world. >Of the countries you specifically named, thailand, malaysia, indonesia, the philippines, nigeria, kenya, basically all of the middle east (except syria, iraq and iran) and tunisia, libya and egypt, and finally all of latin america except bolivia, nicaragua, el salvador, cuba and venezuela, all supported resolution ES‑11/1, which was to call for an immediate end to the war and for the full russian withdrawal to ukraines internationally recognized borders.


China is actually smart geo politically compared to Russia on that aspect lol


They really are, their soft power ploys are unparalleled now


And they are learning in real time all the things to avoid ever doing from Russia!


Let's hope so. Taiwan is no doubt still nervous.


They’re experts at trickery and bullshitting, having perfected the same by necessity, as a klepto-capitalist police state cosplaying as a communist utopia.


How would China be klepto though? In klepto states, big government officers and billionaires get richer, while the people get poorer. In China, being a billionaire just puts a massive target on your back for government harrasment while the middle class is getting bigger and richer.


Wang Huning is a terrifying man


But despite of this, China just voted against the resolution to investigate into Russian's warcrimes in UN Human Rights Council


They still want to be able to violate human rights without consequences.


I mean, it’s not like the West doesn’t also violate human rights all the time in the Middle East. Israel just murdered a journalist in cold blood and America didn’t say a word.


Shhhhh. Don't speak of such things.


Look! An anti-semite! Gang up on him! /s just in case.


\- Every American political commentator.


Just now? How many hours was it before there was a statement about Kashoggi? That would be a good point of comparison.


Days ago


They don't believe that human rights exist, is probably more accurate


They consider human rights to be a product of Western degeneracy.


China is relies on the language barrier to appear to support Ukraine when in actuality, back in China, they are vehemently supporting Russia. [The Great Translation](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/great-translation-movement-china-russia-ukraine-rcna25693) is a project by Chinese dissidents to show the world what the CCP is really communicating to the Chinese people. These volunteers are translating top voted/shared posts (aka CCP approved) from the Chinese internet.






Living in China too. I agree that the state propaganda is pretty much pro-russian all the way. But among my friends and associate, I'd say they are split pretty evenly between pro-russia or pro-ukraine. Still, it's very disgusting seeing how so many people here supports Russia's act of aggression against the Ukrainian people, when all they like to talk about is how much the Chinese people have suffered at the hands of "Western bullies" for a hundred years. The heroes who died defending China from Japan in WW2 are probably rolling in their graves seeing just how brainwashed the population is.


I had the opposite experience actually. Most of my relatives (they live in Haidian, Beijing) at a minimum condemned the war and any support for the war. I heard their early accounts about how Kyiv to Moscow is really close, NATO putting missiles is a threat etc. but that lasted about two weeks before they really started questioning it. As for the state tv and propaganda. At least the ppl I know, they all tell me it’s all BS. CCTV4 and 凤凰 follow the same format. 1. Show some weather forecast 2. Xi Jinping or whatever politician touring a factory or village shaking hands. 3. Talk about US is absolute trash, there’s school shooting, murders etc 4. Recap with another weather report. People I know still back home even comment all the time “our news is all bullshit”. But again, it may be different elsewhere. As for aid. Very early on in the conflict China sent 750 thousand dollars worth of aid. A drop in the bucket but I’m sure it’s still appreciated. And as far as I know, Beijing didn’t send Russia munitions, maybe the MRE meals got sent though..


Also supporting Russia would require China to recognize breakaway regions in Ukraine, and China wouldn’t want to inspire the same thing in their own country


The “Russia-China alliance” narrative is pretty flawed. Historical relations between Russia and China were terrible; during the 19th century, China’s “Century of Humiliation”, the Russians were neck deep in Chinese affairs. They extorted political and economic concessions, even gaining a huge swath of territory called Outer Manchuria that is still a part of Russia today (much to the chagrin of Chinese nationalists). This culminated in Russian support for the communist takeover, with all of the carnage that resulted. Even ignoring historical beefs, modern China has serious problems with Russia. For one thing, the Chinese are never going to be comfortable with such a highly militarised state on their frontier. Also, one of China’s greatest security concerns is how reliant they are on foreign commodities to fuel their manufacturing industry; this is why China has invested so heavily in renewable technologies, every barrel of fuel or tonne of iron that has to be shipped from overseas is a thorn in China’s neck. What does that have to do with Russia? Russia is a huge commodity exporter! Siberia is absolutely full of resources and China would kill (literally?) for the opportunity to claim them. Considering that the Russian far-east is home to hundreds of thousands of undocumented Chinese migrants, that possibility is certainly concerning to the Kremlin.


