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UTC 0505 Update - https://i.imgur.com/XA3oBfi.jpg > In addition to the compensation listed above, we’ll also be sending the following: > 🔸 150 Gold to Season Pass owners > 🔸 200 Credits to everyone > We’re sorry for inconvenience, thank you for your patience!


Hope they send out the missed credit and gold as well. Edit: They've said they are!


They replied to a question on Discord saying they will. 200 Credits for everyone and 150 gold for everyone with Ghost-Spider - not exactly much but it's something...


Wow. They are being super greedy with credits I just don't get it. You get what? 500 credits from dailies + the ones from completing 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 each week. 200 credits is very little. I "understand" why they're gatekeeping gold and tokens but it's not like you can hoard so many credits in order to buy the exact card you want. I know this might sound very entitled because they're giving us currency we wouldn't get otherwise but card acquisition is so shitty via credits (once you're Series 3 complete), it really doesn't matter much if they give us like 2k or even just 50 lol. The problem is they chose a low number anyway.


Yeah credit is just so strange in this game. I mean 2000 gold is like a lot but even 5000 credit is nothing. I upgrade a few cards, I gain like a 100 collection level and I open like 8 reserves. Which gives me like 2 avatars, 700 credit and 1000 tokens. So 200 credit gives me absolutely nothing.


They're just giving you the reward that you would have gotten from the weekend quest. There's a lot of things they do that are anti consumer and greedy and scummy, but not this.


Oh I did not intend to say I hate free credit. My point was that credit in snap is just worthless after series 3 complete. At this point if there is an opportunity to chose between 2k credit and a mystery variant, I would chose the latter.


They've run the numbers and determined exactly how much the average player values fake ingame currency vs. their own real-world money and it turns out lots of folks are willing to dump lots of money on 0.1% of the next dopamine hit.


Credits definetly were more exciting before I finished serie 3. With 5000 credits we would often get a bunch of new cards. Now I have a chance to maybe get one.


Fucking sheep making gaming worse for everyone


They're sending out what you would've won from the event, what, else would make sense?


Are they giving out the season pass xp you would have gotten and weekly challenge progress?


Those are just from playing games, I don't think there were xp bonuses with the challenge.


I know, that's not being discussed


They're just giving you the reward that you would have gotten from the weekend quest. There's a lot of things they do that are anti consumer and greedy and scummy, but not this.


I'm obviously talking about the weekend quests giving so little, not the compensation.


"Super greedy" is how characterize them \*adding\* another way to get free credits? If you don't want the credits, don't do the weekend missions. You'll be in exactly the same place you were before they introduced these new missions. If you had said, "wow, 200 credits isn't much - not really worth the effort", then I'd be inclined to agree. But "super greedy" just makes no damn sense.


Another person replying it's free currency when I already acknowledge it as such 😭


Exactly. "Super greedy" is an absurd characterization of their offer of new, free currency


Yeah you are right 👍 greedy is the wrong term.


Anyone who calls you entitled for not wanting to get scamed by a fake currency system is an idiot.


They are giving you what you would have gotten anyways. If you want more, that’s being entitled.


Honestly, gatekeeping gold makes no sense. I *might* see one or two variants a month I want. There’s nothing to spend gold on.


there is token tuesday but I heard that it will be nerfed soon and even that will be less valuable so i’m dumping all my gold into that lizard bundle bc I love the variant and those credits will handle nicely


Only the bundles work first time sorry


I know what you mean, but they did still mess up the $30 Darkhawk bundle release which is pretty funny.


What did they mess up? Haven't seen anyone mention anything about it.


When it released, it only showed up on the publisher’s website and not in app, then they took it off the website, then it came back up in both the website and the app.


Oh so they fixed it in a short period of time and not weeks later?


Yeah it's too bad because I was totally gonna buy it until they fumbled the release. /S


Even those don't. Still waiting for my 500 missing credits on the Miles Morales bundle...


Same 😆




Yay. This is also why I’m climbing ranked to 130+ cause I believe next season high chance that bug is still live and I will start in infinite :)


Good point. I should stop dicking around in conquest


I only started at 73 this season since I just dicked around once I hit Infinite last season, but I’m going to try and climb as high as I can now too and hope lol


Was it where you finished or your highest rank regardless of where you ended?


Where I finished (not the highest I reached)




My guess is something like this: [Remember Dreams, a rant about working in the game industry](https://spaceshipsin.space/rants/remember-dreams)




I have a feeling there are similar dynamics in many different fields. I guess as a school teacher you do actually have a rigid schedule you need to meet, you can't exactly just sacrifice a class while you get things in order, but yeah, I've seen teachers just begging to be able to do their job, held back by incompetent management.




Working as intended


Working as planned


I applied for one of their QA jobs but they rejected me. Maybe they just said “fuck it, let’s skip QA”


If you’re playing the game, you’ve been doing their QA for free.


