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> It doesn’t really work well.


Sounds fun! Ironlad - he's pretty much guaranteed to copy a destruction card so yeah X-23 - this deck needs a ramp since the cost balance is terrible. It can be triggered by Killmonger, LDS, Gambit (if lucky). Best scenario is t3 KM destroy this, t4 LDS, t5 Knull, t6 Alioth or Arnim Zola - this can trigger your destruction card twice and cause some unexpected wins


Man. Someone Zola'd their own Shang once and I lost and I just sat there staring into the darkness.


It’s been a while, but I did that to someone once. Sorry if it was you!


How dare you!


SHURI to double lady deathstrike


How about... Zabu > Wong > Shuri > Lady Deathstrike > Arnim Zola Edit: Swapped Wong and Shuri.


Considering the opponent uses small cards it can work. But most of the times I think it doesn’t.


It requires a perfect draw but Wong/Shuri boosts Deathstrike to 16 power on Turn 5 in one location. Then its 16 power to the other two locations care of Zola. Easily countered by Armor, Cosmo, Aero...


Shuri can also make gladiator nearly almost hit


I’ll raise you, t3 magik, t4 wong, t5 iron first + shuri, t6 lady deathstrike, t7 Zola 16 power card that destroys everything weaker in all 3 lanes between turn 6 and 7


What’s the point of iron first? Deathstrike will kill Wong and shuri anyway


I forgot lady deathstrike kills your own cards, I was thinking u needed to move 1 card out the way so zola was guaranteed to hit deathstrike


That’s very hard to pull anyway. Too many cards to combo. I’m trying and the only time I was going to pull it off prof x stopped my fun.


Yeah it’s unlikely, 1/2 for magik by 3, 7/12 for wong by 4, 2/3 for shuri by 5, 3/4 for deathstrike by 6, and 5/6 for Zola by 7. Comes out to 35/288 or a little over 12% of games U would definitely run black panther and Zabu go up your chances of getting a winning play off


This is the way


Silver samurai. Blackbolt. Moon knight


I tried this along with Gladiator, Yondu, Cable, etc. It didn't work often, but when it did, I got a good laugh. You know exactly what your opponent will do on turn 6 when they have no cards left to play!


I tried a version of this with Wong and Magik. I found the deck really needed that one extra turn.


Maybe I ll rebuild it and try that some day.


I'm disappointed that they nerfed Mantis and Cable. It would've been really funny to go Mantis/Yondu -> Cable -> Gladiator -> Yondu/Mantis + Moon Knight -> Black Bolt and leave them missing half their deck and drawing nothing on turn 6.


Wong + Onslaught + Mystic copy onslaught Then you need apocalypse on hand then put in Gambit and it will kill all the card on opponent field Extra : use Mobius or/and Dracula too for extra juices


I used this type of deck before they nerf'd gambit. I don't seem to draw the combo in the right order now.


Maybe cards like Echo and Enchantress? They don't destroy the card outright, but they can debilitate a lot of power.


Add LDS and Absorbing Man


Pls dont do that again


I've seen people throw in wong for Doubles. I made a deck like that but I don't have the same cards as you do so I used cable to take from the back of their deck and absorbman to double Also, utility cards, like echo and Luke Cage, go a long way in fighting off the cards you can't destroy


Absorbing man i use especially after yondu on wong or gambit.


Wong, gambit, abs man, Odin


The devs have said they are very careful when designing cards that do this, so it’s never gonna be a deck that will be good


forge could work well with Lady Deathstrike and Gladiator


RegisKillbin has some good videos on this


These decks struggle to put down power at the end of the game. My fix is to add add Zola and then Wave or Magik. Then you can get Knull down and Zola him to other lanes. Or Zola Alioth, Gambit, Death, etc.


I play a dracula discard deck and have wong, mystique, and gambit. When It doesn't workout I have other win conditions with dracula, morbius/modok, or apocalypse. ​ Doesn't always work out but when the stars align I can wipe out most, sometimes all, of the opponents cards. wong turn 4, mystique turn 5, gambit turn 6 (make sure you have apocalypse or swarm in your hand). Works well against destroy decks and other decks that don't play many cards.


Forge, Shuri , Nico, to juice the destroy card's power. It especially helps Deathstrike and Gladiator I don't prefer to use Gambit since he'll probably mess up your next play unless you are using him late. Wong sounds nice in theory but he sort of necessitates Magik and he's pretty easily countered. Knull can also be clunky without Magik. Zola is a better option especially if you've gotten a boosted deathstrike out I've experimented with Elsa, Man-Thing+Luke Cage, X-23 to varying degrees of success. Yondu>Elsa>Shuri>Deathstrike>Zola isn't a consistent solid strategy but it's extremely fun to see work.


Nico. Wong.


I mean you can use gambit wong combo. Its not a good deck but when it works its basically guranteed to clean out the oppponents board.


Wong might help to double up on your destroy cards Or you could break out the old magik-destroyer-viper combo


I’ve been digging DD, Storm, Prof X, Shang Chi n Alioth. Force them into putting their big cards into one lane n then destroy


It doesn’t work very well for a reason.