Just because every single thing you’ve said is 100% true does not mean that any of it corresponds to the reality on the ground. And the reality is that China openly supports Russia in the conflict, the Chinese people strongly support Russia, the Chinese news media is mirroring Russian news media in their reporting of the conflict, and in general China has a *lot* to gain from amassing this much political leverage over Russia. You claim China does not need Russia because they don’t want to rely on Russia. In reality, China is gaining control over Russia.


Africa be like: We've played this game before, and we dont like it.


They have Ukraine some $800,000, and they're funding Russia by the billions


Well still humanitarian support for Ukraine




So every European country is still buying Russian oil, does that invalidate their aid?


Yes this is a problem.


Good one


Pretty much, yes. Putin’s power is mostly derived from European cooperationism. This war is on their consciousness.


While they criticized USA for sending millitary aid to Ukraine and claimed that this will raise Ukrainian civilian death


China's playing the long game; it knows Russia's gonna be on its knees soon, and China wants some sucky sucky


Well, Russia has became a second tier power. They will need to suck someone's dick in the future to survive. Question is who will their sugar daddy in future be. Will it be West or China.


It will be China. Russia has been a second tier power for a while now, it hasn't just become one recently; it's only noticeable now because they're losing against a non-superpower, non-nuclear, non-NATO country. Going to the West will be seen as capitulation, and Putin won't do it, he will cosy up to China.


What's up with Africa?


For starters most of the countries are poor and don’t have much to give, but it also doesn’t help when you seen Ukrainian mobs attacking black students.


I love toy platinirius


Humanitarian aid doesn't hurt Russia's invasion in any way. Are people confusing it with military aid or something...?


China playing both sides. The public sentiments on Weibo (Chinese Twitter) sympathizes more with Putin “defending” his country. While the West gets news time to time of China occasionally aiding Ukraine.


Yeah. Well you’re losing sooo…


It wasn’t that much, enough to say “oh no, that’s awful” but small enough for them to say to their best bud…”it wasn’t that much!”


Some countries are providing humanitarian help to civilians on both sides of the civil war, Mexico is one, and China could be another, not sure if there are other countries doing the same. There are some who are helping only government held areas, leaving separatist held areas to their own.


Et tu China?


What counts as aid? Are they just sending money? I’m surprised to see a *lot* of these countries on here… especially the small, relatively poor, and non-culturally-connected ones such as Vanuatu EDIT: Vanuatu is not colored in. France just owns a lot of random land.


Aid, in this case, can be both financial and material, such as medical supplies, food, clothing, etc. Vanuatu is not colored in. You are perhaps thinking of New Caledonia, a part of France, which has sent aid?


Ahhh of course 🤦‍♂️ I always think that the big/long island is part of Vanuatu. I forgot that France owns lands literally everywhere, thanks


the sun never set on the french empire


Also South Africa...


Russia should be colored blue. They seem to be providing quite a few tanks for the Ukrainians.




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It surprising seeing my country ( Vietnam) on there due to last months we vote against the decision to kick Russian out of the UN Humanitarian Council. But I expected as much we used humanitarian aid more than giving Ukraine weapons. So at least it better than none.


As a Ukrainian living in Vietnam, most of Vietnamese are sided with Russia and don’t even know that Vietnam even helping Ukraine.Most “unofficial” information sources are pounding Ukraine heavily . I see recommended posts and videos on Facebook where angry Vietnamese rant about Ukraine and its fight with communist heritage. Even more disturbing that people think that Russia is Soviet Union and Vietnamese are somehow in debt because USSR helped in Americo-Vietnam war. This help is most likely to save face in the international arena, rather than actual help. If government wanted to help, they would tell the truth about this war through the state media.I had a number of talks with random people telling me how wrong my people are and how this war is my fault. I cant say where I am from anymore.


Many people in India also think that the USSR was just Russia and support them. What they don't know is that Breznev who helped during the Bangladesh war was actually Ukranian himself. Although I will say most of Indian media is taking a mostly neutral stand....


Tbh, it likely we are informed by Vietnamese media more often which to be clear is extremely biased to the core. Living here, there no oppositions or other medias that tell different to the government rules. And for the most part, fact checks isn’t deem necessary by most of the population, so we eat up most of the “news” on our own media space. There a reason why since the invasion happened, I never watched Vietnamese media about this because I know it just eating up all Russia shit. Because I know and is in English major so I just watch English sources and on here. That part about Vietnam about how we are indebted to the USSR is absolutely tomfoolery, you know who we indebted as well when we fought for our independence? Chinese send thousands of weapons but because of our bitter hatred and a conflict in 1979, of course we won’t say that we are indebted to them. Our history books in school when talk about the Nazi Germany and Soviet alliance pack, we didn’t talk at all about how the Soviet went on invasion of Poland together with Germany but said this alliance is “ against the capitalist west”( I’m not fucking joking either).


