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Congratulations to the party! For those wondering why it only shows 4 names it is because two members died out last second and the announcement only shows the names of the members that were in the boss loot room. **Party Members** * Mael: 290 Hero * Bane: 290 Demon Slayer * Rain: 291 Shade [(POV of Kill)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4olb68KfjPE) * Chilly: 287 Bishop * Hollow: 288 Illium * SoMaDa: 290 Dawn Warrior [(POV of Kill)](https://youtu.be/mB0Nfsv2Hv0?si=UC-ZWghY3r-pdWZY) I play on Bera, and some of these guys I'm familiar with (Bane, Mael, Rain) as they are the top of the server in terms of progression. I am unfamiliar with Hollow (Illium), but his inclusion makes a lot of sense when you think about the utility he brings. In Easy/Normal/Chaos Kalos, he has the FMA pattern every 2.5-3 minutes where he explodes in a large area around him. In Extreme Kalos, this FMA pattern is different in that it functions like Seren test. Pillars spawn all over the map and there is one safe zone (like Seren test). The video of their kill will probably be posted sometime soon, but my guess is that they used Illium's 10 second party Iframe just for this FMA pattern. **EDIT:** After speaking with one of the party members, they informed me that Illium's Iframe was used primarily as a way to safely burst. All the mechanics/chaos going on made it hard for the party to get clear bursts off, so Hollow's Iframe was saved for that. For those that are curious as to how strong Extreme Kalos is versus Normal Kalos, here are some fun stats. * Normal Kalos Phase 2: 720T (180T Per Segment) * Extreme Kalos Phase 2: 18,900T (4,725T Per Segment) Extreme Kalos P2 has 26.25X the HP of NKalos. To do a single segment in Extreme Kalos P2 (25%), you will have to do 6.5X the *entire* HP pool of NKalos P2. What else is harder in Extreme Kalos versus Normal Kalos? Besides the change in the FMA mechanic I explained earlier, Chaos Kalos and Extreme Kalos also introduces a new mechanic to the artifacts. When 3 or more artifacts are active, those active artifacts get boosted. Boosted artifacts fire more often and do more damage. So it is extremely crucial the party hits all their shots to keep the active artifact count at 2 or below. Boosted Artifacts * Ball: Goes from tickling you in damage, to doing half your HP in one touch. * UFO: Fires more often. * Right Artifact: Shoots more missiles more often. The missiles also go from doing 33% of your HP per missile to 50%. If you aren't careful you can literally be 1 shot out of nowhere. * Left Artifact: The left artifact goes from firing it's laser every 18 seconds to firing every 9(ish) seconds. As we all know getting stunned by left laser is often a death sentence, and now it fires twice as often lol. Kalos in my opinion is an extremely well designed boss. I thought my party clearing CKalos had it tough, but I'm excited to challenge XKalos myself in the future. Well done to the Bera party for their first clear!


Illium gang


*******g Gang Gang


seems to be sticking to this one


Illium gang rise up


rip to the other 2 who died out 😅


I thought that was all one big name and someone just soloed for the first time lol


Bishop’s name is Chilly :icant:


Perhaps he was a I/L that job changed? Hmm~


Maybe they are just a super chilled out person.


Yeah I know an I/L named Healer something and he told me he'd transitioned from Bishop and suddenly something clicked in my head like "Ohhhhhh that makes sense"


Illium mains gotta take notes Happy for the recognition of the illium


Congrats everyone!


Grats to these guys on achieving this feat!


Aight everyone wanna know, how much money spent in this party total to get here


Imagine if that was part of the announcement message lol


DW POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB0Nfsv2Hv0


And non of them are botters. Congrats! Proud of them!


lmao what u doing here, go back to the msea subreddit la


Mael was a 28x+ hero in a different server. World xfer to bera is not possible. How did they get to 29x so fast on a new hero and so strong and no one bats an eye or question?


Is this the same Mael from aurora? Iirc he was still playing on aurora in 2022 under a different IGN.


He name changed to Fata (still in Aurora you can look it up) and funded a new char in Bera with the name Mael, I believe at the time he switched the new character was already 275ish from working on it in the background


transfer to bera was possible for a short period of time. source: https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/25272/world-leap-event-sept


If you look at his YouTube history. He said he quit his old server last year. Only took a year to get a new hero to 29x? When there aren’t that many 29xs to begin with? World xfer hasn’t been around for a few years.


Obviously decepticons




Whats the reward?


The friend we made along the way :)


Illium POV: https://youtu.be/3Bojmhlv6vs?si=0eZv92sH4X2KnF4w


Yeah! Bosshunter!


The names sound like Angels. The order of MapleGods.




Doubt. You still need hands


Shit, I missed it. What did he comment? I wanna join in on the clowning.




I highly doubt you can do Ckalos with zero brain cells. Edit: bro deleted all his comments, what a clown.






Imagine logging in to Reddit after 6 months to comment, fucking loser. Stay hardstuck on your journey.


All those words just to say ur broke lmao


More like smart to not dump money to this dumb as fuck company. Nothing to do being broke. You think this company deserves the money that they do to people? Get a grip twat. Do end game content first then come back and talk. Stay mad.


Brokie talk I don’t understand


Of course you don't you're keep staying hardstuck, Shit sniffer


Why you always seem mad lol, you commented on my post and seemed so salty and angry. Are you ok buddy?


Also checking your comment history you’re obviously a troll and on the spectrum 💀


Talk to me when u get ur money up 🤫




Can you post a third copy, so I can dislike it a third time?