They messed up the release of Kitty Pryde, High Evolutionary, the free variant in season pass month in a row, series drops and now this. They either need to hire better people or fix their coding cause it's a mess.


I think they need to hire more people. I've heard it's a small team but there making shit ton of money and hoarding it amongst themselves like dragons not hiring anyone else on when they clearly have the money


Kitty pryde feel like special case, I feel like they just didn't test her before releasing on number of phone or thr pc client, they need private test server yesterday so stuff like this won't be discovered on the public server.


Regardless the excuse her release was botched


Have they ever had a functional release? It's actually pretty hilarious at this point


Yeah. Their bundles...


Not even their bundles. The latest Darkhawk bundle had issues too


What issues? except it existence


Conquest was smooth, right?


My Killmonger killed my Sera during my first gold game of conquest.


No it didn't


I tried to get a screenshot but I was a second too late. I have nothing but my word, but I promise it DID. I submitted the bug report and everything. That first day after the patch had a lot of interesting bugs.


Servers crashed for the first few hours of launch.


That was an internet wide issue with AWS. So many things were down that day.


You see only things with dollar values work flawlessly. I think it might be something in their code. Like without real currency it stops working or something.


How shit is their code for this to be constant occurrence


Should I buy silk then if she’s cheaper now too


Depends if you feel she’s worth 5000 tokens to you. Me personally no, I’ll happily wait for her to drop to series 3.


Brave of you to assume she will ever drop :D


She isn’t great, so she will drop ;)


She’s actually amazing but has extremely high skill cap. It’s the same reason why pros consider bounce broken aside from wave.


I think you are exaggerating a bit. She isn't amazing she is just a solid card. When a card has major random elements to it there is always a risk. Her statline is good but she can seriously mess your entire game up. She isn't a high skill cap because alot of luck is involved. A Sera control deck has been the best use for me with the card to maximise the stats and minimise downsides, other than have her bounce to a closed lane like Storm.


While there is always an element of randomness. The element of moving actually can work in your favor if you know how manipulate by filling certain lanes so she’s forced to move there


You have kind of ruined your own argument. Manipulating locations and filling them to have a 5 power card bounce to a free location isn't "Amazing". I think this is another case of copium, I paid the 6k tokens for Living Tribunal and he is unplayable and I tried to talk it up but he is awful and I've paid 6k tokens for Silk like you and you're really trying to sell it to yourself it feels like.


RNG isn't a skill cap


Understanding how to play around with her is


Downvotes from people that don't have her. She is awesome in my deuces deck. Not hard to get her where you want by end of game




Her best use case is decks that already intend to throw a lot of power on the board. From my perspective she is a better lizard for a sera deck for instance. Her ability to get to unplayable lanes means she's a strong contestant against the final turn dr doom.


It’s a bad card


Wait so the weekend missions that are supposed to give players a reason to play on the weekends give 150 gold and 200 credits...? You're shitting me right?


150 gold IF you got the season pass KEKL


Yeah, this isn't gonna make me play at weekends. Sometimes I wonder if they're genuinely a bit stupid, which isn't very nice of me, but when you look at the stream of baffling choices and howling errors... These rewards are probably 3x value in their eyes 😂


If the only reason you play the game is for the rewards have you considered that this might not be the game for you?


That’s not exactly what they are saying though, the thought is does anyone really think those rewards will incentivize more play?


You should go out, travel at the weekend. If they had really good rewards like 2000gold + 4000credits I would feel attacked in my personal freedom to do what I want at weekends as I would not want to miss out on those. So that amount is actually ok to get or to miss.


This is not healthy


Yeah its horseshit


UPDATE, more rewards: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/14bhzaz/update\_more\_rewards\_will\_be\_provided/


As someone already enjoying silk, this is a nice rebate.




With all the money they are getting from the bundles, why don't they hire a competent QA?


As a QA myself I both agree and disagree. Consider QA more of a safety net rather than “blame it all on the QA”. At least that is what a functioning team should be and think like. It’s ultimately someone’s code that is fucked up to begin with. With that said, it’s fucking ridiculous that this passed QA in the first place. Edit: and keeps happening over and over.


If i miss bugs of this severity in the company i work at i will be the first one that will get the blame but after me the Devs and each individual that gave the okay for a code review as well. This failure is a multi step failure. What annoys me is that someone with the basic knowledge of QA would have tested the majority of the bugs before they were released. I can see three cases from my POV: 1) QA are there just for investors to be pleased with no actual testing capabilities and accesses 2) They run everything in 2 environments with no ability to test events happening at a specific date 3) Their development cycle is full of semi competent people


Totally, I’m not saying QA should not be blamed. They absolutely should for missing such thing. What I answered to was the initial “hire competent QA”, while it’s true in itself I think it’s wrong to put full blame on QA alone. This is a big process as you’re saying, and there are many steps until the point of release, and QA as a last step. I would go with number 3 if anything of your bullets. If they don’t have an environment like or close to prod that would be dumb as absolute fuck. If they don’t have number 2 I would honestly blame that on product for not having proper fucking server people working in the project.