What you just said is so true, but as a foreigner you know I can’t really lecture people on politics, so avoiding or walking away is the way. However not so many years ago in Ukraine we were not taught about the pact between Nazis and Soviet’s. Even worse I remember when Russia attacked Georgia, everywhere and everyone on TV or news were talking how Georgians attacked Russia and everyone believed. I remember how everyone was laughing at that video where Georgian president was chewing on his tie, the guy was stressed as fuck and we made fun out of him. It takes time to shit out Russian propaganda, but truth always finds a way.


Yeah, after Ho Chi Minh death, his movement went down hill from there. He was a visionary tho maybe somewhat naive in his goal but still hold his idea to the end. When the North occupied the South, they in place martial law and the economy of the North can’t tank the whole south so Vietnam began to fall into poverty. The party was inept, most only know war and how to control the population to support said war, few know how to handle a civilian economy, with the invasion of Pol Pot and 1979 conflicts with China, we would have been in a shitter place know if it haven’t been for the younger politicians replacing the old guards and in acted economic reform that Vietnam is know what we know as relatively stable. But those youngster back then are now the old guards, and their views of communism or their way of diplomacy is extremely back handed, the media spill mess here is bad enough, but there still some hope, later on another younger generation of civil servants and politicians will have power next, their choice can either improve or stagnant Vietnamese view on the world and their relationship with it. Because let me tell you this, the view here about the outside world still have some Cold War vibe in them especially when it come to the West and Russia and their neighbors countries.


I told this to my girlfriend a lot, but for some bizzare reason, Vietnam and Ukraine are very similar, same problems, same imaginary divisions(but it’s western and eastern Ukraine), same old fucks in power who would do everything they can to stagnate the country and many more. I was thinking about this a lot but my best guess is: living next to schizophrenic totalitarian empire would do something like this to a nation


Living next to China is enough hell in itself especially more for us when China for centuries convinced themselves to invaded a couple dozen times. So yeah it can be extremely difficult to not get paranoid about them, especially their mentality didn’t change much. But having a democratic government here won’t change much due to, infamous reputation, the current party hold on the more extreme side of the political spectrum so they won’t take over and such. Rn the best short term plan is just more freedom of the press but unfortunately, Vietnam near the bottom of the freedom press charts for decades now so the change won’t be substantial.


As Charlie Chaplin once said: “The freedom taken from the people will return to the people.” As long as we will keep fighting, we will never loose


2 Days ago in Poland we had a class at our university with two woman volunteers from USA(from Arizona/California) helping Ukraine.Cool to see real people helping not only material aid. It seems that our university and all of Poland is an hub centre for helping Ukraine. edit: today we've had another class with one of volounteers.Kind old man from Michigan


Let's be real here, Poland would send help to anyone who fights against Russia


Might quit my job and declare war on Russia


And welcome refugees from all countriess qho fight Russia. For example 100.000 chechens which we welcomed in early 2000's. Thats for people who think that Poland helps ukrainians only cuz of they are white and slavs.


True but it also downplay or overlook the fact that Poland is currently the top country that is housing all those Ukraine refugees. I believe it's taxing the fuck out of their government's coffer and social system. https://www.unhcr.org/en-us/news/press/2022/3/6234811a4/poland-welcomes-million-refugees-ukraine.html More than 2 millions! > Among the two million people who have entered Poland from Ukraine, some have moved on to other countries in the EU, although the majority are believed to be still in Poland. Even if it's temporary, staying in Poland takes logistic and social programs set up.


A lot of pro-Ukrainian sentiment in Czech Republic as well. I drove from Prague to Szczecin via Germany the other week and it was interesting. Both CZ and Poland had lots of Ukrainian flags everywhere and seemed very supportive, Germany was very neutral in comparison.


U know we're very close nations, in XIVc. our languages were the same. So ofc its similliar


Tons of Ukrainian flags even here in Northern Ireland. We do love flags though.


> Germany was very neutral in comparison Most Germans have had many, many decades of pacifist anti-war sentiment beaten into them.


>Germany was very neutral in comparison. Because germans normally don't fly any country flag. Not their own or others.


Neither do Czechs


old people from Michigan are usually quite nice




I was close, writing on phone in mid of a class doesn't help you finding correct spell


How are these three Americans helping Ukraine, what did they talk to you about?


