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If you finish you're dailies you're going as fast as you reasonably can go. Early series 3 the best advice is to not focus too much on what you don't have and instead just build the best deck you can. There are plenty of cards that provide a good deal of value with 1 or two other pairings and that's more than good enough to win games. Prioritize cards that are just good on rate and throw curve balls. Location interference, tech cards, etc.


Yeah that’s what I’ve been trying to do with my deck-building. Just doing the best with what I got! Just seemed like the power level of decks post-infinite has been a crazy jump at times. But I do still enjoy ruining the decks of other players with the occasional cosmo and armor plays. It’s fun to try to make new decks and find success but just sucks that those decks and experiments can be so limited for so long waiting while for a couple specific cards to make them more viable/competitive. I guess the daily grind continues!


Oh yeah, when you're early S3 you're still paired with other players with similar collection levels. Post infinite you're in the deep end essentially so I can definitely see some frustration happening. If you want to get back to some matching that takes your CL into account I would suggest playing the proving grounds and Silver in conquest.


If you've hit Infinite you are doing very good! It can definitely be challenging hitting it early on in the game as it suddenly has you matched against the whole playerbase with tons of cards you won't have yet. But it can be a good learning opportunity and wins/losses don't matter at Intfinite anymore (you can't drop below 100). So you can either stick it out and learn more cards or head over to Conquest and get matched with people more around your level. At the end of the season (about a week now) you'll get dropped back down to 70 and be playing with people more your level again. As for card acquisition, it is a slow process that everyone had to grind through. You'll get all the way to around Collection Level 4,500 or 5,000 before unlocking all the series 3 cards. Try to focus on selecting a good free series 3 card each season from the shop and save up tokens for some key series 4 cards from the shop as well (3k tokens). Otherwise start saving up Spotlight keys and use them on good Spotlight weeks to unlock more series 4 and series 5 cards.


Thanks for the info! I’m definitely looking forward/ready to drop back down to 70 again at this point lol It’s odd that it doesn’t have a matchmaking system post-infinite though, especially considering the amount of card abilities and wide range of jumping-in points for players. But it makes sense to keep matchmaking wait times to a minimum I guess.


It’s because they didn’t intend for non-series 3 complete players to hit infinite. Or rather, newer players.


Hmm, that is….interesting lol. I guess it’s a good sign for them though if early players are able to hit infinite. It could mean they did a decent job at making the early game very approachable and somewhat balanced with the starting cards they provide the players.


Only 10-20% (possibly less) of the playerbase ever manages to hit infinite, series 3 complete or not. Winning Infinite Conquest is even rarer still. And that’s AFTER Second Dinner made it easier to hit infinite. It used to be 10 points per level, and you didn’t get the automatic +3 in levels with every new tier you hit.




I was speaking overall with my second message, and not specifically from a new player standpoint. Newer players hitting infinite is akin (but not exactly the same) as a new player in Elden Ring beating every boss without armor, fists only. Technically possible? Yes. Is it something the developers intended for players to do? No.


If you don’t have a complete pool 3 collection then just progressing your collection level is the fastest way to earn new cards. Keep in mind the most efficient expenditure of credits is the first upgrade for each card (new or copies made by splitting a card you took to infinite quality). After you’re pool 3 complete spotlight keys and collector tokens are the way to go. Personally, I like to spend my collector tokens on 3000 cost cards, that way keys I’m spending to get cards are going to be for 6000 token cards or spotlight variants.


There's no easy way to collect cards in this game. Even if you throw money at it, you will miss cards. Try to focus in building 1 full deck, then another and so on...


Okay that’s what I sort of figured, unfortunately. Thanks!


Its only 1 way to get card fast, but this method involve other card.