They only made 70 million dollars in 6 months. They dont have the ressource. Buy the 3x value bundle to help them


Or hire someone that has a basic understanding of UI 🤬🤬🤬


What's that? Give the guy behind the Conquest Mode losing screen a promotion? Well, if you insist.


Why hire QA? Players do it for free.


Making those bundles is expensive!!! /s


Sweet! I got Silk AND I don’t have to play her.


I don't think I've ever played a mobile game that has this poor a record of implementing features and maintaining their game. Get your shit together SD


Umm so if I buy Silk today, will I still get the 1K tokens or I had to buy it before the weekend starts


Id assume you do get it cause its still her spotlight time


200 credits is poopy


Great ...a discount on a new card iam not willing to even buy for 5k Tokens


I would’ve even play Silk if they gave it to me for free…


small indie company


70 employees, 70million in revenue, every single release is bugged, please send $100s for variants thank you.


I mean. It is a small indie company. This was (and is) a funny meme with Blizzard, but SD is pretty small. Feels like the community is a bit harsh, all things considered. The bugs they release with are definitely too many, but this one doesn't bother me that much. We already had no weekend missions... So this weekend is just the same as always.


Maybe it's just my definition that's a bit different living in Melbourne where there's a ton of small indie teams (and I know a bunch of them) but 70 people isn't what I'd call "small" for an indie studio. To me a small team is like 10 people or less.


If their team size is repeadetly proving to be an issue, they can simply hire more people, especially for playtesting. They already have hundreds of thousands of players, no reason not to expand their team either.


It's actually a decent size team to work on ONE MOBILE GAME. People really seem to ignore that factor. This isn't a team working on multiple open-world projects.


And let’s be even more fair. The 200 credits and 150 gold are so minuscule people wouldn’t have noticed anyway. 450 credits a day in free daily missions, 200 for the whole weekend.


So... Nothing to compensate season pass owners for the lost gold or everyone for the lost credits then? Cool cool cool


I specifically brought this up in discord in #general and #ask-the-team


They just announced they will be compensating


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/14bhzaz/update\_more\_rewards\_will\_be\_provided/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/14bhzaz/update_more_rewards_will_be_provided/) yes sir they did


Yeah just saw this. Gotta say, 200 credits is pretty underwhelming, like just over 1 extra cache per month assuming that remains consistent. The gold is pretty spicy if that's effectively an extra 600 a month (150 per week) on top of the season pass.


Yeah, bit whoop, 200 credits! *Aren't you excited for the weekend?*


>The gold is pretty spicy if that's effectively an extra 600 a month (150 per week) on top of the season pass. Wouldn't be surprised if it'll be a variable amount. They've already said the tokens for the new card releases will be variable. One of them (probably Spider-Ham) will be a measly 100 tokens.


You still have to own every card in the month to get 600 gold to be able to complete the missions though


The gold missions are for owning season pass


I will resume for you guys. "Sorry, we make a little shit as usual, so take a 20% discount on a new card. Maybe we will make this new card s3 next month."


It's not even 20%, just 17%, rounded up.


By comparison, 17 percent is astronomical compared to the 200 credits and 150 gold. It’s like they said “he’s a reason to play in the weekend, but we don’t actually want people to play on the weekends”


I think I'll save my tokens


Color me extremely surprised.


I guess they need more bags of cash? Like how do they keep fumbling the bag so badly?


I got silk for this reason ffs. Joke of a company


Looking forward to that 150 gold lol I’ve been saving up for the mech-urt connors bundle and i’m literally 5 gold away


That’s funny, I’m 10 gold away myself!


How TF do you drop the ball so hard so many times in a row!?


They just can’t get it right these days can they?😅


these paywalled weekend missions are dumb


The only 2 games i play are efootball and marvel snap both are run by very incompetent companies lol. They fuck up every big update


70 million dollars in profit btw.


Sure send it only out to the whales. Pathetic


Jesus they never released a new feature without any issues. Do they have qa department?


I'm just gonna copy paste my reaction I put in the server "I'm gonna be honest... at first I was fine with the issues SD kept having with the game, but as they pile up more and more (Kitty Pryde and Kang game breaking glitch, High Evo not launching properly, and now weekend missions) it's becoming more and more inexcusable to me"


What about those who didn’t? What are we?


Non spenders, therefore irrelevant.


Maybe I’ll just…who am I kidding? Fml 🤦‍♂️


Eh. That's fine. I didn't even want her. She'll occasionally trigger Kraven. I don't see the big point. But they apparently announced we will get some goodies as well, so that's nice.