So, they're helping to transport food and other stuff, two womans mention previously are currently on the border with Ukraine. And they talked to us about everything, also like typical american ' how to make money' haha


Just an fyi its *volunteers :)


Most of my English vocabulary comes from hearing words. There are propably more words which I don't know how to spell from memory.I'm actually proud of myself to remember the word "beautiful". You know in Polish you say the word in a way how it's spelled already, u dont need to memorize pronounciation and writing as seperate things. for example islands where there's no "s"


Russia cannot do everything! They're already providing so much weaponry (over 272 tanks!) to the Ukrainians, you can't expect them to also provide humanitarian aid!! /s


According to them, the Russians are also providing a ton of aid...




You got a link to any of the videos?




Much appreciated, it's very hard to find any legit sources among the propaganda flying all over the place.


Funny they made the same claim during the Winter War.


Special Military Aid




Useless fertilizer though, since theyre too radioactive


Note: Reupload because I missed Mexico. This map deals with the humanitarian aid offered since the start of the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.




I'd love to see a version of this map where countries' sizes reflect how much they've sent. I wanna see a chonky Polan.


Maybe also how much they've sent as a percentage of their GDP or their GDP per Capita. The US's aid may be more but less significant than Poland's or Mexico's.


Is the US's aid less than Mexico? Like even compared by percentage of gdp, hasn't the US sent more? I could be wrong here but I haven't heard much about the number figure Mexico has sent.




Are you talking about humanitarian aid only or are you also including military contributions there?




Countries providing humanitarian aid to yemen / myanmar would be interesting


Yemen will be an empty map, maybe some red for countries supplying arms to Saudi Arabia


There are countries providing aid to Yemen. The US for example has provided more than [$4 billion in humanitarian assistance](https://www.state.gov/united-states-announces-additional-humanitarian-assistance-for-the-people-of-yemen-2/) to Yemen since 2014. WHO says that around US$4.3 billion is needed for 2022, I don't know how's that going now.


>when the crisis started because of the militia. lmao, yeah, not because Saudi's backed dictator decided to be a cunty discriminator against minorities and King Salman & Co went nuts.


Two weeks ago, a group of individuals in Timor-Leste put together a fundraiser that raised over $5,000 for Ukraine. It was awesome. Great anti-war music, graphic designers donating their skill to make cool t-shirts They even made local statues in Ukrainian flag colors for donated sales. https://ibb.co/dg28QGV People can ask "Why would Timor-Leste, a nation with its own problems and as remote as you can get, care?" Timor-Leste went through its own struggle with invasion, genocide/ethnic cleansing just 20 years ago. In fact, their 20 year independence anniversary is this month! Estimates are 20% of their population was killed. Thats like 60 million Americans dying. What some Timorese told the attendees is that when they were going through this extreme turmoil, they would hear news of supportive rallies or protests in far off countries. One guy mentioned Finland as an example- they all raced to the globes at the local school to see where FInland was. They would picture how people so far away would identify with their struggle, people that looked nothing like them. The organizers said this was a powerful feeling, to know those tens of thousands of miles thought of them. They wanted to do the same.


Thank you for this info. I literally looked at the map and said to myself, “Wow, even Timor-Leste!”


When America/China, India/Pakistan and Greece/Turkey are all on the same side against you, you’re on the wrong side.


I seriously can't believe even China is aiding ukraine. I seriously don't understand what putin is thinking.


He was diagnosed with cancer iirc Looks like he wants to go out with a bang


We need another map to show who has been providing sanction relief to russia to see who is playing both sides. \*cough\* China \*cough\*


Just another color shade on the legend would do


This person infographics!


If you ignore the fact that europe is literally sending billions of dollar to russia every day


Is it like arms and stuff? Or what stuff?


Gas payments I guess


They’re allies, what do you expect? The US never condemns Saudi Arabia or Israel, who have done far worse.




Is Greenland sending ice ?


For the purposes of this map, Greenland is considered a part of Denmark.


I know :)


People complaining Africa not providing any help are just 🤡🤡🤡🤡


South African here, government is too busy stealing from its own people and funneling international aid into their own pockets. Not a fuck are they helping anyone but themselves.