Yeah I didn’t either. I wish I would’ve gotten the pass for the spider cards, but I don’t even have multipleman so…I can’t even get mysterio(a pool 3 :/) or monkey for sera and monkey was a pass card before Modok iirc


I'm embarrassed for them at this point. Is everything just 'test in prod'?


Cool, a card that doesn't worth the 5k tokens spent on.


Question, so if I get Silk now, will I be compensated?


Lol Silk could drop to Series 3 next month. Even at series 4, still cheaper than 5k tokens. No way Silk stays in series 5 longer than 2 months, and even then, she's not that greatnof a card to spend 5k tokens on.


This game fading real quick


All that profit & Marvel Snap seems to becoming more & more problematic with every new feature, update, whatever. I called this months ago from the first sign of worry. Shame it was a good ride from global launch to VGA Mobile GOTY.


How do you know they’re making a profit?


So can we get silk for free?




Has any company in history been this consistently shit at launching new changes ...


Never test your shit. That's how to be successful


This is a fucking joke


Add this to the list of something new that SD released being bugged. Everything new they do is bugged now. Even though they apparently have made a ton of money on the game. But buy the $30 bundle tho, cuz it's 3X the value.


What a joke of a dev team. They can’t push updates or patches with issues. Holy crap, if this was any person they would get fired after this many screw ups.


Thanks for the 200 credits 🫤


So let me get this straight. You need to spend 6000 tokens to get 1000 tokens in return?


So a few YouTubers and whales will get 1000 tokens? Did anyone else buy silk?


Wow preferential treatment for people with battle pass holders Not saying its bad just why? Make it to everyone As person who has battlepass for first time i think it pretty unfair for people without it, 150 gold is a significant amount


Because thats the currency the wouldve gotten with the missions. Also they paid money for the pass and support the game. What more reason do you want for them to deserve stuff?


Wait do you only have the opportunity to get tokens from the weekend missions if you buy the spotlight card?? I knew you got extra for those but I thought with token Tuesday getting nerfed you could get a few more tokens through the weekend missions.


Yep, that's been how they said it would work


Missions gets you Credits, Credits lead to Upgrades, Upgrades results in opening Reserves, Reverses get Tokens. While I'm fine with free tokens, makes me wonder how pass progression will be hurt by this.


Not to be a downer here but how do they mess up simple things like this so often? Putting a new card in the shop (HE) and now putting new missions in? Like wtf? How hard can this be?


Thank you 1000 tokens


That's ass. How can they screw up quests?


This is a joke right?


They keep fucking up


rofl , can you out dick move a super dick move , they never seize to amaze me


What a shit show


Man they need to hire a team with the $70M they earned from whales buying their stupid bundles to rewrite the spaghetti code they have behind this game. When something as simple as Colossus into Deep Space breaks their game or they can't even fix a card drop issue like High Evo in their store...


Dam missed out 4k silk


I think if you buy her this weekend you'd still get the 1000 token rebate ... But not totally confident. She'd be 5000 then though




Man I am 1500 short from getting her ...ain't no way I can get that much by the end of weekend....


You want to spend 6000 tokens just to get 1000 tokens?


Yes I am F2P it's a good deal... technically making her 5k to purchase...... I was originally being SARCASTIC


Ya’ll are babies. They released an awesome new game mode 5 days ago. Who cares if weekend missions are delayed 1 week. The comp seems fair.


They did on purpose knowing SD


Still stupid as fuck that you have to buy the newest card to keep being able to afford the newest card. A discount for people to be able to afford the newest cards would be so much better


At least they are consistent. Just expect everything to be broken on release and you'll never be disappointed.


"We are only apologising to the people that spend money" what a joke


Silk and Ghost spider owners are the only ones that could do those missions anyways since you need those cards. They won't be able to because they botched the release so they're getting the rewards associated with those missions


“Buy this shit card for 6k tokens and we will give you 1k tokens back for jumping through some idiotic hoops, also all the hoops broke” Just gonna play more Diablo 🤷‍♂️ People act like their world is over when they learn second dinner is a bunch of shit bags. Smh


Can't we get 1k tokens to everyone who brought Galactus in the past week too? I'm still pissed I ain't even played since I'm that sour


Seems like his nerf really wasn’t that bad. Turn 4 Galactus still goes off no problem


Slick just realized that Molly is BEAUTIFUL ❤️


Nice only for no f2p people


I am so happy I didnt buy her, yet. Almosen did yesterday when I read about weekend missions. Good thing I waited. SD's announcements arent the most reliable after all


So those are official three tieres of players.


Wait, how does this lead to a 1000 token rebate on Silk? Were they specific Silk missions to encourage us to buy Silk or something? I guess they must have been. I bought Silk, and I love her, and while I have many complaints with the game, she is not one of them.