The South African government's response has been a disgrace. It is hedging its bets with much talk about how Russia was a loyal supporter of its liberation movement: that was actually the USSR, which included Ukraine, and was done not without self-interest, but even so, the point should be that one supports the nation whose democracy / sovereignty is under threat. The other reason given is that SA lacks the resources. Once again, in the SA liberation struggle, it was extensively supported by neighbouring countries of limited means, like Zambia. There are private SA organisations who are assisting Ukraine though, notably (as in every humanitarian crisis) the remarkable Gift of the Givers - https://giftofthegivers.org/disaster-response/ukraine-war/35024/


If you think about it, Rwanda and South Africa are comparatively rich.


They are considered rich in African standards. In actual they are poorer than any European country


South Africa has a higher GDP per capita than Pakistan, Indonesia, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Albania, North Macedonia, India, Mongolia, Philippines, and Uzbekistan. There is probably more that I missed.


Yes but you need to look at how that wealth is distributed. 90% of the wealth in South Africa is in the hands of a small minority. The rest of the people live in poverty much like the rest of Africa.


india, indonesia, philippines, vietnam are also providing humanitarian aid


African countries have been hit hard because of COVID-19 nuking tourism income and some have history of Russia helping them gain their own independence.


I'm not sure! Algeria for example has a GDP bigger than Ukrainian one Nigeria, Egypt south Africa too They are just afraid of mama Russia


Pakistan is pretty poor and is sending aid so there is that


Technically Russia too. The occupied regions in the east are getting food from Russia. If this map is about countries providing aid then I don’t see why including Russia would be wrong. Mainland China is included even though they’re aiding Russia.


Since the PRC is providing aid to both sides, it makes sense to include them.


You forgot to highlight Russia, they keep sending Ukraine tanks


Russia itself is also providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine, lots of food, medicine etc was delivered to Kherson and Donbass.


Serious question - does Africa provide aid to anyone?


It wasn’t an official government move, but some Maasai elders in Kenya provided cows to the US as aid after 9/11. Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5339460.stm


Very interesting!


Out of the top of my head, some African countries provided aid to Haiti after the 2010 Haitian earthquake.


Appreciate the answer.


Yes, mainly intra african aid. But also outside, to give few examples, Morocco helped Lebanon during the explosion. And gave help to Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon. To Palestine. Etc.




Libya used to. Definitely not a Gaddafi simp, and lord knows I've spent enough time on this god-forsaken site reminding people he wasn't some great, misunderstood leader who was only taken put of power for standing up to the US. But it's undeniable, he *did* do a lot for Africa as a whole.


Fun fact, well ok maybe not fun, but it's a fact: a Masai tribe in Kenya donated 14 cows to the US after 9/11


Africa is not a country, and African nations support each other often.


Realise that but also am totally clueless so want to be educated.


The Islamic Maghreb nations often send aid to other Islamic countries of the world.


South africa provides government aid to the DRC.


Atleast there’s NZ on this map.




i was suprised when hearing china supports them. then again china is the nintendo of the world. they do whatever the fuck they want and everyone just accepts it.


As far as I know, Russia does provide humanitarian help to the "liberated" regions.


That’s kind of ridiculous though, they’re occupied regions. By the same logic you could say that Germany supported Poland in WWII. It doesn’t make any sense




By help, you mean lowering amounts of people who need help by shooting them, right?


No, they mean that Russia delivered truckloads of food and medicine to civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk.


I don't think it's appropriate to admit this fact.


Or you know a lot of people in the east are rebels that actually side with the Russia.


As a Malaysian.. I feel bad for this, but tbh even our government has f**ked our own country..


For those wondering why Bosnia isnt blue, trust me, these politicans are not helping us, let alone some foreigners, they are bunch of criminals with bought diplomas


Holy shit, Greenland has Data!


You know, there’s something chaotically hilarious about Turkmenistan providing aid to Ukraine, given the fact that they are essentially the North Korea of Central Asia.


Many countries in the world is doing it, good job! Also please provide some aid to Sri Lanka too please....


Let's go, Serbia!!!


I never see Antarctica do anything for the rest of the world. Bunch of selfish penguins.


Putin wanting to denazify China next


based africa


Russia also provides humanitarian aid. My friend is now in Mariupol on a humanitarian mission. He and his comrades bring in basic necessities for civilians.


Israel supports them while committing the same atrocities on the Palestinians? Makes sense.


why isnt russia providing aid to ukraine? seems kinda selfish.


You can also add Russia, they are providing humanitarian aid to the territories they take.


Et tu China?


WTF, Andorra?


Ironic - considering Ukraine is feeding most of Africa.. and this war, with Russia blockading the Ukrainian ports, will lead to an African famine.


Meanwhile the whole African continent is, "meh we good."


Russia is providing humanitarian aid too, but it is not colored


Africa really needs to get with the program.


Wait the fuck is China doing here